Truth or Dare

"I say let's play the Game of Truth Or Dare, after each round we will drink a glass of wine, those who faint, loose, " Said Alex. 

"Also here I got a lie detector, so we can know if someone is lying, " Completed Alex. 

"What kind of person keeps a lie detector on him? " Laughed Natsumi. 

"Well, I kinda wanted to experiment with this thing and it works! Isn't it better to play with this than getting bored sitting here, " Said Alex. 

"Nice idea! let's do this! " Said enthusiastic Shiro. 

"For making things interesting we can give any dare we want, of course just for fun. " Added Alex

"N-No! Let's not play this, this doesn't sound good right Ryota-kun? " Said Shiho. 

Ryota however looked dazed as he looked at beauties around Alex, his thoughts were clear. 

"Wait Shiho, I don't think this game is bad... Even Miss Kaede and others are ready to play, " Said Ryota to pacify Shiho. 

"Hehe, boys do you think I haven't see you guys looking at my women all the time, you even became sworn brothers with me, to get close to them, thinking I'm naive, " Said Alex with a smile. 

Shiro and Ren looked stunned for a moment, as Alex had said exactly what they were thinking. 

Looking at beauties like Kahori, Kaede, Airi and Hikari any man would turn devil, in comparison to their girlfriends these women were worlds apart. 

"That's not it, don't try to mess with us Alex, we thought you were a good man, but you had such thoughts all along, " Said Shiro he had just proposed to Miyo today he didn't want to break up with her this soon, not until... 

"Then let's do this, we can even disclose each other's truth through this game and what if I said, we can make one another give any kind of dare, if they can't say the truth. Anything is possible...even sexual... Doesn't that sound interesting?" Tempted Alex like a devil. 

"These boys are too young Alex, they aren't as brave as you, they are pathetic, " Said Airi to support Alex. 

"How dare you! I'm ready! " Said Ren, he looked like a stubborn man, but in the end he was just a pervert, trying to hide his real thoughts behind his stubborness. 

"Ren! What are you saying? " Natsumi was shocked. 

"Wait! Wait! I was just joking... This isn't as serious as you think, we are just messing around, you all must have already tried everything right? Isn't this play stimulating? " Asked Alex trying to rope in other participants.

He was using the trick of push and pull, he was acting as if he was overreacting, but in fact he was just setting the platform so that he can easily give those sexual dares to these college girls. 

"Umm... Natsu... I think its fine, it's just a little fun, we are still young, we don't get such chances a lot, and it's not cheating if our boyfriends allow us right? " Said Miyo trying to rationalize this, she didn't mind something sexual if it was with someone handsome like Alex. 

"Miyo, this guy is trying to sow discords between us, I only love you... But, if you are ready then I'm as well. " Shiro quickly helped his girlfriend in solidifying her statement. 

These horny boys simply had no conscience! 

Natsumi seemed close to Miyo as she as well was brought into the game next, even while hesitating. 

"What do you say Ryota? " Asked Alex to Ryota. 

"No! We are not playing, " Shiho was the one who anwered, she seemed to be talking now more than she did in entire conversation. 

After some talk, even Ryota agreed. 

"Join the game as well Shiho, it's just for fun... " Said Miyo. 

After that everyone tried to persuade her, but she wasn't ready but in the end even Alex and his four women joined in, so she had no choice but to join. 

"Let's enjoy the game then, I will spin the bottle whoever is pointed at will be asked Truth Or Dare, if the person choosee Truth then he/she has to say truth or if he/she couldn't then he/she can choose to do a Dare Or can directly do the Dare in first step, " Alex explained rules which were pushing a player to do Dare more. 

"Can I leave the game if I'm not comfortable with Dare? " Asked Shiho she was forced to play. 

"Of course you can... " Of course I won't let you, thought Alex inwardly. 

"There are in total 11 players so it's gonna be a long game, let's start, " Said Alex. 

The game started, bottle stopped as it pointed at Kaede. 

Shiho was the one who was supposed to question her, she chose the truth, he asked, " What is your real relationship with Alex? "

"He is my Onii-chan, " Answered Kaede quickly, there was no bing from lie detector. 

The next round started as it next stopped on Ryota. 

