Heretical Scions Ch.16 Unburdened Winters

Presently, as of that moment, me and Jizelle began scaling the tower where Emilia had been living all of this time... I could feel my heart pacing faster and slower on the way up...

To our surprise, it was strangely ominous that the tower was mostly empty and no traps or enemies appeared to stop us. When we first went inside, we took note of how it looked like vaguely clean.

Despite that, only the last two floors had signs of somebody living there. For some odd reason, I saw a television with a hole punched in it's screen. I didn't understand what had happened...

Meanwhile, on the roof...

Emilia asked in pain, ''What...are you me? (Resonating) What's happening?! (Breathing oddly)  What is this?!  AAAAhhhhaaaa.....!!!! . . . . . . . .''

The high being said malevolently, ''Finally..... I've done it... (Laughs) I now...have a vessel after all this time...''

Emilia asked while looking at herself, ''What...did you do to me? . .Why do I feel so...strange?''

The high being replied, ''You may relax, mortal girl... You see, I both merged and took semi-control of you like a puppet I can see through...''

Emilia asked loudly, ''What?!?!  What did you just say?!'' The high being replied, ''While it will not be for long, I temporarily put my power into you. I hope you enjoy...''

Emilia said in amazement, ''Truly? This is for real? You can achieve something like this? Fantastical!! How unbelievably miraculous!! (Giggling malevolently)'' 

Meanwhile, on the second-to last floors...

Jizelle asked with concern, ''Squall? Are you sure, you're prepared? We're not sure what will occur up there.'' Squall checked and said, ''I...hope...I don't have to use them... (Sighs)''

Jizelle said empathetically, ''I hope well..... Let's hope it will be alright... Let's see!'' Squall nodded.

With that, we cautiously made it to the stairs that lead to the rooftop... I knew deep inside that I both wanted to stop her, and I didn't... With one final deep breath, we walked up those stairs...

Emilia said with a smile, ''Uhh... It seems she was right, wasn't she? They indeed appeared... . . . .I give you my greatest of regards for actually finding us...''

When I saw her in her current state, I barely recognized her at all... She seemed so different... She much...

Jizelle asked, ''Eh? . .Did you just say, 'for finding us?' Emilia responded, ''You heard me right. I have assistance from higher powers. (Shouts up) Tell them, won't you?'' Squall was surprised.

The high being said, ''I will... Hear me, mortal girls... I am the higher power who has assisted this young child all this time... Soon, so will you as well...''

Squall said in shock to herself, ''The...higher being..... I can hear it..... I felt it...'' Jizelle said, ''To hear it..... How unfathomable.....''

Emilia said to Squall, ''Squall! . .Won't you please assist me in bringing this miserable it's beautiful conclusion? Can't you feel it? Everything in this world... It's suffering so much... I want to help all those lost souls.''

Squall replied in shock, ''I...I can't... I won't... I...I just want you to end all of this, please.'' Emilia replied, ''Like your response, I can't either... Sorry, but... (Irritated) You see!! I must give justice-to the wrongful nature of this world!

I will pay be this goddess who wronged me since I was born!'' Jizelle asked to Squall in surprise, ''She...she used to be your...childhood friend? She changed this much?''

Squall nodded. Jizelle cleared her throat and said, ''Please tell us, why do you feel so wronged by god? Why is all of these actions necessary? Please, tell us, so-we can understand!''

Emilia reacted crazily, ''You... you want to know? Tch! (Grinding her teeth) Tch... Since..... since I was a child, I've had a poor life! My body grew frailer with each passing day!

. .I suffered so much, and why couldn't anybody help me?! Why did no-one have a cure for me?! Why was I born with a illness that not one person could cure?!?

Why did I have to make my family suffer as well?!? I saw the Melony's faces as they were grieving and losing hope!!!! 

What was the point of my birth if I died so young and I made everyone around my existence suffer so dearly?!?! WHY?!? WHY!?! WHY?!?!''

When we were listening to the pain she's been holding in all those years, I felt so much pain for myself and her..... I started wondering if there was anything I could've undeniably saved her from all of this pain.....

