Delivery (2)

Inside the second box was a set of shimmering jewelry that almost blinded their eyes with surprise. And when Mikael opened the third box, it revealed a well-designed headpiece that was elegant but not overly fancy.

"Look at these gemstones! They match the necklace, my lord!" Beth could not help but exclaim in full awe.

The gemstones gleamed as the sunlight flowing inside the room touched them. Beth picked up one of the stones and lifted it towards the light. As she did, the colors inside danced and shone more clearly.

Meanwhile, Mikael's attention was focused on the headpiece. It was made of gold chains that nestled diamond crystals. Its chains drape down in arcs, some hanging lower than others over the head.

"Try the headdress on, my lord!" Beth urged, bringing back the gemstone she had admired earlier, excited to see how the accessory would look at her master.