He chose truth once again, Kaede asked smiling, " How far have you gone with Shiho, Ryota-kun? " 

Ryota was shocked, he yet hadn't had a sex with Shiho, he decided to lie through this. 

But... He couldn't... He couldn't speak... He couldn't lie... , " We haven't had sex yet, " His voice though came out when he had a thought about saying truth. 

"What!? Shiho didn't you say you already did it with Ryota? " Asked Miyo, she was really curious. 

Shiho didn't say anything, but as everyone looked at Ryota as if he was some simp who couldn't even score a pussy, he said clearly, " She won't let me... Spin the bottle again! " He wanted to stop this conversation. 

Shiho looked hurt, her secret that she hadn't had sex with her boyfriend yet was revealed. 

"Wow, you people are interesting, everyone take a glass of wine, " Said Alex, as he first gulped down his glass. 

Others also followed, seeing that Alex had drunk the wine. 

Alex looked at these 6 young boys and girls, was their wine drugged? Of course it was!

Alex next spinned the bottle, as this time it stopped on Natsumi. 

She chose the truth, Ryota was now supposed to ask her a question, " How did you and Ren come together? Was it a love at first sight? " 

Time went on as this kind of bullshit questions kept being asked, dares given were also simple, like singing a song, etc.

But as rounds progressed three girls were now drugged nicely, while boys as well were slightly sluggish. Alex made sure that their drugs weren't that effective as girls', he wanted them to be sober enough to see everything helplessly. 

This was now Alex's turn to ask Miyo a question, " Do you like someone other than your fiance? Like a crush?"

Miyo blushed as she looked at Alex, she understood that Alex had taken the hint. 

After talking with Alex, she had developed a slight crush on him, he was so handsome and good-talker as well as rich! 

Miyo wanted to lie that she didn't, but she had come to know that she couldn't lie... She didn't want to break-up with her boyfriend so she chose Dare. 

Alex smiled, " Make-out with Natusumi in front of everyone. "

Shiro glared at Alex, " What kind of dare is this?! And Miyo do you have a crush on someone? I didn't know that, " He also asked Miyo clearly. 

" You can't decide whether she wanna do this dare or not Shiro, you aren't even her husband and you already want to control her, and Miyo if you are uncomfortable then you can leave the game. " Snorted Alex. 

"I don't have crush on anyone, I just wanted to try this dare, I don't mind kissing Natsu-chan. " Smiled Miyo, while giving some reason. 

She then went before Natsumi who was already slightly tipsy, from the start Natsumi had low alcohol control, so when Miyo's lips fell on here, she didn't even retaliate rather kissed Miyo back. 

Ren didn't say anything as he saw his girlfriend making out with his friend, the scene was sexy and hot. 

Miyo and Natsumi rubbed their lips on each other's while holding each other's faces, once in a while their tongues came out to greet one another's while creating a passionate erotic scene. 

The make-out session soon stopped, as Miyo and Natsumi visually became even closer, both of them sat beside each other while holding hands, their faces flushed with alcohol and the kiss they shared. 

Shiro glared at his fiancee but was ignored by Miyo, he knew Miyo was out of his league but still now that she had accepted his proposal shouldn't she show him some respect? Even when they were just dating Miyo would do whatever she wanted, Shiro could say nothing over it. 

The bottle then spinned as it stopped on Ren. 

Alex chose truth, as Ren asked, " How many girlfriends do you have? "

Alex thought for a moment and decided to do a dare. 

"Humph! He's just a scumbag, now as a dare kiss your mother, if you can't then leave the game, " Said Ren. 

Alex understood that Ren wanted to eliminate him from the game, by forcing him to do a dare like this, but for their shock Alex didn't say no. 

Rather he pulled Kahori who was sitting on the ground gracefully on his lap by holding her hips, taking her lips in a passionate French kiss. 

"You! " Ren was shocked seeing this, his heart ached as he saw the women on whom he had developed crush on being crushed by Alex. 

Alex stopped the kiss, as he looked at everyone, they were all shocked as they thought Alex and Kahori were blood related... It wouldn't have mattered for Alex, even if they were though. 

No one knew what to say to Alex, as game continued. 

"Hehe, we have special familial bond you see, right mother? " Asked Alex while nibbling on Kahori's lower lip. 

