
"Welcome my Lord, I , your devout believer, the High Priestess of your teachings, welcomes you in this small abode of 'Salvation', " Said a soft melancholic voice filled with love and devotion. 

Alex moved his gaze forward as his eyes fell upon a beautiful fairy like figure descending down the stairs. 

Behind her was the magnificent throne filled with grandeur and beauty as well as authority. 

But what made this throne even more attractive was the group of females akin to angels, leaning upon throne's sides and surrounding the throne room, as they as well looked at Alex in subservience and love. 

Their bodies covered without anything, exposing every inch of their sensual angelic figures, their naturally beautiful countenance enough to force anyone to just look at them for eternity. 

The women who first spoke, said again, " I've waited so long to see you again... " Her tone laced with longing and adoration. 

Alex looked back as this time he couldn't bring his eyes away from this divinely beautiful women. 

Her long black hair cascaded down behind her like waves in the gentle stream, her eyes akin to jewels matching with lapis colored jewelry on her earlobes.

Along with the tiara laced with endearing pearls resting upon her head shining with each step she moved.

Her soft cherry lips attracted attention with a hint of sultriness, adorning a small but affectionate smile that reached upto her jewel like eyes. 

Her soft, smooth and white skin illuimated by the glow of gentle chandeliers, hidden behind only a transparent sea colored robe which did not even cover her alluring form in all aspects. 

From behind the sleeves of her robe peeked out her elegant dainty hands held before her uncovered stomach just abover her cute belly button. 

Above those hands proudly rested her twin peaks, adorned with a dignified motherly beauty which seeped out with each move. 

Her long graceful legs hidden by nothing, moved with a natural seductiveness.

While her thick plump thighs faintly hidden behind the transparent robe gave out the aura of eroticism reaching till her bare womehood without a single strand of hair, giving out the suggestion for invitation. 

As she stepped down from stairs and started walking, her wide femininely curvaceous hips moved from side to side making their presence known. 

The women stood before Alex with a slight smile and the hint of shyness, as the man she desired checked out her frame from top to bottom. 

"A-Alex... Hold me... " She said and he didn't disappoint her. 

His hands gently wrapped around her slender smooth waist covered by the soft satin robe. 

He leaned down slightly catching her velvety cherry lips on his, drinking their soft warmth while holding her graceful frame. 

"I also missed you Daisy, " Said Alex, but then not stopping for a moment as he once again started tasting her lips. 

Their soft intermittent rubbing soon delved into a passionate touch of love completed by the Union of their tongues entwining on each other. 

Alex's hand slowly moved inside her transparent robe, caressing her curvaceous bottom and then reaching upto her smooth back, pulling her in the confines of his arms and snatching the feel of her twin peaks. 

The kiss went on and on and on, their touch expressing their longing and awaiting for each other, while their tongues explored the stories of their parting. 

Only stopping when this wasn't enough, the time they spent away from each other made them demand everything from each other. 

They looked into each other's eyes which reflected the desire explaining their own adoration. 

Daisy leaned in while wrapping her arms tightly around her lover, hoping to never part again. 

The sound of his heartbeats enveloping her World, bringing her unexplainable joy and security while his soft caresses made her feel at home. 

"I can't explain how happy I'm to see you after so long, " She cried. 

"Me too, my little Daisy. How I hope to have forever to spend with you, " Said Alex while caressing her soft hair. 

Daisy's eyes watered hearing Alex, but she smiled as she pulled away, " I brought lots of gifts for you. "

Alex acted surprised as he saw Daisy pointing at the beautiful fairies inside the throne room. 

"They're gifts? " He asked. 

Daisy nodded while holding Alex's arm, " Yeah, they're the Holy Priestesses of 'Salvation' each of them holds considerable status in 'Salvation' only inferior to me and you. I specifically chose them, on the standards of their beauty, talent and devotion... For you... Do you like them? "

Alex looked around all unclothed females looking at him in love and devotion. 

He then brought his gaze back to Daisy, who looked like a holy angel waiting for her God's decree. 

He smiled and shook his head, " I like them, but... " 

Daisy smiled in the start but then she became anxious. 

Was there some problem with any of these girls? 

"... But, when I have you my High Priestess Daisy, then why will I need them? It's your fault that you're so beautiful that I can't bring my eyes upon other women when I'm with you, " Said Alex with straight face. 

