Angela's Feelings

Once Alex was inside the confines of his bedroom, he decided to spend his points, he opened the shop and directly went to the item he wanted to buy.

[ • Scroll : Basic Martial Arts

• Type : Information Scroll

• Description : One time use scroll, when used will give the user all basic information regarding martial arts.

• Cost : 1000 points ]

Alex had decided to buy this for every one of his women, including Carla, even though Carla was strong, he had noticed that the main focus of her strength was coming from her strong body, while her technique was a one shotting skill, that could be learnt from brute fighting.

That's why he decided to use these scrolls for everyone, actually these scrolls will just store the information in the brain, the need to practice the martial arts was on user.

He spent 36000 points, to buy these, as he now had 36 women in total. He now had 70000 something points remaining.

He decided to buy, breathing techniques for his closest women, which will help them purify their mana channels, which will help them after awakening. He bought four of them and it cost him 20,000 points, he also bought one for himself and directly used it.

He then bought a rare grade skill for himself,

[ • Skill Name : Memory Creation

• Grade : Rare

• Description : Can create any tool or non living device out of nowhere, as per user's imagination.

• Limit : Uses mind energy.

• Cost : 50,000 points ]

This skill looked overpowered but actually needed very excellent memory and knowledge, like if you wanted to create a sword using this skill, then unless you had made one countless times, the skill won't work, that's why limitations it had were too much, also it was taxing on mind.

But in Alex's case these problems were gone, as he had intricate knowledge about many and many things that will be useful for himself and as for his mind it was strong enough to use this skill thousand times or more daily.

That means, in Alex's hands this skill was really overpowered, as he could form an army of trajectile weapons to throw at his enemies.

After this transaction Alex only had 7-8 thousand points remaining which were increasing steadily.

Just as he was thinking all this he heard Carla's voice, "Husband, your mother and Madam Stewart is here for you".

He ordered her to let both of them inside his room, and as soon as they were inside both Alice and Angela threw away their gowns and jumped into Alex's arms and started kissing his mouth and his neck alternatively.

" You two really are thirsty, huh" said Alex as he grabbed his mother's breasts and started fondling them, making her moan slightly.

Angela now looked at Alex with her beautiful eyes, "Master you already took Mistress Alice's anal virginity, I also want to give you mine"

"Hehe, nice idea, I was also waiting to push my dick in that hole of yours, but before that let me get you ready".

As Alex said this, he removed all his clothes, his meat stick in its full glory, he then pushed Angela on the bed and aimed his cock into her pussy that was already slightly wet.

At the same time he held his mother's narrow waist and started kissing her mouth, tasting her tasty saliva, he then pushed himself inside Angela and started thrusting slowly taking the feel of her tight vaginal walls.

Even though Angela's body looked mature, she had just two days ago lost her virginity to Alex and her pussy was now as tight as heck.

Once he felt Angela's pussy was wet enough, Alex started thrusting in and out of her rapidly, while he picked his mother up and placed her on Angela's mouth, making Angela taste his mother's pussy as he started kissing his mother once again, while pinching and fondling her pink nipples and huge breasts.

Angela moaned inside Alice as she started licking her mistress's hole fervently, the pleasure she was feeling from her pussy was too much from which she soon cummed moaning loudly inside Alice's cunt, her nimble tongue moved swiftly licking the vaginal folds of Alice.

As soon as Angela orgasmed Alex pulled out his dick from inside her pussy, looking at her squirting juices which looked sexy as hell.

He then pushed his mother on Angela, her butt facing him, her huge breasts pressed against Angela's making them deform against each other's, while their pussies lined up in the line waiting for his dick to mess them up.

"Fuck me Son/Master~" said both of his women, as Alex complied, this time pushing his dick inside his mother's wet pussyhole and then started kissing Angela's lips, soon pushing his tongue inside her mouth, tasting his mother and Angela both at the same time.

Intensity of his thrusts increased as he felt his mother closing on her orgasm, he now stopped fucking her pussy and pushed his dick all the way inside her rectum, making her moan from the sudden intrusion of his big cock.

Once he felt himself successfully entering in his mother's anus, Alex once again started kissing Angela, her flexible legs were now entwined around his waist, above his mother, trying to reach towards her master's tongue.

As for Alice, she was completely gone in the euphoria she was feeling, her tongue was dangling out of her mouth as saliva dripped out of it, while her larynx never once stopped moaning in the acknowledgement of divine pleasure she was feeling from her son fucking her asshole.

She soon moaned loudly, whites of her eyes turning down, as she felt herself loosing in the pleasure of an orgasm.

Alex also decided to now fill his mother up as he stopped fucking her asshole, and with one straight thrust brought his dick all the way to her womb, where he took his release feeling his mother's stomach up with his jizz.

He then pushed her aside, looking at the succubus beneath her that was now writhing on the bed, her pussy begging for something huge as it drooled heavily.

Alex ignored it, as he held both of Angela's legs, and brought them towards her breasts, bringing her pink little anus in his vision, Alex had trained his mother's asshole before taking her virginity, but now he was going to go at Angela's directly.

He slowly rubbed his, dick on Angela's anus, one could even marvel if such a big thing can really go inside Angela's small asshole, but Alex hell bent on proving them wrong brought half of his dick inside Angela's rectum.

Angela shrieked in pain feeling her anus being expanded, but then shrieked once again as this time Alex had pushed himself all the way inside her, at last taking her anal virginity.

He then started fucking her slowly in start, feeling her tight muscles which were totally different from his mother's but still pleasurable enough to make his dick twitch wanting to taken his release there, but Alex held on and started ramming inside her with increased speed.

