Empress Beatrice

On entirely another plane of this World... 

Alex was enjoying time of his life, as his women were having a catfight back at home. 

Right now, Alex was sharing a bed with two beautiful women with seductive figures. 

Irina was sleeping soundly on the left arm of Alex. 

Her entire body marked by Alex's lips while her pussy claimed by his semen which was still dripping out of it. 

On another arm of his was sleeping, a beautiful mature women with features similar to Irina. 

She oozed out seductive motherly aura that couldn't be concealed because of her huge breasts and wide ass. 

Alex was naturally fondling the sexy ass of this women while having a lovely chat. 

He remembered how strongly this women resisted him just like Irina who was her daughter. 

It had been few days after the war between living and dead, with the overwhelming victory on the side of living. 

After saving Kitty from the death's jaw, Alex found the gate from where Demonic Spirits were entering their World. 

Alex massacred everyone in the vicinity, forcing their leader to show up. 

And surprisingly the one who showed up was an old acquaintance. 

He was the old man whose daughter Alex had fucked some time ago. 

Alex still remembered that awesome pussy of Irina and felt regret that he let it go. 

In regret he ended up plummeting the old man black and blue. 

And just when he was about to kill him, a beautiful mature women appeared from the Gate. 

"Your grace, I apologize for my servant's mistake of offending you. May I know who you are? " Asked the seductive women. 

Alex quickly came to the conclusion that this women was the Queen of Demonic Spirits. 

"It is disrespectful to ask for other's identity before introducing yourself. But as you are such a beautiful lady, I'll forgive this transgression and let you have a chance to repent yourself. So tell me who you are? " Said Alex with a look of senior evaluating a junior. 

The Queen of Demonic Spirits felt uneasy while dealing with Alex. 

Her instincts honned over tens of thousand of years told her that this man was dangerous. 

So, she decided to believe in her instincts and was ready to throw this old man whose name she had forgotten under the truck. 

But now this man was blatantly disrespecting her. 

She was the progenitor of this World, the Guardian of the Death so how could she take this humiliation downright. 

"It seems you don't understand what I'm saying. I'm not respectful to you because I'm afraid rather I just don't wish to kill an insect who might give me problems down the future. But it seems you yourself are asking for death. So how can I refuse, " Said the Queen of Demonic Spirits with killing intent. 

A dark light appeared on her hands as the world turned dark. 

The air turned heavier, as if the World itself was going down. 

Alex could feel himself that the very last molecule of oxygen was destroyed as this place became a total vaccum. 

 The Queen of Demonic Spirits said, "As you're going to die, then I'll enlighten you graciously by my name. I'm the Queen of Demonic Spirits, Ruler of Death, the Guardian of Gate of the Hell, The Empress Beatrice. "

The cape she was wearing started fluttering in the wind, as her heroic figure became even more eye catching as if bathed by darkness itself. 

Alex found it hard to take his eyes away from this beauty, as if she had done some kind of magic on his eyes. 

But it was just the natural beauty of this Women which made Alex too stunned to move. 

Alex knew that Beatrice was a being akin to Demi-Godess. She was someone who had lived for uncountable years accumulating knowledge and powers. 

While even if Alex had knowledge and was at the same level of raw strength as Beatrice he still was far from the power level from which he could beat Beatrice... Directly that is. 

But Alex had found out something very interesting. 

An event that was happening in this world. 

He was not unaware of how the women he marked from inside will fall in love with him unconditionally. 

At first he thought that it was normal to fall for him, as he was handsome, strong, had considerable background and also scheming mind along with a huge cock that could bring any female to submission. 

But slowly Alex found out from the examples of Irina and his stepmother Rufina about his power. 

Also, his family members seem to know about this power of his and that was why they were saying all that romatic bullshit, before him marking their womb with his sperm. 

Alex was slightly confused about everything, but in this life he was not interested in finding about anything. 

So he decided to forget it for now. 

