A Way To Ruin A Morning

Lady Clarissa woke up to the sunlight streaming onto her face, like a hand caressing her skin warmly. She fluttered her lashes open, feeling already optimistic about what the new day would bring her.

"Tweet, tweet," were the chirping sounds that the birds sang outside her window.

She got out of bed, shuffling over the cover and mattress, making her way to the table where a porcelain basin sat there.

She scooped the warm water with her hands, splashing it onto her face to cleanse her sleepiness away.

Her ears caught the soft rustles inside the bedroom by someone's presence. Lady Clarissa recognized it was Leticia by the shuffle of her shoes; the distinct gentle dragging sound she would make against the floor.

"My lady," Leticia called, her voice had a dejected tone into it. Her day was audibly the opposite of her mistress' optimism.