A week of love

Kokoro felt the hard slap on her face, she teared up again.

She could still feel that monstrous cock of Alex messing up her throat.

The pain made her want to get away from Alex as soon as possible.

" P-Please, let me go... " She begged while resisting Alex.

" What about your family? " Alex smirked as he saw Kokoro's resistance disappearing again.

" That's like a good slave. Now present me your pussy, " Alex ordered.

With fear clouding her eyes, Kokoro while trembling touched her pussy folds.

She was shocked to find that she was wet.

She couldn't believe that, her body enjoyed the scenario that just played out.

" Surprised at how you got wet while getting fucked like an animal? This is who you are. Your place is like an animal and your worth is only until you become my slave, " Alex's words made Kokoro snap out of shock, as her hatred for Alex grew.

But, she helplessly spread her pussy for this man who she hated so much.

Alex smiled as he saw the two holes of Kokoro lined upon each other. Each one sexier than the other.

" An useless slut like you sure has kept her holes nice. Let me widen them for you, " Alex said as he touched Kokoro's well shaved pussy.

His hand then slipped to her backhole and his middle finger penetrated her anus.

" No... " Kokoro wanted to retaliate, but she stopped herself.

Alex slapped Kokoro's ass while fingering her asshole. His cock soon touched her pinkish folds.

Kokoro felt dejected at the thought of having someone other than her husband's dick inside herself.

But, next moment she gasped for air as Alex directly slammed his cock to her womb.

Her womenly instincts made her moan, as she cummed from just one hit.

Her anus as well cramped around Alex's finger making it harder for him to pull it back.

Alex then started fucking Kokoro as if she was an onahole.

He wanted to break this female in his hands with his cock and make her worship him for eternity.

Hikari who had gone to wash herself soon came out of the bathroom, now wearing a very luxurious skirt.

It was something she used to wear when she was young.

Now because of Alex she once again got a chance to be young.

Hikari was beyond joyful. Alex saved her life. Gave her life a meaning and then even made her younger.

He had given her so much that she couldn't even repay him.

She only had this body and her Empire which she decided to submit to Alex.

But, just when she came out of the bathroom, her feminine instincts triggered at seeing Alex cumming inside Kokoro.

She had this weird feeling since the time Alex creampied her first time.

She just couldn't put her finger on it.

But, as she saw Alex turning to her with a smile. She subconsciously started walking to him.

Her reasoning was to be beside him... Always.

" Mom, do you like my gift? "

" Gift? " Hikari was surprised.

" The pill... "

" Yeah... Thanks you. I'm really grat-"

" Not that. The pill I gave you was a pregnancy pill. That means you are now pregnant with my child, " Alex smiled.

" W-What? " Hikari was surprised, " B-But, I'm your mother... "

" Not only that. You're my most important wife. That's my gift for you. Take care of her while I'm not here. Will you? " Alex asked gently as he took Hikari's hand in his.

Hikari felt weird sense of satisfaction...

She had never thought about having a child again.

But, when Alex told her that she was pregnant... She wasn't sad. Rather she looked forward to it?

It was the sign of her devotion and love for her son...

Alex smiled as he saw Hikari's lovestruck expression.

He pulled her into a searing romantic kiss.

" So, mom? Are you not happy? "

" No. I'm happy.... W-Wait. You never made any of your girls pregnant. Right? " She asked.

" No. You're the first one in this whole world, " Alex said.

Hikari felt very special, as she involuntary giggled.

" Haha. Anyway. That's for some time later. Let me fuck you again please, " Alex requested and pushed his dick inside Hikari.

She didn't know when but, she was once again naked.

What followed after was hours of series of moans of two females.

Kokoro soon surrendered to Alex completely.

Her devotion to him infinite. As she saw that even Hikari-sama who was like Godess in her eyes was Alex's women she couldn't help but find herself fortunate.

The hatred she had for Alex disappeared as soon as he cummed inside her, making her his own now.

She forgot her hatred against Alex because of her son.

" I look forward to meeting your son next time for real, " Alex laughed as he fucked Kokoro's asshole.

" I-I will divorce my husband... "

" No. You will take over the business of Hikigaya family. Disown your son and I'll see that your husband gets killed in some unfortunate 'accident', " Alex ordered.

" O-Okay~ Masterrr~ " Kokoro nodded as she orgasmed once more.

" Thanks for sparing Haruto~ " Kokoro said as she knew that Alex very benevolent by not harming her son.

" Haha. Let's break the news to him in few days, I'll bring my Yuka and Emma with me, " Alex laughed, making Kokoro slightly sad for her son.

But, those thoughts were swept away with next orgasm she had from her asshole getting pounded like crazy.

She no loner was the gentle mother, only a slut who revered Alex's dick and loved him unconditionally.

Alex then emptied himself inside Kokoro's anus.

Alex had both Hikari and Kokoro in each of his arms.

They stayed there for next some time, with loving satisfied smiles on their faces.

" Alex~ what should I name our daughter? " Hikari asked.

Kokoro's ears perked up as she felt jealous.

" I haven't decided yet. But... Take this thing, " Alex handed Hikari a small purse.

" It contains information and many pills. You need to take them, so that the child inside you and you stay healthy, " Hikari felt gratification at Alex's words.

She couldn't help but kiss Alex lovingly again.

" Thank you my so- Alex... " Hikari now felt very weird while calling Alex her son.

" Mom. You don't need to feel conflicted. You're my women. So you shouldn't be bound by these wordly thoughts. Bit, we will be living for eternities to come. In the flow of time only passion, love and true feelings can keep us together. So, you need to be completely honest, " Alex said.

Hikari even though felt conflicted, she nodded to Alex.

She needed time to digest her situation.

