Changed Rules

Tsumugi also wanted to have a talk with the only women who had an expressionless face and was sitting in one corner while hiding her half-naked body. 

Tsumugi knew that women, as she was also a fellow female teacher. 

But, she was always too silent and only ever talked during her lectures. 

" Ai-chan sensei is alone like always, " Said one of the two female teachers standing beside Tsumugi. 

She had seen Tsumugi looking at that anti-social women. 

The other teacher also said, " Humph! Just because she is an exiled bitch from Kageyama Clan and thinks of herself so highly that she doesn't even find it necessary to converse with us. "

Tsumugi felt sad for Ai, who was born in Kageyama Clan, which was famous for its sexist tradition. 

Women were treated quite badly in the Clan, so it wasn't rare for seeing a daughter from low ranked family member getting expelled as a punishment just because of some silly reason. 

Ai was most likely a similar case... 

But still as usual Tsumugi said, " Let's not bother with her. We need to get out of here. "

Tsumugi even though felt sad for Ai, she went with majority as this was what she usually did. 

But the first women whispered, " I and Igarashi sensei found something about this... Come here... "

As the women said so, Tsumugi and Igarashi sensei came near her. 

Igarashi sensei said to Tsumugi who was newcomer, " How many points do you have Tsumugi sensei? "

Tsumugi had always preferred to being referred by her name rather than the surname of her husband which she was forced to take by her in grave grandfather. 

So everyone called her Tsumugi sensei. 

Tsumugi replied to Igarashi sensei embarassedly, " I-I have 150 points remaining. "

Tsumugi lied right away, as she knew what kind of women these two were. 

Sure enough Igarashi sensei said, " Tsk, I got 300 points while Shinohara sensei has 200 points remaining. We need more points as that devilish man named Alex said to me that we'll need these points. "

Igarashi sensei said last words while looking at Ai who was sitting silently at the corner. 

Tsumugi quickly understood what these women were implying. 

And as she thought Shinohara sensei said, " We will force her to hand over her points... But we need to wait till we're out of here. Principal Aizawa is here... She might use this to make trouble with us in future. "

After that for some minutes Shinohara sensei and Igarashi sensei talked about how they planned to force Ai sensei. 

The plan was very childish and quite unworthy for someone of their profession. 

But these women were more of a spoiled brats who took jobs by their family's influence. 

Almost all teachers were qualified no doubt, they even had good character but there were still some bugs like these two in front of Tsumugi now. 

Both of them belonged to prestigious families which held some influence in different sectors. 

Both of them were more and less similar age to Tsumugi, while Shinohara sensei was even younger than Tsumugi by quite a bit. 

The plan was then concluded and it was decided that after Ai sensei who was most bulliable, they will try this on other women like Kana, who were commoners. 

They were sure that soon more commoner women will join them. 

Tsumugi had no plans to do that, but she had to as she couldn't get away from this group. 

But, she knew that this can be an easy way to get more points while sharing the blame with these loosers. 

So, she knew that doing this might just be the best away to get out of here. 

That's why, she didn't bail away or rather she used her superior vocal skills to manipulate both Shinohara-sensie and Igarashi-sensei to make herself an important plan member. 

After that, In just a minute another group of people arrived inside the auditorium. 

Their condition not that different from Tsumugi and others. 

There were in total 5 women who came now. 

One of them was a slightly old beautiful and mature women who looked like she was in her late forties. 

She was wearing just her undergarments, which covered her bountiful ass and above moderate breasts. Her eyes were filled with brilliance of experience. 

Yumino Aizawa, the Principal of the College quickly greeted this women respectfully even though the condition of this women was anything but respectful. 

This women was the Head of the Biology department of the National College, her name was Haya Hayashi. 

Even though she had lower position than Yumino, she was acting quite haughty with her. 

The reason behind this was the background of this women. 

She belonged to one of the top 4 clans in the country, that is Hayashi Clan. 

Aizawa family was lower in overall influence than Hayashi Clan, so Yumino had to treat this women respectfully. 

Haya had a quite a nasty personality as she was popular for holding grudges and seeing them through. 

Also, Haya had a good position in the Clan as well.

She had enough power to make Yumino have quite a few unenviable situations that she would rather prefer to avoid. 

Both Haya and Yumino had a small conversation in which both expressed their worries about the situation and comforted each other. 

The situation would have seemed really professional if not for almost a dozen of naked or half naked women around. 

There were also four other women with Haya. 

Two of them came near Tsumigo's group of three and had a small chat. 

These two women as well were teachers in different department. 

As for the remaining two women they went to Kana who seemed to be on good terms with them. 

All three of them hugged each other tightly, making up for quite a heart touching and sexy touchy touchy scene. 

This was not the end, as more people kept coming in the auditorium as minutes passed. 

Obviously all of them were women. 

In the end there were total 20 women in very suggestive situation at the auditorium. 

Tsumugi's small circle had already increased from 3 to 5.

That's when the auditorium lights lightened up at once. 

Upon the stage soon appeared the person who had become nightmare for each and everyone of these women. 

Alex with his trademark casual smile glanced at everyone with a quick eye. 

His eyes lingered on various exposed parts of the women who had gotten out of his grasp in round 1.

Alex had used a fortune of his for this mass-set up. 

He had created special time manipulating situations in which every female staff member inside the National College was stuck. 

Amongst them only 20 women managed to pass the round 1.

Alex himself was confused seeing these women failing to escape from even the round 1 which was so simple. 

There were more than hundred candidates for round 1, but now only measly 20 remained. 

Most of those women gave up on finding way out, after having sex with Alex. 

