The game of Depravity

Once Alex was done playing with Carla, it was almost time for that day's meeting, but he still felt that he didn't have enough of Carla, her slightly tanned skin and her large asscheeks felt great under his hands.

While hard muscles on her stomach gave her body totally different feeling, but most perfect aspects of her body were twin mountains on her chest.

They were tight, firm and elastic, the feeling they gave in Alex's hands was otherworldly, while her perky nipple tasted great, Alex really wondered, how will her breast milk taste?

But everything had to come to an end, as Alex told Carla to wear her clothes. She wore a black tank top which left her bellybutton exposed while clinging to her spilling breasts and long tight pants, she also wore a cream colored jacket above.

Alex wore his easy to remove clothes and called his maid Shirley to be ready for meeting.

Shirley who was now checking a cute maid dress away from the prying eyes of everyone, saw her master's message and got ready quickly.

She even if didn't like her condition, she had adjusted herself as per situation and she also liked the erotic time she spent with her master, which she obviously won't accept.

Also she knew, that in the end her fate was sealed with her Master...then isn't it better to have a place in Alex's heart rather than becoming his slave?

Soon Alex messaged her once again, saying he was outside her room.

Shirley without wasting any time went out and bowed to her Master, Alex was pleased seeing Shirley's attitude, as it had taken lot of fucking on his part, to make her this obedient.

Of course Alex was also pleased to see Shirley's naked back and ass, which he started groping in no time, causing her to moan, while Carla besides him frowned in jealously.

She took Alex's other hand and placed it on her huge ass above her tight pant, as if saying that she was the real deal and Shirley was useless.

Alex took this chance and directly pushed his hand inside Carla's pant, bypassing her thong, taking in the shape of her butt directly.

This way, all three of them went towards their seat, Alex's hands not for a second left their asses, even though it was in public Alex liked showing his possessiveness and soon in Athena's presence meeting started, who disappeared soon after.

Albert, Billy and Jonathan who was Alex's cousin were also in the meeting, seated at some corner all alone, no one tried to associate with them.

Albert and Billy could only watch as their mother's asses were being played by Alex in public.

Billy was actually very confused as he knew that with the protection here in the meeting, his mother could get out of Alex's clutches but she didn't do anything other than, biting her lips trying to hold back her moans, as Alex played with her body.

This time Alex wasn't the one who started talking but was some other very concerned looking milf.

While worry etched on her mature face as she held both of her hands in front of her breasts, she looked cute.

"E-Everyone, I am Jennifer Moore, my son Jemmy is missing since last few hours, I can't find him... if anyone knows about him then please tell me"

'What a good mother, so one of those boys' names is jemmy huh.'

Soon three more milfs said the same thing, their worries evident.

"Aunties, I think I know where your sons actually I'm the one who kidnapped them" said Alex from his seat calmly as if he was speaking about having a tea.

"Where is my Dan? and why did you kidnap him? " asked one of the women, hearing Alex she was beyond afraid, as his hardwork had paid off in making most of the women here disgusted and afraid of him.

"I'm carrying him in my pocket hahaha" said Alex laughing on his own joke, " Cough cough, I am still working on my sense of humor...anyway your kids are in my room locked and...well... at least alive, so if you want them back then come to my room after meeting, as for what they did you don't need to know. "

One of Alex's classmates stood up and indignantly said, " Shame on you Alex, how can you blackmail your classmates' mothers like this, you are really a depraved bastard who has crossed every boundaries. "

"Hey hey, I am not blackmailing these aunties, I am only telling them that their sons are hanging out at my place, and if you are that brave then why don't you visit my place? I really wonder how your mother looks under all those clothes" said Alex looking at boy's mother, nice ass not bad.

Hearing Alex's depraved reply the boy didn't say anything, even if he said this, he was very afraid of Alex making his move on his mother, he knew going to Alex was like going into tiger's den.

Grace who was sitting besides Nathan was glad, seeing that Alex was taking revenge for her, another women was also seated beside Nathan who was his new women.

Arisu and Samuel were also there with other two women, she was showing everyone that as a Grejoy, she wasn't out of the Game yet, but as she looked at Alex she really wanted to kill him now.

