Heretical Scions Ch.12 Intertwined Lives

Presently, somewhere...

It's Emilia!! Currently, it's been less than a few hours since Squall ruined what should've been my best scheme-yet! At the moment, I am having a bit of a crisis!!

Emilia shouted out loud, ''Darn it!-Darn it!!-Darn it!!! Squall?! How is she still alive, when I lured outside this miserable city?! There was no way, that what I saw wasn't some kind of illusion, was it?!

(Groans) How has those two not had their spirits broken thousand times-by all I've done to them?!? It's' so irritating!!!! . . . .''

Emilia thought angrily, ''Calm down Emilia..... Your losing your elegant exterior..... Calm down, ...and contemplate this...! Breath..... (Calms down) . . . .

After all the hard work I've tried to do for collecting negative energy, only some schemes have worked slightly better then others... Think..... Mmm..... What is the biggest crux of my problems?

. .Why does Squall keep achieving victory upon victory? . .Why has she kept pushing after so long? . .What could I still do to break Squall's motivation for good? . . . . . . . .

That' I got it! . . . .It''s because of her annoying silver-haired friend, Jizelle! I barely ever spied on them, but now that I thought about it...!!

With how much of her personality I've seen so far, of course-it has to be her!! . . . .How can I get rid of that cheery friend of hers? (Lost in thought)''

The next mid-day, with Jizelle in her office...

Jizelle's thoughts while researching, 'Where is Emilia been living?' 'Only pay attention to possible locations outside Genesis city...' 'Keep searching for only specific articles.'

'I must help her!' 'I got-to do all I can.' 'Unleash your very best for her.' 'Is this a clue?' 'Dead end..... Keep trying.' 'Jizelle! Keep pushing yourself.' 'The only one who can help my friend is myself!'

'She's counting on your expertise.' '(Sighs) Another dead end...' 'Keep searching... (Yawns)' 'Please, please, I need clues. After all this time, please, give me some hope.....for Squall.....'

Jizelle asked with hope, ''(Gasps) What's this? . .Please be...what I'm looking for... (Clicks)

(Begins reading intensely) 'Bizarre sightings. Recently, there were various sightings of what eyewitness worker reports say looked to be a disheveled child with dark wings at the now abandoned, Sea Radio Tower.'

Jizelle said, ''The Sea Radio Tower? . .From this date up here, this article is...almost four years old? Uhh! . .Wasn't four years ago, when.....she supposedly...vanished? (Reads more)

'Backstory: Originally, this tower was planned to be a beacon built directly on the sea in case someone outside needed rescuing and support. Due to legal issues, the project was shut down when it was almost complete.'

'Questions: Who was this strange child and was she real? Unfortunately, no one could get legal rights to investigate. The mystery was left unsolved... Only a couple blurry photos were ever scavenged...'

Jizelle questionly thought, ''Photos? . .Let's take a closer look-see... Mmm... . .Ahhhh!! . .This looks similar to her childhood pictures I was shown for reference! . .I got to ask Squall to see this!

(Clicks earpiece) . .Squall? Squall? . .Are you there? . . . .There is something urgent I need to show you. Please, come quickly to my office, alright. (Communications over) . .(Sighs)''

Jizelle thought, ''Is this really her? . .I hope I finally can help her and be a true friend... Mmm... Hmm? -_-_-_Is that static? . .Where is static...coming from?

. .Am I...just tired? . .I took off my earpiece... -_-_-_(Odd resonating) . . . .Why do I...suddenly feel...ill? Ugh! What is this?!''

A echoing voice in her mind said, ''Unleash...your...frustrations... Let go...of your...burdens...'' Jizelle asked in pain, ''! . that-voice?! (Resonations)''

The voice continued, ''Set free...all of...your pain... Aren't you frustrated...doing so much for her...with nothing gained?''

Jizelle said, ''What are you-(Screams) . . . . Your right..... I've had it... (Laughs crazily)''

A few minutes prior, with Squall...

After the incident that had happened the night before, I awoke in my bed with no one around... Standing up, I had trouble... My body was still in pain, however I pushed myself until I could move again...

I felt dizzy as well, but it didn't last long. When I started attempting to move around, I could feel that my body and spirit were drained from last night's odd events...

I spent that morning, in the mansion's library searching for books on various topics about how you could spend your time... After briefly reading two books on a table, I took a different one back to my room...

As I was lost in reading, I got Jizelle's urgent message. What was odd enough however, right before she ended the communication, there was milliseconds of static on my end...

