
Alice's Pov

It was may be after hours she woke up from her sleep, her head was resting on her son's chest, her legs entwined with his.

She panicked as she remembered everything that happened before she fainted with pleasure. For a moment she was angry, ashamed and disappointed but once she saw her son's cute sleeping face her anger melted in nothingness, her face turned red as she took her son's massive girth in her sight, even while it wasn't erect it was impressive.

But she still felt some disappointment towards her son for raping her, but she knew even after everything their love for each other hadn't diminished by even a bit.

Rather she felt, if she had to fight against world for him she will do so, even if she had to lay her life down for him she would willingly do so.

She looked down at her body, her upper body was filled with aftermath love she made with her son, her neck and breasts were filled with hickeys. Her lower lips were little bit sore as still some of her son's remaining white sperm was leaking out of there.

Alice wasn't a virgin girl, she had enough experience but still she could say, the sex she had with her son was the best sex she ever had, never once had she orgasmed again and again, today's experience was totally new to her and her body had fallen for this lustful pleasure.

She sighed thinking it was her fault for never noticing the love her son had for her which was twisted in some weird ways.

As she was thinking she noticed Alex was now awake and looking at her with his love filled eyes

'Maybe he woke up because of me, I should have been careful, ah what are you thinking! you should be angry at him for raping you forcefully... at least a little bit, even if you enjoyed it'

But Alex's next actions ceased all of her thoughts.

He slowly got up and gently grabbed her hand in his hands, not once his hazel eyes leaving hers.

He announced "Mom, I loved you, I love you and i will forever love you. "

"Do you remember that day when I made a cake for you on your birthday? "

He continued not stopping for my reply" It was charred completely, may be the worst cake that you had ever seen" Alex laughed a little

"But still you ate it completely so that I won't be sad and then you said that you will fulfil my one wish, upto this date you have given me lots of things without me even asking, but now I want most precious thing in my life"

Slowly Alex slowly brought his face closer to her, saying "And that's you Mom, I don't know when these overwhelming feelings blossomed in me but even if I am nothing right now, I will be everything for you, so I will say something that I always wanted to say....I want you, your heart, your body, your soul and everything that you own, I want to be your man, on whom you can rely on"

His words echoed in my mind, his overwhelming love for me made my heart bloom with flowers, now Alex's face was so close to her that if she moved even a little their lips will brush each other's.

But Alex's loving eyes never left her as he asked her " Alice, will you be my women? "

his question ringing on her mind again and again, the way he called her name pulled the strings of her heart,she loved her son, and she knew her current feelings for her son were something beyond their blood relationship, she couldn't deny the pleasure she felt from the depths of her heart when Alex kissed her, embraced her, she knew she was in love, she was in love with her son.

Her lips moved forwards as she kissed him, the pleasure of satisfaction filling her as she accepted her feelings.

Alice's Pov end

Alex knew he had his mother in his bag as he felt her lips on his, she even voluntarily initiated French kissing, their tongues entwined in the symbol of their love. There was no lust in this kiss, just pure love that they held for each other.

Soon after a minute both separated from each other, as strand of saliva connecting their once connected mouths.

His mother looked at him dazed but soon her compilation turned serious as she looked around the room.

She turned to him saying " Seems we have to find a way out of here"

Alex also looked at her, for now he had already understood the essence of the ' Game ' that was going on.

It was related to women of this world, as before Alice woke up, he had noticed peculiar things, like he could see a status screen of his mother


( Alice Garcia )

• Age : 35 years

• Grade : A

• Information : The first wife of Reynold Garcia, the head of the Garcia family. CEO of Garcia Group.

Beloved daughter of current head of Thomson family. She has amassed her power in Garcia family with her extraordinary talent in business and through the outside support she used, her authority in Garcia family surpassing even her husband. Her only weakness is her son whom she loves very much.

• Alice's thoughts : I loveeeee youuuu Alexxxxx, but first we need to get out of here, someone really has nerves to kidnap Garcias. ]

The first thing Alex noticed was her grade, so may be all the women in this world will be graded accordingly.

Higher the grade, better, so may be he has to amass these women, there was a picture of his mother beside her status, in her business suit, but as Alex willed her clothes disappeared,and the picture of his mother's nude body appeared for him to admire, he could look at her from angles and also could see all of her sizes and sensitive points.

At the same time he noticed a notification that appeared as soon as he made Alice faint from overwhelming pleasure during their long hours tryst.






'Seems only one of the group had to pass the stage to move on to next as I am the only one who passed then I should have most points and information amongst my group'

Alex subconsciously knew now how to access shop, and see status of his mother. Also now he had to gather this new currency called points, and he was sure women were one of the sources of these points, as right now in total he had 11,000 points.

10,000 from reward he got from stage 1,while 1000 from the erotic pleasure that he provided to his mother.

But he didn't know how exactly these points from sex were alloted, but one more thing he noticed was the change in behavior of his mother after he climaxed inside her first time.

After climaxing inside her surprisingly her opposition to him had lowered significantly, and even when she woke up she didn't hold any anger for him raping her.

Alex knew even if she loved him dearly but still it would have been normal for her to be angry at him, but the emotion that he felt from her was utter subservience.

Surprisingly even Alice hadn't noticed this, as her already budding feelings had crossed into a new realm, as if she was brainwashed to love him and accept anything he said, basically right now his mother was a pushover.

He wasn't sure about his theory so he decided to check it out on someone else.

Alice had woken up by then and so he decided to focus on her, leaving other things for later.

Now he had to explain some things to his mother as she waiting for him to say something.

He sighed and decided what to tell her.