Freya and Kistune

"Take your hands of me Demon! " Freya struggled fruitlessly in Alex's cluthes. 

But, Alex wasn't the one to let her go, his hands roamed all over Freya's sexy virgin body. 

For Freya this was akin to death, in her whole life no man had ever touched a single hair on her body, but now she was in such a compromising situation and with her daughter as well. 

Even though Freya resisted it was nothing in Alex's eyes, he had seen women like her succumbing to him in the end even though in start they struggled like a fish out of water. 

Kai who felt as if she was left out joined into the fun by her own volition. 

She kissed Alex passionately while her mother's body got explored by Alex. 

After having enough of these two women, Alex made Freya lie in front of him. 

A bed materialized there, as Freya and Kai both were pushed upon it by him. 

Kai removed her white dress which was already ripped apart by Alex on the most part. 

Next she lied on her mother's body while pointing her ass towards him and caressing it in a inviting manner. 

"Didn't you want to punish your wife... Hubby? " Said Kai seductively, as she dropped down on Freya's body and looked back at Alex while spreading her asscheek. 

"You seemed to have learned some tricks wifey, " Alex felt his dick hardening as normally stern and serious Kai acted like a slut for him. 

Alex walked upto both of these women who were now lying upon each other, their breasts pressed on each other's while their pussies and assholes lined in for him. 

"What are you doing Kai!? Let me go! We are mother and daughter! " Said Freya trying to free herself from her predicament. 

But who was Kai? She didn't budge even for a inch while holding her mother down for Alex to fuck.

"Make my mother-in-law shut up, " Ordered Alex as he slapped Kai's ass. 

"Ah~ Yes... Mom's lips... I wonder how they taste..." Moaned Kai as she took her mother's lips on hers. 

Alex brought his dick to Kai's already wet pussy, pushing inside her all the way to the end. 

"Ah~ This is what I wanted~ tonight fuck me till I faint hubby~" Moaned Kai once again as she dived down into her mother's mouth with new vigor as her sacred garden got plowed by Alex. 

Alex moved his hands on Kai's smooth white back and taking hold of her long blonde hair and then started fucking her roughly. 

"Ah~ Ah~ Hubby... You feel so good~" Kai was already drained in love as these new feelings had already changed her inside out. 

Last some days when she was away from Alex, made her feel as if she was dying she wanted to go back to Alex as soon as possible. 

This euphoria of sex couldn't be held on for much longer as she lost her strength and fell on her mother's body while her vagina flowed with her sacred fluid.

Alex smiled as he moved Kai aside, looking at Freya who was still glaring at him with hatred, she couldn't believe that this demon had changed her daughter into such a slut... Little did she knew that soon her condition won't be any different. 

Alex didn't say anything as he pointed his cock at Freya's small pussy, her pink virgin petals parted as Alex's dick slowly entered inside her. 

Next Alex felt Freya's seal of purity, proof of her innocene, a thin barrier separating his cock and her undiscovered womb. 

Alex smiled in satisfaction as the women who wanted to kill him was now below him with her hymen soon about to get pierced by him.

"This is the fate Freya... You, your daughter, your grand-daughter all of you are destined to be mine, now be witness to it yourself, " Laughed Alex while pushing inward breaking Freya's hymen in one push. 

Freya felt sharp pain, as she cried in helplessness, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry Godess Euphemia... I'm no longer pure... Please forgive me... " 

She then looked at Alex with hatred, " Even if you brainwash me, my love for Godess Euphemia won't go away, I will never be yours! " Glared Freya. 

"Haha nice joke... Every female in this world belongs to me, your Godess as well will be mine... Now, let's see how far you go, " Alex sighed as he reached till the end of Freya's vaginal canal. 

Her womb could be now felt by him, her small pussy expanded freely as her inner walls wrapped around his dick tightly. 

Alex didn't waste his time, as he moved inside Freya rapidly. 

Freya did her best to control her moans to not give this demon his demonic pleasure in her plight. 

But then even her daughter joined in the fun as she started groping, licking and chewing on Freya's breasts. 

Freya had no choice but to be helpless with every thrust of Alex's dick that went inside her womb she moaned out loudly. 

"Hehe does it feel good mother-in-law? Being pleasuered by your daughter and son-in-law like this? " Mocked Alex as Freya's moans reached all to the peak. 

"Aghh~ Haah~ something is coming~"

Freya cummed loudly as she heard Alex's humiliating words, but she had no time to retaliate to his words. 

As next moment her orgasm started building once again, her pussy walls tightened involuntarily while drooling non-stop. 

Alex as well soon came inside Freya who at the same time gave a loud moan of orgasm as her womb got flooded with Alex's semen while at the same time she cummed as well. 

"So hot~" She felt something breaking inside her mind, as she lost herself next moment falling asleep in exhaustion. 

Kai who was seating beside Alex completely naked looked at her mother's naked body sprawled on the bed with some blood and sperm leaking out of her pussy. 

Kai felt satisfaction as she knew that her mother as well now will come to love Alex. 

"Alex.. " She urged. 

"Yes dear? " Asked Alex as he pulled Kai to his chest. 