I didn't know what to make of it, I didn't harp on it much... As I was making it down the hallway, I started hearing something I didn't expect... It almost sounded like someone was throwing a fit...

Just then, when I stood still for a brief moment, I saw Jizelle ram through her office doors with her rapier.

Squall asked with shock, ''Jizelle? . .Ahh?'' Jizelle said angrily, ''Squall... Destroy Squall... Get..... rid of her.....''

What struck me as different was that regularly when a individual activates their quartz weapon, it shouldn't destroy physical objects, unless...the wielder has a solid urge to harm another...

Squall asked down the hall, ''Is something wrong?'' Jizelle said, ''I'm-fed up, ...with doing everything...for you... I must...get rid of you... then...I set free!! (Cries out)''

Squall questioned, ''Uh? . .Ahh!'' Jizelle shouted, ''Taste my, Charged Strike!! (Frustrated) . .Right... I forgot that you're...a excellent dodger.....''

Squall thought, ''Is she... she...influenced by Emilia? How could this happen? (Thinks)'' Jizelle said angrily, ''Day after day! I'm tired of...doing...all of...the searching-for your sake!!''

It was difficult to properly fight her for two unfortunate reasons... The first was that this mansion wasn't built for battling inside.

The second was that I wasn't used to dealing with a case like this...where the victim was someone...I've known for years... My judgement wasn't what it usually was supposed to be in these situations...

Every time I dodged her fierce and concentrated strikes, they kept bruising and damaging the inside interior of her mansion...

Jizelle shouted furiously, ''Omnipresent Strikes! . .Fire Strike!! . .Ice Strike!!! . .(Pauses briefly)'' Voice in her mind said, ''C'mon.....''

Squall thought, ''Might this be my chance? . . . .(Fires) Charged Bullet!'' Jizelle said angrily, ''Stop it! . .I won't rest till you... till you-pay!! . .Pay for all those countless hours of endless wasted time!!''

She used her rapier to deflect my shot. Until presently, I never realized how fierce she could her fighting... Our battle moved both of us to the spacious first floor lounge.

It hit me that this might have worked in my odds.

Squall asked loudly, ''Jizelle! . . . .Did you... Were you... truly this upset.....over assisting me?!'' Jizelle paused and replied, ''That-that isn't all of it!! . .After everything I did..... you said countless times...

That we...aren't friends! (Frustrated sounds) I...I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! . . IF YOU AREN'T MY FRIEND, . .THEN I CAN'T LIVE WITH THAT ANYMORE!!!!''

Squall thought in pure shock while dodging, ''She was..... that unmistakably...upset.....about the nature...of our...relationship? (Groans) She cared.....about it.....this much?

(Fires) Wind Shot! . .I never realized...that she...had so much frustrations...''

Jizelle was crying out, ''Hours and hours of exhausting searching!! And for a girl who isn't-MY FRIEND!!!! All that time spent and not a single reward or a decent thanks!!

WHY?!?! WHY...CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS?!?! PLEASE, TELL ME WHY?!!! PLEASE?!!! (Cries out)''

Squall thought in shock, ''Friends...? Jizelle..... (Pains) Urm! . .I still don't full strength yet..... (Lost in thought) . . . .She was...this broken up...''

(Remembers the words of the book again) 'Have your unconscious reactions to another harmed them either physically, or emotionally?' (In pure shock) Is my situation... What that book meant?

Have I much? (Realizes) I never figured out... what she me..... (Groans)''

Jizelle shouted angrily, ''Stop moving!! I need to pierce you.....and end my troubles!! Omnipresent Strikes! Omnipresent Strikes!! Omnipresent Strikes!!!! . . . .What are you doing? (Gasps)''

Following her strikes destroying a nearby sofa, I paused and stood still, lost in my thoughts... I started remembering everything... Seeing how purely nice she was too me.....

Squall thought and said, ''Jizelle... It never hit me... until now... I didn't actions...harmed you...'' Jizelle asked, ''Huh? . . . .''

Squall said while looking down, ''I didn't much...I was surroundings..... Jizelle..... (Looks ahead) I'm.....I.....I apologize!! . . . .for everything.....''

Jizelle was in pure shock, ''(Resonating and in pain) Ugh! . . . .Apologize!! . .Arg! . .Squall..... She..... apologized.....?(Cries out)''

Squall thought in that moment, ''I must...atone...for all.....I've her... Bullet of Light.''

subsequently, my shot finally hit her without being blocked... When I shot her, I saw a massive amount of her past memories...

