
Alex went inside the room, there were two people sitting there. 

Minamoto Rin and her husband Yamamoto Takeshi. 

Both of them were seating on the pillow in front of traditional table.

Minamoto Rin was a graceful middle aged women, her every action was laced with courtesy as well as formidable aura. 

Seeing Alex entering the room with one of the maids of theirs made them surprised, but still both of them kept their composure. 

Alex and this maid were in really compromising position. 

Alex's one hand was under the girl's skirt doing who knows what, while other one was on her boob, squeezing it after bringing it out of its confines. 

Alex wasn't even trying to hide this depraved act, as he let everyone in the room watch while he groped this poor girl, who seemed to be a virgin. 

Alex next without saying anything, sat down on the pillow as if he owned the room. 

Elsa who was behind also sat down beside Alex, while trying to ignore his unrestrained actions which now only became even more unrestricted. 

The girl's maid dress was now half open as her bra and dress was pushed down to her stomach, bringing her naked breasts in front of everyone. 

Looking at this behavior of Alex, Takeshi almost yelled out in anger. 

But he controlled himself and said with gritted teeth, " What's the meaning of this Mr Alex? "

" You seem to be thriving Takeshi, you got very good maid staff here" Said Alex ignoring Takeshi's words, while patting the maid's head. 


Just then the sound of something being torn came, " Oh... Seems I ripped apart this poor girl's panty... But whatever, " Smiled Alex as he threw the torn panty on the table. 

Takeshi was now red with anger, while Rin as well was scowling in humiliation. 

"Mr Alex, is this how you give face to us!? We only let you in because Madam Hikari asked us to and even she has to respect us! If you want to play jokes, then we have more urgent issues to handle, " Said Rin with irritated tone. 

"This is no joke Rin... " Said Alex while pushing his fingers inside this maid's pussy making her moan slightly. 

Rin was stunned, hearing Alex directly calling her name without any respect. 

"You! " 

"Shut up bitch, " Said Alex, as he motioned at Elsa. 

She threw a file in front of Takeshi and Rin. 

"What's this? " Asked Takeshi not touching the file. 

"The evidence of your past, explain it to them Elsa, " Ordered Alex. 

The maid in his hands was now already mostly naked, next even her maid dress was thrown away to the side. 

She was now completely nude with only her black stockings. 

Alex turned the girl around as he made her lie on his lap on her stomach. 

Her ass pointed at him, while her asshole and pussy as well. 

On the other hand, Elsa started explaining while sneering, " This is the evidence of all the corruption your family has done in Yamamoto Clan, there is even the matter of you destroying a government facilitated school and hospital while embezzling all the money yourself, there is also the proof of your connection with dark syndicates under the Capital, as well as the number of families you have destroyed, their complete information. "

In the end Elsa was gritting ger teeth in anger while saying all this. 

As her family was one of those which were destroyed by this nasty people. 

Of course Alex didn't say anything as he himself had no time to spare while fingerfucking this girl's cunt and anus at the same time. 

He took out his pen and pushed it inside the girl's anus, " Ohh, you took in that pen inside your ass, let's see what's your limit. "

Alex smiled like a curious kid, as he added more and more of things inside that forbidden hole. 

He knew that if he wasn't careful then these things might very well reach her rectum. 

But Alex didn't care, after being fucked this girl can die for all she wanted, his real target after all was being cooked by Elsa for him. 

"W-What kind of joke is this!? This is all fake! " Said Takeshi as he threw away the file. 

"Dear, what's written on there? " Asked his anxious wife trying to ignore what was happening in front of her. 

Takeshi didn't answer his wife as he looked at Alex playing with the cute maid's asshole. 

But Elsa was the one who said, " These are all the evidences of your dark business, they are all authentic and we even have testimonies of many people. This list has been specially seen by Head of the Clan herself. "

Takeshi gritted his teeth as his face turned pale, yes, everything written in the file was true. 

He was involved in many underhanded scehems and businesses. 

Smuggling, prostitution, slave trading, drug dealing all of these businesses had his hands on it. 

But... Many others as well had hands on them, including other members of Yamamoto Clan who were his partners. 

He now has to deny all these accusations! 

As doing a crime isn't wrong, being caught is! 

"These are all blatant lies! Tell me who are those testimonies?! " Said Takeshi righteously.

"It's me, " Said Elsa calmly, " I'm the testimony for your deeds. "

"W-What!?? " Takeshi was shocked as similarly was his wife Rin. 

