Albert's Helplessness

Alex looked around the audience, not a single one of them cheered, women were glaring at him in rage and humiliation while boys were busy staring at four women's sweaty nude bodies.

Alex chuckled he knew that after this show he will become a real villain among this group, but that's what he wanted.

He wanted all of his classmates and their mothers to hate him to the bone, that's when he will get the ultimate joy of stealing their mothers in front of them.

"The round 1 is over, the losers will become my slaves, as for victors they're free to leave once they get themselves back under their control"

"The next round will be tomorrow at the same time, same place, I expect all of my audiences tomorrow once again, for now we will wait for our victors to wake up and say two lines of inspiration!"

Alex announced the end of the round 1, there were only 10 minutes remaining for the end of the meeting, but still both Jennifer and Layla looked nothing more than bitches in heat.

Time went on and the one who spoke was Arisu Takahashi, the sexy vixen that Alex found interesting, "Everyone, only few minutes are remaining till the meeting end, after that we will all loose protection of Godess, and will be vulnerable to devious schemes of this monster, I suggest we leave right away. "

'She saw through me huh, I wanted to catch at least few bunnies in my trap, but seems my trap was immobilized' Alex thought as his slaves were all ready, to move once meeting ended.

Everyone hearing what Arisu said frowned, they also understood what she was saying, some of the boys wanted to gang up on Alex.

But they were also pulled away by their mothers, who were now really afraid of falling into Alex's evil clutches.

Seeing the hall deserted in just a minute, Alex chuckled loudly, "Tsk Tsk, that foreign bitch is really something huh. "

He then told Carla, to take his new slaves, to her room, where he will examine them more.

After some time, the first one to wake up was Layla, even though she was having a burning feeling from all over her body, she tried to control herself.

She opened her eyes, rubbing her long eyelashes slightly, she looked at the most handsome person she had ever seen, who was before her.

"At last you woke up, Congratulations you won! " she heard him saying and then remembered that she was playing a depraved game on the whim of this same man.

Tears flowed through her eyes, as relief, hate, embarrassment and remnants of her lust washed over her, these conflicting feelings made her unable to process anything.

Jennifer also woke up in few dozens of seconds, she was also greeted the same way Layla was, but she didn't cry or anything, she just looked at Alex.

"What about next round, when and what will it be? " she asked, something that Layla should have been concerned about.

"Round 2 will be in tomorrow's meeting, you will know about it at that time, for now get back to your rooms and stay safe, if you face any issues contact me through this, I won't have my contestants facing any problems. "

Alex said handing over the device that was like phone to each of them.

Hearing Alex, both Jennifer and Layla woke up with shaking legs, and slowly walked toward their rooms, once they were gone Alex went to Carla's room.

Door was not closed, but when he entered the room, scene in front of him shocked him in interest, as it seemed that Carla and her son Albert were quarreling about something.

"He is going to be your father, you shouldn't say things... " Carla said.

"That's the truth mom, he is monster and he is just greedy over your body, and I don't want us to associate with him" yelled Albert

"That's not it Albert! " This time Carla said in the loud voice.

"It is, and now choose, choose between me and him, you will not be my mom if you choose him now" Albert said, his eyes were now slightly red.

Alex looked at Carla who was having difficulty handling this situation, Alex hadn't fucked her yet, so she still loved her son, even if she wasn't showing it.

Alex decided to butt in, as he walked towards Carla, "Albert... don't put your mother in such a situation... she can't choose between one of us" he stood besides Carla.

"Shut up you asshole! she is my mom and she will obviously choose me! " said Albert pointing his finger at himself.

"That's not what I mean poor Albert, your mom... she can't choose because she doesn't have authority for that...not anymore..." he said, as he ripped apart Carla's tight pants, making Albert stunned.

"... Because she is already my slave now, " ending his words with a tearing sound of Carla's top and bra.

Carla who was going through scenario was also beyond shocked, she didn't even feel it when Alex threw away her thong, making her completely nude.

Carla sure loved Alex, and she even was ready to willingly, become his slave, but she didn't want this, she loved her son and hoped that Albert will go on his own path as she spends her life with her husband.