"You will take care of us right? My mom acted bad... But she is a good women, she loves me... Please don't be hard on her, " Pleaded Kai, she was afraid that Alex will take revenge on her mother for her disobedience. 

"She is my women as well... Like you. You both will control Kageyama Clan for me... You will always be together, why will I mistreat her when I can have such a good oyakodon sex with you two, " Smiled Alex which caused Kai to blush. 

"Alex please take me as well... " Said Kai in determination. 

"Hmm? " Alex acted confused. 

"I want to become completely yours, do what you did to mom... Cum inside me as well, " Asked Kai with her big round eyes. 

"You don't need to... " Alex was interrupted as Kai said, " I don't care, I want feel closer to you, I already love you, I want to feel this feeling forever, " Said Kai as she placed her hand on Alex's face. 

"Sigh, Okay, " Alex agreed, as he made Kai lie on the bed on her back. 

He gently spread her legs, while pointing his cock at her anus. 

"Today I will make you completely mine... " Alex smiled with a evil smirk. 

"Wait... That's the wrong... Hole~" Before Kai could complete her words she gasped for air as her asshole got invaded. 

Alex only pushed tip of his cock inside Kai's unexplored region, but he already felt that Kai's asshole was just too tight. 

He made sure that she wouldn't feel too much pain and then slowly went forward. 

Except at the start, Kai didn't try to resist Alex, she as well wanted to give herself completely to Alex. 

She felt satisfied and nervous at the same time, as more and more of her anus got filled with Alex's cock. 

But soon Alex stopped as Kai felt that even her stomach was invaded. 

"Now you're completely mine Kai, you're my wife... " Said Alex as he kissed Kai's back. 

He then slowly moved inside her till she got accustomed to taking his cock inside her asshole. 

After that he started moving with full strength, as he wanted to make Kai his as well. 

Kai's anal walls were very tight and Alex felt very good as he had now fucked two virgin holes one after another, while another one was waiting for him. 

Soon like Freya, Alex also creampied Kai, making her fall for him completely. 

He didn't need to care for her betrayal even if the brainwashing got undone, as she had already fallen for him naturally. 

After one more round of assfucking Kai as well fainted beside her mother in her pools of love juices. 

Alex then looked at the girl who was looking at everything Alex was doing in fear and curiosity. 

 Kitsune's Pov

"Kitsune, my loyal servant, go and attend to these mortals in ending that Player's life, " Ordered Euphemia. 

Kistune who was resting, had no choice but to obey. 

She still remembered the day when her master saved her from the brink of death. 

It had been eons since then, humans were sparse and weak creatures then. 

Kitsune belonged to one of the fox tribes, she was a nameless fox cub, who followed her mother to hunt for prey and survive. 

But one day, things changed her mother was killed along with her pack. 

On the brink of death when she was fleeing from that predator, the wisp of light helped her. 

Later the same light gave her the strength to survive, becoming her pack again. 

The little fox grew up slowly, in the world full of dangers it lived, it thrived and became strong. 

Everything that Kitsune had was given by that wisp of light, she was her master Euphemia. 

Kitsune loved and served her master wholeheartedly. 

Euphemia's every wish was an order of Kitsune, she lived for her master now. 

On her master's orders, she fought against this weird human, who was strong very strong. 

Her natural instincts were screaming at her to take this human down right away. 

But end result was her loss, her master who couldn't join the fight by herself due to restrictions lost her fragment. 

Kitsune herself was weakened a lot, but in the end she fell for her ally's scheme, this human female was cunning, she backstabbed Kitsune. 

After that Kitsune watched as the human did some really gross things with that human female possessed by her master. 

That traitor as well was punished by that human, which led her to suddenly faint. 

Now the human turned to her, " I'm Alex, your new master, you have no choice but to submit to me Kitsune. "

Kitsune gnashed her teeth, as she growled at this Alex threateningly. 

"It's useless, " Said the evil human, as restrictions on Kitsune disappeared. 

The cage binding her was gone, but she still felt weakened. 

Kitsune felt this human Alex's greedy gaze on her body, which made even her soul shudder. 

Her instincts honed for millions of years screamed at her to escape now but she couldn't even move an inch. 

She was helpless, she couldn't even muster her strength to resist. 

Next Alex came closer to her, as she was still on the ground. 

Her eyes involuntarily first went to the huge terrifying rod that was dangling between this human's leg. 

He had used this rod to punish and subdue those two human females, who had fought alongside Kitsune. 

Kitsune felt something happening within her as she looked at Alex's rod. 

She wasn't naive enough to not know what this was, it was her female instinct that was screaming at her to get dominated by a strong male like Alex. 

But Kitsune didn't want to, being dominated by Alex was the same as betraying her Master, who she loved and revered. 

But still Kitsune felt her mouth slightly watering at Alex's magnificent cock, while her body turned warmer as well. 

She then heard Alex's voice, " Come here, lick my cock, if I'm pleased then I'll let you go free. "

"Really? " Kitsune asked with her big round eyes staring at Alex. 

She really thought that Alex was saying the truth. 

What a simple creature... 

"Yes, but you need to please me for that, " Alex said. 

