Ntring whole Satou family

Alex looked at Kana whose back arched up, as she cummed loudly inside Izumi's mouth. 

"Go, join them my Kotomi, " Said Alex to the Kotomi who was still dazed with a creampie in her asshole. 

Like a submissive pet, she did as Alex told her to, joining her granddaughter and daughter-in-law in pleasuring Kana. 

Sora, Daichi and Daisuke watched in anger and humiliation as the women who were closest to them were now engaged in the carnal act of exhibitionism. 

Sora couldn't believe that even his mother, who always looked grand and lofty was now moaning while getting her pussy pleasued like a whore. 

Alex seeing that optimal damage was done, didn't waste his time, he went into the all-female orgy and poistioned Kana's anus on his huge dick. 

Kana's asshole was already lubricated and ready to be fucked, Izumi could even push three of her fingers inside it. 

But just as Alex was about to push inside Kana's asshole, he felt two pairs of hands around his neck, circling it gently. 

"Alex... Make me your women as well, love me, " Said Sasori with shyness, stunning her husband Sora. 

Sora had thought that Sasori already had sex with Alex, but now he came to know that she was still pure, but it was useless as his women was now asking for another man to fuck her in front of her own husband. 

"Hehe as you wish Sasori, " Said Alex as he kissed Sasori for the first time. 

Sasori's lips were soft and tasty like cherry, her waist was slim and her ass was wide, thin fabric of her long skirt was bypassed by Alex as his hand latched onto her bare ass below her panty. 

"Alex~ you're naughty... " Blushed Sasori feeling her ass being squeezed. 

"Say you love me, " Alex said pulling back from the kiss and Yui had already taken her place beside her mother in Alex's embrace, while Kana was feeling sexually frustrated with her naked ass pointing high. 

Sasori understood what Alex wanted to do, " I love you Alex-Sama, " She said confidently. 

"I also love you Alex-Sama! " Chimed in Yui. 

Sora was heartbroken as he felt a sharp pain in his heart, the pain was even more than when Kana betrayed him. 

At the moment when he lost Sasori and Yui, he understood how precious they were to him. 

He had taken them for granted, he had never thought that one day he will loose them. 

"Sasori! I'm sorry, please come back to me... " He begged, but was ignored by Sasori for whom his existence was as low as a bug. 

"Sasori, you promised to be with me forever! Don't you remember the day we held Yui in our hands, wasn't that our happiest moment, come back we will have our family back, that man will leave you behind, he is a scumbag! " Sora tried to persuade.

Sasori looked at Sora as if he was garbage, " Not everyone is like you, even if Alex-Sama doesn't love me, I do! He is a million times better than a trash like you, you're simply disgrace of a human! " Said Sasori as she once again turned to Alex. 

She removed her blouse and skirt bringing her naked scar filled body in front of Alex. 

She came to Alex and said with tears and embarrassment, " I'm used and am not pure, but still please take care of me and my daughter."

Alex smiled as he used 'Minor heal' on Sasori, " You don't need to feel bad for these scars, they are what made you, but now its time for you to forget them. "

Sasori was stunned to tears as her scars slowly disappeared bringing back her smooth beautiful body. 

Alex didn't let Sasori admire her body as he positioned her beside Kana, pointing her ass at him as well. 

"Sasori, Kana kiss each other, " Ordered Alex. 

Both women felt weird as they both hated each other to the core, Sasori even wanted to tear down Kana. 

But Kana who was sexually frustrated didn't think anymore, she pressed her mouth on Sasori's as at last she got what she needed. 

Alex pushed his dick inside Kana's asshole till the end, there was no waiting just fucking. 

His other hand's middle finger went inside Sasori's virgin anus, it was hella tight similar to that of Kana's which was also a virgin hole. 

Sasori feeling Alex's fingers inside her asshole, felt weird from inside, but she didn't say anything, she knew that today she will loose her anal virginity and will become Alex's women. 

Alex didn't disappoint Sasori as next moment he took out his cock and went inside her pussy, fucking her vagina till she moaned loudly in orgasm. 

Alex didn't stop fingerfucking Kana's cunt as he now arranged Sasori above Kana, making it easier for him to access her asshole. 

He slowly pushed his cock inside Sasori's virgin anal canal, expanding it till it completely accomodated his cock. 

Sasori felt happy and fulfilled as she felt that from now on Alex was her man, he had even taken her virginity. 

"I love uwu Alex-Sama~" She moaned as Alex moved inside her anus, her anal walls tried to massage his meat stick in every possible way to milk him out. 

Alex truly didn't stop until he had creampied Sasori, his next target was now Kana. 

But he didn't fuck her yet, he made her lie in front of Sasori's pussy to lick his cum out. 