But Alex who wasn't privy to her thoughts, ordered Shirley, "Immobilize him Shirley", Shirley followed as she pushed Albert on the chair and bound him with a rope, she had already learnt basic martial arts, so her strength was lot more than previously.

As for Alex, he now attacked Carla with every weapon in his arsenal, he pushed his hand inside her pussy, while his mouth fell upon Carla's, stopping any words she wanted to say.

As for his remaining hand it moved towards her huge breasts, but as Carla was taller than him Alex decided to bring his battle on the bed.

He swiftly picked up Carla and threw her on the bed, turning to Albert, "You wanted to know right? to whom your beloved mom belongs, then look clearly"

Alex also pounced on Carla with vigor as his hands roamed all over Carla's body, fondling her huge breasts, molding them into shapes he desired, while kissing her body all over.

Carla who was under Alex's assaults didn't make any move, as if she had given up.

Alex who wasn't keen on stopping exploring Carla's pussy with his fingers, while his other hand explored her slightly tanned skin.

"Ah~" Carla under his assaults soon started moaning softly, this melody turning into a tragic rhyme in Albert's eyes, who saw his mother not even trying to resist Alex's advances.

When Alex felt that Carla was sufficiently wet, he brought his cock in front of pussy, "See clearly Albert this is the cock, to which your mom belongs, she never was yours and never will be. "

Alex said and pushed his cock all the way to the womb of Carla, and started moving inside her"Ohhh... Ah~".

Tight Carla who felt her vaginal walls expanding after 17 years, felt a pleasure that she didn't know she could achieve.

To make her experience more pleasurable, her pussy juices gushed out without stop, lubricating Alex's dick making it easier for him to ram himself inside her.

While Alex was railing Carla with his cock, he also kept fondling her huge breasts. Carla, who for the first time was feeling this pleasure, felt as if she was in heaven.

She had forgotten about her son already, for her now the man who was fucking her was everything, she looked at Alex's handsome visage.

She remembered, once upon a time when she was just a kid, her mother had told her that someday there will be a man who will come in her life, he will take away all of her hardships and pain.

Giving her love and pleasure she will never forget, she looked into Alex's eyes, Alex looked back when their gaze met, he said, "Carla, I love you. "

These were the words that broke Carla's last dam, she now wanted nothing more than to feel him inside her.

She wanted to feel his strong and possessive hands on her skin, on her body. She loved it when he groped her breasts, she loved it when he kissed her, she loved everything about him.

Feeling overwhelming feelings, Carla for now forgot about Albert who was wrapped up just in front of her, and pulled her body from the bed bringing her lips to Alex's.

She said with her eyes filled with love and desire, "I love you too Alex " she started a passionate kiss, that she will never forget, unloading all of her life, everything she desired in this kiss.

For now in her world there were only two people she herself and her lover Alex who she loved with no bounds.

Feeling Carla's wild tongue inside his mouth, Alex laughed inwardly, 'As I thought this women is not normal, her life has done some serious damage to her'.

Albert who looked at his mother initiating a passionate kiss on her own after declaring her love for the man he hated the most, he felt like dying.

He not for a moment had thought what will happen if his mother chose Alex over him, because he never thought she will abandon him.

She had never left him behind, even when he couldn't talk and walk, even when she was facing the real hell in her life, she stood in front of all those calamities, while protecting him in her bosom.

But now... now she left him all alone for some other guy, who doesn't even care about her, she abandoned him when he thought about it the least.

His tears flowed as his helplessness multiplied, he heard Alex's maid talking beside him, "It's useless Albert... your mom... she won't come back to you now...Alex is not someone who can be defeated... he has all of us in his palms...for him we are just pawns... pawns for his entertainment and victory... I lost to him, as did your mom... in front of him we can only be his playthings"

Albert heard Shirley, as he looked at his mother, who was now begging Alex to fuck her harder, her proud visage replaced by her flushed face, as she moaned loudly like a bitch.

His tears stopped, as he accepted... he never stood a chance, he had lost everything, everything he owned, despair engulfed him as he now looked on unblinking as Alex fucked his mother again and again until she collapsed.