During this time Angela's pained moaning never stopped, but pleasurable moans started appearing and soon overpowered her pained moans, as she felt mixture of strange euphoria from both pain and pleasure.

Angela was soon brought on the verge of cumming by Alex, which she did with a loud beastly moan like a bitch that was getting slaughtered.

Alex also grunted and took his release inside his Angela's anus, filling it up completely, he then lined both of his exhausted women side by side, looking at their white filled cunt and anus respectively, he felt a sense of pride, which he decided to dwell in more, as he from then fucked both Alice and Angela non intermittently, making them orgasm again and again while their holes were getting filled regularly.

Soon, all three of them stopped, main reason being both Alice and Angela were too exhausted to continue but Alex once again fucked them, once inside bathroom, moans of these mature women filling up the mood.

Soon, once again all three of them were on Alex's bed, the bed was already changed by Alex's new maid Shirley who was right now masturbating somewhere, using the smell of her master's sperm.

"Have you done what I had asked you about? " asked Alex to both the women resting on his chest.

"Yes Master, we explained all the information to your new slaves, also prohibiting them from contacting any other players" said Angela as she felt Alex's strong abs with her fingers.

"And about clothes that you chose for them, they have already been distributed, they'll be wearing those in today's meeting as per your wishes", replied Alice, as she rubbed her soft legs over her son's.

" Good work, make sure to keep them in check and about their clothes I want to see one of them wearing those... Bring that Gwen to me, she seemed like a nice mother, but once she had the taste of my sperm, she looked more like a pornstar than a married women" said Alex as he smacked Alice's ass, ordering her.

"Okay son~, mommy will bring her right away" said Alice as she called Gwen using her telephone like device that was given to her by Alex on which he had spent quit a sum.

"I told her, she will be in our room soon" said Alice cutting off the line.

"Fine, and now take these scrolls, you can read what they're yourself, practice them" Alex handed Basic Martial Arts scroll to both the women.

Alex smiled and then patted Alice's head, "Now that we have some time, I will introduce you to my bodyguard and also my girlfriend" said Alex and called for Carla to come in.

Carla entered inside the room, she felt shy on the inside as this was the first time Alex was going to introduce her as his future wife to his mother, she was also feeling insecure because of eyepatch and scar that she had on her right side of the face.

But seeing Alex's mother and Angela, inside his embrace completely naked Carla was a little shocked even though she half-expected Alex to already have done sex with his own mother.

But she didn't know whether to look at Alice as her love rival or mother in law, feeling confused she just stood there looking at her husband with his hands curled behind two women who held same or even more prestige and position than her.

"Mom, Angela this is Carla, you might know her as the Queen of the Underworld, she is my current bodyguard and also my girlfriend. "

"Carla this is my mom and this is Angela, I am pretty sure you already know about them" said Alex pointing at the women inside his arms.

Alice then slowly got out of his arms, walking towards Carla, "So, you're going to be my daughter in law huh, well even if you're too huge to my liking, you have body, your hips are also great, big enough to give me my grandchildren to play with" said Alex's mom as she kept walking her nude body moved seductively as her huge booty jiggle left and right.

"Anyway you pass, but understand if you betray my son, I will kill you, from now on you will protect him at any count" said Alice as she lightly hugged Carla, Carla also hugged back awkwardly not knowing where to place her hands on Alice's naked figure.

"Son, I have some things to discuss with my daughter in law, so I will be going out, " said Alice to Alex as she lovingly held Carla's hand and pulled her outside the room.

"Sigh, she even forgot to wear her clothes, mom is always clumsy when things are about me" sighed Alex, as he looked at Angela.

"Your mother, loves you a lot, she must be very happy right now, as I heard this is your first time introducing a girl to her, most of the time you just fucked around with women randomly... Do you even know how much headache those things you did had given to me and your mom? " said Angela acting like a stern mother reprimanding her son.

"Ahh mommy Angela I'm sorry, but don't worry I won't fuck around now as I have this sexy body of yours to myself" Alex laughed while fondling Angela's breasts, which caused her face to turn red.

"Alex... "

"Hmm?? "

"Can you call me that once again? "

"What? Mommy Angela?? "

"No just call me mom... once is enough for me"

Hearing Angela's words Alex looked into her eyes as if peering in Angela's soul.

Seeing Alex looking at her, Angela panicked and started explaining, "It's nothing... it's just that I always saw you as my son... and wanted to hear that from your... " but before she could complete her words, she felt Alex's lips on hers.

This wasn't a hot passionate kiss both of them shared while having sex, it was soft and loving, both of their lips touched slightly as Angela closed her eyes, feeling the warmth on her lips, as they rubbed against Alex's.

Soon she opened her eyes and saw Alex's hazel colored eyes looking at hers, she saw the love that was filled inside his eyes, erupting with the warmth that made her heart full with joy and relief.

Both of them slowly removed their lips from each other's, not for a second their eyes leaving each other's as Alex said, "Mom, I love you"

Tears filled Angela's eyes as the words she wanted to hear from Alex since years fell on her ears, she replied, " I love you too my son, and I love only you and you forever and ever".

Said Angela more like a pledge that she was giving to Alex, her love oozed out of her heart along with her words, she felt her soul easing as she said what she wanted to say to Alex since forever.

"Don't cry mom, your tears hurt me" said Aled as he licked a drop of tear on Angela's face.

"Yes I won't, my dear son, I am just happy to be called mom by you" Angela said with happiness.

She knew the reason Alice left both of them alone was because she wanted Angela to open up to Alex with her real feelings, Angela once again felt that her mistress knew everything about her and now she was once again thankful to her for giving her this loving moment with her love, her beloved son.