Kazuya's another Concubine

As Alex ordered, the maid obediently moved aside like a good pet. 

She didn't dare to have Alex think of her as a troublesome women. 

Alex quickly took her place and without missing a bit started massaging Kimi's soft body. 

He didn't forget to use his 'Touch of Ecstasy'. 

Soon under the effect of his touch a blush crept upon Kimi's features, as she became more and more comfortable. 

"Very good~ your skills have improved, " Praised Kimi thinking that the one touching her was the maid all along. 

Hearing Kimi's soft spoken voice, Alex remembered her information. 

She was a talented women, with a business minded personality. 

She herself was the CEO of one of the companies, no lesser important than Fragrance Beauty of Minami. 

She wasn't given anymore business work as she herself was one of the pillars of the Clan. 

She held considerable respect and position, but she had not so much interest in love and family. 

Even though she was beautiful, other women in Kazuya's harem were on the same level as her, so Kazuya hardly cared about her. 

Kimi even ignored her daughter normally, who spent her days of bullying Emma. 

Alex came here to teach that girl's mother a lesson for not educating her daughter well. 

Alex's hands roamed upon Kimi's smooth back, his hands slowly became more frivolous as he now touched Kimi's breasts on undersides while making his hands reach upto her waist and hips. 

Kimi felt too comfortable while getting massage. She decided to reward this maid. 

But after some time she slowly fell asleep in the bath, with this comfortable feeling all over her body. 

Kimi drifted into the world of dreams where she felt that she was actually a small boat, surfing on the big wide ocean. 

Every time she tried to move another wave will come sweep her back and then keep ramming her here and there. 

At one time there was one such huge wave that almost made the boat that Kimi was overturn, but by the stroke of luck the boat survived. 

Only to once again fall among those unending waves... 

After some time Kimi woke up...

She was now actually lying on something hard and muscular, while there was something sharp that was poking inside her. 

It didn't take Kimi more than 2 seconds to figure out what was happening. 

She was almost about to shriek but then she felt that her mouth was actually covered completely. 

She couldn't even utter a word. 

She turned around only to see, the new prince of Yamamoto Clan whom she knew kissing her maid while moving Kimi herself up and down on his cock. 

Kimi unknowingly felt that Alex was someone closer to her, like someone who she has to care for. 

Her eyes softened for the moment, but then once again filled with confusion. 

She was on Alex's lap while inside her pussy was his cock, which was rocking at all places inside her body. 

"Ah~" Unknowingly Kimi let out a muffled moan. 

She then felt embarrassed and covered her mouth with her hands. 

She just then felt that her hands were actually free, she quickly removed whatever was stuffed inside her mouth. 

Only to be shocked that it was her own panty. 

Kimi with a disgusted expression threw it away, as she while moaning turned around. 

"What~? " She asked. 

She actually wanted to retaliate and scream but after seeing Alex's attractive and handsome face, how could she? 

She decided to at least find out why Alex was doing this? After that she could report him if he was a bad person... 

Kimi's thoughts had already started turning, as love had blossomed into her heart. 

Love doesn't make one loose their sentience, but still it changes their perception. 

"Oh, you're awake Kimi. Hii, " Alex said Hi and then once again started kissing the maid. 

Kimi was stunned, she couldn't believe after raping her this way Alex only could say Hi. 

Shouldn't he console her? 

Like saying that he was infatuated with her and couldn't resist the temptation to make her his. 

Then she might have forgiven him after some time... 

But this... 

It was as if Alex actually believed that she was already his. 

"Alex~ let me go~ " Said Kimi while pouting in anger. 

"Huh? Okay, " Alex affirmed as he pulled out his dick from inside Kimi. 

He then made the maid lie in missionary position and pushed his cock inside her while burying his face inside her cleavage. 

Kimi who was thrown aside felt some emptiness and disappointment. 

She felt slightly jealous? 

No! How can she be jealous of some lowly maid. 

Kimi looked at Alex fucking busily in fake anger. She actually managed to convince herself that this anger wasn't fake. 

"You! How can you do this?! " Said Kimi while looking for the contraceptive medicine that she always kept beside her bed. 

"Don't be like that Kimi, you're now my women. So I was just teasing you. Come here and join us. I haven't yet played with you enough, " Alex said while not even looking at her. 

"What do you mean by played? I'm not some toy and all things aside you have some guts to rape a royal concubine and that even here, " Said Kimi with a packet of tablets in her hand. 

"Does it matter? I raped you and now you're mine. Once I kill off that husband of yours then you can be completely mine, " Laughed Alex. 

Kimi heard this and felt that Alex at least was responsible that he didn't deny doing this. 

She was but shocked to hear that he was after Kazuya's life. 

"I don't care about Kazuya, but I do not wish to loose my position. So don't pull me in with this scandal of yours, " Kimi said while taking two pills in her hands.

"You don't need to worry... Are you taking those pills? " Asked Alex. 

Kimi who was for the first time feeling unsure of whether to take these pills or not felt confused.

She somehow wished that she won't need to take these pills. 

