Stage 3 End

It was already evening when Argol woke up, Alia did soon after.

Not seeing Alex around both of them panicked, especially Alia who was now almost crying.

"Alex!... my Alex!... where is my Alex! " she cried while holding onto huge Argol, who was also panicking.

She couldn't believe that the women that was possibly even stronger than her was crying like a kid, but main issue was that Argol couldn't understand what Alia was saying! .

So she tried to soothe Alia in all ways, but failed.

But soon Alia who was bawling her eyes out heard Alex's voice, "Don't cry Princess, I am already back at my room, now get ready this whole tribe will move towards red spot. "

Alia stopped crying as she wiped her eyes, "Meanie Alex, I will bite you to death! " she then pouted, ignoring Alex's words for a while.

But soon she got pacified and went out of tent with Argol, Alex had already told her that the tribe will move along with her.

Orcs actually had already found a bridge, which was a little far away from there.

A wooden mannequin was soon arranged for Alia, on Argol's orders as she knew that Alia was something like Shaman, and her physical abilities were not that high.

Like this the tribe of nearly 100 Orcs moved.

Actually this wasn't all of Argol's tribe but a part of it, as this Stage only allowed her to bring hundred of them here and some of them were killed by Alia.

Like this Orcs travelled throughout the night as Alex guided them with a map.

During this trip Argol showed an interest in learning human language to be able to converse with her mate more easily and she also wanted to have a talk with Alia, who was now supposedly her big sister.

Alia was feeling very pleased and prideful seeing Argol acting like a servant to her, to which Alex explained and then she understood what Argol was saying.

Time passed but at the midnight Alex called Alia who was sleeping soundly, "Alia wake up, one of the women is around there, ".

Alia even though didn't want to woke up groggily and explained the position Alex had told her to Argol in Orcish.

All Orcs quickly surrounded the tree on which the women was taking rest, but then Argol did a little work of it and pulled the tree down along with that asleep women.

This mature mother started crying and shrieking as she saw a group of monsters around her, who threw her in a cage, as if she was some kinda animal.

From there on the tribe continued the journey like nothing happened. Alex's plan was now to catch all of these women and send them to him.

He now even theorized that perhaps he could teleport Argol too as his own women, may be those extra containers really were for these foreign race women.

Yes Argol was not the only women in her tribe, there were several, among them most were like average Orcs savage and monstrous, but only one women was upto Argol's beauty.

She was also a strong warrior and Argol's right hand, Alex also wanted to fuck her and make her fall for him, but he didn't have enough time.

But now he was contemplating on hunting down these tribal women, who as well were bound to be beauties.

Basically, Alex wants his own Orc Harem!

But to decide that he first needed to reach to the Rule Container which he will make sure that none will have in their hands.

Like this days passed and nothing interesting happened, Orcs were a strong race, and had high stamina so they didn't need much rest and could travel all the time.

Because of this the tribe soon reached to the red spot, without a doubt Alia was the first women Alex's world to come here.

But just as Alia was going to check on the Rule Container, a notification popped up in front of Alex.

[ Congratulations! Player Nathan Miller is the first one to clear Stage 3! ]

Notification said and disappeared, 'Damn, this guy is sure lucky to get there this quick, ' thought Alex.

But for now he ignored this after telling Alia about it, who didn't think much, as they had their own Rule Container now.

Alia then first told Orcs to shove three women they had caught on the roadside into normal containers, for Alex to claim.

Then, as per Alex's instructions she told Argol to maintain a tight defense around here so that no one can use the Rule Container.

Alex now was thinking about claiming at least one more tribe for himself.

He knew that these tribes weren't here for just a show, they'll be useful for him in a long run, so he wanted to not loose anything he could get his hands on.

So after telling Argol about Clara who might come here later, Alia left towards another red spot, this was the direction to which Nathan's women had ran to.

Yes, Nathan somehow hadn't used Grace in this Stage, perhaps he was afraid of loosing her here, 'It would have been great to fuck her while Nathan watches all that happening from the screen. '

Alex used an Agility Card on Alia which he had gotten from one of those three women, it only took a slight threat of rape from Orcs to make their sons give up all of their cards.

With Agility Card Alia's speed rose by five times and soon the morning of next day came and Alia was once again at a shore of a new river.

She now started running as per the flow looking for the bridge and this time her luck was very good, she once again found a pond of water!

Alex almost facepalmed when he saw Alia undressing once again to bath in pond.

But this time no one attacked her and her bathing time was peaceful.

After that she found a bridge and crossed across, now directly running towards the red spot, she only stopped when she saw a Orc roaming around in very near vicinity of red spot.