She had just now read the file and found out that these were all the things they did and thought that no clues were left behind. 

But now Alex had brought solid evidence and now even concubine Elsa was a testimony? 

"Don't you remember? The family you destroyed years ago in Konohama?! That was my family you monsters! You people killed them and even burnt their corpses, you people are beasts in human skin only destined to burn in the hell, and I'm here to destroy you. I will make you all suffer in the worst way possible for what you have done to my family!" Said Elsa with tears in her eyes. 

She had always imagined how she will face those perprators, but now she couldn't hold back her tears. 

Alex who was beside her frowned, he didn't like it when someone else other than him made his girl cry. 

"Oh, shut up Elsa...and...Look you unfortunate bastards I was the one who came up with those evidences, so I own them. Now I'm here to negotiate peace with you, let's see if you can give up what I want, " Said Alex calmly. 

"Alex! You said you will let me have my revenge, " Elsa said in indignation. 

"Yeah, you will get your revenge in your way if they fail in negotiation, actually you as well can negotiate... If I find that your side is more attractive then you will get what you want, " Smiled Alex casually. 

Takeshi quickly picked up on the word 'negotiation' he said, " I'm ready, tell me what do you want? "

"That's your work to find out and then to give me an attractive offer, I have already given you enough hints, " Said Alex as he spanked the ass of the girl in his hand. 

Takeshi understood that this Alex didn't need money, what he needed was... 

"Alex, I'm ready to become yours, just kill them! " Said Elsa as she bowed to Alex. 

"Your offer seems attractive, may be I'll go with your side then Elsa, " Said Alex as he reached out his hand, but just then Takeshi as well opened his mouth. 

"Wait! I'll give you 100 no 1000 beautiful women, I even have foreigner women! " Said Takeshi. 

But Alex acted as if he was disappointed, " You show no sincerity man, do you think one of the concubines of Yamamoto Clan's prince can be compared with 1000 prostitutes? "

"T-Then, I can find virgin young girls for you, as many as you want, " Said Takeshi. 

"This offer is barely passable, but still not enough... Just look at this Elsa here, can she compare with those girls? Only noble women from royal bloodlines can compare to her in beauty and integrity, aren't I correct Madam Rin? " Said Alex. 

Takeshi and Rin now both understood that Alex was eyeing Rin, he wanted Takeshi's wife! 

Takeshi looked at his wife in hesitation. 

Both of them turned silent for some time. 

But then Rin said, " I'm ready to be your women. "

Takeshi gave a grateful look to his wife, who nodded back at him in understanding. 

Both Takeshi and Rin were seasoned business holders they knew what risks entailed... 

Now the risk they once had taken had come back biting them in their ass. 

"Such a formidable negotiator, your offer seems more appetizing to me, when will I have those girls delivered? " Asked Alex impatiently, even his hands turned impatient as they roamed on the body of girl in his hands. 

"Most of the maids in our mansion are virgin, I have checked that myself, they as well are beautiful, you can have them even now, " Said Rin. 

"Got it, let's go then, just looking at you isn't enough now, I need some more entertainment, " Said Alex as he stood up, " And don't worry about these evidences. "

"Alex!! You said you will help me, so what's this?! " Elsa's eyes were dark shade of red, she was crying. 

"It's not my fault... You lost negotiation, " Said Alex as if dismissing her. 

"But haven't I given you everything I have? Isn't me enough? You said you were courting me right? Now I'm giving myself to you, " Elsa tried to hold onto every last straw. 

"... Actually you're not out of all of your cards Elsa... " Said Alex slowly in a soft consoling voice. 

Elsa was surprised as she turned silent for a second as next her eyes widened in hatred, " You want my daughter? " She asked. 

"Bingo! " Laughed Alex. 

While Takeshi and Rin became nervous... 

Takeshi had already contacted his people to bring top-class actresses, womens holding position in politics and foreigner girls to his mansion to use them for negotiation. 

Alex seemed to be some nasty pervert, he didn't need money, so he can only be bought this way. 

Takeshi had dealt with these types, they were easiest to win over. 

"Alex, please... Emma likes you, so please don't do this, don't force her... She will give herself to you by her own volition, if you loved her, " Said Elsa with tears while holding Alex's leg. 

"It's your choice Elsa, I'll have your daughter one way or another... It's another matter if you want to use her for this or not, " Said Alex plainly. 

