Who is she?

Ai created a plan to get out. 

The chances of her escaping were low, but she denied not to try. 

And it even seemed that lady luck had shined upon her. 

As, the monster that was hidden near Ai suddenly found a new prey! 

It was actually none other than the commoner Physician Saya who came to check up on Ai. 

But, she was now royally fucked. 

Ai as well heard the monster leaving. 

She had already donned all equipments she had brought from the points she got from Alex. 

She was wearing sexy boots and a corset along with a red pendant. Making her look sexy as heck. 

These all items increased her physical attributes and gave her a slight chance to leave. 

And as soon as Ai found the monster leaving she got out. 

She was surprised to see Saya running in front of the monster. 

The monster as well stopped suddenly seeing two preys. 

One in back and one in forth. 

But seeing Saya running for her life in the direction of maze, it became more confident in hunting her than Ai who can just go back to her cabin. 

So, it left Ai on her own choices and started leaving. 

Saya yelled loudly for help, " Ai sensei! Help me! I came for you... "

But, Ai didn't even look back and simply ran towards the opposite direction. 

In just few minutes she got out of the maze coming upon the Sena who was waiting for her on the door of the maze. 

" Thank god, you're fine! Madam Saya just went in because you weren't coming out, " Sena said in relief. 

She then looked at Ai questioningly, " Where is she? "

Ai replied without a single doubt or hesitation, " I didn't see her. Did you get all things from her? "

" Yeah. She left everything with me, " Sena said.

Ai didn't care for Saya or anyone else. 

In her thoughts Saya by now must have be dead. 

Well, the monster really got her. 

But, she was just sent to Alex or more like at the right moment Alex appeared and saved her. 

This was the bullshit story Alex fed Saya. 

The poor women, who had already been brainwashed obeyed Alex like an obedient kitten and served him as if he was her saviour. 

She really thought that Alex was her saviour and accepted becoming his slave. 

This was happening to everyone who got in the trap or were engulfed by the slime monster. 

Kana was also caught by Alex and that short haired women as well was now completely Alex's. 


Sena was arguing with Ai to wait for Saya. 

But, Ai had no intentions to wait, as she knew that Says wasn't coming back. 

In the end Sena cursed Ai for being ungrateful noble bitch and went inside the underground passage to find Saya. 

Ai of course took everything this girl and Saya had found. 

She quickly left for auditorium to meet up with Tsumugi, Yumiko and others. 

But, on the way she found everyone coming towards her. 

Yumino who as well was now completely naked like everyone else asked, " Did you get what you were here for? "

Ai could see the slightly flushed face of the principal madam, even when she clearly was resisting it. 

Ai was sure that this women as well was fucked by Alex. 

She wondered if Yumino as well loved Alex now... 

Ai wasn't an idiot to not understand that her feelings were tampered. 

She was illogically liking Alex and believing in him... 

This was actually terrifying and only happened after she lost her virginity to Alex. 

She had seen the similar thing happening to other women. But, only understood it when she herself was manipulated. 

Of course this understanding and all didn't affect Ai's feelings one bit. 

She couldn't stop feeling this affection for Alex at all, even if she tried. 

It had become an instinct for her to love Alex now... 

That was why she wondered if Yumino was similar. 

But, right now there wasn't enough time, only 25 minutes were remaining. 

" I got it, everything is in this bag, " Ai threw the purse at Yumino. 

Yumino started going through each content Ai had found. There wasn't a single point card as Ai had used each and every. 

But, just then Ai suddenly felt someone touching her from behind, " Where did you get this sexy suit from Ai sensei? You look so hot. "

Ai got away from Mia and said with her normal personality, " I-I bought it. To escape from monster. "

" So, there is really a monster there. I wonder how it looks, " Tsumugi commented. 

Before Haya could add anything, they heard Yumino's voice, " We got everything. Let's get out. Mia-sensei you go and turn off electricity. Tsumugi-sensei you go and turn on the generator, it's somehow turned off again. Haya sensei..."

Yumino like a good leader gave objectives to everyone. 

Ai was told to stick with her and Ai of course had no issues with it. 

* * * *

After some time, Yumino and Ai were waiting in front of the back gate. 