But the event that was happening in this World was something he could use. 

Alex looked around and he could feel four beings in this vicinity including himself. 

One was the old man, then next was the Queen of Demonic Spirits Beatrice and the last one beside himself was Irina who was hiding a little far away ready for something. 

Alex smirked as he felt everything slowing down. 

The death defining attack of Beatrice was ready to take his life. 


Alex said, " Let's play a Game. "

And as soon as he said so, a flash of screen appeared before Alex. 

[ Understanding Player's condition... 

 Finding the Optimal Game... 


 Everyone around you has been chosen in 'The Game' ]

The same information was sent to the old man in different words as everyone was next teleported to a white hall without any doors or windows. 

Beatrice was beyond surprised as her deadly attack was suddenly gone or rather she was gone from there. 

And now she was here without any information about what had happened. 

Irina was similar as she as well didn't get any notifications just like Beatrice. 

She was actually hiding so that she could protect Alex from any harm. 

But suddenly was teleported here with only grace that Alex was here with her. 

Her father was also here... 

Alex smiled as he looked at three people. 

Suddenly a notification appeared. 

[ Player Alex will be matched against newly awakened Player Christopher ]

[ Alex's women : Irina Bloodmoon ]

[ • Name : Irina Bloodmoon

 • Grade : A

 • Information : Irina is the only daughter of Christopher Bloodmoon. She was actually created from a drop of blood of The Queen of Demonic Spirits, the Empress Beatrice. ]

Alex looked at the description which showed the naked image of Irina at the side. 

But Alex didn't waste his time looking there. 

As Irina right now was almost nude while wearing the micro bikini that Alex had forced her to wear once. 

'She must have thought of it as a gift from me. This is more like slavery than love, ' Alex thought as he looked at Irina's shy expression. 

Irina had already went near Alex trying to find words to start conversation. 

She also wanted to touch Alex, but didn't dare to. 

But Alex was completely opposite. 

His hand went to the bubbly wheat colored asscheek of Irina surprising her. 

Alex then pulled Irina closer in a hug and gave her a passionate kiss. 

His hands weren't idle as each of them found a separate buttcheek of Irina to fondle. 

Alex made sure to kiss Irina in a way, that the old man Christopher could see her nude back clearly. 

Irina's sexy butt got morphed into different shapes as Alex made sure to stretch them while giving the best view of her anus and pussy possible to Christopher. 

"Y-You! Bastard! Let my daughter go! " Yelled old man Christopher as he tried to summon his weapon. 

But nothing happened except a notification that said that weapons were prohibited. 

This was the third notification Christopher got after coming here. 

The first one said that he had become a Player. 

Next was telling him that The Queen of Demonic Spirits was assigned as his women. 

There was then description of hers with a model of her at bottom. 

Of course this model wasn't naked like that of Irina's as Christopher hadn't fucked Beatrice like Alex had fucked Irina. 

In the model Beatrice was wearing her royal robe and cape showing off her seductive figure and beautiful face. 

"What? Is she the girl you created from the drop of my blood? " Asked Beatrice. 

"Yes, Beatrice, " Christopher had already started thinking of Beatrice as his women after knowing everything necessary about her, so he said her name directly. 

After that he went back to cursing Alex to stay away from his daughter. 

Beatrice of course didn't like this old man calling her directly, but she decided to ignore this for now, as she had found that she had lost all of her powers here. 

And now was just a normal women without any magical powers. 

Beatrice then waited for Alex to kiss or rather tonguefuck Irina's mouth. 

Soon they were done, as Irina's red face came into Beatrice's view. 

She was gasping for breaths while her breasts got fondled by that man. 

Beatrice could see watery love honey leaking down from Irina's womenhood. 

'What a slut? Is she really my daughter? ' Beatrice thought. 

Beatrice couldn't check the girl's bloodline, as her magical powers were sealed, but at least from looks she understood that this girl looked like her. 

Alex looked at Beatrice and checked her out. 