As from behind he pushed his dick inside her pussy, fucking her until she cummed thrice before Alex creampied her as well. 

After few more rounds even Yui, Kotomi, Izumi and Asami joined into the fun as Alex fucked them each in front of their family members, who were heart broken hearing virtuous women of their family moaning like wenches in tavern. 

Not a single hole was spared as Alex cummed in each hole at least once only stopping when moon was up in the sky and all women were soaked into their juices and Alex's semen, falling into the pudle of honey they themself secreted. 

The night was up and Alex also had one more org-...party to attend. 

So he for one last time gave everyone in Satou family a chance of reunion, as Sasori was given all of the property of Satou family. 

Alex also wanted to fuck wives of Sasori's brothers as well as her mother who also lived in the village, but he was too busy now, so he ordered Sasori to take special care of her family. 

"As you say Alex-Sama, I will train them in the way that those women won't disappoint you, " Affirmed Sasori, she knew how much of a pervert Alex was, how could he keep his hands away from her family? 

Sasori promised that she will train every women in this village for Alex. 

After being creampied by Alex, she had become his devout follower! 

Alex smiled and left directly, this time he was alone, he didn't bring any women with him back to the city. 

He directly went to the resort's parking lot, it was already 11 pm at night nearly. 

Alex got out of his car and threw the car key at one of the female security guards standing there. 

Aled had already fucked these women, so these women looked at him in affection and love. 

Alex smiled at everyone and used the lift to go to the topmost hall, where party for Hikari's farewell was arranged. 

And as soon as he came out of the lift, he saw some women who were Hotel's stafff carrying something in plastic bags. 

These women were wearing mask and handgloves as if they were removing garbage. 

One of the women almost bumped into Alex, " Ahh, Master I'm sorry... " The women said, as whatever she was carrying fell down, the other women who was holding 'that thing' also let it go. 

Alex knew her, as she was one of the staff girls who worked alongside Midori on reception desk. He had seen her on the first day of coming here. 

"What are you two carrying? " Asked Alex. 

"These people were drugged we are throwing them out... " Said the women. 

"What the fuck?! " Alex was shocked, but he then remembered that he had given some drugs and aphrodisiacs to Hikari and Junko. 

Alex understood that Hikari and Junko had drugged all of the businessmen and their families here. 

All men were being thrown out somewhere, like trash, while their women were being ripened up for Alex to fuck! 

Alex quickly went inside the hall where he found all of his women busy in handling these drugged women, who were swaying left and right in daze. 

"Alex! Thank god you are here, the drug you gave was just too strong, most women are about to fall asleep, " Said Hoshino who saw Alex entering the hall. 

"Close the door, I will only be out in morning, " Said Alex while loosening his tie. 

Alex then went to Hikari who was entertaining one of the drugged women with a glass of wine in hand. 

Alex hugged Hikari as he kissed her lips in front of everyone and then asked her about the situation. 

The women who was talking to Hikari was stunned, but she didn't think much as her head was hurting somehow and she was feeling dizzy, if not for Hikari's insistance she would have left the party already. 

"Son, these are all the women in upper echleon of this city's management, most of them are wives of businessmen and government officials, and some of them hold influential positions themselves, they have already been drugged, this will make it easier for you to brainwash them, " Said Hikari without stopping, she wanted to be praised by Alex. 

"Good work mom, you are the best! " Said Alex giving Hikari a passionate kiss, that involved tongues and caressing of Hikari's ass. 

Alex thanked Hikari genuinely, as he next turned to all the women in the hall, many of them were on the verge of fainting. 

On Alex's orders, sprinklers in the room started working as, it contained liquid aphrodisiac which Alex once used to fuck lots of his classmates' mothers. 

But this orgy was on even larger scale than that, there were hundreds of women, young, middle aged and old at the same time. 

Every female was wearing gorgeous and beautiful clothes, along with the make-up that made them look beautiful, but in Alex's eyes all of them were sexy and hot babes ready to be his. 

He was going to control this city, by making these women his, he will somehow arrange for these women to kill-off their husbands or manipulate them to take-over their positions and power. 

Alex was thinking this as women in the hall started panicking, their expensive dresses were being corroded and were disappearing from the existence, bringing their naked fuckable bodies out in open. 

Alex licked his lips while looking at these beauties, most of the women here were beautiful, they had nice figures, milkable breasts and fuckable hips. 

Alex first decided to taste some virgin cunt so he picked up the youngest girl in the hall, which had already fallen in the aftermath of aphrodisiac. 

This girl was moaning softly while caressing her virgin slit, not knowing what was happening with her. 