But this Orc was different from green Orcs of Argol's tribe, their skin was grey colored unlike thag of Argol's green color.

Alex now was sure that there is a tribe around and they must be camping at the red spot, to eliminate upcoming women.

Alex now really wondered how Nathan had managed to pass through them all, may be he had somehow conquered this tribe leader?

But soon his conjectures were proved wrong as a two and half meter tall grey Orc stood before Alia with two massive axes in both of her hands.

Her eyes held a dangerous glint and she similarly like Argol was a A graded women, her grey colored skin suited very well to her scanty black colored leather fabric she had wrapped around her body.

As for her body just like Argol it was muscle packed and looked hard, while her milk jugs and hips were also huge, same as her thick thighs and bulky arms, but her face was also nice even though it held a dangerous predatory gaze.

Alia issued a challenge to this Orc on behalf of Alex, the Orc accepted and a fight occured.

Soon the Orc named Skarsnaga fell on the ground, Alex this time didn't use any fancy moves on his side, which could damage her, as he still wanted to fuck her.

He roughly carried her huge body towards the biggest tent there was.

"Let my sister go wicked human! " yelled one of the Orcs.

Alex looked back after throwing Skarsnaga aside, he quickly plummeted the guy who dared to go against him to the death.

Only stopping when Skarsnaga who apparently had regained her consciousness begged for him to stop.

"Okay, I will let him go, if you become my slave, " said Alex to Skarsnaga, who felt humiliated as being a slave is disgrace for a warrior, but she for her brother abided.

Alex then fucked her brains out with his huge cock, in front of all of her tribe members, while cumming loads of his semen inside her, till she fainted, even then Alex didn't stop and raped this huge Orc with his giant cock.

Once she woke up again she was now totally in love with Alex, which Alex used to command remaining Orcs to do his deed, he ordered them to capture as many women as possible and transport them to Argol.

Alex also came back to his small dark room after telling Skarsanaga to follow Alia while her tribe under her brother's rule would catch human women.

As per Skarsnaga there was one more tribe of Orcs near this place, which was now Alia's targeted location.

Skarsnaga also told Alex about a women on a huge wolf who just luckily managed to get inside the Rule Container while being chased by her tribe, which must have been Nathan's second women.

Alia then followed directions and soon was upon the location of the next tribe, she once again challenged the Chieftess who was also like Argol and Skarsnaga, charming and deadly, but in front of Alex she also fell, her name was Mursha.

Alex then took Mursha into her tent and railed her pussy while sitting on her own throne, making her fall in love with him as well completely.

He then ordered her tribe members the same way he did with Skarsnaga's tribe and surprisingly her tribe members had already caught two human women, but both of them weren't in good condition.

Alex ordered Mursha to wash these women after which Alex also creampied both of them claiming them as his slave women and decided to send them to Argol.

Both of these women looked at Alex as if he was their saviour and showed their unbound love and loyalty to him through their actions.

Like this Alia travelled in a whole circle catching different tribe Chieftessess and Alex then fucked them into submission, bringing them into his Orc Harem.

During this time Arisu had already taken a Rule Container for herself, while that Sasha Raymond who tried to attack Alia also got one for herself, as a professional assassin this much was expected.

Soon other Rule Container was also taken by a lucky women, who managed to get out of Alex's grasp and all remaining women now started travelling towards last remaining Rule Container where different Orc tribes were waiting for them with a trap to shove them inside normal containers.

When Alia was back at the place Argol was staying, she saw Carla who was also there.

Both women hugged each other tightly, they missed each other.

In total Alex had caught 19 human women who were mothers of his classmates and 11 Orc beauties were now inside his Orc Harem including Argol.

Looking at these wild beauties who held Alex in admiration and love, Alex knew that his dream of having his own Harem army of only Orc beauties wasn't far away.

He told all the Chieftessess including Argol to get into normal containers.

These lovestruck Orcs did so without hesitation even though they cared about their tribe it was miniscule in comparison to their love for Alex.

Once they were gone, now only Alia, Carla and remaining Orcs were there.

Alex didn't like the idea of having even a single man inside his army, so he kicked all of male Orcs out, by choosing one Chief among them and telling some bullshit about victory.

Alex took all remaining female Orcs in a Card, that was made to hold living beings, this Card had some limitations but Alex didn't want to throw these females away.

After that Carla also got into one of the normal containers followed by Alia who used the Rule Container to teleport to Alex's room.

The total gain Alex got from this Stage 3 was 357 women, including 19 humans and 11 Chieftessess.

Alex was satisfied with this as he also disappeared from the dark room, in which he was in for last few days, signifying the end of the Stage 3.