A good Plumber

After hours passed Alex took a break from enjoying himself with Kai, Kaede and Kahori. 

Their pussies and asshole were now filled to the brim, so Alex now used their mouths to clean his cock.

Kaede had her mouth filled with his rod while both of her mothers tasted his balls.

Alex saved the mental image of this family of three giving him head so enthusiastically. 

Once they were done, Alex let them have their well deserved break. 

It was now already afternoon. 

" So, when did you arrange the meeting? " Alex asked to Kai. 

" I haven't said anything. I thought you'll tell me, " Kai said while cutely snuggling upto him. 

Alex just now remembered again that the girl in front of him was a fierce tigress who ruled the clan through dictatorship. 

Alex knew that she only hadn't killed them off because those people even though were her slaves, had considerable importance. 

So, if those people staked everything on fire then Kageyama Clan would take the real hit. 

But, now that didn't matter much to Kai, as she now belonged to Alex and also because she believed that her beloved hubby could solve anything. 

So, in a way Kai was even ready to do a mass murder. 

But, Alex didn't want that, as he needed the Kageyama Clan at its fullest to destroy Takahashi Clan more smoothly. 

So, he came up with a plan. 

" Tell them all to meet up at 9 pm, " Alex said. 

Kai nodded obediently like a good wife. 

She then asked after sending message to one of her trusted maids. 

" What are you going to do with them hubby? "

" I'll take over their resources as swiftly as possible. The best way to do that is by forcing them to play a Game under surveillance of the World's Will, " Alex said. 

" A Game? " Kahori and Kaede were confused. 

So, for them Kai explained, " A Game is kind of competition. In it the Players are supposed to fight against each other. The rules are decided previously and the World's Will looks after the Game making sure that everything is fair. Also, the World's Will manages the rewards. "

" Ohh, " Kaede and Kahori nodded understanding the basics but not everything. 

" So, Alex is a Player... " Kahori muttered. 

" Yes, " Alex replied to her, " So, I plan to suggest a Game to the system connected to the World's Will. It will make everyone in your Clan have their everything on wager while I'll do the same. "

" Once I win, I can kill them in a most proficient way which won't harm our benefits or the Clan, " Alex explained. 

" I see. Have you thought about the Game already? Or will you leave it to the System? " Kai asked. 

" No. I'll leave the Game choice to the System as it will cost me points to suggest the Game and it might not even get accepted, " Alex clarified. 

The system was omnipotent, as it was the extension of The World's Will. 

But, it asked for points at every corner like a cheapskate and Alex wasn't filthy rich enough to steer the system with money. 

He had only managed to earn a billion by fucking women left and right for years! 

One shouldn't forget that he was inside Daphanaie's World for years! 

So, one must imagine how much points a normal Player should have been able to earn. 

If one wanted to earn extra points then they needed to Play Games like these with random people. 

These random games created new Players who had chances to reach unlimited heights in this World, in return they needed to wager everything they had. 

Alex was going to use the same way. 

He was going to force all men in Kageyama Clan play a Game against him, this will make them a full fledged Player if they won and if they lost then that will be their end. 

One may think that the risks outweighed benefits in this. 

But, they couldn't be anymore wrong. 

Because having a chance to become a Player was a mythical chance! 

A Player had unlimited potential! 

A chance to become a Player at the risk of loosing everything was exactly balanced wager. 

" So, are we also going to join you Alex? " Kaede asked with bright eyes. 

She really liked this idea of Games. 

She knew that she already belonged to Alex's side. 

" I don't know. But, if I need someone, then I'll choose you three first, " Alex said while patting Kaede. 

" Okie~ " Kaede giggled. 

" Okay. Now that's alright. But what are we going to do till night? It's not even 2 pm now, " Kahori asked with a straight face trying to not sound like a hopeless sex addict. 

Alex didn't need to know what she was implying and his cock also was ready to have a go. 

" No! Hubby I need your help, " Kai said as she destroyed Kahori's horny hopes. 

Kai then said, " Can you please help me in making sure that women I trust are totally loyal to me? I'll need them to handle the Clan after we kill everyone. "

Alex understood where Kai was coming from. 

She wanted Alex to mark her maids on whom she mostly depended on. 

