Angela Stewart

Roman's Pov

The beautiful Godess on the stage disappeared, as hall turned loud for a moment but then, everyone left, only he, his mother, his friend Alex and his mature crush Alice was there.

Right now she was saying something in Alex's ears, her beautiful face dangerously close to her son, making Roman feel jealous for the moment.

'They must haven't done sex yet, and this much of intimacy is normal in mother and son. '

His mother Angela approached him as she told him that Alex and Angela will be their guests for a while.

He agreed hesitantly, as this was order from his mother so he didn't think anything wrong, he respected his mother from the depth of his heart, as he had seen her intelligence and cunning business skills by his own eyes, she was a women feared by all, but she showered him with her gentle motherly love, she was stern but loving, making him glad to have her as his mother.

But he knew, his mother would never make a decision without a profit or gain, there must be something in this visit, as his thoughts ran a dangerous but delightful thought occured to him.

'May be she is going to help me win this Game and for the first step she might be about to help me to acquire Alice, my friend's mother'

As he thought more about it more he became sure, thinking about fucking women that he loved since long ago, he went into his own delusions.

He fell in love with Alice, when he was 15 years old, she came with Alex for parents meeting in their academy, it was love at the first sight.

Later when he went home, he looked for her info all over the internet, seeing her strong personality and mature sexy body he fell in love with her all the more.

But unfortunately she was already married, he was years too late to have born, but without giving up hope, he next day striked up a conversation with their class bully Alex who he absolutely hated for his violent nature, and slowly he joined his friend's circle, hoping to one day get a chance to meet his love Or at least see her in real.

He had several girlfriends both mature and young, but his lust for Alice was insatiable as it only increased more and more, he also urged for his mature girlfriends to roleplay as Alice as he fucked them, crying out her name aloud.

And now chance was before him to have real her as his own women, Roman's cock inside his pants turned hard as he thought about Alice's beautiful face and her voluptuous curves.

As Roman was in his delusions, all of them were already seated on sofa, except his mother who was standing, her legs and arms trembling.

Then he heard the voice of the women that held his heart, this time sharp and stern, "Strip!"

His mother tried to defy the women in front of her, but was unable to.

Roman was beyond stunned seeing the thing he imagined happening, but in the exactly opposite way, as he saw his mother slowly removing her brown coat.

Her lips trembling, her gaze forward as she tried to avoid his eyes, her eyes were filled with guilt and sorrow for her son.

But then she continued to untie straps of her black one piece dress, she slowly removed her dress as her smooth skin began to get exposed, first her hands, then underside of her neck, then her designer bra and her clevage which it was unable to hide, then her white sexy stomach and cute belly button, then her erotic panty and her wide buttocks, then her milky thighs, everything that before was hidden was laid bare.

Seeing his now half naked mother and the dress that fell on the ground Roman woke up from his reverie.

"M-mother what are you doing? " trying to ask loudly but now his voice was almost crying, he angrily rebuked at Alex, he understood he was the reason for this situation, as he looked inside the eyes that were ogling his mother's curves lustfully.

But he was harshly stopped by his mother, he tried to, he tried to go against her and rescue her from this all, but he couldn't as once again hearing his mother's same voice this time with the hint of an anger, he complied and stepped back.

Then he heard the voice that would have made cry with joy once, but now it only filled him with dread.

"We don't have all day for your family antics bitch" Alice's voice laced with evilness, she seemed happy to see him in this condition.

His mother now turned her hands to her bra as she removed it, her beautiful breasts coming in sight, alongside her pink areolae.

"Your tits are not half bad" he heard Alex commenting, looking at his mother's large breasts.

He gritted his teeth seeing his mother subjected to this humiliation.

Next his mother bent down to remove her panties, she slowly removed it and her panties also joining her already discarded clothes on the floor.

With the obstruction removed his mother's pussy was now fully exposed, it had blonde vaginal hair, same color as her hair, but rather than making it look unkempt it looked even more alluring, giving her pussy a mature vibe.

Without her panties holding them, her even bigger ass spilled outside, jiggling a little as Angela stood up straight once again.