Her mother who should have told her this, was herself busy in fondling her own breasts. 

Alex didn't wait for foreplay as he directly brought this girl to his cock, his clothes were thrown away by him before. 

The aphrodisiacs effect was great, every women who looked at Alex felt their womb burning with a sensation of craving, they wanted to feel what the girl in Alex's hands was going to feel. 

"If you want my dick, then give me a show! " Ordered Alex as he next took this girl's virginity by destroying her hymen. 

These women were feeling something weird but they were proud and strong women, how could they lower themself in such a carnal humiliating act? 

This mentality only worked for some time, as next hundreds of naked bodies fell on each other's, sounds of wet kissing, pussy licking, fingerfucking was heard all over.

This was melody for Alex who now had enough of this girl in his hand, he cummed inside this young girl's womb marking her his. 

Next he went inside the biggest group of women, who were trying to pleasure themselves to orgasm but couldn't. 

Seeing Alex was like seeing an oasis in the desert for these women, they stopped their useless work and went to Alex's cock. 

The fastest women was able to take Alex's whole girth inside her mouth, while second-runners had to be satisfied with his balls, while other women started kissing his body all over. 

Alex picked the cutest young girl from this group who also seemed to be virgin and sealed her lips in a kiss while feeling the pleasure of being taken care of by so many beauties. 

Other women also approached Alex, as he was now inside the sea of women, who wanted to feel his semen inside them. 

Alex laughed as he then fucked each and everyone of the women here, making them all fall in love with him. 

It was only in late morning when Alex came out of the sea of fainted women with his jizz inside their cunts, everyone was sleeping peacefully. 

Outside, all of Alex's previous women were waiting, as Junko gave Alex a robe to cover his body. 

But Alex threw it away and took Junko in the kiss. 

"What Junko? Don't you want to have sex with me, now that I'm leaving? " Asked Alex. 

"N-No that's not it Master, rather I will be the happiest women to get a chance to feel your love, " Said Junko with affectionate look, her love for Alex was unbound, even death was simple matter in comparison to Alex for her. 

"Good, " Said Alex as he next made love to everyone of his women here. 

In this orgy Midori, Hoshino, Akiko, Junko, his other women and all of resort female staff was included, these women already loved Alex and after this lovesharing their affection only intensified. 

It was in the afternoon when this marathon of non-stop sex stopped. 

Alex sat on his throne in the main hall, as if he was the emperor and all of the women who had taken their seats were his subjects. 

These women who belonged to high-end families who themself owned a lot of power and prestige in upper society sat before Alex with love struck expression. 

His each movement and word was ingrained by them as if it was a gospel of Gods for them. 

These women didn't have even an inch of fabric on them, but their royal and formidable aura couldn't be hidden. 

They sat as if they were queens of their own world, trying to please their supreme emperor by their coquettish charm and beauty.

Alex looked at everyone, these were all of his women, that he had marked as his after coming to this city, their numbers were already reaching half thousand! 

All of the powerful women in city, Junko's resort's female staff, Satou family and any women that Alex fucked just for timepass was here. 

"From today onwards all of you are tasked with complete take-over of this city, your mission is to create a stronghold for me here. Kobayashi Junko will manage my harem here after I leave for the Capital today, " Said Alex as after that a nice party issued. 

Many women did various things trying to please Alex, some danced, some sang while some drew his drawings. Everyone did their best to make Alex look at them. 

Alex even got lots of parting gifts, which he accepted graciously, it was evening when he became ready to leave. 

Hoshino had already left for Hayashi Clan along with Akiko who was going to be her support in this war of succession, which was going to restart. 

Yaeko and Keiko were sent back to the city where Alex was first summoned to, Keiko was going to divorce her husband, because she didn't want Alex to misunderstand that her feelings for him were shallow. Alex didn't say anything as he didn't care. 

So, now with Alex in the royally designed car were Hikari, Airi, Kahori and her daughter Kaede. 

Kahori was teaching Kaede how to give a proper blowjob, by giving a practical lesson. 

Alex was leaning back on his seat as Hikari fed him apple pie, mouth to mouth. 

Airi who was driving the car felt jealous of women who were having fun with Alex. She wanted to kiss him as well like Hikari was doing. 

Alex wasn't bored at all as he had three beautiful women to play with. 

Kaede with her young and Virgin body along with her pure personality. Kahori with mature sexy body along with her motherly personality. Also Hikari the hot and beautiful Gilf who loved Alex wholeheartedly. 

Alex didn't take Kaede's virginity yet, because he wanted to save it for some special occasion, he wanted to take her virginity in front of Kazuma. 

But now, Kahori and Airi couldn't keep up with Alex in sex, so he decided to make Kaede his as well.