[Inside Jizelle's memories]

Past Jizelle asked, ''Excuse me? You are Squall melony, aren't you?'' Past Squall asked, ''What do you want? . .Leave me alone...''

Past Jizelle asked ''Walter? This is her, isn't it?'' Past Walter replied, ''She is, my lady...'' Past Jizelle said, ''(Clears throat) Alright..... I am here...because I heard about your terrible situation. (Smiles) I wish to help you...

Past Squall said, ''I don't...need any help... Just...let me rot here... (Moans)'' Past Jizelle said, ''Don't talk like that...! Please, I want to help you. I heard...that your parents died, meaning your father.....''

Past Squall reacted, ''Father!! Father!!! (Hyperventilating) Father, what happened to you?! Emilia?!? . .Why did you-hurt them?!?! Why?!? (Grabbing her heart)''

Jizelle asked with worry, ''Ahh! What is happening?! Are you okay?!? Are you-'' Walter intervened, ''(Clears throat) My lady, apparently from my research, this young girl has been in the hospital for a few days now...

and they say she now has a frightening case of being traumatized from seeing her parents die so close to her...''

Jizelle asked with surprise, ''Oh my! Will she be alright?! This looks awful!''

[End of Memories]

Thereafter, I saw a flash of various time wasted on when she had so much difficultly with dead end research...because problems... I couldn't believe...that I caused many dilemmas...

She was dealing much... and I did barely help at all..... It finally hit me, how much my life...affected hers... why she...could have influenced... as she was.....

After I saw most of her painful memories, I had a one tear from both of my eyes... Following that event, all of my over exhaustion from last night caught up with me... I fainted in the lounge across from her...

In the lounge, hours later.....

She woke up first and was in a confused state... When she regained her senses, she noticed me first...

Jizelle asked with worry, ''Squall! Squall?! . .Are you alright? (Thinks inside) What happened? Why is there so much...destroyed? (Memories returning) . .What was that? . . . .Did I do...all of this?''

When she started realizing most of what she did, I began to awake facing upwards...

Squall said as she awoke, ''Mm? Uh? . . . .Jiz.....elle? (In pain) Agh!'' Jizelle said, ''Did all of this? . .What did I do? . . . .Squall! (Realizes) Wait! Why is my rapier out?!''

I attempted to sit up, though my body stung in multiple ways... I started remembering what I did...before I fainted... It took myself a minute to figure I should've explained what took place...

Soon after, I put my hand towards my heart, and remembered her earlier words. Jizelle's words, 'You said countless times... That we...aren't friends!' 'Wouldn't it be better to get it off your chest, rather than always keeping it locked inside?'

When I remembered those words, something inside myself, pushed me to act strangely... I turned around and...

Jizelle asked, ''Squall! Ahh..... me?'' Squall said quietly, ''Jizelle..... I...I actions...unknowingly.....hurt much...''

Jizelle asked, ''What?'' Squall continued with a tear, ''I...regret...all of those times... I realized..... You are...a true friend... I'm sorry...I didn't see it...until now...''

Jizelle said with shock, ''Friends? . .Friends?! Did you say what I thought you just said?! I'm not hearing things?! (Shocked sounds)'' Squall let go and nodded.

Jizelle said with glee, ''Finally! We are real friends! (Giggling) I am so glad that you finally accepted it! . .(Gasps) Your shy face is once again so cute!! (Jumps and hugs her successfully)''

Later, we went back to her half-destroyed office, then I slowly explained what happened from my point of view...

What was odd however, was that unlike most of the previous cases, she remembered over half of what occurred... Certain things I told her, she could recall it... That was a mystery in which I couldn't solve...

Next time...

[Time with Jizelle]

Jizelle said with cheer, ''She is finally my real friend! Hooray!-Hooray!!-Hooray!!! (Giggling) Now, time for another secret to share you readers. What will I share today? Let's see..... Ahh!

I think I got it. Hi-hee... I'll talk about how Time with Jizelle got started. When coming up with our world, the author had to do quite a lot of research for a originally simplistic story.

However, the author never planned this before... They were inspired from watching a certain famous comedy anime from 20 years ago, based of a 4-panel manga, that they had never seen before...

I forget it's title... It was Azu... Azu..... Dai-something..... Well, whatever... They enjoyed it's flow of storytelling so much, that they got the idea for my segment!

Our author enjoyed my character so much, they thought I would be perfect for this! What do you readers think? Am I entertaining? Do you like me? (Chuckles) Well, that's it for today. See you!''