The True Tsumugi

" This... The place was here... " The nervous women said while looking around to find the secret place. 

Igarashi sensei tsked in irritation making the women frown slightly. 

She looked back and found Tsumugi, Shinohara and Igarashi staring at her with eyes that spelled malice. 

" W-What's with you p-people? " She asked. 

" Nothing, " Tsumugi said with a small emotionless voice. 

" Can you give us some points, you know we're in real pinch as we don't even have 2000 on each of us, " Shinohara sensei asked politely. 

The women knew she fucked up real bad by telling them that she had extra points.

She was previously too afraid of her surroundings that she didn't manage to control her tongue. 

" I-I can give you 1500, " She said. 

" Thank you Kiriyama sensei. You really are kind, " Tsumugi said as she shamelessly took Kiriyama sensei's hand. 

Kiriyama sensei sent 1500 points to her and said hurriedly, " I sent them to Takeda-- no Tsumugi sensei. Take them from her. "

But Tsumugi's voice now turned cold as she glared at Kiriyama sensei in anger. 

Shinohara sensei quickly said, " You know Kiriyama sensei that Tsumugi sensei doesn't like being referred by her surname. How can you say that? "

" I-I'm sorry, " Kiriyama sensei said in panic, her big round eyes we're about to be filled with tears as she was being surrounded by Tsumugi and others who were glaring at her coldly. 

Kiriyama sensei looked like a cute puppy which shouldn't be bullied, but Tsumugi and others had no intentions to not to. 

" Just sorry won't work, " Said Igarashi sensei. 

" I'm going out. I-I don't feel alright, " Kiriyama sensei said and tried to get away. 

But Igarashi sensei roughly held her hand and pushed her against the library shelf making her stumble on her legs and fall. 

" Where are you going Kiriyama senpai? " She said with evil eyes, " Let's rekindle our old senpai and kouhai relationship from school days at Agohama today. "

Tsumugi was surprised hearing that Kiriyama Sensei was in know to Igarashi sensei. 

She looked at Shinohara sensei and she also seemed surprised. 

The surpise because Igarashi sensei was a commoner by birth while Kiriyama family was well known for its ancestry in jewellery industry. 

" Y-You? How do you know? " Even Kiriyama sensei was surprised. As her beautiful face beamed in surpise and fear. 

That was the greatest humiliation she had to bear in her whole life... 

Igarashi sensei cleared their doubts, " This bitch was actually expelled from Kiriyama family and for that she was little famous in her class. But, later she went back to her family in Capital and it was made as if she never existed in my small town. "

Shinohara sensei and Tsumugi just nodded and didn't ask anything. 

As they knew that Igarashi sensei did not like talking about her commoner lineage. 

Igarashi sensei also stopped talking and held Kiriyama sensei's smooth long hair by force making her yelp in pain. 

" Hand over your points now, or you will regret it, " She said while slapping Kiriyama sensei with other hand. 

But, Kiriyama sensei just scoffed and said, " Fuck you. I won't give you a penny even if you kill me. "

It seemed in front of this bullying attempt her fear of Ghosts had gone somewhere as she had become truly brave. 

" Trying to act brave huh? " Tsumugi also didn't hold back in her slapping as she made Kiriyama sensei's cheek red. 

Of course it did little to do anything to Kiriyama sensei's beautiful face. 

Anyone who saw Kiriyama sensei now would just think that even while she was sobbing pitifully she looked very attractive. 

Shinohara sensei said, " This bitch won't give us points. Let's silence her and try on that other bitch outside. She looked quite tamable than this one. "

" Hahaha, you think you can make me fear for death? I'll rather die than experience that pain and I'm going to survive this round without any hitch while you will all need to whore out your bodies, " Laughed Kiriyama sensei without holding back in her words. 

She was not afraid anymore as she had decided that these three women were her enemies and worst that can happen to her was being beaten to death. 

She knew these women didn't have guts or any weapons to kill her as they were in library and also completely naked just like her. 

So, it was impossible to hide things or weapons. 

" This bitch... " Igarashi sensei said in irritation, but just then clack sound came from behind her. 

She saw the secret door behind a shelf of books. 

Tsumugi who found the door said, " Let's throw her inside and lock the door. "

Shinohara sensei nodded as she blocked the way of Kiriyama sensei who was trying to run away in fear. 

" Don't let her run! "

It took some work on their part as they in the end pushed Kiriyama sensei inside and locked the door. 

" No!! Get me out! Get me out! " Kiriyama sensei kept yelling in fear. 

" Please! Please let me out! I'll give you all points! Please just... "

" Let her stay inside. We only have 7 minutes, let's bring that other young women inside, " Tsumugi sensei said. 

" I'll get her. You two stay here and keep an eye on her, " Igarashi sensei said and left. 

But, just in few tens of seconds she came back. 

" Fuck. She's not there, " Igarashi sensei said. 

" What!? " Tsumugi and Shinohara sensei were shocked. 

They didn't have time, so after half a minute of conversation they pulled the frightened Kiriyama sensei out. 

Even though this women acted brave and all, she had already half-fainted from fear by being inside the secret door for just 2-3 minutes. 

After all the dark library was already as creepy as hell. Then that graveyard like place behind secret door was even more so. 

Tsumugi wondered what Kiriyama had seen inside that made her this frightened. 

But, after some forceful and tough counselling this time Kiriyama sensei coughed up every bit of the points from her. 

Human mind was weak, one just needed to find the right button to pull something off from any human. 

" So, what to do now? " Igarashi sensei asked in panic while looking at only 5 minutes remaining. 