Elsa sobbed but few seconds later she said with determination, " Okay, I will give her to you... So please now punish them. "

Alex's eyes twinkled in delight as he sat back down this time taking Elsa who was clinging to his leg in his lap. 

"Your competitor here has taken out a powerful card, previously with Rin and those virgin girls included you were just slightly further in negotiation, " Said Alex. 

Takeshi smiled as he said, " You don't need to worry Mr Alex, we have enough things to negotiate, why don't you try this beverage. "

"No, my mom says not to eat anything out side, so say your thing or I'll be on my way, I got new oyakodon for myself, " Said Alex while patting Elsa's head. 

"Wait, they're here! " Said Takeshi as the door opened as four beautiful women slowly came in. 

All four of them seemed confused and shocked as if wondering what the situation was. 

But seeing the girl on the ground with some daily usable things in her asshole, they felt terrified... Slightly understanding their situation. 

"Mr Alex, these women are chosen by myself for you, these two are very popular twin actresses in the latest movie that went famous, while that beautiful middle aged women is one of the members of parliament from the party I belong to, while this last young girl is rising star of singing world, she's still virgin! " Explained Takeshi each of the girl's identities. 

Alex smiled as he looked at these females. 

The twin actresses' names were Akane and Aoi, perhaps signifying their personalities. 

Akanes was vibrant like red color, she was wearing a sexy one piece halter dress that left her thighs and legs open. She had big enough ass to sink ones hands into while her breasts were proudly stretching the dress beyond its capabilities. 

Aoi looked slightly nervous and was wearing a blue ocean colored one piece dress that was rather cute than sexy. Her ass and breasts were as big as that of her sister's. 

Both of these sisters had similar face and similar figures even their hairstyles were same, with shoulder length red and blue hair matching their dresses. 

Next was the middle aged women whose name was Tsukiko. She was a member of parliament. 

Actually even though Sakura country was controlled by these super Clans, there was still parliament to decieve masses. In this parliament people from commoner origin were selected which will basically be pawns or slaves of these super Clans. 

Like for example this Tsukiko, she was wearing a formal office suit with rectangular rimmed glasses. The suit highlighted her curves above and below as black stocking covered her legs. Her long brown hair were done well and were lying in front. She was a top-tier milf with fat ass and thick thighs, Alex was sure that this women must be a mother of at least one kid, her huge milk jugs were screaming so. 

The last one was the young girl who was in junior high school. Her name was Shiro, she was the cute rising star singer who had become famous in last year. She was most nervous of all in this new weird surrounding. She was wearing a school uniform of hers and there was a bag on her back with cute design. Her breasts seemed to be just budding while her ass was petite. Her hair were silvery white giving her another type of charm. Her smooth white arms and legs were attractive and made her alluring along with her cute and innocent face. 

"You are really working hard Mr Takeshi, but... These still aren't enough... Not one of them can match Emma in beauty that you know as well, while now Emma has a position in Fragrance Beauty, one of the biggest business company, you aren't comparing these commoner females with her right? " Said Alex. 

"Mr Alex, I will for sure arrange more girls but in this urgent need I can only arrange them, " Said Takeshi. 

"I see... Then it seems you don't have anything to negotiate with, is that what I should presume? " Asked Alex. 

"No! Please don't be hasty... " Said Rin in panic. 

"I'm not hasty my Rin... I just think you people aren't sincere enough, just look at Elsa, she even gave up her daughter after herself then where's your sincerity? " Said Alex. 

A light of recognition flashed in Takeshi's eyes... 

He understood what Alex was implying. 

Takeshi looked at his wife in hesitation once again. 

But this time Rin denied with everything, " No! We can't give Ririka-chan, our son loves her and she even holds the future of our bloodline, our son's child in her womb. "

"See, you people have no sincerity, seems I won't get to play with these beauties you brought, " Said Alex as if disappointed, once again he stood up. 

"Yes, let's go to my room Alex, " Said Elsa. 

"Wait Mr Alex, we're ready... You can have my daughter-in-law as well, " Said Takeshi. 

"Takeshi! " Rin looked at her husband in anger. 

"What do you want bitch?! To end these days? We won't be able to even live when this proof goes out, we'll be killed! " Said Takeshi in desperation. 

Rin now had no choice to accept, she loved her son, but she knew that the end won't be good if they didn't give Alex what he asked for. 

She as well sorrowfully and helplessly accepted giving up Ririko who was now more like her own daughter.