Hitting A Brick Wall (3)

Caution: The following content contains scenes of violence and blood. Reader discretion is advised.

The deeper side of the dungeon, an eerie place. Moist on the air thick, each breath became a struggle.

The smell was terrible, a vile combination of iron, wood, and urine. Breathing it in felt like a weight pressing down the lungs, as if the oxygen itself thinned, covered by a sense of dread over everything.

"Squeak," was the noise a group of dark fur creatures produced in chorus. They scurried along, the scraping of claws on the rough concrete that played in the background.

A particular large rat stopped in his tracks, its nose twitching curiously before it picked an object up with its forepaws.

An old rotting nail held its attention. It proceeded to take its time, meticulously examining the nail until an abrupt splat of saliva sent it and its other friends scurrying back into the darkness.