Faraway Land

" Ah. My head... " Ai mumbled as she rubbed her shaky eyes. 

She could feel the soft ground beneath her. 

She slowly opened her eyes while fighting the nauseous feeling she had. 

As soon as she wished for it to go away, it did so after some time and she became in top condition again. 

Ai was surprised, but she first opened her eyes to look around her. 

She soon found Kai standing beside her dusting away her long dress.

There was also a divinely beautiful young women, who looked like a Godess. 

But, she had fluffy looking ears and beautiful nine tails behind her. Her golden shimmering hair accenuated her beautiful naked body. 

But, in just a moment a casual skirt appeared on her body. 

Ai remembered that her name was Kitsune.

Kai looked at Kitsune and nodded, " I see. So you can do that. "

Kai as well closed her eyes and her long dress soon changed into a comfortable top and pants. She still looked as breathtaking as before though. 

Kai then turned to Ai, " Are you alright? It's your first time being teleported. So, it might feel weird. "

" No I'm fine, " Ai replied while taking the hand that Kai extended to her. 

Alex was also near them, but he was looking at something invisible in the air.

Ai knew that he must be reading something. 

Alex actually really was doing so. 

There was a option in his eye sight which said '0 Points'. 

He asked what points were used for and then was brought to a shop interface which had different items related to this game. 

Like there was physical strength increasing potion, invisibility potion, etc. 

But, Alex had zero points... 

No. After a minute it showed 3 points. 

Alex nodded to himself. 

He was getting 1 point / minute from each of his women. 

So, if he wanted more points then he needed more women. 

And only way to get more women was by defeating other Players. 

Alex also wanted points as in shop interface there were some things which he also needed. 

These things were quite costly in real shop. But, they were cheap here. 

The 3 points Alex got from his women here were different than the sex points he got in the real world. 

These points could only be used here and the real points were inaccessible right now. 

Alex then tried to focus his eyes to find other Players. With his mental strength he could see a long distance away.

But, it seemed that the World's Will had taken him in consideration as he as well was only able to see as far as a normal human eye could see. 

" Alex! What are you doing? " Kitsune asked cheerfully right when Alex closed the interface. 

" Nothing little fox. We're now going to look for Players. Can you change into your bigger form? "

Kitsune went silent for a moment and then jumped in the air, soon in her place was standing a graceful nine tailed fox with enamoring beauty. 

' How beautiful, ' Ai thought while looking at Kitsune seating on her back legs while licking her front paws. 

Alex nodded in satisfaction and sat down upon Kitsune's back.

" Kitsune let Kai and Ai as well ride you, " Alex ordered seeing Kitsune not letting them get on her. 

" Ah. Okay, " She of course didn't go against Alex. 

This way after everyone was comfortable with seating on Kitsune Alex told her to run in specific direction. 

Kitsune was unable to fly due to limitations and her speed was also limited. So, it wasn't going to be easy to travel the whole land. 

Ai was seating in front while Kai was in back. Alex was sandwiched between them, but he didn't complain. 

As his head was resting on soft cushions while his hands were on otherworldly softness as well. 

Alex didn't let any chance to flirt away. As he fondled Ai's breasts freely while getting comfortable in Kai's breasts. 

Everywhere around them was a beautiful land covered in different colors of nature. 

There were lakes and trees and also rivers in the area.

" Master! I see someone in front of us, " Kitsune who right now had better vision than Alex said so. 

Soon, Alex as well was able to see them. 

A group of 4.

A male and three females. No doubt a group of Players. 

" Who is he Kai? " Alex asked when they were near enough to see the man and three charming women. 

The man was a middle aged person. He was handsome and looked refined. Also the girls with him were young and beautiful. 

Right now all of them were talking something. More like the man was saying something to all girls. 

" He is the son of one of the elders. That's his main wife, she belongs to one of the powerful clans. Other two I don't know, " Kai said. 

" Okay, " Alex said as he asked Kitsune to get near them. 

In a second Alex and his girls were in front of the middle aged man who was shocked to see a damn big fox before him. 

The women with him were hiding behind while cowering in fear. 

" Don't fear ladies. She is my cute pet. Change into your human form Kitsune, " Alex said charmingly. 

