Hunting Girls

" At last we are here, " Ai commented as she along with Alex's new and large harem had reached the centre.

" Yeah. We're here. So, let's start working. We're going to live here for the week or may be more, " Kai said.

" Working already? " Someone lazily asked.

" We need to arrange living place, baths and washrooms for all of us, " Another women with square glasses said.

She was wearing a sexy clothes like other new women of Alex.

" Yeah. You're right, " Kai said to the women. She was the one who was assigned by Kai herself as her left hand here.

Ai was her right hand. While, Kitsune was unreliable.

After running for whole day Kitsune had made everyone reach to the centre with her monstrous speed.

Right now Alex had exactly 42 women.

These women all needed to eat and do daily activities like sleeping, unlike Alex who didn't need any of that in this Game.

So, that's why these women were creating a place to stay with minimum use of Alex's points.

Alex had already brainwashed every women, as he didn't want someone to backstab him like Yosuke was.

Suddenly three young and cute girls came near everyone.

" What should we do big sister? " Asked a cute little girl who looked around 10 years old.

Beside her were two other girls around her age, they were the ones Alex won from Elder Yosuke.

They had already become part of Alex's harem.

'Alex has no boundaries, ' Kai sighed while remembering how Alex fucked these poor little girls.

Two of them hadn't even had their first period yet.

But, their previously dead eyes at least now had a slight twinkle in them.

Besides the girl who competed against Kitsune, both girls were healthy muted even right now.

They moved around, ate, did work but, they weren't even showing a single expression on their faces.

" Hey. I'm back! " Suddenly Alex's voice came, like a man of house he returned while carrying a basket on his back.

" What did you find? " Kai asked, but before Alex could say something he was surrounded by all women nearby.

The three little girls as well went running to him, as if they were his babies.

" Have these fruits Eeny, Meeny and

Miney! " Alex cheerfully handed some apples to three girls first.

Not so surprisingly, all three of them took it.

Then, they thanked Alex with a loving expression.

Even two always mute girls had a fond look on their faces, as they thanked Alex.

" Good girls, " Alex patted their head by bowing slightly.

Because they weren't even as half as tall as him, Alex had to bow down to touch their heads.

Meeny and Miney who were always mute also had a slight smile graze their lips as Alex touched their hair.

" Ah. Kai, how are you ladies doing? " Alex asked.

" We just started. We needed to group-up us in different teams to work efficiently. Ai is responsible for creating a place for us to live by making small houses, " Kai said.

Alex had bought materials from the shop to build home.

The home building wasn't that hard as the World was arranged in a way that building home will be like placing blocks.

Easy and fast.

Alex had also given other important things that everyone needed.

Alex didn't need to eat or take care of himself, but his women needed a normal place.

Even though Alex didn't care that much for them, he still didn't let them live like abandoned sheeps.

In the end these womens were like his pets and he had to give these pets best possible environment to grow and give him more points.

Alex had found out that the point influx increased as he treated his girls better.

Like right now from every women he was getting 3 points per sec.

That means 180 points per minute.

10800 points per hour and 2,59,200 for a whole day!

But, this was only for a single women!

If multiplied by 42, Alex was getting whooping 10 million points or more per day!

The revenue he was wasting on these girls as well wasn't small, as he was wasting half of the points he had gotten on making them comfortable.

Like this time passed, as just in couple of hours a nice cozy home was created by Ai and her helpers.

Kai was keeping everything in check, while her left hand women was doing the interior.

The small cozy house had 20 rooms for now and it could be made bigger.

That means Each room would be shared by two girls.

Also, few girls needed to keep an eye on surrounding, as this Game had a glaring loophole or hidden rule.

Like, if a certain Player had gone asleep or had his eyes off his women for some time, then in that time Alex could kidnap the women the Player had not his eyes on.

The challenge could only be given if the Player who saw the other Player challenged him.

So, if Alex ignored the man and stole his women by kidnapping them, then by the time he wakes up, his womens would already be dancing on Alex's cock.

In the end this way, the Player can be disqualified.

But, in the Game a Player didn't need to sleep, eat or shit. Neither a player gets exhausted so it was difficult for them to not keep eyes on everyone.

But, still there was going to be time when some women may go away from their Pack like a lost sheep.

Alex was going to do the work of catching those lost sheeps. While Kitsune kept eye on any approaching danger to his women.

Alex also wasted remaining half of the points on security system which made their small cozy house an impregnable fortress!

This way he could hunt without any care.

Right now Alex was as poor as beggar in this Game. But, his points were slowly increasing.

So, to get more points he decided to hunt for more farmers.

" Kai, you keep an eye on everything. If someone comes here then lock them up, " Alex said.

" Yes actually Ai suggested that we make a small jail some distance away from here. Where all Players we catch will be kept and at the same time you can turn those Players' women to our side, " Kai said her plan.

" A nice idea. You can go forth with that. But, make the prison for women only. Throw the men out, they aren't worth wasting our time, " Alex said casually.

