The soccer match

In the entire college campus staff only two women were not yet Alex's. 

They were Tsumugi and Mia. 

Alex had no clear reason to let these women go, it was just that they were too slippery. 

They had found enough points again and again to get out of Alex's mercy. 

Right now Alex was having a lunch with Emma in college cafeteria. 

" Do you need anything else sir Alex? " Asked a cute young girl wearing waitress uniform. 

She was Nanako who worked here. 

" Ah. It's fine. My girlfriend made a lunch for me, " Alex said making Nanako look at Emma in jealousy. 

Nanako herself was a beauty, but in comparison to Emma she would have to bow down no doubt. 

Emma was just that charming. 

Emma as if felt the jealous gaze of Nanako looked at her in eyes. 

Nanako who was still there was kind of surprised seeing Emma suddenly turning to her. 

But, Emma just smiled fondly at Nanako and said, " We'll call you. If we need anything. "

" Yes mam, I'll be here, " Nanako smiled sweetly and went away. 

As soon as Nanako was gone, Emma asked to Alex, " Do you know that girl? "

" No. Why do you think I know her? " Asked Alex with a questioning look. 

" Nothing... " Emma didn't say anything anymore and started feeding Alex her handmade lunch. 

As a women herself, she had easily understood Nanako's feelings for Alex and felt hostile against her. 

But, being a good girl. She couldn't get mad at Nanako publicly. 

If her sister Minami were to be here then she would have by now flipped at Nanako surely for eyeing Alex.

Soon Alex and Emma were done with lunch. 

So Alex stood up to leave. 

" You were going to show me around right? " Alex asked with his hands inside his pockets. 

Emma clearly beamed at hearing Alex saying so. 

" Yep! Let me show you around, " Emma said happily. 

She was really too gone in Alex's love that she had even started acting as his licking dog. 

Like she had a class right now, but she still decided that Alex was clearly more important. 

She only needed one moment to decide that she didn't wish to disappoint Alex when he asked her to show him around. 

" Where should we go first? " Emma asked pondering. 

" I've already seen our college Campus. Where's the National School? " Alex asked he had no interest in dilly-dallying by looking around here. 

" Ah. It has different campus. But, it's right besides the one we have, " Emma said. 

" Then we should go right? " Alex said and both of them started walking towards the parking. 

Hikari had gifted a car for Alex and as he knew it was supposed to be standing in parking here. 

" They seem to be playing soccer. Do you like playing soccer Alex? " Emma asked as they were walking by the ground. 

While walking Emma did her best to find different topics to keep talking with Alex. 

Alex of course didn't find it irritating as Emma was too beautiful and even seeing her talking was interesting. 

Now that Alex had made her fall for him, he left all conversation carrying on her. 

He was just too lazy to even keep talking with her. 

He would rather spend his time banging her than chit-chatting with her. So he just kept nodding here and there in conversation. 

But, when the topic went to the playground Alex as well looked at the ground. 

It was covered by the net and he could see players running around in formations. 

They looked professional. 

There were some girls who were cheering on the boys from their seats. 

Alex spotted one or two girls from his class in the morning. 

The ground was right in front of the parking so Alex could spot them right away. 

" Not that interested, " But soon he lost interest and just said this while walking. 

But, then a cheerful feminine voice called for them from their behind. 

" Emma wait! " The girl said loudly as she waved her hand towards Alex and Emma from some distance. 

As soon as Alex and Emma turned to look at the girl they found that they knew her. 

She was one of Alex's today's classmates. 

Emma waved her hand back softly as she waited for the girl to come closer. 

But, Alex had no fucking interest in waiting so he started walking. 

Emma suddenly panicked seeing Alex leaving, so she as well followed him not waiting for that girl to come near.

" You know her Alex? She is our classmate, " She asked. 

" Nope, " Alex said while not even turning to Emma. 

" Her name is Yuka. She is Haruto's girlfriend, " Emma said with a small voice. 

Hearing so Alex suddenly stopped walking and looked at Emma in her eyes. 

His lips parted in amusement, as he asked, " Why are you telling me this? "

Emma blushed as Alex looked at her upclose, " I just wanted to tell you... "

Emma had spoken about Yuka clearly because Haruto was hitting on her quite frequently, even though he had lots of girlfriends. 

Yes. None of them were in proper relationship but still Emma didn't like it, when she was being eyed by such a degenerate person. 

Not every man was Alex after all. 

Alex didn't need more information, as he could read Emma like an open book. 

He knew that the Haruto had somehow offended her and she was now asking for Alex's help like a cute girlfriend. 

Well. Girls were scary. She knew what Alex was capable of and even then pitted him against the poor Haruto who was going to experience the hell now because of her. 