" Anyway. Let's have a bath, " Alex smiled.

Soon, all three of them followed into bathroom, where Alex had a nice time in bathtub surrounded by two mature beauties.

After some fun, Alex left both Hikari and Kokoro behind.

He was almost done with everything here in this world.

The day he will leave was inching closer.

Alex then visited his cute Ririko.

" Alex~ I love you~ " The moans of love and affection echoed in the room as Alex fucked the pregnant Ririko.

Her bloated tummy was very large now.

As per the female doctor the day she gave birth was already here!

" Ivy, you have become even more sexy after becoming mother. Teach your daughter to be my sex slave as well okay? " Alex said.

" Yesss! ~ I will~ " Ririko cried in pleasure.

Alex cared nothing about the child in Ririko's stomach.

He had used her as an experiment, before he impregnated Hikari.

But, he couldn't pass on the chance of fucking such an exquisite pregnant women. That's why he was here.

It was only after Alex had cummed in all three holes of Ririko and drank enough of her breast milk, that he left.

Alex now came to Aizawa Family Mansion.

As soon as he appeared. His cute maid came running to him.

" Oh. Were you waiting for me? " Alex asked to Iroha.

Iroha just wordlessly looked at Alex with tenderness.

Alex patted her head and entered the mansion with his hand on Iroha's tight ass.

Alex soon found Yumino waiting for him in her room.

" Welcome back Master! "

Even though Yumino sounded cheerful. There was exhaustion in her eyes.

It was clear from the mountain of workload she was doing everyday.

" Sorry, for making you go through this all, " Alex said as he pulled Yumino in a hug and kissed her.

" No. It's fine. I'm happy to be able to do something for you. I also have Tsumugi as my helper. So, it's not a big deal, " She said.

Alex then had a chat with Yumino about the current situation.

The situation was very optimistic.

Takahashi Family will become a subsidiary of Yamamoto Clan, while Yumino's Aizawa Family will be promoted to a Clan.

It would happen mostly in a week.

Alex had already made sure that nothing goes wrong and no variables were now remaining with all Four Cardinals being his slaves.

After chatting with Yumino for some time, Alex fucked her alongside Iroha.

Some other women in Family as well were brought in Yumino's office which was turned into a great orgy spot.

It was only when the night was almost there that Alex stopped.

He looked at all the women sprawled powerlessly on the ground with pride.

These haughty women who always looked down upon people from lower families or commoners now had their minds broken by Alex's might.

They no longer were proud of themselves in front of Alex, but were turned into his obedient bitches.

" Iroha, I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat, " Alex said to the only women who was still conscious.

Iroha was one of the chosen ones, she was obviously stronger than other women physically, but still she was almost drained.

Alex didn't need to wait much, Yumino had already ordered some people to cook for Alex.

Alex had a nice dinner while flirting with these cute and young maids, who fed him lovingly.

Alex had ordered them all to get naked, so that he could have a clear view and touch of their young bodies.

Iroha just silently stood besides Alex.

Her eyes held unbound love and gentleness for Alex.

If she were not a once in a million beauty, she should have looked like a creep as she was staring at Alex so hard.

" Master, are you going to stay with us tonight? " A certain cute maid asked.

She was only wearing a ribbon near her bare chest.

" Unfortunately no. I just married. So, I can't leave my wife alone can I? " Alex laughed.

The maid felt jealousy in her heart, as she always dreamed about becoming Alex's wife since the day she was raped by him.

At the start she resisted, but when she felt Alex inside her. All of her resistance dimmed down to submission.

She looked at Alex silently with a loving look.

Alex then had a nice dinner.

He got ready to get out of there.

Yumino came to say good bye to Alex as well.

Soon Alex was back to Yamamoto mansion.

He soon found Arisu sitting in the garden alonside Emma.

Alex was slightly irritated seeing Arisu talking with Emma.

He needed to educate this girl.

Arisu and Emma laughed while sitting hand in hand.

Alex noticed that they seemed to be on really good terms.

" Big sister Emma, do you know when onii-chan will be back? " Arisu asked.

" You still call Alex onii-chan? " Emma laughed.

" Don't laugh. He will always be my onii-chan and also... My husband, " Arisu said with a slight red blush as she touched the collar on her neck.

It was the symbol that she belonged to Alex.

Emma felt jealous of Arisu. But, she didn't show that outwards.

She had heard from Arisu that Alex gave her a collar when he propsed to her.

She as well wanted one!

" I don't know. Alex doesn't come to mansion that oft-" Just as Emma was talking. She turned around.

" Alex! You almost made me scared! " The spell Emma had learnt was super senses.

She was training herself. To always be on guard. That was why she noticed Alex.

" Haha. What are my girls talking about? " Alex asked as he sat in between Arisu and Emma.

Arisu just held Alex's hand lovingly while Emma jumped into his lap.

But, then she looked at Arisu and felt sad.

So, she got slightly away and held Alex's hand just like Arisu.

Alex smiled at Emma's consideration. She really was a good girl.

" Did you two have dinner? " Alex asked.

" Yes, " Both of them said.

" Good, " Alex smiled as he patted both girls.

He then had a small walk, hand in hand with them.

They laughed and smiled together.

Arisu and Emma's gentle eyes never left Alex, as if they were mesmerized with him and wanted to forever just look at him.

Even Alex couldn't endure this cuteness.

So, he took both of them to his room.

There he used the connect skill and fucked Emma till late night.

Like this one week passed.

He spent all the time in this week for Arisu.

Alex would spend his day time having a loving time with Arisu, while at night he will bring one of his women to bed room and make Arisu experience the pleasure that was already ingrained in her soul.

Alex couldn't help but think that even if Arisu got her future memories back, she will still be addicted to having sex.