Moving with the Plan

" Alex they're attackin-- You're a real monster!" Kai came running to inform Alex about the group of 5 women sneaking near their place to check up on them.

But, when she saw Alex fucking an already unconscious women as if she was a doll, she stopped midway.

Alex smirked while saying, " Says the one who likes to have her ass banged while acting unconscious. "

Kai blushed bright red hearing her weak points being mentioned by Alex.

" You!... A group is trying to spy on us, Kitsune found them with her extraordinary vision, " Kai kept her embarrassment in check and said.

" I see. Are our traps in their places? " Alex asked.

" Yes. I have sent group E and F to catch them. Kitsune's group has covered their retreat route. If everything went right then they must be here in few minutes, " Kai said.

" Have you people used the signal jammer that I gave you? " Alex asked.

" Ah. Yes. We used it in the trap after you told me to buy it. Those women might enter it without knowing. Can you come out of here and see everything for once, just in case? " Kai asked, she didn't want to screw up, as this point was very important.

Alex had already anticipated some women coming to their place, when his side did no movements from here.

Alex's Plan was easy.

First part of it was to catch them all without letting their news go back.

" Tsk, so cruel of you to disturb my fun, " Alex stood up letting the women in his hands fall on the bed beside 9 others.

As soon as Alex, came outside.

He saw few women of his standing at the edge of the castle.

Their sexy garments made them stand out very much making Alex admire their juicy behinds for few moments.

But, the fun was gone when these women noticed the presence of their Master behind them.

" Master, they found out the trap and are running back! But, sister Kitsune's team is intercepting them, " A women explained the situation.

Alex nodded and came to the end of the castle walls.

From there he could hardly make out the outline of five minute figures running with their everything towards the opposite direction.

The distance was of at least 1000 metres no less.

" Give me a binocular, " Alex ordered.

" Ah. Y-Yes, " The women who had it came running and handed it to Alex.

Alex used it and now could clearly see those 5 females, each one of them had a standard beauty which surpassed any average women.

They were wearing skin tight dark clothing, which made it easier to run.

Alex threw the binocular aside and stood on the wall with his utmost attention.

He looked straight in the direction of those five women. As if he was able to see them.

He extended his hand toward them and closed his eyes.

A magnificent and beautiful sword started appearing in front of him slowly starting from its hilt, Alex used his mental energy to make a dozen of them, until he found he couldn't make more.

This was the maximum capacity of his mental power which was related to his soul.

He then did not waste his time and used his skill to throw all 12 projectile weapons at those 5 women.

And without missing those 5 projectiles landed right in front of those women, while remaining ones circled them.

Alex really had calculated everything perfectly!

The five females were now too shocked to even breath.

This caused them to halt for few moments, which was enough for Kitsune to reach them from behind.

As if she was hunting a delicious looking prey, Kitsune circled around those women and jumped right at them from the place they least expected.

Without any mercy she tackled two women who were suddenly forcefully thrown towards a tree and fell unconscious there and there. Their limbs twisted in wrong directions.

Kitsune then growled at remaining three women, who had their eyes widened in shock and disbelief at Kitsune's cruel image.

As expected Kitsune didn't show any mercy and used her claw to scratch one of the women.

Her attacks weren't deadly, but they were enough to cause the women experience pain that stopped her from doing anything extra.

Just then group E and F who was tailing these women reached there.

Seeing two women's fucked up situation, they were horrified beyond belief.

But, they didn't dilly-dally and went to heal them using medicines that Alex had provided them.

Remaining Alex's women did their job and caught the other three women.

In just few minutes all of those five spies were bound by ropes and were getting pulled by Kitsune as if they were slaves.

Remaining girls gloated at these womens' misfortune and didn't shy away from insulting them in any way.

Alex facepalmed seeing this barbaric behavior from his binocular.

No one would have believed that those kind looking, gentle and dignified beauties had so much poison in their hearts.

