A Call For A Knight (4)

Thundered was the clash of swords that reverberated loudly across the makeshift arena grounds. The two knights exchanged blows with each other, and their footing stirred dust into the air, obscuring the view and causing irritation to some of the audience's eyes.

The crowd watched in anticipation, their cheers growing increasingly louder with clangs and sparks coming from the rapid strikes.

"Go and get him, Alistair!" Sir Redlic, who had lost his fight in a previous match, yelled. His voice rang out through the noisy crowd, angrily urging the senior knight to finish the match.

"Quit fucking about! Get this over with!" yelled most of the crowd, their impatience showing as they raised their voices.

Despite the chants, Alistair made another desperate dive, aiming for his senior's exposed side for the second time. However, his move had been anticipated by his opponent. 

An easy arch blow forcefully flicked Alistair's wrist, causing him to drop his sword.