I saw Jizelle's face in so much pain as well... She was left speechless... She didn't know what to say... When I wasn't sure of what I can possibly do, Jizelle gathered her courage, stood in front of myself and asked...

Jizelle shouted with emotion, ''If you have been suffering so much... If you have, please let us help you! Please, don't bring everybody else into this!! I...I can't fully believe that you're saying the whole truth!!!!

Why does everything have to be like this?!? Why do you have to end all of humanity for your suffering?!? (Winces) Don't you see how your hurting Squall?!? Look at her!! Take a honest look at you childhood friend!!!!''

Emilia cried out angrily, ''Don't!! It doesn't matter anymore!!!! (Gritting her teeth) Just shut up!! Shut up, and be my sacrifices!!!! (Shouts)''

That moment, in that moment, she tried to strike Jizelle with a lethal mana attack, and I...

Jizelle responded, ''Um? . .Uh? . .What happen-(Cries out) Squall?!!! Did you...?! Did you, protect me?!'' Emilia asked with surprise, ''Ohh? You? . .Are you choosing to be a sacrifice after all?''

Without any hesitation, I.....I jumped in front of her on instincts... What might have been a lethal strike for her, it didn't affect me in the same sense... I had two massive wounds across my torso region...

Squall coughed up blood and turned around saying, ''Jiz...elle..... (Faints)'' Jizelle cried out, ''Squall? Squall?! Get up! . .Please, get up! . .Why aren't you standing up?! What's wrong?! Please, say something!

Squall?! Please, don't die! . .Please, don't leave me!! (Starting to cry) Squall!! Squall!?! Squ-all!!!!''

The high being said while laughing, ''You accomplished it. Her blood was right on the circle! With the blood of a mortal on the circle, the last steps can take place!''

Emilia said, ''Alright!! It's going perfectly! I finally shut her up for good! (Solemnly) Farewell, my old friend... Fare thee well...''

The high being said, ''With the circle activated, the eclipse will slowly block the sun, and a curtain of lethal gasses will cover the globe and end all of humanity's miserable lives. Revel in our near success, mortal child!''

Emilia said, ''We're so close! I can't believe we're so close! (Laughing crazily) Soon, we will fix this world! Soon, god will know our pain!''

The high being intervened, ''Hold it! . .Mmm..... I am sensing something I don't understand rising from the sacrifice.'' Emilia asked, ''Huh? What could you possibly mean?''

While Jizelle was crying on my lifeless body, my light mana began spilling out...

Jizelle asked with tears, ''Glowing? (Sniffles) Ahh? . .Why is she glowing? Ahhh!!'' Emilia asked while stuttering, ''(Gasps) A-A-A-Are those wings?!?! What's going on here?!''

My body began floating up as I suddenly sprouted wings so bright, they were blinding... My eyes began glowing and I heard a familiar voice.

Emilia and Jizelle shouted, ''It's too bright!!!!''

The voice of Theia calmly said, ''I apologize for all that you have endured... Now, fight! Fight for what you believe in! You must get rid of the malevolent goddess who manipulates your friend!!'' 

Squall said, ''I... hear and accept your words... (Cries out)'' Jizelle thought, ''Is this Squall?! Is she causing all of this?! Is she alive again? Please, be alright... Please, be still alive...''

The high being urgently said, ''Quick! Defend yourself, now! (Shot)''

They all watched as in that moment, a shot from my bullet was barely blocked by Emilia's sword created from mana. I was both in control of myself, and at the same time, I felt more confident than I usually was.

It felt like I had a chance at victory for the first time in my life. My mana was so oddly strong, that she could barely handle it...

Jizelle shouted, ''(Gasps) Squall?! What's going on here?!'' Emilia asked angrily, ''You! How are you still alive?! And where?! Where did you get so much energy from?!?!''

Squall said clearly, ''I will... I will save you with all of my new-found strength. (Twin shots of light)'' Emilia asked, ''Why are your attacks so... so bright?!? Why is there so much force?!?! (Irritated)''

The high being said, ''Mortal child! You must get rid of her immediately! She is a threat to all we've done up to this moment!! I won't be stopped now!! . .Stop her now!!''

Henceforth, we both started fighting at unbelievable levels above the tower high in the sky. Jizelle could barely keep track of our engagements, watching in awe...