[ • Name : The Empress Beatrice

 • Grade : S

 • Information : The Empress Beatrice has lived for 70,567 years. She has already forgotten many of her memories. But she kept her knowledge and she now is the Strongest being in the World. ]

Alex smiled and introduced himself. 

"I'm Alex and this is my girlfriend Irina. Say hello to her Irina, " Said Alex while patting Irina's ass. 

Irina blushed as she held her ass. 

She couldn't believe Alex was acting so unrestrained that also before her parents. 

"Umm.. Hello m-mother... I'm Irina, " Said Irina feeling nervous. 

Beatrice looked at Irina, " So, you really are my daughter. I'm really surprised as even if I'm the progenitor of all Demonic Spirits, I couldn't give birth to my own child. "

Beatrice then looked at the old man Christopher with a gaze that carried admiration, " You really are a capable person. I had only heard about your research evaluation and you are upto your fame. "

Christopher felt glad and he nodded like a little hen, basking in the admiration of women who he always admired. 

Alex looked at Beatrice with a weird gaze, " Sigh, you couldn't birth a child, because you never had sex. You are still a virgin while your so called daughter has already turned into a top tier slut. "

Beatrice blushed, she never had said to anyone that she was virgin. 

She said, " Shut up! I tried using magic to give birth to a child. But the foetus always died because of overload. I'm sure nothing would change even if I tried to give birth to a child as a mortal does. "

Alex nodded, " That's true, you are strongest in this World. So no one would be able to impregnate you while your Demonic power is so high that no newborn living being could sustain your power. "

Beatrice nodded, " Yeah, I understand. Anyway I wasn't interested in giving birth. But rather I was just curious and bored, so I tried that. But now tell me where have you brought me? "

Alex shook his head, " I myself don't know. But this seems to be a Game in which I need to compete against that old man. "

"Yeah and it says that you are my women Beatrice, " Said old man Christopher. 

Beatrice was stunned, " What?! Me and your women? An insect like you dares to---"

But just then a sound appeared. 

Beep! Beep! Beep! 

[ Round 1 starts! ]

[ Penetrate your women ]

[ Time limit : 9 . 59 ]

[ 9 . 58 ]

As soon as the sound ended a notification appeared before Alex. 

But Alex didn't show that he found something unusual. 

He looked at the old man and sure enough he was surprised, as he then vulgarly looked at Beatrice. 

Alex acted surprised, " What was that noise? I almost had my ears blown. "

" Are you alright Alex? " Asked Irina worried. 

"Yeah, just feeling a little sore in ears, " Said Alex. 

Christopher saw that Alex hadn't shown any signs of seeing the message. 

'Is he hiding it? ' thought Christopher. 

He turned to Beatrice. 

He had to somehow take her virginity in next 10 minutes. 

But how? 

She won't let him in any condition, so he knew that only way was to force her. 

"It was something weird... Beatrice, can you use your powers here? " Asked old man. 

Beatrice once again checked and sure enough she was still unable to use her powers. 

She denied with a shake of her head. 

"What about you two? I can not use my powers either, " Said old man towards Irina and Alex. 

Irina tried to summon her axe and no results. 

Alex as well tried concentrating, but nothing happened. 

Christopher felt that this round was only for him. 

As he could feel his demonic mana flowing through his blood. 

He had to take this chance when Beatrice was weakened and defenceless. 

Christopher gave an evil smile as he smirked towards Beatrice. 

He then moved his hand as a sword appeared in his hand, making Beatrice and Irina shocked. 

Even Alex acted shocked, so everything was perfect. 

"Hahaha, now I'm the strongest here. I'll now fuck both you and your daughter and then I'll become your Master and then I'll rule over the whole World! Hahaha, " Laughed the old man loudly. 

Alex smirked inwardly, he wondered how this old man had guessed that he will really be able to rule the World if he managed to fuck Beatrice. 

But it was useless, as Alex was also able to use his powers. 