Kahori as well nodded hearing this, as she knew that Kai was a very distrustful women.

Previously she wasn't even trusting Kahori and Kaede. 

Only when Alex made her fall in love with him, did she start seeing Kahori and Kaede as one of her own. 

As for those maids, she never trusted them. 

There were signal jammers all over the Kai's mansion, making it impossible to call someone and only some specialized communication devices worked here.

Also every maid had a chip installed in her skin which 24/7 monitored them. 

Kai also went through every work personally so that she won't be betrayed by her maids or anyone else she depended on. 

Kaede as well with pure thoughts said, " Alex. Please help m-mom... I don't like seeing her overworking herself for days without sleeping... "

Kaede for the first time had called Kai 'mom' and this wasn't missed by Kai who looked at her with gentle gaze. 

" Sigh. Kai, you really are too paranoid. But, may be that's the reason you came this far. Though, from now on you don't need to overthink as I'm with you. I'll see those women, bring them here now, " Alex said as hugged Kai and patted her head in affection.

" Thank you hubby~ " Kai said while feeling embarrassed, this feeling of being able to depend on someone else was completely foreign to her. 

But, she liked it. No she loved it and she also loved Alex. 

" I'll go order them to come here, " Kahori said as she started messaging someone. 

" It seems Alex will be having another orgy. Hehe. Mom can we join in too? " Kaede asked to Kahori. 

" What? You just had so much fun and it's not enough? " Kahori sighed while wondering when her cute naughty girl became a pervert. 

" Humph! Who is speaking, " Kaede snorted and looked away. 

She had no plans to miss this orgy. 

She had even made some good friends amongst those maids so she was looking forward to bonding with them just like she did with Kai. 

After 10 minutes... 

Alex sighed in admiration seeing the beautiful females standing in rows in front of him. 

Kai, Kaede and Kahori were standing on Alex's side, Ai who was waiting for Alex all these hours was also here. 

Ai had stunned expression as she was looking at Kai with disbelieving eyes. 

How could she not act like that at the view of the head of the Kageyama Clan standing before her in seductively feminine clothes. 

Kai was wearing a beautiful long one piece dress with a slit on one side, it showcased her beautiful long leg. 

But, Alex ignored this celestial beauty besides him and right now was watching these expressionless females in front of him. 

All of them had marvelous and enchanting features enough to put them on top of anyone's beauty list. 

But, their faces were completely expressionless. 

Their standing attentive and upright. 

As they stood in the room while looking downward, they looked like trained emotionless slaves. 

" These are 40 of my most trusted maids. They know about my secret and also help me as secretaries, " Kai said proudly while pointing at these beauties as if they were her most prized collections. 

Alex couldn't help but click his tongue, now understanding why Kai was famous throughout the country as a Playboy. 

She had these women as secretaries, but all people thought that these women were her personal harem. 

Also, Kai had a weird hobby of collecting beautiful girls only.  

Everyone thought that she was hunting for young girls to fuck, but in fact she was just looking out for girls who could help her. 

Even if Kai tried to handle everything in the Clan, by herself, it was impossible. She needed some helpers like these. 

" So, should I order them to strip? They're totally loyal to me, " Asked Kai while looking at 40 women standing in 4 rows. 

The women in each row had same type of Kimono with same color which differed from those of other row's women.

" No. First tell me why they're wearing different colored clothes? " Asked Alex. 

Kaese was the one who enthusiastically answered, " It's based on their position. Like the ones wearing red dresses are direct servants of Kai herself, they're administrators of the Clan. Those wearing green colored kimonos take care of the mansion. The ones in sky blue dresses are for security and the ones in pink are for representing Kai in Clan. "

Kai and Kahori nodded after Kaede's swift explanation. 

But, Kai pouted, " She stopped calling me mom... "

" I see. So not all of them are combat oriented, " Alex said Alex ignored poor Kai's annoyance. 

" No. They're handpicked women who I have trained to know everything. They're best amongst the best with knowledge of every sector. The women in the green clothes are also good in combats, their skills only slightly below the security department, " Kai explained making Alex understand that these women were like trained machines. 

The women who first came to pick up Alex was wearing a sky blue kimono, she was standing in the third row from the right. 