They had already opened the manual control of the gate and now were arranging some remaining parts. 

It mostly occured automatically. They just needed to find right place to fix the part. 

While Yumino was busy doing all that, Ai asked, " Principal Aizawa, Do you like Alex? "

Yumino stopped for a moment and then continued doing whatever she was doing. 

" Where did thie come from? " She asked. 

" Actually. I love Alex. So, I was just asking if you also? " Ai said. 

Yumino turned around and looked Ai into her eyes. 

Hearing that the man she liked was being eyed by another women and that also someone who she considered beneath her was quite shameful for her. 

" Forget about Alex. He is mine, " Yumino said sternly. 

As the way to get out was right in front of them, Yumino became relaxed. 

She could now give time to what else was important. 

And right now for Principal Aizawa nothing was more important than Alex. 

" He's not yours Principal madam, " Just then a mature feminine voice came from behind Yumino. 

Ai had already seen Haya, but Yumino had to turn around. 

Haya was standing there with four other women. 

These women included Igarashi sensei, Shinohara sensei and other two women. 

Yumino was surprised to see one women less amongst them. 

But, she forgot that and glared at Haya, " Now what do you have to say the bitch of Hayashis? "

One must wonder from where Yumino got confidence to curse even Hayashi clan. 

But, it was actually from Alex who had promised her Aizawa clan a better position. 

It was the dream of Aizawa family from centuries for them to be one of the four rulers of their mother land. 

Every generation head from the childhood was brainwashed to strive for this goal. 

Yumino was supposed to take the mantle from her father when he died. She was one of the direct heirs after all. 

But, Alex had just some time ago promised Yumino that he would make Aizawa family a clan. A clan that replaces the Takahashi Clan and rules the country in its place. 

Yumino would have never believed Alex. But, that was in the condition if she was fine. 

Alex had creampied her again and again. Making her fall for him completely. 

And love is blind. 

It wasn't surprising that Yumino believed in Alex completely. 

That confidence also stemmed from the powers Alex had shown. 

She had all faith that Alex won't go back on his words and will fulfill her life long wish and goal which was to bring her family on the peak of their country. 

For that plan Yumino, her father, her ancestors all had done everything they could. 

They had even allied themselves to the notorious Dark Nest. 

Her father, the current head of the Aizawa family was even the head of the Dark Nest branch in Sakura country. 

Previously, it was planned that they would somehow take down Hayashi Clan which had stepped up in just last century. 

Their plan made sense as Hayashi Clan was the weakest of the four behemoths of the Country. 

But, Alex had no plans to destroy Hayashi Clan. 

He would rather fuck the one who was leading the Clan and make her his bitch. 

Hayashi clan was the ideal superpower he wanted to create in Sakura country. 

A organization or group only controlled by women. So that he could control them all with his powers. 

This might also make the female who was leading them as a shining prey to any other Player. 

But, Alex in fact preferred if someone tried something futile on his women. 

He will just fuck that guy up and steal all of his women in front of him. 

Meanwhile all women in front of the backgate were glaring at each other. 

Even Igarashi sensei and Shinohara sensei who were only half awake started fighting for Alex's ownership. 

" Shut up! You old hag. You're already past the age of marrying. Will Alex even look at you? And as for you already fucked second hand bitches how dare you try to seduce my husband with those whored out bodies of yours! " Yumino kept cursing at everyone in front of her. 

Here actually only she, Ai and Haya were virgin. 

Yumino wasn't sure about Haya as she had never heard about Haya being in relationship. 

But, all other women were committed to a man. 

Igarashi sensei and two other women were even married while Shinohara sensei had a boyfriend. 

Haya was already old enough to be Yumino's mother while Yumino didn't even consider Ai her competition. 

" You... " Igarashi sensei wanted to retort but couldn't find words. 

Haya and others became silent hearing Yumino's words. 

Igarashi sensei and others really felt bad that they weren't able to give their virginities to Alex. 

While Haya felt that Alex won't like her because she was too old. 

Yumino on the other hand was a perfect women... 

She was beautiful, rich, talented, smart and she also came from a powerful background. 