Even Kitsune seemed to be enjoying forcing those women to crawl behind her.

After few minutes...

" Master~ We're here! " Kitsune said loudly as soon as they were in front of the castle gate.

" Good work, " Alex's eyes twitched.

Kai quickly went and freed all the five females and brought them to Alex.

" We don't have time. Kitsune turn into one of them, " Alex ordered.

" Really? They're too ugly! " Kitsune whined but in the end had to obey when Alex glared at her.

She used her power to turn into an exact copy of the most beautiful female in the spy group.

Alex then turned to the five females who were looking at him dreadfully.

" W-What are you going to do with us? " One of the still talkable womens asked fearfully.

Her face was covered in mud, as Kitsune really had made her suffer in the worst way ever.

" Sigh. I can't fuck them like this. Wash them first. You have 2 minutes for that, " Alex ordered to no one in particular.

He really needed to do this fast, as with increasing time the things might turn suspicious for Shina on the other side.

After two minutes all of the five females were thrown in Alex's room completely nude with their bodies still slightly wet.

Those women whimpered in cold while trying to hide their sexy bodies from Alex.

But, it was useless.

Alex used his phermone skill and made all women go crazy through lust.

It wasn't even 30 seconds before those women jumped on each other, trying to satisfy themselves without caring for Alex's hungry eyes.

But, still none of them came near Alex, because their instinctual loyalty to Elder Kotaro was still working, as they still loved him.

Alex scanned these females in heat with his demanding and desiring gaze.

He then picked the most beautiful women in the group and brought her to the bed.

" You're Kurumi-chan right? " This was the women who was going to be replaced by Kitsune.

" N-No... Don't touch... You're not Kotaro... " Kurumi did her best to get away from Alex, as she begged him with her blushed face.

But, that did little to stop Alex as he pinched her already erect nipples.

" Ahh~ " Kurumi involuntarily moaned and cummed just from Alex's touch.

It wasn't that far in time, when Kurumi felt her nether region being touched by something warm and hard.

Her hairless crotch was pried open by Alex's cock, as he slowly entered inside her petal covered treasure house.

" Ahh~ My pussy ~ It's for Kotaro ~ No ~ " The women begged with tears and moans, her eyes watering with indignance and remorse.

But, ruthless Alex just rammed till her womb, forcing her to have one more huge orgasm against all of her wishes.

Soon, time followed as she started having mini orgasms again and again which followed into real mindbreaking orgasms.

Alex didn't try caring for Kurumi's small pussy which had never taken something this big inside her.

He just banged her in front of her sisters who had dreaful eyes.

They couldn't believe that one of their sisters was being raped right in front of them and they were going to be next.

Horny or not all of them ran towards the door trying to get out, but it was useless as the door was closed.

Soon, aphrodisiac started taking over their consciousness again as their begging voices drowned into Kurumi's moans.

Soon, they as well joined in as they fell upon each other while trying to get their release.

After almost 10 minutes when Alex ordered them to come join him, none of them rejected.

All of them got fucked and creampied till their pussies were filled to the brim.

Alex enjoyed these royal pussies and dropped his semen in each of them generously.

He was surprised to see that each time he fucked these women he was getting two times more points than normal.

Alex was overjoyed knowing this, because he could carry these points back to the Game.

After half an hour of sex marathon Alex came out of his room followed by those five females who were still completely nude.

Alex's women looked at their semen filled pussies and knew that they had new sisters now.

" ...Okay. I'm watching them... Yes... Nothing suspicious. They're cutting woods... " On the other hand Kitsune could be seen on one side mimicking Kurumi's voice to talk in walkey-talkey like thing.

Alex patted her head encouragingly.

" Hubby, we have kept opposite side in dark, they have no idea that their side has been fucked up badly, " Kai said happily.

" Yeah, I expected this much, " Alex nodded and continued, " I found out from these women that Shina is their main leader and women named Kang Mira is her right hand. "

" I see, what are your exact orders regarding them? " Kai nodded and asked.