" Yes Alex... " Said Kahori with flushed face. 

Alex used the information he knew to force girls into compromising situations, while forcing boys to almost drop the game. 

Next the dare came upon Natsumi, when Miyo told her to kiss Alex. 

Natsumi even though was drugged didn't want to, but Alex quickly brought her in his arms, taking her by her lips. 

This was the longest kiss, Ren who was Natsumi's boyfriend was too stunned to say anything, as he saw his girlfriend's lips being devoured while Alex at the same time loosened her clothes. 

Alex used 'Touch of Ecstasy' as he made Natsumi cum on his lap, as her panties and shorts got completely wet. 

After the kiss, Natsumi had to remove her shorts in embarrassment as they had gotten really wet. 

Alex handed her a small blanket, which she took gratefully without seeming offended for the forceful kiss she had with Alex. 

Just then Ren stood up as he looked at Alex in anger. 

Alex knew what he was trying to say, he wanted to stop the game, but Alex didn't let him, he wasn't even allowed to say that. 

Ren tried to say, but soon was ignored as Alex spinned the bottle next, as it stopped on Hikari, who chose truth. 

These people hadn't yet found out that Hikari was the Hikari from Yamamoto Clan, as it was dark and they didn't even imagine someone like Hikari to be present near them. 

From here on the game became interesting as all three girls had become completely drugged their resistance was now negligible, as Alex and his women made them all completely naked, by giving them dares to strip piece by piece. 

Only Shiho was slightly resisting, but even she was now being kissing by Airi, she had gotten dare from Kaede for that.

Girls seemed to have low resistance to make-out with other females, and Alex was using that to his profit. 

Soon, all three girls became naked, while their boyfriends looked on in anger they couldn't do anything. 

Miyo had already abandoned her fiance, as Alex knew that she was even ready to throw away the blanket she was covering her body with to have sex with him. 

Her coquettish glances at him, as she licked her lips seductively at him was enough of a proof. 

Soon, Shiho chose truth and Alex asked her, " Are you virgin? "

Shiho was stunned but she rather than choosing dare, which will only land her in some compromising position, said " No. "

Even her boyfriend Ryota was shocked, he had thought that Shiho was virgin all along, as she always acted like one.

So, he started blaming her for being a whore. 

He was just indignant that she didn't let him fuck her. 

Everyone in these young kids' group had now turned on each other. 

By this game Ren had found out that his girlfriend Natsumi was cheating on him, with his own father. 

While on Alex's orders Hikari exposed that Shiho had lost her virginity in middle school, to her teacher. 

The relationship between Miyo and Shiro was over as some time later, she got the dare of giving a blowjob to Alex, which she did gladly, under almost crying eyes of her husband-to-be Shiro. 

Shiro, Ren and Ryota couldn't do anything as their girls slowly got devoured. 

They couldn't use the game for their advantage as they knew nothing about Alex's women and their information about their own girlfriends was low, which they only got to know now. 

Natsumi was the first to fall, as she by circumstances was forced to have sex with Alex. 

She was completely muddlheaded and couldn't go against Alex, as her best friend Miyo also forced her. 

Alex had a great threesome with Miyo and Natsumi, as their boyfriends couldn't even move due to Alex's skill. 

Miyo was a true slut as she started licking Alex's balls while he fucked Natsumi from behind and then she even competed with Natsumi to get his dick inside her. 

These girls had already lost themself to think about why their boyfriends weren't saying anything as they got fucked by a stranger one after another.

Alex held Natsumi by her asscheek on one side while drinking her saliva, while ramming into Miyo from other side, he of course didn't creampie her, as he stopped before suddenly plunging his cock forcefully into Natsumi's anus, painting it in his sperm.

Natsumi lost her anal virginity this way. 

Miyo was stunned as she heard her friend's painful moan beside her, when her asshole got expanded in one hit till the end. 

She looked at the cock that was just a second ago inside her cunt coming out from Natsumi's asshole. 

Alex pulled out as his white milk flowed out of Natsumi's small asshole. 

The next was Miyo, who was quite nervous, but it was soon gone along with her anal virginity. 

Alex fucked her as well till he had cummed inside her anus. 