Daisy who heard Alex's words, suddenly felt warm. A red hue crept upon her angelic aspects, as she said in shyness, " You're such a sweet-talker... But it's useless, because I love you so much already that I can give up everything for you. "

"Me too, I also love you Daisy, enough to burn this world for you and enough to bring deities down to their knees for you, " Said Alex while turning Daisy around. 

He then placed his face on her shoulder, as he looked at the grand throne before him, " Is that throne for us my dear? "

Daisy caressed Alex's face, as she whispered, " Everything that is around us here is yours. That throne is yours, I'm yours and all of the women in this Palace including those in front of us are yours. "

Alex smiled as he now picked up Daisy in princess carry. 

"Then I want to share all of this with you, but I want you to be only mine and mine alone. I'll not share you... Not even with yourself, " Said Alex as he climbed stairs. 

Daisy blushed till her neck as her semi-nude figure was carried upon stairs by Alex. 

He then sat upon the throne while placing her on his lap. 

His hand gently moved upon her seductive contours, in the end resting upon her thigh, his other hand held her silk covered smooth back as he brought her lips in a touch of kiss again. 

As the kiss deepened, his clothes disappeared bringing into eyes of all those naked females the divine body of their God. 

But not a single one of them dared approach him, his aura, dignity and status too higher than them for them to even gaze at his supremacy without his permission. 

But they couldn't hold themselves back from not admiring the fleeting glance of Alex's God like figure playing with the fairy who held highest respect from them. 

Their gaze transversed down lower, to the divine shaft of their God, standing high in between the thighs of their respected High Priestess. 

His hand touching her sacred region, making her leak out seductive moans of pleasure from the mouth that they thought was supposed to sing the Gospel of God. 

These women themselves felt their sacred gardens watering by just staring at the reunion ahead of them. 

Their hands inadvertently followed the vision in their pupils as all of them tried to soothe this yearning of their womenhood. 

Alex and Daisy soon pulled apart from their passionate kiss, gazing into each other's eyes. 

Daisy's face was already bright red, while gasps of pleasure and desire were leaving her mouth with every breath. 

The hot smolding shaft of her lover touching her inner thighs made her sacred garden appeal for it more and more enthusiastically. 

"You are already wet Daisy, how naughty, " Said Alex as he showed his honey coated hand to Daisy. 

Daisy blushed, " You're also so hard, " She replied while holding Alex's divine rod that couldn't even fit in her hands properly. 

Alex gently picked Daisy up and then positioned his cock towards her sacred garden, which was already crying out in prayers for the divine gift. 

Daisy wrapped her hands around Alex's neck, awaiting their reunion. 

Alex as well didn't disappoint her as he slowly brought her seductive frame upon his giant rod. 

Her pussy petals slowly parted revealing the cave which was already molded into the shape of her lover's cock. 

"Ahh~" She moaned, while feeling the creases inside her soft pussy being touched by the warmth of Alex's shaft. 

Her tight hole expanded itself to take in the full girth of her lover and her Lord.

"So full... " She muttered, feeling her womb being touched by Alex's tip. 

She didn't move around, neither she said anything as she rested her head with eyes closed upon Alex's chest while circling her hands gently around his figure. 

Her divinely beautiful body, her otherworldly features, her pearly tiara, her lapis like ear-rings and her sea colored robe made her look like a divine angel above heavens sullied by the Almighty God who held her complete devotion and love. 

"I love you... So, take me, " She said with teary voice of joy and happiness. 

Alex smiled, " With pleasure, my angel Daisy. "

He then slowly moved Daisy up and down, his gestures gentle as if trying to fill and feel the every corner of her insides. 

His strength slowly increased, as Daisy's moans as well intensified bringing to her unbound pleasure that was trying to envelope her. 

As the peak of pleasure was about to descend upon her, the pistoning of Alex's girth inside her womenhood only increased. 

By the time she was about to cum, inside her mind there was only the thought of her lover and cumming by having his cock inside her. 

Alex as well felt Daisy's pussy turning suggestively tight, her grip increased around his back.

He smiled, and then suddenly turned her around with her back facing him. 

This unnatural but skilled movement grazed upon the creases of Daisy's innerfolds, making her back suddenly arch, as she released the loud moan of satisfaction. 

Right now as she orgasmed, she wasn't the High Priestess of 'Salvation' but just a women who couldn't help herself from falling to love and pleasure. 

Her angelic figure fell back on Alex's chest, as she was soon done orgasming. 

