A Leaving Guest and A Curious Madam

With Nicolaus leading them down the estate driveway, Mikael balanced on the saddle. He swayed and synced while the horse moved beneath him; its hooves produced clopping on the path in its wake. 

From a distance, they spotted Lady Clarissa coming down from the patio, heading towards the carriage where the servants were loading her belongings.

Nicolaus reined in his horse, bringing it to a stop near the waiting carriage, which had the insignia of the House of Merriwinter. He passed over some knights accompanying the vehicle. The horse responded to Nicolaus' instruction, gradually slowing down its pace before snorting softly as it halted.

"Ah, Marquess," Lady Clarissa greeted with a bow as she walked down the driveway, also acknowledging late, "and Lady Mikayla."

Nicolaus swiftly jumped from her horse with a thud that interrupted Lady Clarissa in the middle of her bow. He did not even consider returning the pleasantry and turned his attention to Mikael.