Proposing Arisu

"What do you mean why? " Alex asked while looking directly into Arisu's eyes.

" The reason... I want to know why you are so good with me? " Arisu asked, without falling back.

" Is it necessary that there has to be a reason for everything I do? " Alex asked with a calm voice.

He made it seem like he was really disappointed by Arisu's question.

" T-That's not what I meant, b-but... " Arisu stuttered.

She had come to know that everyone who said they cared about her had a selfish reason.

" Do you really want to know? " Alex asked this time looking far into a distance.

" Y-Yes, " Arisu's heart tightened. Was it the truth? Did her feelings for Alex were not one sided?

" It's because a long time ago I met someone like you and... But, she hated me and when I saw you... A pure and innocent self of her, I wished that you would look at me not as if I'm some monster, " Alex said each of his word slowly.

Arisu didn't understand what he was saying, but her heart ached at the thought that Alex didn't love her, but only saw her as someone else.

" But, now as we have been together for months. I slowly started seeing you as someone closer to me. Someone like family and that's the reason why I care about you, " Alex smiled and stood up.

Arisu was too stunned to say anything, she felt gratified that Alex wasn't around her for benefits like others.

Like those who abandoned her when there was no benefit in her.

They abandoned her when she was worth more problems than use... Like her aunt, who used her for her own self.

But, Alex wasn't like that...

In the start she might have felt distanced from him because he was a foreigner.

But, in last few months she found out that he was better than every other person in this country.

Better than her parents who died leaving her alone, better than her brother who wanted to use her only, better than her friends and cousins who were two faced and turned away from her.

He was the one she had come to love...

Arisu's eyes glistened with unshed tears of joy, as even though Alex didn't see her as a lover, she now had a chance to make his see as his other half...

It was fate...

Just as Arisu was thinking, she turned to Alex who was looking at her warmly.

His trademark gentle smile which was always there when he looked at her.

" Arisu, I might not have been there when you were alone in the past, but from now on I'll always keep you by my side, as mine and mine alone. So, will you marry me? " Alex asked in a possessive tone as he went on one knee.

Arisu didn't notice anything wrong with his words, as her ears were focused on tha last four words.

Alex used his skill to create a beautiful ring.

He moved his hand forward looking at her with his charming smile, which had swooned many girls by now.

Such a move was deadly to Arisu who had already fallen for him.

Her face blushed red in happiness and embarrassment, it wasn't wrong to say that she had always dreamed of the day when someone will propose to her.

But, the situation now gave her the joy beyond any of her imaginations.

" I-I will, " She said in a small voice choked with emotions.

Alex stood up as he pulled out that beautiful ring and took Arisu's soft hand in his.

His fingers caressed her small fingers, as he moved the ring inside her ring finger.

Arisu relaxed her hand as she looked at the ring with unbound gentleness.

She couldn't help but dream about a great future with Alex.

" Thank you onii-chan, I love you, " As soon as Arisu confessed her feelings she felt as if world had become lighter.

She held the ring that Alex gave her to her heart and smiled genuinely at Alex.

" Me too. I'll always care for you and will never let you get hurt by anyone, " Alex smiled.

Arisu nodded wordlessly and kept looking at the ring as she held it to her heart.

In her mind, it was the proof of her love to Alex and his to her.

After that Alex and Arisu sat on the sofa while Kitsune disappeared from the room.

" Onii-chan who was that big sister from earlier? " Arisu asked.

" Ah. She was one of my lovers, " Alex said casually.

" One of? " Arisu asked with a jealous voice.

" You aren't even my wife and already are asking these things? " Alex asked amused.

" I-I just wanted to know and now you won't need them, because... " Arisu blushed slightly while saying this.

" Because? " Alex asked with a teasing smile.

" Because... You dummy! You're doing this on purpose! " Arisu pouted.

Alex couldn't help but feel an unusually bright attraction to the cute Arisu right now.

Calm down! No teasing! No teasing!

Alex decided to not tease this cute fairy, because right now he could only look and not touch and that was the worst kind of torture for him.

