The day with Family

Like that five more years passed. 

It was now the day when Alex was supposed to depart from his home to learn under his master. 

His mother Melissa had made sure to keep Alex with her until he was at least 10 years old. 

And right now Alex was in the County moving around different places looking at different things. 

With him was Eliza who had asked for a small date as a return gift for Alex's departure. 

Since dome years, Eliza was staying in Alex's home along with his sister and mother. 

Actually, she had come here to learn the way of the lady from Melissa. 

For these last 3 years, Alex and she had become quite close. As now Alex was sure that he could call her a friend of his. 

"Alex, look isn't that cute? " Asked Eliza. 

Alex sighed, don't you want to say? ' I want that' 

Alex bought the cute stuffy bear for Eliza and handed it to her. 

Eliza happily accepted it and gave Alex a kiss on his cheek. 

Alex felt that this Eliza was really interesting. She was clearly more mature than children her age, but still liked to act like children her age. 

She as well kept most of her emotions in check, but Alex had somehow come to understand her by a small margin. 

Like when she was happy or when she was sad Or irritated. 

Like right now... She was irritated. 

"What's with that toy? It's so unlady like, " Said another girl from Alex's other side. 

She was his big sister Rachel, who had grown up to be a charming young lady. 

She was slender and had this formidable aura packed in her small frame that made one reconsider offending her every time. 

Her beauty was also unparalleled, she looked like a heroic fairy with a untainted affection and charm. 

Eliza glared at Rachel, but didn't say anything. She was Alex's big sister so she couldn't curse her right now like she usually did. 

Alex sighed again, actually Rachel as well had tagged along with them when she found out that he was going on a date. 

And that created this current situation, where Alex had a flower in each hand. 

Eliza smiled and then pulled Alex to another place, where they all once again started enjoying, forgetting about their small banter which had become a regular thing with Rachel and Eliza. 

Eliza had found out that Melissa and Rachel had completely changed their sides. 

They were now completely against harming Alex in any way. 

But Eliza couldn't say anything about this, as by the time she knew this, she had already become attached to Alex. 

She was very confused about this, but Alex's caring, kind and charming personality had already won her heart. 

Melissa and Rachel as well had added their skillful manipulation in it, but Eliza was now on Alex's side, that's what was important. 

Eliza had found out that Alex really wasn't what she had thought all those years ago. 

He was considerate and cute kid, who cared about everyone around him. 

She couldn't imagine him being that evil and bad person, so she had decided to save him from any sorcery that went on in his previous life. 

Even though Eliza, Melissa and Rachel had changed sides, they acted normally in front of Daisy, Rose and Rose's master. 

They were especially wary of Daisy... 

As this scheming and creepy women had crossed all imaginations and had amassed an unimaginable power in this world. 

In a span of just few years, she had created a cult that spanned throughout the world. 

All kingdoms normally ignored this cult, as members of this cult were good people who did good deeds. 

But the main reason was that they had grown too much, before any measures could even be taken this cult had seeped deep into the world. 

Daisy was the High Priestess of the cult, who held the supreme authority just below the imaginary God she had created.

Melissa, Rachel and Eliza were that's why very wary of Daisy because of this. 

Ririko was actually still missing as there was not even a sign of her. 

Everyone had come to an understanding that most likely Ririko was so unlucky that she somehow died at the time of substitution. 

As for Alex, he actually didn't know anything about these women, he was just living a loving life being surrounded by his family. 

But, last year Daisy had actually brought him to a secluded place inside the County. 

Where he came to find out that the world famous cult 'Salvation' was actually created by Daisy. 

The 'Salvation' hosted uncountable believers throughout the world. 

And Daisy had told these fanatics that she was the servant of the God. 

And that God was Alex... 

Alex found that this women was really creepy and he still regretted devouring her memories till now. 

But it was good that his information was actually only told to high tier members of the cult whose loyalty was something to be sure of and that saved lots of trouble for Alex. 

As a 10 year old boy, Alex looked a lot older than boys his age. 

The main reason for that was that he trained himself daily in swordsmanship, magic and bodily strength. 

He had already become famous as a child prodigy and everyone in county loved him due to his kind nature. 

Now as people saw their young Lord with two beautiful ladies, they did their best to make sure that there won't be any problem with it. 

Alex walked around the county with Eliza and Rachel both holding one of his hands. 

Soon, it was about to be afternoon so they decided to go back to the mansion. 

Melissa had taken a day off from her official work to say goodbye to Alex, even though she didn't want to. 