This feeling was completely unknown... 

As if she from her soul wished for to have the child of Alex. 

"No... These drugs are expired... " She lied and threw away those pills and started dressing herself. 

"Where are you going? " Asked Alex while taking the now sex-minded maid in his lap. 

" Hikari-sama has arranged for some meeting... And actually only women are invited. I just hope it won't be one of those kitty parties. Those are boring, but Hikari-sama had never done something like that so I'm wondering why she called for everyone, " Said Kimi while binding her hair and the she looked for another set of undergarments. 

"Ohh... " Alex said, " Don't you have anything else to say about me doing this to you? "

Kimi froze for a moment... 

Wasn't she being too easy? 

She felt a cold sweat on her back... 

What if? What if...

"Alex, I'm actually not a whore. I have only ever slept with my husband. This is the first time that I've had affair, " Said Kimi in one breath as if she was afraid of loosing her voice. 

Alex smiled, this brainwashing skill wad just too overpowered.

"I don't believe you, I'm sure you have slept with countless men that's why you don't care that I raped you. I'm really disappointed, I actually loved you and was just testing you...but...now I don't know, " Said Alex with a sad expression.

Kimi was stunned and then felt a strange pain inside her heart. 

"No! I really never slept with anyone else. You have to believe me! " Kimi didn't care about her completely naked state. 

She just ran to Alex and looked into his eyes, trying to show her sincerity. 

"I don't believe you... But I can, " Alex said, Kimi's eyes turned downcast in start but then she regained hope. 

"How? " Asked Kimi with hope. 

She wished nothing more than to make Alex understand that she was a loyal and good women, not some slut. 

"I'll believe you, if you let me sleep with your daughter, " Said Alex. 

"W-What!? " Kimi was flabbergasted, " I think I didn't hear you correctly... "

" I said I wanna fuck your daughter, " Alex said once again clearly. 

Kimi understood that she hadn't misheard. 

She started thinking why Alex might be asking for her daughter. 

Alex smiled as he really liked these type of women who came to their own conjectures that were suitable for him. 

Kimi's eyes flashed with a light, " Yes! You can have my daughter. Now, at last that lass will be of some use. "

Kimi then contiued, " My daughter is really beautiful and still virgin. She is smart as well... Of course not as smart and beautiful as me. But to prove that I'm not a slut, I'll let you have her. "

Alex didn't know what conjecture to Kimi came but he still nodded with a smile. 

He then felt that this Kimi was very good to tease. 

And sure enough Kimi seemed to have overthinked something. 

A normal women would have cursed the man who raped her and then she will even hand over him to the police, but here Alex not only made Kimi apologize he even got permission to fuck her daughter from her. 

"... And I don't like Kazuya at all. I was actually forced into this marriage... Now please save me Alex. I'll forever be indebted to you if you help me, I'll do anything you ask of me" Said Kimi while acting like a cute little wife asking for something from her husband. She emphasized on the word 'Anything'. 

"Hehe, you're now already mine, " Said Alex, " ... And if you even by mistake touch some other man then I'll kill both you and him. "

Alex's hands already circled around Kimi's feminine body possesively. 

Kimi smiled fondly and leapt inside Alex's arms beside the maid. 

She didn't forget to give a death glare to the maid, who shivered in terror but didn't move away from Alex. 

Rather this maid was actually very brave, she went forward and kissed Alex's chest while looking at Kimi provokingly. 

"You! " Kimi didn't like that this lowly maid was actually fighting against her for Alex's affection. 

Alex smiled as he saw these two girls fighting like little kids and of course this small fight ended after some time. 

With a load of semen in the cunts of both of them of course. 

Alex then made Kimi and the maid give him a double blowjob, where they became better friends.

He then told Kimi to dress up. 

"Yeah, I almost forgot about the meet up... " Said Kimi while licking Alex's length. 

Maid was begrudgingly made to give up on the top spot as she licked places where Kimi left over. 

Sometimes their tongues would touch each other's where Alex got to see a erotic kiss between mistrese and maid. 

"I'm sure you won't forget it for the rest of your life, " Said Alex while patting Kimi's and maid's head. 

Alex suddenly pulled them back by their hair and said, " Open your mouth. "

Kimi and the maid did so obediently as the thick load of sperm fell upon their faces and body all over. 

"You came so much... " Said Kimi while taking the white stuff from her face on her fingers. 

"Go clean up and you help her, I'm leaving now, " Alex ordered as he next left the room after dressing up. 

"So tasty... Master is so cool... " Said the maid in daze. 

"Yeah... " Kimi started, but just then she remembered something, " You bitch, you dare fight against me! I'm only letting you live because you're Alex's women otherwise being fed to dogs was the least worst thing that could happen to you. "

Maid turned to Kimi and said teasingly, " You say so mistress, but your face while licking master's cum from my pussy was so seductive... Let me reciprocate those feelings. "

"Hey, w-wait... " And like this two feminie figures entwined upon each other for next some time. 

They caressed and touched each other, while remembering the warmth that their lover left behind on their now exhausted and battered bodies. 