Alex nodded at Kai after her explanation and then asked to his girls with a smirk, " So, are you girls joining in? "

" Of course! " Kaede said enthusiastically.

Kahori and Kai also looked at each other and couldn't say no at all. 

" Okay! " Both of them said at once. 

" C-Can i also? " Ai asked with a small voice. 

Her strong persona was gone and she was back to the cute bulliable Ai. 

" How can I forget my little slutty pet? " Alex replied while patting her silky black hair.

" Alex I don't like this aunty, " Suddenly Kaede said while pointing at Ai. 

" Shuu. You shouldn't speak like that Kaede, " Kahori berated Kaede. 

" She is right Kaede, " Kai also said and then she turned to Ai for the first time. 

Her sweet aura went away, as she looked at Ai not as a friend but a subordinate. 

Even Ai started feeling as if she was standing before a bloodthirsty tigress making her shiver slightly and look down. 

" What is you name? " Kai asked coldly. 

" Ai... " Ai replied. 

" So, you're that girl who tried standing against me? " Kai asked. 

" I didn't know... " Ai replied in difficulty. 

She knew that she had screwed up real big as at that time she had cursed Kai on her face.

It was truly miracle that she was let to live. 

But, now she started feeling guilty. 

She couldn't even go anywhere now. She was attached to Alex by love, so there was no running from Kai. 

But, when she was thinking all this she suddenly felt her body being enveloped in a gentle hug. 

" You don't need to be frightened. You're our sister. Kai is just joking with you, " Kahori said with a smile. 

Kai also sighed and then said to Ai, " Yeah. You have also suffered at the hands of the people of Kageyama Clan. You're just like me. I actually saw myself in you that day and so I let you go. But, let's not talk about that again. From today on you are officially the member of Kageyama Clan again. But more importantly you're now one of us."

" T-Thank you Clan leader, " Ai bowed deeply. She really respected Kai now after knowing that she was a women as well. 

" Sigh. Don't call me that. We're sisters like Kahori said, " Kai said with a smile while trying to ignore Alex who was tongue kissing Kaede right now. 

Kai didn't want to embarass herself in front of her subordinates by being thought of as a pervert. 

But, she knew that soon she will be the least worried about it as her pussy was already tingling from seeing Alex kissing her daughter while fondling her naked booty. 

Kahori as well sighed, " You're so impatient. "

But, she as well started removing the faint colored gown she was wearing. 

Beneath it she was completely naked! 

" My wife and child are perverts, " Kai sighed while removing her own dress as well. 

Soon, three beautiful women surrounded Alex. 

Kai and Kahori undressed him while Kaede kept kissing him passionately. 

Ai was shell shocked for a moment, but she as well swiftly removed the sexy dress she was wearing while saying, " W-Wait for me too. "

What followed was a long sex spree till Alex had filled all of these Kageyama girls' pussies.

Kaede and Ai had also come to term with each other's as Alex fucked them side by side. 

Alex then looked at the rows of women who no more were expressionless. 

All of them were by now pleasuring themselves while undonning their elegant looking kimonos. 

The main reason for this was the potent skill Alex had used in the air. 

It was the skill. 

[ • Skill Name : Sex Pheromones

 • Grade : Epic

 • Description : Can make any female below S-grade feel aroused. The effect is slow for the higher grades, but it can be increased by giving physical or visual stimulus. 

 • Limit : Rechargeable by Player by having sex. 

 • Cost : 10 million points ]

This was the mid-tier epic grade skill. 

As for the low-tier legendary skills, they were in billions! 

The skill had caused these stone like women to feel the pleasures of women. 

As they watched their mistress getting fucked in her holes by Alex, these women got the visual stimulus which was enough to just make their pussies tingle in the start. 

But, by the end of an hour, their tingling had already evolved into a full blown itch which not even they themselves could scratch without not touching their private parts. 

And when they did the deed, there was no coming back. 

Still Alex was slightly pleased seeing these women not even moving from their places they just sat there and masturbated while looking at Alex's cock in a dreamy gaze. 

Alex who was already done with the round one was ready to now take virginities of these maids who were untouched for years. 

It was time for their untouched pipes to get a good look from an experienced plumber!