But she knew that as her son became young man, she will have to let him go on his own. 

Melissa hugged her son fondly, " Son, come here mom has made your favorite dishes today. "

Alex smiled and nodded. 

After that all four of them had a good lunch. 

Melissa kept telling Alex about how to manage himself outside like a nagging mother. 

Alex as well nodded without getting irritated as he knew that his mother was saying this only for him. 

Rose was going to come to the County to pick up Alex, so Melissa, Rachel and Eliza told Alex to indirectly be careful. 

After lunch, Rachel and Eliza tacitly left Melissa alone with Alex. 

They had their date in the morning, so they didn't wish to disturb Melissa who was always so kind to them. 

Alex and Melissa then spent their time as they usually did, they cuddled on the bed while talking about all things. 

Melissa was very sad that Alex was leaving, but she didn't show it on her face. 

"Mom, don't be sad. I'll soon come back after all we are supposed to forever live together, " Alex said while caressing his mother's face. 

"Yes, " Replied Melissa while her eyes turned teary. 

Alex soothed down Melissa by talking sweet nothings, where he promised a good future ahead. 

But this somehow only made Melissa more sad, so Alex changed the subject. 

He suddenly dived down into Melissa's bosom and said, " Mom, I always feel safe when you hug me like you used to when I was kid. "

Melissa as well smiled as if reminiscing good times, " You were always such a spoiled kid, you loved my breasts so much that you won't let them go even while sleeping. "

"That's because they were so tasty... " Alex said but he felt that this sentence was wrong in many fundamental levels, so he stopped. 

But Melissa continued with a teasing tone, " So? Do you want to try them now? " She even pulled her breasts up to emphasize her more than moderate bosom. 

Alex was stunned, but he understood that his mother was teasing him, but he never was the one to be teased one sidedly. 

He cupped his mother's breast and gave it a squeeze asking in a spoiled manner, " Mom? Can I? "

Melissa was stunned and felt embarrassed now. 

But she didn't say no, Alex had already seen everything, as she and Alex always slept together and she had that habit of always sleeping half-naked. 

Alex smiled, as removed his mother's gown and then her bra.

she was wearing a different bra than the one in morning, he thought. 

Alex was pleasantly shocked as he saw his mother's beautiful breast, he hadn't licked them, after they stopped lactating. 

But now seeing them once again in front of him he couldn't control himself, as he dived down on them. 

And after that what followed was series of pleasant and sexy muffled moans of undeniable pleasure. 

Alex didn't go much further as he only suckled on his mother's breasts, but this as well made her orgasm, forcing Melissa to leave for the bathroom. 

Alex then told his mother that he wanted to rest and look around, so he left the room and directly went to his own room. 

And as soon as he entered, a feminine figure hugged him tightly. 

Alex as well hugged this women and said fondly, " Don't be sad Daisy, I will always be with you. I'm just going away for some time. "

"Sniff, sniff Dear, promise me that you won't leave me alone again, " Begged Daisy while crying like a little girl. 

Alex nodded, " I promise. "

As soon as Alex said so, Daisy's lips fell on his lips which led to a passionate round of kissing, making both of them feel closer to each other. 

Alex and Daisy then sat on the bed and talked about everything. 

Alex had also come to think of Daisy as family, as she had made a place for herself in his heart. 

She was just a little bit creepy sometimes, but that was something that Alex could handle as she was always so obedient. 

Alex hadn't gone much further with Daisy, as most they had done was kissing and Alex touching her. 

Daisy really liked it whenever Alex touched her possessively.

Especially after Alex told her that he remembered everything in his previous life, she always acted like a wife to Alex, she even started to call him 'husband' when they were alone and Alex was helpless to stop her as she would become really sad when he didn't let her. 

"Husband, can you do it with me again when you come back next time? " Asked Daisy. 

Alex thought for a moment and nodded, actually he didn't mind having sex even now, because he had matured early and was strong enough to handle a women on bed. 

But Alex stopped himself as before having sex he at least wanted to be off a slightly passable age. 

Daisy once again fiddled around and shyly asked, " Husband, can you give me a child as well? "

Alex was stunned. Damn women, I'm still a child and you want me to give you a child? Where's fuckin FBI? 

He replied, " We'll think about it later. For now I need to go, it seems my sister Rose is here. "

Daisy felt sad seeing Alex leaving. 

But then, Daisy's eyes suddenly turned serious, as she handed Alex a pendant. 

"Huh? What's this Daisy? "

"This pendant will save you from any life threatening attack once, " She said seriously. 