I could feel it with every action, Emilia was fighting like a child who couldn't accept the fact that they were wrong... I never realized from her behavior how much she still acted like a 16-year old child in so many ways...

Jizelle thought while concerned, ''Please, Squall. Come back safe... Please, don't get hurt. I don't think I could handle it, if you didn't come back...''

While we were fighting in quick succession, I could hear the goddess subtilty giving me instructions on how I could finally save her from everything. How after all of this, I could end her suffering...

Emilia said with emotional tears while battling, ''Why?! Why can't I save you?! (Sniffles) Why can't I end-your misery?! Why do you insist on living so much?!?!

What reason is there to keep existing in this world?!?! (More Irrationally) Aren't you in pain?!?! Why choose to live with endless pain?!?! Why choose it?!?!''

I didn't know how to answer her honestly... I kept on fighting with all of my will, pushing forward. After everything, I wanted all of this to reach a peaceful conclusion. I truly wished to save her with all my heart...

In a instant, Emilia's movements slowed down and she dropped her weapon, with it vanishing as it hit the tower roof...

Jizelle screamed, ''Ahhh!! . .What was that? . .What just dropped?''

I could hear the high being as it was begging Emilia to move again. It sounded quite desperate, like a cornered rat...

The high being shouted, ''Child?! Why did you stop?! Move! Move yourself!! Look sharp!! Don't let those other mortals stop us!!''

Emilia slowly mumbled, ''I sleepy... so empty... it stings... it hurts.....''

Theia shouted in Squall's mind, ''She's weakened! It's your only chance! Please, save that girl now! Now, purify her with all of the peaceful memories you can manage! Quickly!''

I felt so hesitant, I hoped there would have been a better way than this, but I collected all of my heart and began filling my final bullet with all of the nostalgic memories of us together as young friends...

With all of my care, my warmth, and all of the pain she caused me since we first met... Before I took the shot, I said...

Squall heartfeltly said, ''To the goddess, I pray that she... she finds happiness once again..... (SHOT)''

Emilia screamed so intensely that it echoed through out the valley...

When I shot her in the hope of solving everything once and for all... Ending all of this misery and pain, I felt so free as my wings vanished and I fell like a fallen angel...

Jizelle screamed, ''Squall!!!!!!!!''

At the moment I fell, I began being flooded with every peaceful memory she had of me in her whole life... It was the most overwhelmed I felt in so long...

It felt like the most intense quick-succession migraine of my entire life... The last loving memory I saw of her was the last time she ever smiled at me when we were children.....

As I awoke to see Jizelle's worried face, I found myself with tears... She began asking me incessantly if I was alright, if I was hurt anywhere, if I needed medical care...

I felt so relieved inside knowing she was that worried about me... Soon, I heard one final message from the goddess in my mind...

Squall reacted, ''Uagh!'' Theia peacefully said, ''Squall Melony... I truly thank you for all that you endured for everyone's sake. You shall no longer need of my abilities any longer...

You shall no longer no any strife in your life... I can take care of the rest myself... Go! Go and say the words of your heart to your friend before she truly dies once and for all...''

Squall reacted, ''(Shock!) . .Emilia!!!! (Gasps)'' Jizelle asked, ''Squall? Is there something wrong? Ahh!!''

I quickly regained my senses and ran to Emilia's vanishing body as quickly as I could move... I sat down and grabbed her left hand...

Squall shouted, ''Emilia!! Emilia!!'' Emilia said hazily, ''Huh? Squall? . .Mmm... I guess... You won... You triumphed, didn't you?''

Squall frantically said, ''Don't worry about that! Your...your vanishing, and there.....there is something I have to tell you!''

Emilia asked, ''Uhh? . .Tell me?'' Squall said, ''I now know what I should've said all along! (Takes a deep breath) You... While you were growing weaker years ago as a child, I or our parents never thought of you as a burden or a problem...

While it wasn't much, I enjoyed all of the times we played, made trouble, and had fun as children...'' Emilia said in shock, ''You...actually... enjoyed those times?''

Squall replied with tears, ''Affirmative! And I would do it again! Please, don't ever do this again! Please, in another life..... find someone new... someone new to cheer you up once again... I beg of you!''