Kitsune obediently went back to her human form. Even though she was moderately dressed she looked as sexy as heck. 

But, middle aged man had his eyes glued to Kai who was arrogantly standing behind Alex without even looking at the man. 

" Greetings Clan Leader, " The man said with charmed voice. Kai was just too beautiful that she could turn even a normal gay. But, now she was disclosed as a women so her fan following was bound to come in light.

" No need to greet me. You're going to die soon anyway, " Kai said as she didn't even bother to glance at the man after doing it once. 

" Haha. She is right. Let's get to the Game already. I can't wait to fuck those fine girls behind you, " Alex laughed and next moment the time stopped for everything around them. 

The young man wanted to curse at Alex for his foul language, but he stopped as the surprise took over him.

Basically it was just an illusion as time was flowing normally outside. Only Alex and this man were isolated along with their women. 

[ The Competition format has been decided.... ]

The peculiar Competition format was decided and in half an hour the competition ended with landslide victory on Alex's side. 

It was a Chess competition. A best of three. 

Ai and Kai easily defeated the middle aged man's two women. 

" N-No! Please I don't want to die! I beg you! " The man begged to Alex as he knew that death was coming for him. 

His three wives as well begged by kneeling in front of Alex. 

Alex went silent for a moment as if he was thinking something. He smirked at the middle aged man evilly. 

And then turned to his three beautiful wives. 

" Young Master please let my husband live. I beg you, " The women begged. She was the one who Kai had mentioned. 

The middle aged man had a bad premonition, but then he heard a sound inside his mind. 

' I cannot save you even if I wanted. But, for one last time I'll give you the show of your beloved wives getting ravaged by a real cock, ' Alex closed the messaging as soon as he was done. 

He then turned to three beautiful women and said, " Ladies, sorry to break it to you. But, I have no intentions to spare your husband's life. That is if you do not satisfy me, " Alex said with a vulgar smirk. 

" What do you want? I'll do anything! " One of the women said. 

Even Alex sighed seeing all three women begging for their husband's life. These women really loved their husband. 

" No! Kasu! He is lying! Don't give in to him! He has no way to save me! Just you all be safe! " The middle aged man yelled to his wife. 

But, Alex followed his words, " Ladies, I really am not lying I can save your husband. But, I'll only do that if you let me fuck you. What do you say? "

The three women looked at each other with despair inducing expression, but soon their faces became resolved.

They turned to their husband, " Dear, please forgive us... "

" Shut up bitches! That bastard is lying! I'll kill myself if you let him touch you! " The man bellowed with bloodshot eyes. 

It was clear that he wasn't lying. 

Even his wives started hesitating. 

But, Alex didn't let their hesitation turn into resolve as he from behind hugged the main wife of the middle aged man... 

The man's eyes turned red with hatred, but he couldn't move from his place. 

" Get away from her you son of a bitch, " He yelled. 

The moment the competition ended he was going to die, but Alex had no intention to let this man go into afterlife without even saying goodbye to his wives. 

" Don't worry. Once they pay me. I'll let you live, " Alex said with a believable voice but the smirk on his lips couldn't be less hidden. 

The women in his arms as well let herself loose, as she closed her eyes. 

" If you promise to let my husband live then. I'll do it with you, " The women then turned around and hugged Alex nervously. 

She then apologized to her husband and kissed Alex. 

The man couldn't even say anything, as he watched his two other wives undressing in front of him, but not for him. 

He went to his knees, as Alex slowly played with his main wife's body undressing her as well slowly. 

It didn't take much time before, his main wife had her pussy pierced by Alex's cock. 

Alex was even good enough to give the man the best view of his wife's pussy expanding. 

His two other wives weren't to be outdone as they surrounded Alex on both sides and were getting their breasts fondled by him. 

Their flushd faces were like a slap on the man's face, as them cumming again and again after some time was akin to his soul leaving his body. 

Soon, the show followed as Alex creampied the women on his cock against her wishes. 

The women begged not to do it inside, but Alex had no plans not to. 

He then continued his rush with other two beauties marking them as his as well. 

" Ahh~ Please fuck me ~ "

" No~ it's~ my turn. "

" No! I'm not~ done~ I wanna cum again~ "

Soon, three women totally lost their mind as they began fighting over Alex's cock. 