Even Mia and Tsumugi who weren't here right now paled in comparison to her. 

Ai as well felt slightly inferior... 

She was virgin till Alex made her his. But, she didn't come from a superior background like Yumino. 

She was even ashamed of being from Kageyama Clan, as that was the place where she faced the hell. 

But, she still added, " Alex, won't care about that... He said that... "

Ai's voice was nervous, it wasn't because she was acting. 

She really felt inferior to Yumino but she didn't want to not be with Alex. 

" Humph! What will he like about you? Your body? " Yumino snorted as she folded her hands and looked at Ai sideways. 

" I'll do my best to be his. He then will for sure acknowledge me, " Ai said. 

Haya also added, " That's true. Who cares what you say. Alex will love me. I'll give him Hayashi Clan! "

The bold claim from Haya brought surprise to everyone. 

She was literally rebelling against her own Clan. 

" Me too! I'll help him with taking over my family! " Another women said. 

Shinohara sensei as well said so, after all she was also one of the heiresses of her family! 

Only Igarashi sensei wasn't confident, but no one gave any care for her. 

Everyone was busy thrashing Yumino who was the most Princess like character among them. 

Tsumugi and Mia who had returned after doing their part of work came back in few minutes. 

Only to see everyone almost ready to ball each other's eyes out. 

In start everyone focused on trash talking Yumino. 

But, slowly the chaos descended and right now the usually docile Ai and their respected principal Aizawa were about to pick up their arms upon each other. 

" What the fuck are you people doing?! " Mia yelled in disbelief. 

Tsumugi didn't say anything, but she was also shocked. 

Only 10 minutes were remaining and anyone who remained here would die. 

Hearing Mia's voice everyone turned to look at her. 

Seeing, them back they also remembered that they had only 10 minutes remaining. 

Ai and Yumino who were about to fistfight as well got away. 

How will Alex be theirs if they died now? 

There were in total 9 women here. 

Nanako, the other noble women she had helped and the nurse Sena were in underground Passage. 

Saya, Kana were 'dead' after being caught by the monster. 

Himagashi sensei fell in the trap at start. 

Five women 'died' by having the least points... 

There were 20 women from the start. 

But, only 19 women were counted... 

Alex's pupils became serious as he saw this... 

Where was the last women? 

He checked the profile of each and everyone again and found that a women from the management staff was missing. 

She was supposed to be with other noble women as she came from a noble family. 

But, since certain point she had gone missing. 

Even Alex didn't pay any attention to it as he was busy enjoying the women he caught in his traps and teasing them. 

Alex without any other thought gave an announcement that the Game was over. 

Everyone alive was declared as survivor. 

Nanako and others had already opened the underground Pasaage door and were out of the Game. 

While Tsumugi, Yumino and others had found all ways to open the door. 

There was no point in keeping this on.. 

Alex was now focused on the last women that had gone missing. 

As soon as he dismissed the Game everyone was sent back to the place from where they were brought here. 

Everything became as if it never happened. 

Tsumugi was surprised and shocked to see that her cabin was as it was before. 

She as well was wearing her teaching uniform. 

There was nothing wrong with it. 


She opened the door and came out only to see another women coming out of the room besides hers. 

The women looked at Tsumugi and asked, " You too? "

" Yeah, " Tsumugi replied... 

She previously assumed that this women might have died as she had even failed to pass the first round. 

But, here she was. Opposite to what Alex had said she was alive. 

" How are you alive? " Asked Tsumugi. 

The women gave a beautiful and bright smile, as if she was remembering the most beautiful moment of her life. 

" Hubby saved me... " She said with lovestruck gaze. 

Tsumugi was confused, but it didn't take much time to understand what was happening. 

These all women had become slaves to Alex... 

This was the shocking revelation that Tsumugi came to. 

Tsumugi had no plans to call police. Because she had no proof, neither a witness. 

She will just be labelled as an idiot.. 

Everything was confusing and only one who can tell her was the person who made her go through that all. 

As for Alex who was the reason of it all was still inside the mirage like world. 

In front of him was standing a beautiful young women who he was previously looking for. 

This women had a polite smile upon her face but Alex could clearly see the craftiness hidden behind those eyes.