Heretical Scions Ch.9 A Despondent Heart...

It's been two days since Jizelle got her motorcycle... Therefore, I couldn't stop considering how light my heart felt during that ride through the city...

It isn't different than usual, but during the night I was sleeping, there was a long snowstorm outside. It made me feel strangely lonely inside... Everything that she said to me was ruminating in my mind for some reason...

When I woke up from another daunting nightmare, something she said to me echoed in my mind once again louder than before...

Past Jizelle asked, 'Wouldn't it be better to get it off your chest, rather than always keeping it locked inside?' Squall thought, ''Mmm... Would it? . .Is she right? Would I.....feel liberated?''

Afterwards, I remembered what those books said once again. Then, I decided to put on my earpiece and ask Jizelle if we could discuss something on my mind... Not surprisingly, she agreed almost too fast.....

A bit later at a table in Jizelle's office...

Jizelle said in a confused manner, ''This is out of nowhere... Well, what was it that you wanted to discuss? I'm listening...''

I was unreasonably indecisive at first... I didn't know where to began. After I gathered my courage, I spoke up and said to her...

Squall said, ''Recently, you told me, that it get your mind, right? There is.....something lately.....which has been bothering me to no end...''

Jizelle asked with some shock, ''Huh?'' Squall said, ''In the last two months or so, Mm..... I have had a few peculiar surreal dreams..... Hrm..... I want your thoughts on them...''

Jizelle nodded and said, ''Peculiar dreams? Ohh, please tell me.''

It took a while, but I told her as best as I could, about those strange dreams I had been having with heavy winter and bizarre scenery... She was both amazed, blown away, and left speechless.....

Sometime later...

Jizelle said feeling speechless, ''Wow... Those are some interesting dreams... You're sure on your theory...that they mean something, right?'' Squall nodded.

Jizelle said, ''I have...never heard of something like that before..... Give me a minute...''

She confused me... Jizelle turned around and stayed silent while it looked like she was panicking about something... After a minute or so, she turned to face me again seeming relaxed...

Jizelle asked, ''Now, these bizarre dreams have been only occurring recently, wasn't that right?'' Squall nodded. Jizelle said, ''I'll do some research and see if I can find out what your nightmares could be, alright?''

Squall said, ''Mm-hm...'' Jizelle said smiling, ''Thank you for letting me know... I wish to do all I can! Now to get started on research! . .If you don't have anything else, you can leave now.''

Squall said with hesitation, ''Uh... Affirmative... That was all.''

Before I left, I sat there as I thought... Squall thought, ''Was...that everything? . .Hrm..... Do I...feel better? . . . .Like she said? . .(Small gasp) My...heart.....feels.....lighter...''

Jizelle asked, ''Squall? Something wrong?'' Squall replied as she got up, ''No... I will leave now. . . . .(Quietly said) thank you.....''

Jizelle asked herself, ''What...did I just hear? . . . .Uh... She's gone... Oh, well...''

With that, I went to the mansion's library once again to return of the books I took out... As I was deeply lost in thought while searching, I tripped and hit my head into the shelf.

Then, a massive amount of the books fell on me. Enough to cover myself... I started putting the books back to how they were, in ABC order.

When I grabbed the last book on the floor, by coincidence, the books title caught my eyes, though I didn't understand why... It felt like fate.

When I slowly read it, it was titled... 'Hobbies to Occupy your Mind.'

After I thought about it, I sat down at a library table and looked inside... As I skimmed through the pages, I saw varying topics of various ways to occupy your time...

I didn't know why, but I couldn't stop staring at this book. I took it to my room to fully deep into it's contents...

The various pages read, 'There are many ways you can be proactive with your time. You can...' 'Collect movies.' 'Sew.' 'Research topics.' 'Create art.' 'Dream of your future.' 'Handcraft dolls.'

Squall reacted, ''Hand...made.....dolls? Uh.....''

When I read that, I felt strangely lighter inside... After hesitating for a few moments, I started reading down the page of how you could make dolls. Along with materials needed for it...

I realized that for these materials, I would have to go shopping for them... After debating, I reluctantly told Jizelle through my earpiece, that I would be going out for a bit...

As usual, she was curious on asking why I wanted to leave for a bit. I gave her a brief explanation and left.

Jizelle said to herself, ''Be careful, Squall.....''

Sometime, during my incident in the library, it stopped snowing. It was still mid-day outside at the time I had left. Our civilization is used to countless days of winter, and how it would affect everything...

I brought the book with me as I searched around for the items needed for attempting handcrafted dolls. I had to go to lots of stores for understanding it all...

When I bought everything the book listed, I felt intensely overwhelmed and had to sit down for a bit... I sat down on a outside bench while I rested my mind.

When I made it back to the mansion, the maid Sophia said that I missed dinner, and asked if I would like it now. I decided to have dinner before anything...

I ate dinner while lost in thought by myself. Consequently, I went back to my room to attempt crafting a cotton doll... It was difficult to figure out who or what I should have crafted first.....

Meanwhile, on the top of a building elsewhere...

Emilia said with a menacing smile, ''My last strategy worked mostly well, except for that unfortunate loss of some of my mana from-her light mana...

That felt so wonderful..... Why did she have to mess that up! I wish.....she would just let me end her misery... intent on living? Why? Why?? Why??? . .Hrm.

Now for my new idea. I shall get started...''

Meanwhile, back in Squall's room...

Squall thought with surprise, '' It's completed.....''

