Taming Carla

Hearing Alex's words, Carla was stunned for a moment, then she laughed loudly, saying "Ah, you must have gone insane, I have no interest in you kid, get lost if that's all you were here to say"

Hearing Carla's words, Angela and Alice were about to shot back with their words, but just as they were about to, Alex stopped them.

"I challenge you to a fight, if I win you will have to become my women, what do you say? " Alex ignored Carla's words as he said back.

"You sure are brave kid, do you really think your small body stands even a little chance against me, who has driven my way through all those bloody fights? "

"I have enough confidence to defeat you, but do you dare to fight against me? "

Carla thought for a moment as she looked at Alex and decided to take a fight, "Okay, if you win I will become your women, but if you loose you gotta hand over those two women to my son, seems fair? "

"Of course, but the wager isn't enough, two for one is not right, let's make it like this, if you win, your son will have both of my women present here, on the other hand if I win, you will not only become my women, but also will serve me with everything you have and that means everything for forever. " said Alex, stunning both Alice and Angela, who were placed as a wager for this fight and... about Albert, never once was his thought taken in consideration.

"Agreed" hearing Alex's words, Carla agreed immediately, as she pounced on the Alex like a tigress.

Alex swiftly dodged her, rolling on the side, while Carla followed him not stopping even to blink.

Alex dodged her every attack, her two meter tall body, towered above him, but he was nimble as eel, slipping out of Carla's grip every time.

He even started fighting back amongst Carla's attacks, kicking her legs, and punching her stomach.

Never once Carla's hit landed on Alex, but all the hits Alex punched did damage to Carla, and her body started getting exhausted with fight as time passed.

Soon after just few minutes, the once fantastic room was now turned into a mess, as Alex and Carla jumped around here and there.

Alex now wasn't dodging away from Carla like before as he now blocked her kicks and punches with his own.

Alex's body was soaking with his sweat, while Carla's tank top stuck to her breasts because of her sweaty body, highlighting her nipples and shape of her large melons.

Alex now started his counterattack with everything he had, his vast experience in fighting showed up as his every hit was a critical hit that always landed on Carla's body.

Soon Carla was unable to fight and fell down on her knees, " I accept my defeat, I lost"

Alex was glad hearing this, as he looked at now defeated Carla, he was sure she won't go against their bet so he wasn't worried about it.

Since fight was over, both Alice and Angela ran towards him, while Alice made sure that everything was fine with Alex, Angela wiped the sweat on Alex's face.

"Don't worry mom and Angela, your man is not weak, I would never place you as a wager if I don't have confidence in winning. "

"I don't mind even if you use me like a pawn, I already told you I'm yours and always will be" said Angela lovingly.

While once Alice checked everything was right with Alex, she started kissing him passionately, pouring all her worries about her son inside her kiss.

Soon both of them stopped their kiss, as Alex placed a soft kiss on his mother's forehead, and looked at Carla, who was now looking at him shocked.

She had thought that Alex was just some rich brat, who wanted her body, but after the fight she had understood that Alex had rich fighting experience, and now seeing two powerful women caring about him like this, Carla understood that, among them Alex was their leader.

Carla never found a man who could overpower her in frontal battle, as her physique was top notch as if specially made to fight and her experience rich, as she had spent almost all her youth on battling.

Getting defeated at Alex's hands, Carla wasn't sad but rather happy, as she felt that at last she had found her man, the one who will make love to her.

Alex walked toward Carla, helping her to stand up, when Carla stood up Alex had to look up to meet her gaze, but now his eyes didn't leave her one eye, neither did her, somehow even though Carla had a scar and eye patch on one side of her face, her face looked stunning, while Alex had his natural charm.

Carla now blushed as she looked at Alex, "Okay now as per agreement, I will become your women , from now on you need to take care of me"

Carla's sharp voice now turned soft as she talked to Alex, like a little girl expressing her love for her boyfriend.

"D-do y-you want to do that now with me? " asked Carla as she looked at Alex, her face blushing mess, as she looked downwards.

Alex knew Carla was talking about sex, feeling all that Alex wanted was her body, but Carla was still ready to give it to him, even though she was traumatised with her situation when she was just a child, as she was forced to loose her virginity to her own brother at just the age of 13.

Seeing this big women's cute actions, Alex pulled her towards him while holding her tank top, bringing her lips on his, as both of their lips melted in taste of each other's lips.

Carla was surprised as Alex pulled her towards him but she soon started enjoying Alex's soft lips on hers, soon she felt Alex forcing his tongue inside hers which she allowed by slightly opening her mouth.

As both of their tongues started dancing in the rhythm of their heart beats, Alex pulled Carla even closer, feeling her warm and sweaty body, while continuing their passionate kiss.

After few minutes when both Alex and Carla stopped, Carla's face turned completely red, she was still feeling the pleasurable feeling of Alex's tongue and addicting saliva inside her mouth and his soft lips on hers. But she then looked at the boy her son's age who was now her man, her husband, her lover, her owner and her master.

Carla had decided to give everything she had to him, she had betted her whole life on him, on a single whim, hoping to earn the love she always desired from a man.