Alex smiled and caressed Arisu's head, " You will have to wait. "

" Wait? "

" Yeah. Because, for me you are a lot more important, "

More important than any of the women in this World, Alex smiled.

" You are important to me, so that's why I'll love you in my own way. Will you let me? " Alex asked with a gentle smile.

" Y-Yes, " Arisu blushed at the thought of Alex loving her.

She felt butterflies in her stomach and couldn't help but nod to anything Alex said.

" So, will you wear this for me? " Alex asked.

In his hand was a pink choker with Arisu's name written on it.

It had a cute desin on it.

" W-What is it? " Arisu asked nervously.

" It is the symbol of you becoming my wife. Once you wear it, you will be completely mine, " Alex smiled.

" R-Really? But, isn't that what animals wear? "

" It's not the same. Well, if you don't want it, then it's fine... I'll just give it to that girl you just saw, " Alex said while putting away the choker.

"! No! G-Give it to me, " Arisu said as she took the choker from Alex's hand.

She quickly wore it.

" Let me arrange it for you, " Alex smiled and helped Arisu to wear it.

" T-Thanks, " Arisu felt embarrassed, as she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror.

She looked cute.

" Haha. It looks great on you, " Alex as well praised Arisu.

The choker felt perfect on her, as if it was made for her.

Alex now decided to move forth with his plan of making Arisu his.

He had already made her fall for him, now he was going to tame her.

" Onii-chan, s-so, when are we going to marry officially? " Arisu asked after checking herself again and again.

" Very soon, " Alex patted Arisu's head, " Now I need to go, I'll see you tomorrow again. Until then be a good girl okay? "

" Where are you going? " Arisu asked.

" To meet someone. "

" Is it important? "

" Yes. "

" Then, I won't stop you. But, come back soon. "

" Such a good wife my little Arisu has become. "

Alex smiled and left.

Once in the corridor, he saw a certain women coming towards him from other side.

" Are you the owner of this apartment? " The women asked.

She had a nice face and a mature body, Alex felt that she must be around 35 in age.

" Yes. I am, " Alex nodded.

" Oh. You are a foreigner. I hardly see anyone coming out or going into this apartment. So, I asked... " The women said.

" Ah. Where are my manners. I'm your neighbor. I live on the same floor with my family, " The women said pointing at the apartment at one side.

Alex took a look and the stared back at the women in front of him. With so? What?

The women was quite irritated with Alex's assholish attitude.

" It seems you are busy. I won't bother you anymore, " The women said and went to her apartment.

She unlocked the lock while Alex looked at her from behind.

After spending time with Arisu, he was feeling really horny and he wasn't ready to wait for a chance to make himself satisfied.

Alex's eyes went to this women's wide behind.

Her long gown like dress clinged to her fleshy ass making it look very sexy.

Alex decided to visit this women for now.

Also, if he wanted to tame Arisu he will need few women at least on hand.

Alex looked around and found a camera there, he quickly deactivated it and went behind the women.

The women had already unlocked the door, but just when she was about to open it she felt the a hand on her butt.

" Ah! W-What!? " She yelled.

But, Alex didn't need to worry as all of these apartments were sound proof and no one was around.

He just picked her up by holding her waist and threw her inside her apartment.

" What are you doing!??! " She screamed loudly, but no one heard her.

This was the use of apartments. No one will give fuck about each other even if they heard and in this situation the sound proof system stopped even that.

" Getting ready to fuck your holes women, " Alex said as he closed the door behind.

Just then a sound of someone running came.

" M-Mom! What's wrong!? " A young girl in a tank top and hotpants could be seen there.

She had a nice face similar to her mother's, but a lot younger.

" Aina! Call the police! " The women yelled to her daughter.

But, Alex was faster he moved behind the girl and pinned her down to the ground.

The girl whose name was Aina's clothes disappeared in a flash as she became completely naked.

Her large breasts which were only slightly smaller than her mother's deformed against the ground while her peachy rear pointed at Alex.

Alex slapped Aina's ass and took out his dick.

" No! Not my daughter! " The women tried to stop Alex but she found that she couldn't even move from her place.

" If you want to save your daughter then take off your clothes and take my cock inside your pussy, " Alex smirked as he caressed his cock upon Aina's butt-crack.