"Y-You can use your powers!? How!? " Irina asked shocked. 

"Hahaha, don't worry my dear baby daughter. Daddy will tell you as he penetrates your pussy after done with your mother's, " Smirked old man as he slowly walked towards Beatrice as if feeling joy in helplessness of this women. 

Christopher used his magic spells, as sharp wind blew. 

In just a blink, all of Beatrice's clothes were torn as she now remained only in her undergarments. 

Her beautiful figure spilled out in the hungry eyes of Christopher, as he ogled her body while licking his lips. 

Beatrice was too shocked to do something, " Stay away you traitorous bastard! " She yelled while trying to hide her sexy body with her hands. 

She couldn't believe it. 

Her virgin body, kept safe by herself for tens of millineums will now be tainted by this old geezer. 

Her feminine instincts kicked up as even after being a strong willed women her eyes turned red with sorrow and helplessness. 

"I'll kill you, if you touched me! " She cursed but this was more like a music for Christopher. 

Beatrice couldn't do anything, as she tried to run away but found that she couldn't move. 

Christopher had already used a spell to immobilize her. 

"You're now mine Beatrice! I've waited for this moment from so long! "

And just when he was about to touch her, he felt a strong impact on his sides which caused him to be sent flying away. 

Alex snorted, " Unfortunately, you are wrong. If you want a women to love you. Then you need to love her. Forcing a women is not something a real man would do. "

Beatrice was shocked, as she heard Alex's heroic words. 

His image as he protected her vulnerable body was already etched in her mind. 

Seeing his wide shoulders and strong back, she felt somehow safe... And... Relieved... 

She had never felt this feeling, as she never was needed to be protected. 

Irina quickly came up to Beatrice with mixed feelings, " Mother! You are fine? Alex is strong. He won't let you get hurt. "

These words at the right moment only made Alex's image in Beatrice's mind more firmer. 

While Irina felt weird, Alex had raped her completely unlike his words... So was he not a real man? 

No! Irina shook her head, she had felt Alex in every way. 

If Alex wasn't a man, then no one was worthy to he a man. 

Alex had now ordered her to help him scam her mother Beatrice. 

"I knew it! You were just acting! Now die bastard! " Suddenly yelled the old man as he flew back to kill Alex. 

But Alex easily dodged and sent the man flying away. 

What followed after that was once again plummetion of the old man black and blue. 

Alex stopped only when one minute was remaining. 

He had found that the old man would recover from any kind of injury in a matter of second so he was literally immortal. 

So he just let him lie at a corner and then came to Irina who was helping her mother dress up... In a micro bikini similar to hers. 

Alex was for a moment shocked to see Beatrice wearing those strings that he had given to Irina. 

She was looking as sexy as heck, with that almost naked outfit similar to her daughter. 

Alex could hear Irina saying, " Mother, this outfit is very good. It's durable and easy to remove. It also helps to increase a women's beauty. Also, it's one of the exclusive items which only had two copies in the whole World. The one I'm wearing and now the one I gave you are the only pieces. "

Alex felt like laughing as he heard Irina's scamming advertisement which seemed to have made Beatrice interested. 

As she was nodding her head while touching the micro bikini made by Alex. 

But seeing Alex coming Beatrice felt ashamed, as she remembered how Alex had saved her. 

'I'm not a young girl! Why am I acting shy!? ' she thought and proudly stood before Alex showcasing her body. 

Alex ignored Beatrice and looked at Irina. 

"In Round 1 , I need to penetrate you. So can I? " Asked Alex. 

Irina blushed as she turned around and then pointed her ass towards Alex while stretching her asscheeks. 

"You can use any of them, " Said Irina with a shy voice while presenting her pussy and asshole to Alex. 

Alex chuckled as he pulled Irina in his embrace. 

He then pricked her finger slightly and that caused the end of the Round 1 with his victory. 

Christopher was shocked, " That was what Penetrating meant??!!"