Planting a Spy

Mio's face crumbled slightly, but it became stoic once again, as she looked at Alex who was checking out her body, as if she was naked in front of him. 

"Yes Young master... " Mio had no other choice, she was ordered by Hikari-Sama to do everything Alex ordered her to. 

She was just a lowly maid. 

Alex needed this Mio, who was head-maid to his bidding around this mansion.

The time was ripe and he needed to take this chance right away. 

Mio on the other hand was feeling agitated on the inside, she was already Kazuya's women as Kazuya had taken liberties to seduce her. 

Mio had lived in this mansion, since she was just a child, she had grown up alongside Kazuya. 

She was trained in every aspect, as befitting of a confidant of the Clan like Yamamoto. 

But even then she had her feelings, she had come to like Kazuya after spending so many years with him. 

No one in the mansion dared to even look at her in sexual way, but Alex was different. 

He was given full power over her by Hikari, who was now proxy head of the Clan. 

She dared not to defy Alex! 

"Ohh, then who are you waiting for, bring that wine bottle here for me, " Smiled Alex gentlemanly. 

Mio didn't know what Alex was thinking, but she did as she was told. 

"Here young master, " She presented this wine bottle which was one of the best all over the country to Alex. 

"Thank you Mio, " Alex smiled, as he opened the bottle cap and took a gulp, then without any delay poured everything over Mio's face and maid dress. 

Mio was drenched in wine, as she looked at Alex stunned. 

"Is this wine that you present me, you lowly slave? Bring different bottle, a stronger one, " Ordered Alex. 

Mio had no choice once again, she gritted her teeth inwardly in humiliation while bringing another bottle. 

Wine dripped down her dress as she walked, her maid dress stuck to her feminine figure making her look erotic. 

Alex licked his lips, while looking at Mio's boobs as she stood before him again. 

"Open the bottle for me, " Ordered Alex. 

"Now drink it, " Alex ordered once Mio had opened the bottle. 

Mio understood what Alex was doing... 

If he did things this way, then even if he raped her, he can have a leeway out by saying that she was drunk at the time and assaulted Alex. 

But even though she saw through him, she had no choice. 

Alex without letting Mio find out, made the wine even stronger, it no longer was in realms of wine, it was now a drug! 

Mio drank the wine gulp by gulp, as Alex didn't even allow her even liberty to use a glass, she was forced to drink this way. 

Alex smiled as he looked at Mio's flushed beautiful face, the wine had already taken effect. 

Alex forced Mio to drink even more wine until she couldn't. 

Alex feeling that time was ripe, took hold of now vulnerable Mio. 

She was pulled onto his lap without mounting any much resistance. 

Her long maid dress was flipped upward by Alex, exposing her black garter belt and white laced panty attached to it. 

As he expected she had some weapons latched in here as well. 

Alex quickly threw them away, as Mio fell on the bed weakly. 

He looked at half-awake Mio's sexy pussy that was now in his vision. 

"You have a good alcohol tolerance, let's see what tolerance level is your cunt at, " Said Alex with a depraved smile. 

He pulled out his cock in its full glory, as he rubbed it on Mio's pussy. 

"Say it Mio, I'm now going to push my cock inside your cunt, don't you have anything to say? " Asked Alex. 

"P-Please... Don't... I'm already Kazuya-Sama's women... " Said Mio weakly. 

Her strong demeanor that was shown previously was unseen now. 

Now, she just was a weak women about to get raped by Alex. 

But Alex was pleasantly surprised by this information, he hadn't even lived one day in here and was already about to ntr Kazuya. 

Alex felt his dick hardening even more as he thought about Kazuya's wives and daughters, especially that Hina and Ryuji's mother. 

Those two women were the sexiest women in Kazuya's harem. 

"You got some tricks to seduce men, huh... Nice work, once I'm done fucking you, I will fuck his other women as well, " Laughed Alex. 

Next moment his fully erect cock was pushed inside Mio all the way till her depth limit. 

Alex felt comfortable as Mio's nice creamy pussy did its best to get molded in Alex's shape. 

Mio on the other hand was shocked, she had never felt anything going this deep inside her cunt, it was simply a new experience for her, as her womb got kissed by Alex's cock. 

Her sensitivity was already heightened because of wine and after two more thrusts she cummed loudly.

Alex moved her on her her back, her dress uselessly covered some of her body parts which made her look sexy. 

Alex turned her maid dress into a tight corset while fucking her from behind, till she cummed once again. 

Kitsune who now changed into her human form as well joined in the fun, as she fell next beside Mio. 