She then heard Alex saying, " For now this is all I want, from now on you are my women and also my bodyguard, so come to my room for alliance meeting now" Alex caressed her cheek as he said these words, as he turned his head looking at now almost repaired room" And about sex, you don't need to force yourself, I know what you went through and I want your heart alongside your body, understood? " said Alex without looking at Carla.

Carla wasn't surprised knowing that Alex knew about her, as a great family heir, their information structure spread was very diverse.

But she felt glad, that her future husband cared about her enough to take her past difficulties in mind.

"Yes... " replied Carla not knowing how to respond to Alex, as her eyes slightly watered.

"Call me master, my cute bodyguard" said Alex chuckling.

"Yes master! " Carla said enthusiastically, now deciding to start a new life with her master, and then introduced Albert to Alex, " He is my son, Albert, he is a nice lad but just too timid and weak"

"I know Albert, after all we were classmates until now" said Alex as he patted his shoulder like a father patting his son's shoulder.

But Albert, shrugged off Alex's hand, as he looked at Alex, without saying anything, 'Of course this guy won't let me fuck his mother peacefully, but I will use him as a nice research material'. thought Alex looking at Albert who left the room going in another room.

Carla gave him an apologetic smile, "Albert must be shy, knowing that soon you will become his... father, that's why he is acting that way, "

"Don't worry Carla, I only care about you, even if Albert is your son, he is nothing more than stranger for me" Alex said bluntly to Carla.

Carla was little sad hearing this, but blamed Albert for this, as he was the one who disrespected Alex, and she knew that nobles like Alex had high pride.

Then Alex left Carla's room, along with his mother and Angela, Carla followed just behind Alex like a good bodyguard also joining their entourage.

Once they were inside Alex's room, Angela explained their plan to Carla, making her shocked, but she also understood this was necessary to win, otherwise one who will face consequences will be her master.

All four of them started preparation for alliance meeting as only one hour and few minutes were remaining.

Alex's room wasn't as big as the hall, but it could be modified as per needed, he increased his room's size, and then added tables and chairs for meeting, creating two sections one for players and other for their mothers.

At the time of meeting, the first one to enter the hall was Gwen and her son benjamin, Gwen was the wife of a popular movie director from Winchester city, in her young age, she worked as a cosmetics model as a hobby, as she herself came from a top tier family in Winchester city, The Simon family, the same family to which Lisa simon, Billy's crush belonged to, but Alex had doubts if Billy even liked that little hoe.

Gwen was actually Lisa's paternal aunt, but fell in love with a young director on movie set, though as rumors said their relationship was not going well now, her grade was C, may be because of her age affecting it.

Alice was the one to greet her, and took her to the women's section in the room, hitting it off quickly, while Alex motioned Benjamin to men's section.

"If you dare touch my mother's body, you'll pay, she is mine, understand it" he grumpily said as he took seat.

After him several mother-son pairs started entering the room, the number of women joining their alliance fulfilled Alex's expectations.

In total 32 of his classmates and their mothers came to his room, including his three women, in total 35, Billy was among them with his hot mother Shirley, while Nathan and his mother grace, and Samuel and Arisu weren't there, this was under his expectation.

All the women were directed on the front side of the room, while their son's were sitting on back side, this wasn't weird as most of these women held some position in the society and making them seat with their juniors will be like humiliating them.

Alex picked up a mic, he didn't need to, but for the effect he did, but as soon as he was about speak, a women on the wheel chair and her son entered the room, one of the few B graded women, that Alex wanted to have tonight.

"Sorry for being late, it took us some time to come to decision" said Alia Jeremy, Alex's aunt, and his father's sister, who was married to the Jeremy family's second prince.

Alex checked her status once again.

[ Status

( Alia Jeremy )

• Age : 37 years

• Grade : B

• Affinity : Water

• Description : Alia was a cute and jolly girl since her young days, one of the main reason being, she was loved by a water spirit, awakening her high water affinity at her young age, but this affinity came with a price, to never be able to enjoy the pleasure of her senses, she lost her sense of taste, hearing, smell, vision and touch, at the age if 18 she was married off to Jeremy's as a political tool, where Alia suffered a lot because of her crippled body, but somehow she managed to conceive her son and things turned a little better for her, but her hard life was still going on, she never had seen her son and husband, but she felt her son's care for her and her only wish was to be able to see his face with her own eyes someday ]

Looking at the Alia, entering the room on her wheel chair, Alex said, " We were just about to start aunt Alia, Miss Carla please help my aunt", Carla took Alia's wheel chair and brought her to the women's section, her son Johnathan went to take a seat on the backside.

Alia was wearing a blue long gown, that covered every part of her body, except her hands which were covered by long gloves and her face on which she wore black glasses, there was an artificial auditory machine attached to her ear, to make it possible for her to hear.

From Alex's view, Alia's curves weren't that big, her body looked emaciated and weak, making her look like a women in her late twenties rather than a mother of one.

Her enchanting face was whitey pale, her eyes sapphire blue, held no light as if a calm ocean, her silver long hair that were braided in a long braid.

Among all these women here appearance really was otherworldly, she looked like a weak women, that anyone would want to protect.

Seeing Alia taking her seat, Alex started hosting the meeting....