Kai thought for a moment and nodded, " Yes, you're right.... By the way how long are we going to be here? "

" I don't exactly know, but as the number of Players decreases we will be forced to find out each other. That means we have limited time, " Alex knew that the World's Will wasn't generous enough to let him get hundreds of billions of points by letting him stay here.

" I see. Actually you don't need to waste too much points on us Alex. We know you need them. So, we came to conclusion by talking that we might be able decrease wasting your points by a large margin if we tried, " Kai said.

The other women around them as well had their ears perked up.

They knew that by taking good care of them here, Alex was wasting a considerable junk of points.

They had seen how other Players were treating their women. Some of them weren't even giving them a good food once a day.

So, the heartfelt difference between Alex's treatment won their hearts, but they did not wish for Alex to loose the Game because of them.

Otherwise they would prefer dying than becoming someone else's.

But, for these women that wasn't even allowed.

The World's Will didn't let any women commit suicide in the Game... They were bound to an eternal slavery if they fell in a Player's hand.

Alex knew this and so did all these women, as Alex had told them already that their romantic feelings for him were aftermath or brainwashing.

So, Alex said to Kai, " Everyone here belongs to me Kai. You and all of them are going to be with me for the end of their lives. So, it's my duty to give you the best life possible. So, one day when these feelings wear off, you'll only hate me and not the time you spent with me, " Alex fed some bullshit to everyone.

But, this worked as all women who were low key eaves dropping had their eyes turned red.

Their love was already so deep that they didn't want to loose these feelings.

But, some of them decided, ' My life was a hell. But, he saved me... So, even if I loose these feelings one day. I'll still stay with him as his...repaying him... '

Alex after garnering some loving views, left the scene but not before saying to Kai, " You might be suddenly summoned in a competition don't be tensed. Okay? "

" Yeah. We know. Now go already those girls are crying, " Kai said with an irritated expression, but deep down she also felt warm hearing Alex's words.

" Okay Okay, " Alex laughed and took a kiss from Kai's soft lips.

He didn't wait for all women to swarm him, and left directly.

As for Kai...

She glared back at everyone who was looking at her in jealousy, " Go to your work. We need it done before Alex come back. Or you want him to sleep on ground? "

As soon as Alex's comfort was brought into question everyone started working fast.

They could suffer, but couldn't let Alex suffer.

Meanwhile Alex was now running in circle around the centre.

He was unable to get exhausted so he didn't save his energy and kept looking for some preys to hunt.

Even though he was speaking big in front of those girls, it really hurt him when his pocket was hurt.

So, he needed more point farmers or in this case more women!

Alex wasn't disappointed as soon he found a group.

There were in total 21 women in this group.

They were all surrounding a fat man in the centre, as if they were in love with him.

Of course they were all brainwashed.

Alex expected that some of the Players will find out about the Player's powers, but it was sooner than he expected.

Alex needed these 21 women, but the guy didn't seem to look like he will go away.

So, Alex waited...

And a chance came!

The fat man brought a bed out of nowhere and started banging one of the girls.

Alex did not waste his time and bought a spray that he could use to make anyone unconscious.

Alex saw that two women more had joined the fat man.

Other women started leaving the place, most of them looked jealous. So, they were getting away from the scene.

Alex needed exactly that!

He went to the first group of three and without letting them even ask for help made them unconscious.

Alex then hid them behind a certain tree and went to catch other women.

It seemed none of them had any idea of this glaring hidden rule. So, they were moving freely in this safe environment not knowing that a big bad wolf was behind their tails.

In just few minutes all 18 women were in Alex's grasp now.

He didn't waste time looking at that fat fuck, who was gonna have a shock of century seeing his women missing.

Alex had brought a normal wooden cart and sent a signal to Kitsune to come and pick the goods up.

This distance wasn't that far from their base, so in just half a minute Kitsune was there.

After getting kissed by Alex, she was forced to act as a cab driver and take all the unconscious women back to the prison.

Alex then didn't pause his hunting as he kept looking around for more groups.

But, this time he didn't ask for Kitsune to be here, as he was at considerably long distance.

So, he was going through a protocol.

If he finds a stray girl away from her pack, then fuck her.

If there is a group then challenge the Player and take his women professionally.

Right now Alex was facing a Player in a racing competition.

Kai was the main racer while Ai and Kitsune were her helpers.

For fuck's sake in Alex's entire harem only Kai and Ai knew how to race.

The sexism in the Clan was so deep that these people didn't even let their wives learn car racing.

Some of them knew basic driving but still Alex wasn't satisfied. So he just chose his base team.

And Kai won!

Well, it wasn't surprising as her opponents as well were from Kageyama Clan. while Kai was a very good racer.

Even Alex was surprised when he first knew this.

He got 15 more women from this competition and 5 more which he had picked up on the road.

Alex decided to now go back to his place and enjoy his hunt.

But, he had no plans to stop this hunting anytime. Sooner.