The game started once again, as Miyo and Natsumi sat on the ground in exhaustion while holding each other's bodies, not even caring that they were naked.

Both of these best friends felt closer to each other, with the sperm of same man inside them. 

Tears were flowing down Ren and Shiro's eyes, their greed for beauties around Alex had led to this situation. 

Alex had now added full potent aphrodisiac in Shiho's drink, it was useless even if she was heavy drinker. 

Shiho had already tried to quit the game and she was doing so even right now, but then Miyo and Natsumi persuaded her by caressing her naked body. 

No doubt Shiho's body was the best among these women, she had huge boobs and plentiful asscheeks. 

Alex as well wanted to make this girl fall as soon as possible. 

But her boyfriend Ryota was resisting fiercely as well, he did his best to keep his girlfriend sane by talking to her. 

But next minute he had to choose truth, Airi asked, " Have you had sex with Miyo before? "

Ryota didn't answer as Miyo and he had an affair once when Shiro was sleeping in the same bed, so he chose dare as he couldn't say this. 

Miyo was a true slut, she had fucked around a lot, only thing she had going for her was her beautiful face. 

As a dare Airi told him to clean Miyo's asshole that was now filled with Alex's semen. 

Ryota almost started crying as he couldn't deny the dare. He had to do lick Miyo's asshole now. 

But luckily he had an idea and acted as if he had fainted from wine. 

Alex didn't pursue this, as next Kaede chose the dare, where Shiho who as well now was enjoying the game told her to give Alex a blowjob.

Alex had a great time fucking Kaede's mouth, he even cummed inside her throat once. 

After that Alex forced other boys to act as if they had fainted while even the last girl Shiho fell in his arms. 

Alex didn't remove her glasses, as her red flushed face matched with those sexy round glasses which were similar to her huge boobs. 

Alex fondled them in every way possible, as he first had a great titsjob. 

"What a sexy girl you are Shiho, show me your asshole, " Alex ordered as Shiho did so. 

Miyo and Natsumi as well positioned themselves beside Shiho. 

Alex took Shiho's anal virginity while ending the round of sex by creampieing her pussy making her fall for him. 

Same thing happened with Miyo and Natsumi as they also became marked by Alex's sperm in their womb. 

Their boyfriends could only watch in despair, as Alex had a grand foursome with their girlfriends. 

After the foursome Alex threw these boys outside in the rain, as he had a magnificent orgy with all of his women, except Hikari. 

But thinking she was pitiful Alex let her taste his dick and then drink his semen, which she had become addicted to. 

Hours passed as Alex found himself these new awesome preys so that he would not be bored on the journey ahead. 

But just then before morning, when Alex was done unloading himself in Kaede, he saw someone who he was looking for. 

A soft music started playing all around Alex, as the sound of moans of his women got drowned in slowly. 

Kahori, Kaede, Airi, Hikari, Miyo, Natsumi and Shiho suddenly fell asleep, as even Alex felt his eyes turning heavy. 

"My, My, you seemed to be enjoying yourself, do you know how long this old women had to wait for you to finish with those women... " Her feminine voice that could enchant even rocks spread out. 

The beautiful women was smiling as she looked at Alex. Her blonde long hair flowed down with a beauty while her bust and backside streched the gown she was wearing. 

Alex knew her she was Freya Isenberg... Kai's mother and Kaede's grandmother, one of the women Alex wanted to make his soon. 

He knew that this women wasn't trustworthy, but he still let Kai go, as he was confident in his strength. 

But now it seemed to have back-fired as he could see a terrifically dangerous beast standing behind Freya, it's aura so vast that Alex felt the air around him being sucked in. 

His mortal body felt the weight of mountains, as this beast sang a song that was enchanting enough to subdue oceans and mountains. 

Alex looked at Freya, while gritting his teeth, " Is this the declaration of betrayal? "

Freya giggled sweetly, her smile beautiful enough to force even angels to fight for her, " What betrayal? I never was on your side, this is my revenge against you for raping my daughter forcefully. "

"I love her, I love Kai, why are you doing this? " Asked Alex with a trace of sweat on his forehead. 

"Humph! You demon, don't even say my daughter's name from your dirty mouth, " Glared Freya, " As for your love, it was fake... Explain that to this demon my Kai. "