His monstrous cock hardened more and more as he felt hick cock rubbing against this virgin pussy and asshole.

" Okay, I'll do it, " The women said while tears of fear flowed down her eyes. She needed to save her daughter, until someone came for help.

She removed her clothes while Alex kept fucking her daughter's butt crack.

But, as soon as Aina's mother was done he slipped his cock inside Aina's cunt.

" Argh! " A sharp painful voice was leaked by Aina as she started crying.

The trail of blood flowed down her pussy as the pain of loosing her virginity came down upon her.

" You said you won't! " The women yelled while sobbing.

" I lied, " Alex smiled and pulled now naked women in his arms.

He used 'Touch of Pleasure' at it's full power making her cum right away.

He didn't use the skill on Aina as he raped her pussy again and again.

After few minutes Aina was forced to orgasm from this sadistic pleasure.

And when Alex was about to climax, he pushed his cock inside Aina's mother who had already lost her mind by cumming again and again.

" N-No... " She cried but couldn't help but get her married pussy creampied.

As a low grade women she became brainwashed without any chance to fight back.

Alex was sure that this women was at most D grade and her daughter was D+.

Like that for next one hour Alex fucked these women alternately. Only stopping when the women's young son came back from the school.

From women Alex had already found out that her husband was working in which company.

He simply fired him from the job by telling Hikari's assistant Airi.

Airi who wasn't contacted for so long was beyond happy and did so quickly.

She even added some criminal record on the man and got him arrested.

As for her son, he couldn't do anything but watch his mother and sister willingly getting fucked by Alex as they had already fallen for him.

" Send your son to hostel Or some place, next time I come here that little shit should not be here. Also, I need more women to be here next time, " Alex ordered.

Both mother and daughter nodded wordlessly.

They had already forsaken all of their feelings for other men in their family.

Alex then picked up them in each of his hands and left Aina's mother's room.

He now fucked Aina in the kitchen while her mother fed him fruits.

After a lot of fucking he had become really hungry.

His next destination was Kageyama Clan where he planned to meet Kai and her new cute wife Honoka.

* * * *

Honoka tidied up the file she was reading.

Right now she was staying inside Kageyama Clan mansion along with her husband Kai and Kai's wife and daughter.

A month ago, when she married Kai, she found out the secret that Kai was actually a women.

And she was already brainwashed by a Player...

Honoka was heartbroken when she found that out and tried to kill herself.

But, she survived... That Player saved her...

Honoka was still feeling conflicted about Alex.

It was not once that she questioned why he didn't rape her that day?

She knew that even after being brainwashed Kai had begged Alex to spare her.

This event made her have conflicted feelings about Kai, which slowly went away in this month and then came acceptance.

But, still Honoka didn't believe that a Player will hear out his women. They simply didn't think of their women as humans.

So why?

She didn't find that answer even till today.

After Alex left that day.

Kai apologized to Honoka, but the damage was already done.

Honoka's love was a lie, her dreams shattered, she was now just the broken self of her past innocence.

But, even if she did not have the same feelings as before for Kai, she still felt that Kai was someone who was pulled into a similar situation as her.

And deep inside she believed that Kai was resisting, that's why Honoka wanted to free Kai.

She had tried again and again in last month, but everything was useless.

Kai was just too much obsessed with Alex, she will even get angry whenever Honoka talked bad about Alex.

She wanted to help... But the success was almost impossible.

Honoka after being done checking herself in mirror, left the room.

She needed to talk about some businesses with Kai which affected commoners...

While she was passing through, she saw some females in maid outfit doing chores in the mansion.

These all were brainwashed... She thought.

The maids bowed to Honoka as soon as they saw her and then left for their work.

Honoka just wordlessly nodded to these females who looked happy.

Was being a slave to someone else that good?

She had seen her sister, mother, husband loving Alex as if they were his slave, she always found that they were happy.

Her mother who had never smiled in so many years had a smile on her face whenever she was with Alex.

It was as if she had become alive again.

Honoka sighed trying to not think about that.

But, just as she was walking.

She heard a Thud!