Just as Alex was eyeing the cute expression of his girl, Yuka reached them. 

She was breathing slightly hard, making it clear that she had come running here. 

Yuka then cutely kept her hand on her chest and bowed slightly to both Alex and Emma. 

" I was wondering if you two will like to join us? " Yuka then asked with a friendly smile. 

She was wearing a casual top that covered her arms and a skirt that went till her knees. She looked cute with her bangs and oval face. 

Alex didn't say anything, so Emma understood that she was to talk with Yuka. 

Alex had stopped walking away, that means he was interested in the offer. 

" I don't mind. But, I don't know about Alex, " She said expertly manipulating Yuka to talk with Alex. 

" Ah, " Yuka nodded at Emma and turned to Alex, " What about you Alex? I'm sure you must be good at soccer. Why don't you join the boys? "

Alex felt amused seeing that this girl was clearly pitting him in the game. 

Emma as well caught the unfriendly wind in Yuka's words, which she had hidden well behind her way of talking. 

But, Alex said wryly, " I don't know. I might not be that good at soccer. "

" It's no issues. Let's go Emma, other girls are waiting for us, " Yuka said as she took Emma's hand. 

Emma looked at Alex and seeing him nodding at her, they all went back to the stand. 

There everyone quickly surrounded Alex and Emma. Especially girls who were so excited at seeing Alex here. 

He was after all the most handsome person they had ever seen! 

And he was a Yamamoto at that! 

Girls all excitedly surrounded Alex leaving Emma and Yuka alone on side. 

Alex of course quickly became popular with his handsome face and rich pocket. 

Girls chatted with him while trying to impress him by introducing themselves. 

Many of these girls were from rich families. They kept their dignified facade but didn't stop themselves from trying to make at least a friendly relationship with Alex. 

A relationship with anyone who has surname Yamamoto will be priceless after all. 

The four clans were behemoths of the country. Completely unchallenged! 

Seeing the commotion on the stands the boys as well soon came there. 

Seeing Alex surrounded by girls Haruto's lips twitched.

He was the captain of their soccer team and was leading their practice for the seasonal championship. 

He was the one who normally was surrounded by girls, but even then girls never showed as much as enthusiasm as they were showing to Alex. 

He looked at Emma who was standing beside Yuka. 

She was carrying two bagpacks and standing there with a pouting expression. 

Her looks were so cute that all boys felt their hearts melting at one look on her. 

Yuka seeing Haruto was here, quickly came near him and said loudly, " Haruto why don't you take Alex in the practice as well. We want to see him on the ground. "

Other girls hearing Yuka quickly nodded and stated their agreement. 

Yuka even though was a commoner, she was quite popular with everyone because of her cheerful personality and beauty. 

Haruto nodded and laughed, " Playing with brother Alex will be my fortune. "

He then turned to Alex and gave him a friendly handshake. 

" Alex! We're practicing for our next match. Are you free? You looked missing since the morning, " Haruto asked with a friendly look, completely hiding his jealousy and hatred. 

" I was busy with some small matters. Not a big deal, " Alex gave a friendly reply. 

" Oh. I see. So, Wanna join in? " Haruto asked while looking at his teammates. 

" Okay, " Alex gave an affirmative reply with an air of disinterest. 

Haruto who saw this felt glad. 

He had now a chance on the first day to humiliate Alex in front of Emma, who was his crush. 

He was the star in soccer and he would crush Alex completely. He was confident! 

Emma, Yuka and other girls went to the shade and took their seats. 

Everyone of course tried to sit near Emma just to make friends with her and know about Alex. 

Alex had already captured hearts of some of these young girls with just his handsome look. 

" Is he your brother Emma? " One girl asked. 

" Huh. Yeah... " Emma nodded after a thought. She didn't want them to think that Alex was from older generation than her. 

He was literally the brother of her dad after being adopted by Hikari after all. 

" So. He's from the main family? " Another girl asked. 

" He is one of the direct heirs to the family, " Emma said proudly. 

She then explained that Alex was actually adopted by Hikari. 

This news wasn't clear to everyone. 

The girls were all surprised as they now knew that Alex was even bigger than they had thought. 

He was directly related to the Madam Hikari! 

We need to know that even Emma had only talked with Hikari twice in her whole life till now. 

Hikari was that kind of celebrity! 

The girls went crazy over Alex now knowing that the anyone who caught his eyes will have her life changed. 

Even one night stand with him might change their and their family's entire fortune! 

Of course they didn't dream too much, but still in their eyes Alex was now the Prince Charming. 

Some of the girls even started cheering for Alex even before the game had begun. 

These girls were the ones who had already lost their maiden hearts to Alex. 

The other girls and Emma as well joined them soon. 