"Man that's some real stuff there! , her ass is almost catching upto yours mom" hearing Alex's voice Roman was heartbroken once again as he understood that the women he loved was already tainted by her son.

He abruptly looked at his love, as she blushed brightly hearing her son's words, removing all doubts from his mind about Alex's previous sentence, pushing him inside the ravine of helplessness.

Alice now once again turned to his mother, as she said, " Good, that's how a pet should look like, now come to your mistress" her smile turning to a satisfied one, as she praised his mother.

Angela then got on her knees and hands, the nervousness and anxiety she had in start was now completely gone, something else now overshadowing her facial expression.

She then started crawling towards Alice on all fours like a bitch, now in this position Roman could see his mother's behind completely, he could see her swaying buttocks and her pinkish asshole inside her buttcrack, below her anus he saw her pussy that was now dripping with honey.

'She is enjoying this? how could she?' Angela at her company was always stern and strict, while at home a touch of love was added to her already cold personality, but only for him and his sister, he couldn't imagine the women in front of him with the same women that he revered and respected, but reality was now in front of him and it was beyond a nightmare.

As Angela reached upto Alice, Alice pushed her foreleg a little and his mother kissed her foot and started to lick Alice's toes.

Alice slowly patted Angela's head, like a master giving pats to his obedient dog, though Angela's situation was not that far from being a bitch, a nice, fuckable and obedient bitch "Good girl, now see, from today onwards you will serve a new master, and that is my son Alex, you will follow his commands even before mine, understood? If you do then reply as you were taught. "

"Bark Bark" Angela hesitated for a moment but then she barked at Alex in subservience.

Roman saw his mother barking at Alex as if he was her master, copying a real bitch.

Alice laughed softly, she turned to Alex, who now had a huge grin, like a kid who got his brand new toy, "How do you like my gift son? she is specially prepared for you, for your information even if she looks like a slut but in fact she is still virgin."

Hearing such a revelation, Roman's eyes widened to its ends, taking in the gravity of Alice's words that he couldn't believe, he asked loudly, "What do you even mean? "

"Exactly what I said Roman, you weren't birthed from your mother Angela's womb neither was your younger sister Patricia, " Alice said with a mischievous glint in her eyes, as if enjoying the emotional plight that he was thrown into.

His emotions swirled wildly but he couldn't accept her words, he didn't need to,'She must be lying, such a filthy whore, I was foolish to have fallen for her, ' he thought having a feeling of someone gripping his heart.

Seeing Roman didn't believe her, Alice kicked his mother, making her fall backwards, "Tell your son the truth Angela."

Angela now for the first time looked at her son into his eyes, her face exposing her guilt, "Roman, what she said is true, it was the condition for mine and Derek's marriage, that I would have to provide money for you and Patricia's education, until you came of an age, while he will also be allowed to have a family out side of our marriage with his wife, in return he will never touch me and disclose this information in public"

Angela bit her lips, taking a breath for a moment, "But then as I saw you and Patricia growing up, I came to think of you like my own children, I became emotionally attached you, even though I didn't have a shred of affection for your father, I loved you and Patricia both like my own children"

Tears streamed out of Angela's eyes as she looked at Roman, " And at last I am sorry for making you go through this, but I can't go against my mistress and my new master, I have always been their bitch. "

Roman's expression now crumbled completely, but now Alice once again chimed in as she forced Angela to taste her underfoot by pushing her foot on her face, "Hehehe Roman, if you were to be as decisive as my son in previous stage, you would have been the one to take your mother's virginity, and situation right now could have been completely different, but now all thanks to you, I can offer her pure and untouched body to my son." Alice said proudly as she compared her son to Roman, she cruelly pressed her leg on Angela's face, as Roman's mother's beautiful face grovelled on the floor.

This time Alex was the one who said to his mother, "Mom, I think my friend Roman still doesn't believe you, so I think as his good friend I should prove his mother's innocence to him." he said looking at my mother, licking his lips as if looking at a delicious prey, he continued, "But before that I guess I first need to deal with him, so that he won't create any problems for his future daddy."

As Alex said this, Roman found his body wrapped by a rope, binding him, making sure he couldn't move from his place, feeling this Roman's face darkened as he felt the premonition of terrible that he was going to experience.