Alex now didn't waste any time and directly went to Hikari's room. 

And sure enough she as well was waiting for him. 

"You're here my son, " She said with an affectionate look. 

Alex didn't disappoint her as he took her frame in a tight embrace while caressing her head. 

Alex was taller than Hikari, so Hikari had to look up to see his face. 

After a small hug, he placed a kiss on her temple and sat down on the sofa beside him. 

Hikari as well took a glass of a cold drink and sat on Alex's lap, while making sure Alex was comfortable. 

"I brought this for you, tell me if it's good, " She said. 

"I won't drink it, " Alex quickly said. 

"? Why? If you don't like this then we have 100 years old wine bottle as well, " Hikari asked with a sad look, she had herself asked for someone to brew this drink after careful consideration of Alex's tastes. 

Alex touched Hikari's chin " Mom, that's not it...I want you to feed me... " Alex said as his caressed up till her smooth pink lips. 

A soft blush crept upon Hikari's glamorously beautiful face. 

She was once in a century beauty no less beautiful than Hina herself and was on par with the beauty of Alex's mother in reality, Alice as well. 

Alex felt mesmerized as he inched closer to her and placed his lips on hers. 

Their lips grazed in slight connection and then pulled back. 

Hikari smiled fondly as she took the glass of liquor to her mouth and took one gulp. 

She looked into Alex's deep hazel eyes and took liberty to kiss him, while prying his mouth open. 

Alex and Hikari shared a passionate kiss, as Alex gulped down not only the liquor but as well the saliva of Hikari, turning the drink into a cocktail or emotions. 

They stopped only when the glass was over, but then the new round of making out insued. 

Alex roamed his hands all over Hikari's top-notch seductive body while feeling her deep inside his embrace. 

Both of these love birds only stopped after 10 minutes when Hikari felt herself loosing the breath. 

She leaned down inside Alex's arms and placed her head on his chest, feeling security from his smell and touch. 

"I love you Alex, " She said. 

"Me too mom, " Alex replied. 

"Son, I want to become yours as well... Completely yours, " Said Hikari with regret. 

"You won't need to wait much longer, you're the most important women for me in this world and the day I make you mine will be special for all eternity, " Said Alex affectionately. 

"Any day with you is special for me, I just wish to be with you as yours forever, " Said Hikari while tightening her embrace. 

"We'll for sure... " Said Alex as he once again gave Hikari a passionate kiss and only stopped when Airi disturbed them with a cough. 

"Umm... It's time for the meet up you arranged madam Hikari, " Said Airi. 

Hikari irritatingly stopped the kiss and looked at Airi. 

"You are jealous aren't you, you bitch? Even if you become ten times better you'll still be a slut anyway. I'll be the most precious to Alex all the time, " Hikari puffed out her bosom proudly like a kid flaunting her achievement. 

Hikari and Airi's close relationship had already been deteriorated and Hikari was only keeping her around to mess with her and because even if her personality used to be trash she was now loyal to her son and as well as a capable women. 

Don't they say? More the love, more the hate? This was what was happening between Hikari and Airi. 

Hikari was sparing no efforts to make Airi repent without letting Alex know or get irritated. 

She had even given attention to Airi's family making her husband and son live a life through hell. But she didn't dare harm Airi's young daughter too much, as one day she might become Alex's women as well. 

Airi herself was also making her husband and son experience hell as well, while at the same time training her daughter to become capable to seduce Alex. 

Airi knew that her daughter was very cute and if she managed to seduce Alex very well, then she as her mother as well will live a better life and will get more attention from Alex. 

After all as mother-daughter pair, they were basically a set, so she spared no efforts to make her daughter likable to Alex. 

But Hikari also knew this and that's why, she also was making sure that Airi's cute little daughter will lead a slightly harsh life. 

Hikari wasn't a kind person, she only was docile to Alex, as he had taken her heart at the moment she was most vulnerable. 

Otherwise, not even a single soul managed to move Hikari's heart in all those decades of her life. 

Airi gritted her teeth inwardly, but still maintained a beautiful smile outwardly. 

She can't let Alex see her as some ugly jealous women! 

"That's not it madam Hikari, actually the meet up was supposed to start by now. So I was just reminding you as your secretary. And... As for being with Master... I don't care if I'm his precious or not, I'm even glad to just become his pet and live my life by his side obediently, " Said Airi without missing a beat. 

Even Alex felt slightly moved, as this Airi really had some vocal skills which weren't any low than her blowjob skills. 

"Tsk, okay... " Tsked Hikari as she then turned to Alex, her aura changed completely. 

Previously if she was like a hunting tiger, then now she was like a fawning cat, docile and tamed. 

"Alex, you're coming right? I have invited everyone important, you'll for sure enjoy tonight, " She said and stood up. 

She then straightened her clothes and gracefully waited for Alex to take her hand. 

Alex laughed at Hikari's antics but still took her hand and then both of them left the room for the meeting. 

Airi looked at Alex going away, and then she as well followed silently.