Alex checked and sure enough it was a top-tier item, rarely found in this world. 

He checked a little bit more and found out Daisy's life signatures on it. 

He sternly asked, " Daisy, protection is not the only function of this Pendant right? "

Daisy suddenly became stunned, but she then thought it was obvious that Alex would find out about this... 

"There are some other functions... " Said Daisy while not continuing. 

"What are those? " Alex asked. 

"They're not that important... " Said Daisy not looking into Alex eyes, but then she saw him giving a deathpan glare in her direction. 

"It can help me see where you are... And also... It will notify me if something bad happened to you, " Said Daisy. 

"Don't lie Daisy, I can see that this Pendant is connected to your life. If I died you'll die as well, won't you? " Asked Alex in anger. 

Daisy didn't say anything, as she just looked down. She knew that Alex didn't like anyone harming themselves for him. 

Actually that was the reason why she was amassing power without telling him the real reason. 

But suddenly she felt Alex pulling her in his direction as he hugged her possessively. 

"Thanks Daisy, I love you. But you don't need to do this, because I already consider you as my wife and I can't let my wife fall in danger because of me, " Said Alex while caressing Daisy's back. 

He wasn't that tall, so he only reached upto Daisy's bosom, but this tight hug made Daisy feel as if she was given a heaven. 

Alex never told her that he loved her, he never accepted her as his wife... 

She was so happy that tears started flowing down her eyes. 

But then she suddenly felt a small push which made her fall on the bed. 

She looked at Alex confused, but Alex just grinned, " You wanted to become mine right? Then let me show you real heaven today. "

Alex said as he went near Daisy and kissed her lips gently, his touch so soft and warm that Daisy felt cared and loved. 

Alex's hand slowly slid down on Daisy's body, he first removed the strap of her silvery white gown, then sliding it downward, while not leaving her lips alone. 

Alex then stopped kissing, as he then focused on removing Daisy's clothes. 

He first removed her gown completely, under which she was only wearing a bra and panty. 

Alex removed her bra next, which hardly covered her delicious looking cleavge, bringing out her beautiful melons only slightly smaller than his mother's but they still looked tasty. 

Alex wanted to suck on them as he sucked on his mother's, but for now he gently caressed her mounds and small pink nipples on top of them which were becoming erect just from his touch. 

"Alex... Please make me yours, " Begged Daisy in a seductive voice. 

Alex smiled as his hand next reached toward Daisy's panty which covered her sacred garden from his eyes. 

Alex gently removed Daisy's panty, as she as well cooperated and shyly covered her sacred garden and breasts from Alex's eyes. 

"Let me see them, " Alex said. 

Daisy nodded as she slowly brought her hands away bringing the enchanting scene of picturesque beauty in Alex's vision. 

"You're beautiful Daisy, " Alex praised as he trailed his hand around Daisy's contours. 

Daisy was exceptionally beautiful, with attractive figure and aura. 

Her long black hair and her more than handful breasts were piece of an art, which Alex now started fondling. 

"Ahh~ I love you~" Confessed Daisy. 

Alex didn't reply, but he bit on Daisy's nipple bringing out even stronger moan from her. 

He played with them until he was satisfied and then moved downward while licking her skin all over. 

He soon reached till her inviting pussy, which was now drooling non-stop as if waiting for Alex to claim it. 

Alex smiled, he looked at Daisy's pink folds, her petals were looking appetizing with a small clit on top. 

Alex couldn't help himself without giving it at least a lick, making Daisy almost moan in orgasm. 

"You're quite sensitive Daisy, " Alex said. 

Daisy shyly replied, " No, it's because this is for you. I was waiting for this for years. "

Alex moved his tongue around Daisy's petals, tasting her from deep inside. 

"Did you masturbate while thinking about me fucking you? " Asked Alex. 

"Ahh~ Yes~ just a little bit~ when I couldn't help myself~ from thinking about you and our night together~" Said Daisy. 

Alex smiled as he now tasted Daisy's pussy with new motivation, his tongue moved around freely inside her cave, giving her the pleasure that made her moan more and more. 

Soon, Daisy couldn't hold it back, she said, " Ahh~ husband~I'm cumming~ "

Alex drank down all of Daisy's tasty squirt, not leaving even a drop behind. 

It was almost as tasty as his mother's milk. Alex wondered how tasty his mother's squirt would taste, but quickly threw away that thought. 

"Now time for main dish, " Said Alex as he quickly removed his clothes.