Other boys and women looked at these four women as if they were really pitiful, these women themself felt that their condition couldn't be worse.

"Oh wait, I can actually give them back to you if you want" said Alex looking at four women, as if to prove them wrong.

"H-How?, I can do anything just let my son and me go" said one of the women.

"I can... if you entertain me enough... like playing a small game... if you win, I will let your son go and of course I won't touch you either"

"I am ready to play this game! just let jemmy go" said Jennifer, the one who spoke earlier, after her, remaining women also nodded.

"Good, Good then why are you all still dressed, get ready for game and take off your clothes" said Alex loudly, making everyone in the hall stunned.

"W-What do you mean? Didn't you say you will let us go? " asked layla stuttering, one of the four women.

"I did? I think I just said I won't touch you" said Alex, as he used an artifact in his hand to project something.

They were sons of these women, but their condition was horrific, it seemed like they had gone through some brutal torture, blood was dripping out of their wounds, while their faces were swollen black and blue.

Seeing their sons in such a condition these women were beyond terrified, tears fell from their eyes , they turned to Alex with anger.

"You monster what have you done to them?! "

"Please don't hurt my son"

"Let my son go otherwise I will make sure you die horribly! "

"Let my child go, I beg you"

"See, aunties it's no use begging me, you can save your son if you win the game...but it's different matter if you won't play" hearing Alex all four of them understood that, Alex was forcing them to do something humiliating and depraved.

But they didn't have any choice, so with heavy heart everyone of them agreed and started removing their dresses.

"Wait! you don't need to remove everything, keep your undergarments on" said Alex while rubbing his hands, copying the persona of a lascivious young master.

Soon skirts, blouses, shirts, pants fell on the ground, as four luscious half-naked bodies in underwears came into the view of everyone.

As they had already given birth, they had full hips and quite a good size of bust, even though all of these women were only C graded, they were all beauties.

Alex looked at four women, from 'eyes of truth' he knew their names, they were Jennifer, Layla, Maria and Lucy.

"Now dear audience and my contestants! I will tell you all about the game, that I have designed, I hope everyone will enjoy it, " said Alex, taking the role of host.

"As for our contestants, they are Jennifer, the wife of the head of Glory Group.... " from then on Alex explained identities of these four women patiently.

He even gave enthusiastic comments about their face, body and character.

"Now my contestants, pay attention to me, your today's host! Only one of you will be the winner of this game and that winner will have complete freedom, she can save her son and leave" explained Alex.

"What about those who loose? " asked Layla, she was tallest among all four of them and had blue hair which may be was dyed, but it looked sexy with her matching underwear.

"Those who loose will get nothing, their sons will be in my captivity as my slaves forever, until I break them with torture and you who loose will also become my slaves" said Alex laughingly.

He gave all women a system contract paper, which couldn't be defied.

Seeing this all women were relieved and at the same time afraid, when they read the clause that if they lost, they will become Alex's slaves in exchange of lessening their sons' torture.

These women's eyes now changed as they understood that they will have to win now at any cost. As, if they lost then they will loose everything.

"Seems, the thirst for victory is now burning in all of yours' hearts, let's directly go to the round 1"

"Yes! There will be two rounds. The first one will be to choose finalists who will compete for their freedom. "

"So I will now tell you all about round 1"

Alex then went on the stage and beckoned all four women to follow him, which they did, he then took out four pills from his inventory.

"These are aphrodisiac pills, in first round you four will compete against each other individually, your goal will be to make your opponent orgasm, the one who orgasms first will obviously loose and will be eliminated. "

"Now! Before we start the round we will have to decide, who will be who's opponent? and after that you all will take these aphrodisiac pills, which will increase your body's sensitivity. " explained Alex to four women like a proficient host that he was.

These women who expected something humiliating were still disgusted, surprised and shocked as they understood the gravity of what they will need to do.

But even if they didn't want to, they didn't have any choice and their dignity now was second matter for them, as loosing here will be like loosing themselves and everything that they have, because they had already signed the contract.