Alex alternated between fucking his cute fox and sexy maid until they had exhausted themselves. 

Alex now smiled as he looked at his first prey in this Yamamoto Clan. 

His hunt was successful! 

 Kazuya's Pov

Kazuya was feeling some un-rest as he paced around inside his room. 

After coming back from meeting where his mother denied to even look at him as his mother, Kazuya felt sad. 

Yes, he had tried to kill her... 

But that wasn't his plan, since his birth he never had gotten his mother's love. 

Since his young times, he always worked hard to be seen by his mother. 

He wanted to get her recognition. 

But that never happened, even though he worked hard, his talents weren't enough. 

He was surpassed by his peers again and again even though he was a Prince. 

This was shameful... 

Even after such things he didn't stop working hard, but then he rarely talked to his mother, who was always busy in Clan's work. 

He admired his mother a lot, she was the women who controlled the whole Clan by herself. 

She was beautiful, kind, smart, hard-working and had every possible good trait. 

She was a prodigy in everything, every art, every knowledge, every skill was natural to her. 

That's why he wanted a wife like her, someone as good as her to support him.

To provide for his lack of talent... 

And then he found her... 

Kazuya looked at the beauty lying on the bed. 

Takahashi Hina... 

She was lying on the bed gracefully, her eyes were closed as if she was contemplating something.

Her every action had a royal aura around it, but there was a slight frown on her invincibly charming and beautiful face. 

It was the love at first sight on his side. 

She was the most beautiful women he had ever seen, after his mother that is. 

Hina and Kazuya had met in a one of the Parties held by these powerful Clans. 

After knowing about Hina, Kazuya pursued her relentlessly. 

But Hina didn't like him back... 

In the end even Yamamoto Clan sent marriage proposal to Takahashi Clan. 

But it was indirectly denied... 

But at the same night, Hina had asked Kazuya to meet her at a certain river shore all alone. 

Kazuya ran there, as a simp that he was... 

There Hina told him about her aspirations and dreams, she wanted to rule over everyone. 

And her only need was that she wanted her husband to be an emperor and to make her his empress. 

Kazuya agreed right away, as he was the only prince of the Yamamoto Clan. 

Yamamoto Clan leader position was all his in future. 

After that Kazuya and Hina got married. 

But Kazuya was shocked as Hina didn't even let him touch her on their wedding night. 

She told him that he needed to fulfill her wish and only then will they become real husband and wife. 

After that Kazuya had never had any intimate contact with Hina. 

The most contact he had was like holding her hand, that even while being in the presence of other people. 

Because of his frustrations Kazuya started openly having affairs to frustate Hina. 

But on the opposite Hina told him to marry the one of his women who was pregnant with his child. 

Kazuya in spurt of anger did so... 

After the first women he married again and again to make Hina jealous and insecure. 

But it was useless, Hina wouldn't even get flustered. 

She knew that these women were nothing compared to herself. 

She wasn't looking down on these women rather she was confident in herself. 

Kazuya had a son and daughters from his wives, as time passed his family increased. 

But his feelings for Hina only intensified from there on, he wanted to touch her, he wanted to make her his, so badly. 

But now so many years had passed, over a decade was gone, even though Hina was his main wife, he hadn't even kissed her. 

They slept on the same bed, but Hina won't let him even touch her by mistake. 

Kazuya had even tried to force her, but on opposite he was the one who was beaten black and blue and had to hide his face for a month, to not let anyone know of this humilation. 

His love for Hina intensified along with his anger for his mother. 

He didn't know why she won't let him handle the Clan now as he was old enough. 

He asked her again and again, but was always denied of his right. 

That's why when Hina proposed a plan to kill Hikari, Kazuya agreed after some hesitation. 

And now this happened... 

His mother was all safe and sound, while knowing that he was the one who tried to kill her and that wasn't the end. 

There was now a foreigner guy who was going to be his step-brother, a contestant for his seat. 

Kazuya almost wanted to tear out that smirk out of that foreigner boy. 

Kazuya couldn't think anything, so he looked at Hina in question. 

"What do you think we should do my wife? " His voice gentle and affectionate. 

"... We are in a big problem... Madam Hikari is trying to destroy our influence rapidly, that's why we are laying low... Now, she adopted a step-son, it's like she is showing that she thinks that you aren't worthy, " Said Hina her eyes still closed. 

Kazuya agreed with Hina. 

Kazuya had a great influence over the Clan because of Hina, she was a master strategist. 

She had never failed in anything! 

Now they were showing that they were loosing to Hikari, so that they could strike at the opportune moment. 