I finished what at the time, I didn't know would be only my first doll of many... I made a doll of Jizelle... It wasn't perfect, but I was oddly satisfied with how it turned out...

I couldn't understand why, however I felt compelled to make her...

Squall thought while staring at it, ''It's.....a tiny.....Jizelle..... I...made...this... It' she is.....right here..... Hmm.....''

At that moment, I noticed that her ring on my desk was beginning to flash. When I went to pick it up, upon closer inspection, it was barely flashing at all, like it was struggling to get a signal...

Then, in my ears, I could barely hear the sounds of nearby chaos. When everything hit me, I put the doll under my pillow and got my gear.

I said to Jizelle that there was danger and I was leaving to take care of it. I used the ring to find the source of the chaos. When I arrived at a open square, I came upon a dire situation...

Angered older female shouted, ''Sister! I am so sick of your countless distractions when I am trying to write! Enough is enough, already!!''

Angered younger sister shouted, ''You never play with me! You never pay attention to me anymore! I just want to have some fun!!''

Both sisters said, ''I hate you so much!!!! (Screams)''

Squall thought, ''The ring.....led me to.....this? What's with...this ring?''

Luckily, there was only a couple civilians around since it was late at night. They ran away without my help... It was a older and a younger sister fighting each other this time... I was stunned...

They kept fighting like small upset kids, and their arguing was creating small and big shockwaves. I had to intervene and stop them somehow...

When I shot my Charged Bullets, it distracted them and made them look at me.

Angered younger sister asked, ''Who are you?'' Angered older female asked, ''Do you want to die? I am so sick of how annoying she is! Go away!! Luna! Drop out of my life!!''

Angry Luna said, ''Stella. You never played with me... Why couldn't you just play with me? (Sniff) I want to play!!''

After that, they used their dark mana to form weapons from their anger. The young sister started forming balls, while the older one started forming pencils and drawing items.

Squall variously shouted, 'Charged Bullet!' 'Mana Bullet!' 'Charged Bullet!' 'Mana Bullet!' 'Wind Shot!' 'Wind Shot!!'

I started trying most of my bullet attack to see what worked. Everything hurt them, but made them angrier at each other. Next I tried my newer techniques, I learned more recently.

I still can't summon those wings at the moment, however I could still channel light mana better with my training.

Stella shouted, ''Sister!!'' Luna shouted, ''Sister!?!''

Squall thought in that moment, ''Hold on a second... I still...haven't tried ability yet. . . . .Focus. Channel. Spread. . .'EMP Discharge!!'

In that moment, my bullet missed them but hit a street light ahead and created a minimal shockwave of light. A few seconds after it passed through both, there was a quick and bright burst of light.

Luna said in pain, ''That.....really hurt!! What was that?!'' Stella asked, ''OWww!! Hey! You caused me a lot of pain!!''

Both sisters asked, ''Huh? . .Why do I feel so drained? Who are you, and what did you do?''

At that moment, I realized that it must have worked and quickly shot once again at that street light.

Both sisters asked, ''Huh?! What are yo-(Screams)''

Random old man close-by asked, ''Heh?! . .Why do I suddenly...feel so healed? Hmm.....''

After it was all over, I was staring at the situation I was in, with pure shock. Only a few seconds, after the flash of light was over, I was once again overwhelmed with both of their memories.

Inside the sisters memories, 'I have the prefect idea for my story! I'm so excited to see how much everybody loves it!' 'Sister? Can't you take a break and play with me for a bit?'

'No! I am too busy right now! Leave me alone for a bit, alright!' 'Sister... Haven't you always been busy lately? When will you have time to have fun with me?'

'I am trying to enter a contest. Off course I would be busy. Go play somewhere else for a while, okay? Why don't you talk with mom?' 'She's busy too. (Pouts)'

'(Some time later) Sister!! Are you done yet?! Look! I bought a new-Ahh!'

'(Getting furious) . .Enough already! . .I am trying to write my story! Stop.....stop bothering me and GO PLAY ELSEWHERE!!!!' '(Starting to cry) Sister!! I-I-I.....just wanted to show you what I bought!! (Runs away)'

Squall thought as she fell to the ground, ''That.....was why..... Why.....they upset.....''

I saw the sisters I were fighting, now both knocked out across from each-other. Following that, I let Jizelle know that I took care of them. I gave her the report the next day and put the sisters on a nearby bench...

Later, I went to sleep with my Jizelle doll sticking half out from behind my pillow... That night, I heard another static-filled voice in my dreams.

The being's voice said, ''Did Y_-_You realize? Like _ said, 'Rightful d_-ds shall a_-_-_alw-ys b_ rewarded.' Dream Squall asked, ''What.....are you...trying to tell me? I don't understand.....''

Next time...

[Time with Jizelle]

Jizelle said with glee, ''Alright! Greetings, everyone! It's me once again. I am here to share more with you today. What should I tell all of you today? (Thinking) Ahh! I got it!

Today, I will share with all of you some secrets about my friend, Squall's inspiration. Originally, she was meant to actually be a supporting character in a different story the author came up a while ago...

Before, our author originally intended to be a manga writer/illustrator and had a story in their head for 2-3 years. When they finally got everything written in notes, they soon realized that it was all too complicated and scrapped everything!

Soon, they came up with two other beta stories and scrapped them both before they came up with their first solid web novel. They wanted to repurpose Squall's character somehow, but weren't sure where she fit...

Finally, after another scrapped story, they figured out how to make a story surrounding her and how to make her into a true heroine! Excellent, right! Now, that's all. farewell for now!! (Waves)''