They in start tried hard to locate an exit, but as they lost again and again and felt that pain again and again, they gave up on their bodies. 

They let Alex have his way with them completely. 

Soon enough they even gave up on finding exit, as they would just laze around for 10 minutes and in the end would ask Alex to fuck them. 

Alex of course fucked them crazy and didn't hold back from brainwashing those who he got his hands on. 

That way most women were eliminated. 

Alex looked at the twenty breathtakingly charming women in front of him, who had managed to entertain him quite a lot. 

Among them some women were looking at him with hidden glimpses which spoke fear and love. 

He had found some crazy secrets about them by the interactions he had with them. 

He clapped his hands so that he could have attention of every one. 

Everyone was already looking at him or rather glaring at him in hatred so that was unnecessary. 

Still Alex continued, " Hello everyone! Congratulations on passing the round 1. I'm proud of you all. Now it's time for the round 2. Let's see how many of you survive. "

Just then Yumino, the Principal of National College asked, " Were there more people who went through what we went through? Then where are they? "

Alex smiled hearing the question, he smirked and lied, " Ohh, don't worry about them. They're dead. "

A chill ran down the spine of every women as no one thought that Alex was lying. 

The way he handled himself, made him look like a Divine being above all of them. 

Does a divine being lie? Why will he? 

All women subconsciously believed Alex just because he was super stronger than them with capabilities that were beyond their understanding. 

Yumino gasped slightly, as she closed her eyes trying to accept the situation. 

The fear of loosing her own life made her tremble in fear as well. 

Still she tried to calm down and looked on. 

Other women weren't like her as many of them broke down crying. 

One of them even kneeled in front of Alex while apologizing for something. 

Then another followed as this women as well started begging Alex to let her go. 

" Please, let me go. I have a child that I need to care for, " Another staff member straight out lied. 

As Tsumugi knew that this women who belonged to the accountancy department was childless even after having two marriages and two divorces. 

" Huh? Will you all shut up, if you don't wanna die right now? " Alex said turning auditorium silent. 

No one dared to say anything. 

Only Alex continued, " So, for round 2 everything will be same as round 1 except that the playground will be bigger. You need to now search for whole College to find the way to get out. Of course as the area increased your numbers as well increased. You all are now in one team. Find a way to get out. "

" You people can share your points as you want. But, the points will be given as in the round 1. You can search for Point Cards which are hidden throughout the college Campus Or can sale your bodies to me for points. "

" Now about changes from round 1. Failing to provide 5000 points at the end of 30 minutes will lead to feeling that pain you have all experienced. Also the cost of hints is increased to 2500 points. "

As soon as Alex mentioned this everyone was reminded of the pain which was as hellish as death itself. 

They felt that it was unfair that they had to provide 5000 points now as before they only needed to pay 500 points. 

Hayashi Haya was the first one to raise her voice against this. 

But, Alex just outright said that nothing is changable. 

Haya had to shut up obediently as Alex mentioned that anyone who disturbed him again while talking can expect a punishment. 

Alex continued coldly, " You all will have 3 hours to get out. Anyone who can't get out in that period will be killed. Also at the distance of every 30 minutes the participant having the least points on her name will be disqualified and killed. "

" You all have five minutes before the round starts. Any questions? "

Everyone was shocked hearing the last line. 

There were 20 of them here. 

That means at most five of them can die or in worst case all of them. 

There is a chance to save everyone by finding way out in first half hour. 

Yumino was the first to ask with a stern voice, " Why are you doing this all? "

Alex's expression didn't change, as he said, " The question is unrelated to your survival. Next question? "

Another teaching staff member, a graceful middle aged women with round glasses and nice figure asked. 

" What if I have 5000 points and another women has 100 points. At that time if I used my points to save myself then will I be disqualified in the place of that fellow participant who has least points? " She asked the question which many were thinking about. 

Alex laughed and nodded, " Yes you will be Mrs. Himagashi. That's why you need to match your points to be as high as possible. "

Alex knew the names of everyone here as he had almost fucked or completely fucked almost all of them. 

Hearing Alex's words everyone's expression which was already bad became even more terrified knowing that there will now be fights amongst them. 

Even if they were supposed to be the team, they will be unable to work as a team. 

Of course this was the plan of Alex and they understood that. 

This time another young girl who was wearing the waitress uniform from College Cafeteria asked, " Are we under effect of Aphrodisiac? "

Alex answered with a smile, " Yes Nanako. "

Nanako, the waitress girl showed a disgusted at the same time fearful expression. 

But then Yumino asked, " How will we be affected? I mean in which condition? "

"Tsk, I thought you people won't ask... Well... The aphrodisiac will affect you all each time you take points from me. It will increase your sexual desire. "

After that another completely nude commoner women asked nervously, " Will you really let us go, if we found way out? Or there will be another round? "

" This is the last round. " Alex said. 

" Can everyone of us get out of here or there is limitations to numbers? " Asked Kana. 

" Yes everyone that remains after facing deadly traps and the elimination process at each 30 minutes, if you found a way. " Alex answered while dropping the bombshell. 

Everyone was very nervous yet slightly relieved hearing this. 

Yumino nodded to herself, as she knew that because of chance to leave together everyone will at least try to work together even at the chance of getting killed at 30 minutes. 

She had decided to take leadership so she needed to find the way to bring everyone together. 

After that seeing no one asking anything, Alex smiled and said, " With this you will get all rules transferred inside your mind. Five minutes are over. The round 2 starts now. Best of luck. '

Alex disappeared as soon as he said the last line with a sadistic smile. 

All 20 women then looked at each other for a moment. 

They knew they had to get out of here lest they end up dead like who knows how many that failed to pass the round 1.