Alex then looked at Kitsune and answered to everyone, " Kitsune, Your job will be to go back with two of these women and kidnap Shina. Also try if you can bring Kang Mira as well. "

" Okay Master~ " Kitsune agreed readily after understanding the identities of her future victims.

She had already changed into Kurumi's appearance.

Alex then took the walkey-talkey from Kitsune and threw it to Kurumi.

" Tell Shina that you're coming back with any two others in your group. And if you tried being oversmart then I'll make sure that you'll wish for the death, " Alex said coldly to Kurumi.

Kurumi who was having an existential crisis, couldn't help but catch up on Alex's threat.

' Yeah. I'm doing this because I'm threatened. It's not because he is too handsome. No! Kurumi what you are thinking!?.... You're only doing this because you're threatened. You have no choice, ' Kurumi thought inwardly.

She tried to make her brain understand that everything was right while nothing really was.

Elder Kotaro, Shina and Mira none of them had told these women about brainwashing.

So, even if these women had some conjectures they couldn't think straight when now their new love was pushing them to obey Alex unconditionally.

Kurumi obediently called Shina, "Hey, I'm coming back... What do you mean by why? I need to take shit. Do you need any other reason you fucking slut?... Yeah. That's better... Okay. "

Kurumi then hanged up.

"... " Alex

Kurumi blushed seeing Alex staring at her bewilderment.

The beautiful and kind face of Kurumi didn't match even 1% to the way she was talking.

" A-Actually, I'm not such a violent women. It's just that everyone acts like this with Shina. So, to not make it suspicious I talked that way. I'm really a gentle women. I can also cook and I'm a good dancer as well. I even won--" Kurumi's long talk was stopped by Alex.

" Shut up! Now go there with Kitsune and come back with some results. You know the plan right? " Said Alex.

" Y-Yes, " Kurumi said, " B-But aren't you afraid if I'll betray you? "

" Nope. I believe you are the women of your word. So, now give me the word that you'll be completely loyal to me and me only for forever! If you don't then... " Alex ended his words coldly with a glaring threat.

" Y-Yes. I will be loyal to you, " Kurumi agreed without thinking much, she felt a huge load going off her head when she said this.

Other 4 women as well vowed their loyalty, while claiming that they were women of their word!

Alex was pleased with their attitudes so after making each of them orgasm inside his room once, he sent Kitsune and two more women back to their castle.

* * * *

" Sister-Shina they are back, but only three of them are here, " Mira informed to Shina.

" At least two of them are upto their work. I knew that lazy bum Kurumi will bail out once she gets bored, " Shina snorted while making a pair of gauntlets for herself.

She was good with boxing.

" Yeah. They don't respect us at all... Sister-Shina what are we going to do once we are out of here? " Mira suddenly asked.

" I don't know. I'm just going with flow. You also don't need to overthink. We don't even know if whether we'll be brainwashed next second. Only thing we can do now is to try to survive as ourselves, " Shina sighed.

" I see. I wouldn't have felt bad if my owner was a handomse young man, the one who loved me, " Mira said with a helpless smile.

Alex's face suddenly came to Mira's mind as soon as she said so, but she dismissed it.

" We're not animals Mira. Don't downgrade yourself! " Shina said in angry tone.

" But, you also know we are not that different... " Mira sighed in dejection.

But, Shina stood up and gave her a loud slap.

" Come to your mind you idiot! We'll be fine! Even if the worst comes to worst. We just need to do our best to not loose ourselves, " Shina said.

Mira held her red cheek and nodded slightly, " Sigh. I'm sorry. You're right. We shouldn't think about what will happen and just do our best. "

" Yes, " Shina nodded and went back to her work.

Mira also wiped her teary eyes and kept watch around the castle.

Both, of them didn't even know that soon what they were fearing was coming upto them.

They just did their work unknowing of the danger coming, as three women including Kitsune who was hidden as Kurumi entered inside the castle.