But suddenly, she heard Alex's voice from beside her ear, " Look ahead my Daisy, all of your sub-ordinates are staring at you, tell them how you fill right now. "

Daisy felt as if Alex's words were divine orders, rained upon her as a blessing of seven life times. 

She looked at all beautiful naked women inside the hall. 

Each of them were staring at her in respect, admiration, adoration but at the same time jealousy.

Their hands playing with their own pussy holes which were crying out for the blessings of their Lord. 

Most of theirs eyes gripped upon her sacred garden leaking her pleasure honey, pierced by the divine rod of their God. 

She opened her mouth, as Alex ordered and said, " Union with my Lord feels so good... That I can't explain... His divine rod... It messed me up from inside... I'm truly fortunate to be born as a women and to have a chance to unite with my Lord this way. "

Alex smiled, as he kept his face on Daisy's shoulder while his hands gripped upon her ample twin peaks. 

"You're such a good speaker Daisy, " Said Alex as he started kissing Daisy's neck while once again moving inside her. 

"T-Thank you Alex~ " Muttered Daisy which ended in a series of moans. 

She turned her head to the side and met her cherry lips once again with Alex's. 

Daisy's graceful breasts moved up and down, as her motherly hips collieded with Alex's balls. 

The sound of their union only made all these angelic beauties in front of them more and more horny. 

In just a minute Daisy once again orgasmed, her robe which hardly covered anything but made her look like a divine fairy was now adhering to her sensual succubi like frame. 

After orgasming twice, Daisy's love hole was already soaked with her love honey. 

Alex felt himself melting inside her with each of thrust, his thirst for her body only multiplied as time passed. 

He next pushed Daisy to the throne with her mountains being squished against the soft seat of the throne and then suddenly plunged his cock deep inside her kissing her womb with its tip. 

He then started banging her pussy without any care, as Daisy also left her dignity and grace behind. 

"Ahh~ My Lord~ Alex~ Harder~ Ahh~ Cummmming! " 

Daisy's voice reached new syllables, as her sacred garden once again flooded out while her walls contracted like not before, giving Alex the ultimate peak of pleasure. 

Alex knew that he was about to climax. 

But just then he felt that there was something missing, so he quickly pulled out and turned Daisy around on her back.

He then emptied his shaft onto her twin peaks, stomach, face and thighs covering her completely in his essence. 

"Ahhhh~ Alex~" Daisy moaned feeling warmth all over her body. 

She subconsciously licked all the sperm around her lips, drinking it down in gulps. 

She was completely exhausted, with her extraordinary divine aura she just lied there like a defeated fairy. 

Her body covered in whites of Alex's semen, her legs sprawled in submission towards Alex while her sacred garden still dripping down non-stop. 

Daisy was so exhausted that she felt her consciousness leaving. 

But just then she was once again pulled back to the life with another stroke inside her pussy. 

"W-Wait... Let~ me~ rest~" Begged Daisy. 

"I'm not even half done my Daisy, I'm not stopping until you're completely drowned in my essence, " Alex smiled as he rammed inside Daisy.

Daisy even while loosing last bit of her sanity said, " You~ can~ Ahhh~use~ those~ girls~ " Moaned Daisy. 

Alex smirked, " Their chance will come, but not before I'm done banging this sexy and hot body of yours. "

After that Alex made Daisy experience peaks of pleasure again and again, only stopping after 2 hours.

Daisy was completely done in, her condition made her look as if she had gone through a huge brawl and had come out unconscious. 

Alex then looked at other beauties which were specially prepared by Daisy for him. 

Some of these women came from commoner background, while some were nobles. 

These were Priestesses of 'Salvation'. Each of them completely loyal to their faith in Alex. 

Each of them controlled a massive part of 'Salvation' under Daisy's role. 

But one thing they all had in common was that each of them were divinely beautiful, a cream of a crop among beauties around. 

They were all looking at Alex in submission and reverence. 

Previously they might have been wives, mothers, sisters, daughters of theit men, but before their God now they were only females who wished for his blessings inside their womenhood. 

In last 2 hours, while Alex was busy with Daisy. All of these women had started the grand orgy. 

Right now they were all lying in the centre of the throne room, completely naked and sprawled upon each other.

Their pussies waiting for shaft of their divine God to claim them. 

Alex wasn't the one to disappoint them, so he grandly descended upon these lost lambs. 

Showing them the meaning of 'Salvation' with his divine rod.