The sound of their cheering for Alex surprised everyone, making them feel jealous. 

They didn't know Alex's exact position in the Clan but the aura he gave out was that of a superior being. 

That much was enough to make them feel inferior but still indignant. 

After a small talk Alex was chosen to be in opposite team of the main team led by Haruto. 

This was practice match for the seasonal championship so they were playing by the official team. 

Haruto kept looking at the stands where Emma and his girlfriend were sitting. 

Emma as well was cheering loudly for Alex along with other girls making him feel infinitely jealous. 

He wanted to look good in front of Emma and downgrade Alex at any cost, but everything was going shit before the match even started. 

He wondered if these girls will even care if Alex played shit. 

Yuka didn't miss Haruto looking at Emma, as she was giving her attention to him all the time. 

'Just because she is born a noble... ' she inwardly gritted her teeth while seeing Haruto, the love of her life ignoring her and looking at Emma. 

Yuka was a commoner and one of the girlfriends of Haruto. 

She was once helped by Haruto unknowingly and from then she fell in love with him. 

Her feelings weren't reciprocated as she was just a commoner while Haruto was a noble. 

Haruto just kept her around as his entertainment and stress relief. 

He would hit her when he gets angry. He would use her for his pleasure and he would even humiliate her when he was bored. 

But she was fine with that... That was all because she was unworthy of her boyfriend... That was what she thought. 

She then looked at Alex who was standing at his position. 

It was a basic 4-4-2 posting where he was in his position. 

For Yuka as well Alex was the most handsome boy she had ever seen. 

' He only has looks. Haruto is lot better than him... ' Yuka thought, trying to stop her racing heart. Alex's looks were deadly. 

The game started and Haruto got the ball. 

He cleverly missed a striker and passed the ball to the team mate. 

He ran in front to bypass the opponent defenders. 

But, then the girls from the stand cheered loudly. 

He heard his teammate from the back yelling, " Their midfielder got the ball! "

Haruto turned around to see that the ball wasn't at his teammate. 

Alex was moving at a normal speed while running towards opposite goalpost. 

Haruto glared at the his teammate who didn't pass the ball to him. 

The poor guy didn't even know when he was dodged. 

He could only look at Alex who was casually running through the opposite side. 

He brilliantly escaped from two defenders who came from the front earning few more cheers from ladies. 

He was midfielder but now he became a striker. 

Other two strikers from his team were following him closely waiting for him to pass the ball to him. 

But, their chance wasn't going to come as Alex just crossed everyone so easily. 

" Whoa! What the fuck is this! " One of the Alex's teammates yelled seeing Alex just strolling in the game. 

No one was even able to take the ball from him, heck the ones who fell back couldn't even catch upto him while he was moving this casually. 

The three players in the back tried stopping Alex and other two strikers on the Alex's team. 

But, it was useless as Alex for the shock of everyone played with the last defender as if he was a kid. 

The goalkeeper was stumped as he saw the star players in his team unable to do anything. 

The official team of their college was one of the best throughout the country. 

It wasn't some joke which Alex made it appear in just few minutes. 

The goalkeeper kept his full attention to the Alex who was 25 metres away from him and... 


The goalkeeper couldn't even move from his space as he suddenly heard the ball passing by his neck. 

It was the clear goal! 

The girls cheered for Alex like his fervent fan-girls. 

Emma who was in the stands clapped loudly for Alex while maintaining her dignified image. 

She was accompanied by Alex's teammates as well. 

" My Man you're so damn good! " A boy jumped on Alex to hug him only for Alex to dodge him effortlessly. 

" Makes sense, " The boy chuckled.

The game soon continued again. 

But for Haruto's bad luck, the same thing happened. 

Alex just rolled the ball throughout the ground and goaled by himself. 

Like this continued until Alex himself got bored playing with these kids. 

So, after giving some reason he said goodbye to his teammates and everyone. 

No one stopped him, as rather than playing Alex was just bullying them. 

Haruto had an ugly expression on his face, as he saw Alex leaving. 

The stands were now completely filled with other college students. 

The one man army performance of Alex was now famous throughout the Campus. 

He had literally destroyed their official team on zero goals by himself! 

Alex of course didn't forget to grace all girls who came to his game by his the best smile. 

The smile was enough to steal the hearts of enough maidens as from tomorrow Alex was going to be known throughout the college. 

" Nice game Alex, " Emma said while holding Alex's hand. 

She didn't hide back from showing her relationship with Alex, as shyness now might only come back to bite her in the ass. 

The girls all gave her a jealous look, but they couldn't do anything but see Alex leaving. 

After that for Haruto's frustration no one remained on the ground as Alex had stolen everyone's attention already.

Alas he didn't know that the attention was not the last thing Alex will steal from him from now on.