This was nothing new for Kai, Kitsune and Kaede, but for the man who was seeing his wives begging for someone else's cock was enough to kill him hundred times from inside. 

An hour passed and in the end, Alex stood in front of him with his naked wives hanging by his arms. 

The man came to a dreadful scene of his beloved wives looking at Alex with a lovestruck expression.

" I'll take good care of your wives. The once you left behind at the home as well, " Alex then slapped one of his wife's ass loudly and ended the Competition. 

And as soon as Alex and everyone was sent back to their place Alex was hugged by Kai. 

" What about us? I want you to love me as well... " Kai said with a lovely expression. 

" Not now darling. Let's catch some more bunnies first. I already wasted some time fucking these girls, " Alex said while caressing the bodies of his new pets. 

The women who previously were hating Alex so much, now purred in happiness as Alex touched them possessively. 

" Humph. Okay, " Kai pouted, but Alex still ended her pouting session by kissing her soft lips. 

This caused him to kiss Kitsune and Ai as well. 

" Ah. A-Alex-sama. What should we wear? " Asked the completely naked women. 

She was the main wife of the man who just died. But, there wasn't even a hint of sadness on this women's face. Not anymore.

" You don't need to wear anything. You look good this way, " Alex said telepathically. 

" I-I see, " The women blushed. 

" But, you can wear this, " Alex said after thinking for a moment. 

" Huh? This? " All three women were shocked, but then they blushed bright red seeing three pair of socks, sandles and three choker. 

Alex then threw three pair of fabrics.

" Yeah. Wear these fast. The fastest one will get rewarded by me, " As soon as Alex said so, the women forgot everything and started wearing the sexy clothes which showed most of their beautiful smooth skin. 

The clothes were like sexy Egyptian maid dresses which covered only their private parts and that also partially.

As now Alex had more women, he couldn't use Kitsune to travel around so, they all started walking towards the center of the land. 

The land was in a circle and it was going to decrease towards the center. 

So, in the end every Player was going to be forced to meet at the center. 

* * * *

Hours passed... 

But, as time passed everyone was feeling hungry. Only Kitsune and Alex was spared. 

Kitsune didn't need food as she was a divine being. She could utilize things around her to create energy for herself. 

As for Alex, in this Game he didn't need to eat food or anything. 

" Master, I want to drink something, " One of the Alex's new women said. She as well was wearing the skinpy maid outfit.

Alex had met with three more Players on the road causing him to have in total 15 women around him. 

It was quite a big group. 

" What a useless slut. She is causing problems for our Master, " Another women tsked. 

" Keep it quiet, " Alex glared at the women. 

The women obediently shut upped and gave Alex an apologetic gaze. 

Alex bought 15 cans of cold drinks and distributed them to everyone. 

" Thank you Alex, " Kai and everyone thanked him knowing that Alex didn't need to waste points on them. 

They all knew that Alex wanted to buy other things with the points. 

But, now for them he was using those points.

They couldn't help but feel touched. 

" Don't give me those looks. I'm getting points because of you. So, of course I'll use them to take care of you, " Alex smiled while caressing Kai's head. 

All women were grateful to Alex. 

Even those which he hadn't yet brainwashed. 

Alex had already wasted more than couple of hours on fucking, so he now didn't want to waste time anymore. 

That's why he hadn't marked the three latest women he hunted. 

"... " These women didn't say anything. But, they like a mute glared at Alex. 

Alex didn't yet win their heart. But, these women were forced to follow him around like slaves. They couldn't go against him. 

" Sigh. Please take this. You might get dehydrated, " Alex said. 

" Why will you care? You didn't care when you killed my husband! " The women said. 

" I couldn't care, because I'll be the one dying if I hadn't killed him, " Alex said. 

In the end these three women didn't take the drink and Alex didn't force them. 

He knew that these won't be the first ones who will be acting like this. 

Because Alex had no intentions to waste his time fucking every women he gets now. 

There were actually more than hundred Players in the girl that means there were at least 300 women in the Game. 

Alex had too many things to do. 

He was only going to start marking everyone when he reaches the center of the land or at least when he had a nice place to stay.