Hina continued, " Best way is to deal with that Alex, we'll use his presence as a weapon against Madam Hikari, acting as if this is our last stand. When moment is correct we will act rapidly and take over the Clan with the help of Takahashi Clan. "

"Yeah, this is a good plan, mother might not even imagine that we are actually this strong, " Praised Kazuya while smiling. 

"Yeah... " Just as Hina was about to continue, the door was knocked by a maid who asked for Kazuya to let her come inside. 

The maid blushed seductively as she looked at Kazuya, but then quickly bowed to him and his main wife. 

Kazuya was popular for his habit of marrying anyone who he took fancy to, this maid as well wanted to take every chance. 

"What is it? " Kazuya knew this maid, as he had once slept with her. 

This maid always remained beside his Mio, who he likes quite a much. 

"Master... Big sister Mio... " Continued the maid. 

Kazuya's eyes went bloodshot as the maid ended her words. 

He didn't think anything as he left his room in hurry. 

As per the young maid, his Mio who he liked so much and was about to promote her to his concubine was forced to become Alex's personal maid by his mother. 

And now Mio has been all alone in the Alex's room for more than a hour or two. 

Kazuya felt his heart getting gripped and stomach churning as he imagined what might be happening inside that room, where Mio and Alex were all alone.

He quickly reached in front of Alex's room, which wasn't less luxurious than his personal room. 

But just as he was about to knock on it, the door opened. 

From inside came the women he liked, his Mio... 

But he felt his heart breaking as he looked at her condition. 

Her face was flushed deep red, as if she was on drugs. 

Her maid dress which always was prim and proper was now crumbled and had lost its shine. 

There was also this obnoxious smell coming out of her, that screamed of sex. 

Kazuya wasn't a young boy, he understood that Alex had just fucked one of his women. 

His anger went above the bar, as his face turned red in fury and anger. 

But next second, Mio who saw Kazuya dived down into his arms while crying loudly. 

It was as if she was a young child who was now complaining to her father.

Kazuya patted Mio's hair, which were now free, he knew that she always kept her hair in bun except only when she slept with him. 

"M-Master... " Cried Mio in Kazuya's arms. 

"Don't worry, Mio, don't cry. Calm down, " Kazuya tried to pacify Mio.

"Master... I'm no longer pure... I'm sorry... I hate myself, but I love you... Please kill me... I can't live, " Begged Mio. 

Kazuya felt his heart hurting even more, he now knew how much his Mio loved him. 

"No Mio, you are still pure, your heart is still pure, your love for me is still there, so you're my women, " Said Kazuya after thinking for a moment. 

"T-Thank you Master, " Said Mio while stuttering but on the inside she had a victorious smirk thinking this guy is nothing but a simp. 

"Come with me, let me talk with this boy, " Said Kazuya in anger. 

And as he entered the room, he saw that Alex was seating on the bed while waiting for him. 

"Come brother, take your seat, " Said Alex while smiling. 

But Kazuya didn't sit down, "why are you here? " His question implicated lots of things. 

Alex knew what Kazuya was asking, he said, "what if I said I'm here just for fun? 

" Don't joke with me, if you don't want to say anything then just stay away from Mio, she's my women, " Said Kazuya sternly. 

"Ohhh, did I just fuck your women brother? As expected she is a top notch women, you got a good taste for girls, " Praised Alex as he looked at Mio, who was now shedding crocodile tears once again. 

Alex really wondered how the fuck was she able to cry like that, even he won't be a match for her in crying. 

"Alex!!! " Kazuya almost raised his hand in anger, as he really wanted to kill Alex. 

"Okay, Okay, I didn't know she was your women, chill bro! What's wrong if I tasted her once? I won't go after her, " Said Alex. 

"Yes, be sure to know that. Mio... From today you will work as Hina's personal maid, while for you I will arrange a better maid, " Said Kazuya as he left. 

Mio as well followed after giving Alex a love filled coquettish glance, as if asking whether she did a good job. 

Alex smiled slightly which caused Mio to almost jog with her heart fluttering non-stop as she followed Kazuya.

Alex wondered what screw had gone loose inside Mio, as her previous personality was gone and now she was like a little girl. 

Alex didn't think much, as he had planted his first spy.

Even though Mio was personally attending Hina, she was head-maid at the same time, she had quite a influence in the mansion. 

Alex thought about who Kazuya will send to him, no doubt that women will be his spy to keep an eye on Alex. 

But Kazuya didn't know that sending women to Alex was like, sending bunny to a wolf's den. 

Alex now had some time in this mansion, so he decided to take over as much foundation as he can. 

Soon, the academy will start as well...