" Let's check other yellow circles on map. There is another one near our place, " Said Shinohara sensei. 

" You guys go there. I'll come back in 5 minutes there, I just remembered the clue of that classroom where we missed the yellow circle, " Tsumugi was already running towards the outdoor as she said this. 

With time passing she stopped hiding the locker she had found in that classroom. 

She just ran to it without looking back. 

Igarashi sensei and Shinohara sensei as well went to the other yellow circle.

But then they felt that something was fishy. 

" Give me the share of my points...the ones we forced from Kiriyama sensei, " Shinohara sensei asked in fright while looking at her 2100 something points and remaining 3 minutes time. 

" The fuck, " Igarashi sensei said in disbelief, " I don't have them. I thought Kiriyama sensei sent them to you. "

" No! I thought you had them? " Shinohara sensei said. 

They looked into each other's eyes and realized. 

They were royally fucked. 

Without thinking for a moment they ran towards the classroom which had Yellow circle representing the points. 

In a minute they reached there with heavy breaths. 

Sweat was covering their whole naked bodies, not only from exhaustion but also from fear. 

They soon found Tsumugi who was sitting gracefully upon the teacher's seat on the podium. 

She had one of her legs folded upon the other as she smirked at Igarashi sensei and Shinohara sensei. 

Her beautiful smile that could enchant any man possible was on full display along with her pure milky body with voluptuous figure which can make any man desire her for anything and everything. 

Shinohara sensei who had a bad premonition said with a shaky voice, " Tsumugi sensei, you forgot to hand us our share of points and how many points did you get from here? "

Tsumugi just stayed silent without saying a word but that beautiful smirk which looked ugly as heck in these two women's eyes didn't go away. 

" Tsumugi what is the meaning of this? " Asked Igarashi sensei leaving any formalities behind. 

Seeing only one minute remaining her voice became agitated. 

Her actions as well became agitated as she went near Tsumugi and said in loud voice, " Give me those points or you will regret it Tsumugi! " 

But, Tsumugi still didn't reply and stood up while stretching her beautiful hands and yawning carelessly. 

Even this action of hers looked elegant as heck as her natural beauty along with her confidence made her appear as a uncaring fairy. 

Igarashi sensei and Shinohara sensei who might not be even slightly inferior in beauty to Tsumugi had an ugly expression that matched their situation. 

Igarashi sensei couldn't control herself as she pounched on Tsumugi to at least make her experience some pain before the measly 30 seconds were over. 

Their fate was already sealed. 

But, Tsumugi just gracefully moved to the side and held Igarashi's hand and bent it towards her back while forcing her to get down on her stomach. 

"Don't even think matching me with that weak body of yours which hasn't even trained slightly. I've been hitting dojo since the age of 5, " Tsumugi said while giving another cold look at Shinohara sensei who was standing little far from her. 

" You'll regret this Takeda Tsumugi, " Said Shinohara sensei with a ugly and helpless glare. 

Tsumugi replied with a beautiful smile and said, " I regret everything I do. So, I prefer doing what I want to rather than what I'm forced to. "

As soon as Tsumugi said so, the time stopped as 30 minutes were over. 

Alex who was looking at this group of women smiled in satisfaction. 

Seeing the looks of betrayal on Igarashi and Shinohara was quite entertaining. 

The way Tsumugi handled her situation in the room escape was really extraordinary. 

Even when she was hurt, she professionally handled the situation without getting sidetracked. 

How she got back her composure even in this environment while using people around her to control her own emotions was worth praising. 

There were only few other women in this whole Campus who gave Alex the feel that they were worth raising as his inner circle women beside Tsumugi. 

Alex had enough ways to make sure that one remains completely loyal to him. 

He could play with emotions as easily as breathing, so he just needed for now to find the candidate for him to invest on. 

* * * *

Tsumugi opened her eyes in the completely white room. 

She looked surprised and looked around warily. 

But, only then a handsome young man materialized in front of her. 

Alex said as soon as he appeared, " I was watching you. For a slut and traitor you have a great body and brains. "

Tsumugi had slight fear in her eyes as she looked at Alex, but she still said, " I'm not doing anything with you. Take 5000 points and send me back, I need to get out of here. "

" Of course. I won't do a unfair play by forcing you, as that won't be entertaining at all, " Alex said as he snapped his finger and 5000 points were deducted from the more than enough points of Tsumugi. 

Tsumugi smiled slightly in relief and slowly dematerialized. 

She felt glad that she didn't trade her body for points as she knew that the effect of Aphrodisiac will kick up on her then. 

She didn't wish for her mind to get hazy just because of this.

Also, with her successful escape she could now have a slight edge upon those who couldn't gather enough points and became affected by aphrodisiacs. 

Tsumugi herself was feeling sluggish just from giving Alex a handjob and blowjob. 

Her body was reacting quite sensitively to even her own touch. 

Her slightly wet pussy and erect nipples were proof of that. 

She wondered how much she will be affected by having sex with him. 

Tsumugi sighed while trying to think how she should act with Igarashi and Shinohara. 

She had planned to use them from the start. 

Previously she was about to use Kana as her lackey. 

It was not necessary for one to know that they were being used while being used after all. 

But, she decided not to after thinking that she was a Commoner and majority of survivors were nobles. 

Tsumugi herself might loose the chance of favourisim she might get from being a noble, by staying with commoners. 

Igarashi and Shinohara were perfect as she knew them and could handle them. 

They had now served their use, by giving Tsumugi a good and safe headstart. 

She had accumulated enough points. 

She now needed to see whether they were worth using further or not...