Emilia said, ''That's what you truly wish for me?'' Squall replied, ''In my heart, that's what I want for you from the bottom of my soul! (Sniffles) Farewell, Emilia and find new happiness somewhere new.....''

Emilia smiled weakly and shook her head, ''Alright! I will try to find that new happiness you mentioned! (Honestly smiles) Mm-hmm! . .I bid you farewell, old friend. (Echoes as she vanished)''

Squall thought as she looked up, ''I pray...that you find true redemption and a new fulfilling life, Emilia... (Sniffs) Those words... Did they veritably come from me? (Begins to truly cry)''

Jizelle asked somberly, ''She's gone? She disappeared? How sad..... (Begins to have tears as well) Ah! Squall?''

Following the events, I couldn't hold back anymore and I began crying on Jizelle, while she started to cry while holding me...

Three months later, In the aftermath...

In the events that ensued, soon after we halted there plans, the sun made it's first appearance in decades, and all of the snow in Genesis City oddly enough began to melt.

All of the city's people didn't know what to make of it, but they adjusted quickly... The sky no longer looked so depressing, and the desolates outside the city once and for all, were finished being so harsh.

While I finally saved my friend, solving all of my prayers to find and cure Emilia, Jizelle begged me to stay with her, regardless of the reasons...

With my heart feeling so unburdened after everything, I began crafting more of my dolls and practicing my talents... One day, Jizelle found out by accident and accepted it so very annoyingly...

In secret, I attempted to find out if my angel abilities were gone or not. When I tried, I felt nothing... I realized, like she said in her words, the goddess did in fact strip me of my abilities...

From repeatedly recalling the words of my younger self, I tried my best to open up more to Jizelle and tell her more about myself, which was difficult... I changed myself in other ways as well...

Jizelle shouted, ''W-W-Wait!!!! . .I can see your eyes!! What did you do?!? Uagh!'' Squall shyly answered, ''I...cut my bangs and my hair... (Blushes) Is it good? Do it?''

Jizelle answered, ''Y-Y-Y..... Your so cute!! (Giggling) So that's what your eyes look like?! (High pitched scream) Your so adorable like this!!! I-love it!!!! I do!! I do!!'' 

It was so peaceful, not having to deal with no more rampaging civilians in our city, because Emilia is gone once and for all... How did we decide to remember her?

When I discussed it with Jizelle, she used her connections to make a memorial grave for Emilia in the mansion's courtyard. It said, 'In memory of Emilia, my true friend.'

For her and the goddess, I decided to live the best life I could to honor her memory. Where did I get that idea? From a book I found in the mansion's library.

Squall peacefully thought, ''Emilia..... I will remember you forever. I hope you know that, and please find true tranquilly in the next world. You will always be my friend till the end of time.

Farewell, Emilia.....''

Sometime, after Emilia's true death, in the barren lands...

The high being in spirit form said, ''(Cries out) Darn that human! She ruined the scheme I concocted for eons!! I was so close to ruining Theia's creation!! I was so close!!

I will have to start from the beginning... Once more!! How irritating...''

Theia shouted, ''Hold thy will!'' The high being shouted, ''You!! (Growls) You ruined my plans, didn't you?!?! I never wished to encounter you ever again!!''

Theia said melancholily, ''How sad... Even after all these eons... You never learned you lesson... I apologize, but I have no choice but to decidedly end your existence for all that you've done!''

The high being said, ''Wait! Wait!! Please, don't end me!! I don't deserve it!!'' Theia said, ''That girl you used for your own goals, I bet she never realized that she was just a puppet by the Goddess of the Night, Nox...''

Nox said menacingly, ''No! I made sure of that! She was just my lowly puppet this whole time! (Laughs)''

Theia honestly said, ''How unsightly... Cleanse your distasteful soul from this existence forever.''

Nox frantically said, ''Huh?! Augh! (Painful echoed Screaming)''

Theia said, ''May your next reincarnation, cause no more trouble for our people...''

Jizelle shouted with all her heart, ''Goodbye to all of my lovely fans!! Goodbye!!!! (Waving her hands)''