"B-But I don't know how to... " Kitsune said, she hadn't even seen a cock in her whole life. 

"I'll lead you... " Alex said. 

But before that Alex sat beside Kistune and took her lips in a kiss. 

Alex and Kitsune were close enough to feel each other's warmth. 

Kitsune felt even more warmth as she kissed Alex, she never knew that mating included kissing as well. 

But she liked this and wanted to do that more, after all by kissing Alex she wasn't betraying her master. 

Like that Kitsune got kissed by Alex, she lost the battle of tongues as her mouth fell for Alex. 

Kitsune felt her lower mouth itching to have something inside it, it was too much. 

She knew that she was now in heat, she had to complete this task and get away from this human. 

After that Alex brought Kitsune's small mouth to his dick. 

And that's how divine beast Kitsune learnt the first ever blowjob, she found out how the cum really tastes, she found out how to expand her throat, she found out how to get her mouth fucked. 

In the end, Kitsune was lying on the ground with Alex's sperm covering her face and upper naked body. 

She now had no time to hide her pussy as it became visible to Alex. 

Her nine tails were shining in invitation as her tails spread out beautifully, while her fox ears were lying down in submission. 

This was actually a ritual in nine-tailed fox tribes, where during the mating season, the female fox would invite male fox by showing her shining tails to him. 

Kitsune was now totally mess, just from one blowjob Alex had stimulated her female instincts completely. 

Her pussy was leaking juices, while the honey of hers from her own orgasm leaked down every time her body twitched. 

"Good Kitsune, you can go now... " Said Alex as he turned around. 

But Kitsune couldn't let this human go like this, her pussy was aching for the cock that was just now in her mouth. 

Kitsune looked at Alex with a pleading gaze, as she turned around on all fours. 

Her nine tails moved away exposing her drooling pussy, her huge breasts dangled downwards beautifully as she looked behind at Alex with lusty gaze. 

"Please... Give me... That... " She begged to her enemy, she had no choice. 

"Hehe, a bitch in the end is just a bitch huh, even if it gets called a divine beast, " Said Alex which caused Kitsune to feel humiliated. 

But next second humiliated feeling was gone as Alex took hold of her beautiful puffy tails. 

"Ah~~ , " Moaned Kitsune, her tails were very sensitive and could only be touched by her mate.

But now she was defilled, her beautiful tails were touched by Alex, she felt sorrowful and sad, but that emotion was drowned inside the next moan. 

Alex started playing with Kitsune's tails as she moaned non-stop. 

Soon, she felt something intruding into her private place, it was huge, hard and warm. 

Kitsune felt happy that at last she could get what she wanted. 

Her pussy expanded, but next moment she felt a sharp pain for a second, Kitsune somehow knew that this pain held really significant meaning in her life. 

She remembered that when she was young, her mother had told her to find a worthy mate, to have babies with. 

She told Kitsune to be obedient to her mate and follow him wholeheartedly. 

Kitsune suddenly remembered these memories, as she looked at Alex behind her who was making her moan every time with a thrust of his inside her private part. 

He looked charming, he was strong and she liked how he fucked her, so Kitsune decided to take Alex as her mate. 

About her master? She was ready to beg to Euphemia to let her mate go. 

But after that Kitsune had no time to think about such things as she got fucked in different positions.

She got completely dominated, her pussy was explored to the end. 

While in the end something warm and white entered her womb. 

Kitsune knew what this was, her mother had told her that they were her babies. 

That's why Kitsune fell asleep contendly as Alex creampied her fox-cunt. 

She went into the world of dreams, imagining the life with her mate and her babies. 

After just a round of sex, her previous master Euphemia was forgotten as Alex became her everything. 

Kitsune woke up after some time, as she was stunned to see the female human who was resisting her mate earlier was now jumping up and down on his cock, while fondling her own breasts. 

While the other human female was kissing her mate. 

Kitsune felt jealous as she looked at the scene, but she was an obedient Kitsune, so she had to endure, she couldn't disturb her mate. 

After few tens of minutes the female human fell down as Alex's baby making milk flowed out a little from her cunt. 

Kitsune looked at this all with her big round curious eyes. 

"You woke up it seems, " Said Alex, her mate. 

He came near her as he patted her head while rubbing her fox ears. 

Kitsune purred in satisfaction as she rubbed her head affectionately on Alex's hand. 

"We are now leaving this place, " Said Alex. 

"Where? " Asked Kitsune. 

"I'll tell you, but you can't go out like this, turn smaller, " Ordered her mate. 

Kitsune nodded, as she next moment turned into a small cute fox cub. 

"Good, you're smart, " Kitsune moaned in pleasure, as her mate caressed her tails. 

After that they all left the abandoned church for where her mate was taking her to. 

Kitsune didn't need to do anything as she sat on Alex's shoulder and slept peacefully, she was too tired after the copulation she went through. 

Beside her mate there were many more human females in the vechile. 

They were, Hikari, Airi, Miyo, Natsumi and Shiho. 

There were four more females but Alex sent them away. 

Kitsune felt good as her competition decreased she slept on her mate's shoulder in satisfaction without the care for the world.