Tutorial Over

Arisu felt confused as she saw Alex coming towards her.

Her thoughts were still not alright.

She remembered every moment she spent in that world with Alex.

She was ignorant as her younger self...

But, she was happiest with Alex.

In neither of her lives had she lived like that.

But, still Arisu did her best to stop herself and rationalized herself.

" Arisu... We're back... " He said with a gentle voice.

" You won, Alex Garcia, " She said coldly.

Alex who heard her voice, stopped suddenly.

He looked at Arisu as if her cold voice had pierced his heart.

Arisu couldn't help but, feel sorrowful at Alex's expression, " C-Congratulations... "

She said softly by instinct as if she couldn't bear to see Alex hurting.

" I knew it... The time we spent together meant nothing to you. The first snow we saw together, the day when we met again, the day when I held your hand, the day you called me big brother, the day when I proposed you, those dates we had together, all those sweet moments... They meant nothing to you? " Each word Alex said, pierced through Arisu's heart.

She could feel herself tremble.

But, still she controlled herself, " You're doing this on purpose... "

She felt that Alex was just playing with her again. But, even if she had that thought, Alex's words were sharp.

" Am I? So, this is what you think of us? Then I'll never see you again. You're no longer the same Arisu, " Alex said as he went back near his Alice and others.

Arisu couldn't help but feel sorrowful as she saw Alex turning away from her.

The memories when Alex stood up for her everytime, played inside her mind, as her rationality started loosening.

Athena looked at everything silently.

She felt amused at how Alex was playing with this women.

She clapped her hands to get everyone's attention once again.

" As this Tutorial is over. Alex Garcia will have unconditional control over all awakened women here. Everyone will be sent back as you were abduct- invited by the World's Will, " Athena said casually while ignoring Nathan's, Ryan's and Samuel's gazes.

Alex knew that every other player will now loose their status and memories of here.

Making it very easy for him to maneuver through the World.

But, just then Athena came near him.

Alex could feel her otherworldly fragrance, as she inched closer.

She slowly tucked her hair behind her ears and said, " I have taken very much of a liking to you. I suppose your identity is not as simple as this rich mortal. But, still I'll suggest that you don't move from here on as casually as you did in that Pocket World. There are eyes everywhere. One mistake and you will loose everything. "

Athena slowly said this making sure no one heard her except Alex.

She then winked, " You can continue using your room until next 3 days for any personal activities you want. After that you'll be sent out automatically. I have some stuff to do so I'll see you later. "

Athena smiled and disappeared.

Alex nodded to Athena before she disappeared.

He then turned to everyone of his women.

There were almost 75 women here.

These were the first women he had subdued after coming to this World.

Alex had never thought that he will ever, drown into depravity this much.

But, he liked this feeling.

Alex casually turned around as he said with a sneer, " Let me make you mine Grace. "

" You son of a bitc-! " Nathan wanted to curse.

But, Alice frowned as she waved her hand making an illusionary fire appear around Nathan.

" Arghhh! " Nathan cried as he sat down in pain.

" Noo, stop it! " Grace feeling pained, at her son's condition tried to save him.

But, she couldn't touch Nathan as the flames around him were too much.

" What are you doing!? " She glared at Alice.

" How dare he curse me and my son? Is he worthy enough to even stand near us? " Alice glared back as she crossed her hands before her more than modest chest and snorted.

Grace turned to look at Alex pleadingly. But, Alex ignored her. As he seemed to be chatting or more like flirting with Sasha who had completely stoic face.

Grace felt betrayed. The trust Alex had built before started collapsing.

She gritted her teeth and concentrated at where the flames were burning Nathan.

" Teleport! " She said but it just won't work.

Alex who was chatting with Sasha looked at Grace, " You have space element Affinity. It is not used like that. Feel the space around you and break it. "

" Why are you being like this? You said you will take care of him, " Grace said with tears in her eyes.

" I lied. Once we are out. I'll kill him, " Alex smiled.

" You! " Grace lost her bearing completely. She loved her son too much and Alex's betrayal was the last straw.

The spell she was trying to use to save Nathan was turned to Alex with unimaginable vigor.

Her hatred for Alex surpassed everything now. That just one sentence was equal to betrayal.

She couldn't stop herself as the space around Alex started breaking.

One of the broken space fragment tried to attack Alex.

But, then a gust of water formed a shield around him.

" Thanks Aunt, " Alex thanked Alia, but he could see that her water element was at a very disadvantage against this space element.

" I'm not your Aunt! You dummy! " Alia yelled while her shield tremble slightly.

But, she then focused again. Alex's safety was much more important than being called aunt.

Alex calmly walked forth as he said to Grace, " What happened between us was just an act. I played you for my own joy, I fucked you because I liked your sexy body. Also, how can I spare my friend Nathan who has been going against me for so long. Now, that I'm bored with you, I'll make you my slave completely. Your son's ending will be even crueler. "

Grace glared at Alex hatefully.

Arisu as well heard Alex and doubted if what happened between them was an act as well.

But, she had no time to think as something unimaginable happened.

The space around Grace cracked.

No! That was just the start.

The space around her was suddenly destroyed.

Even Alex was stunned for a moment.

Athena who had gone away appeared again, this time not in her avatar but as her real body.

She was shocked as well.

The aura she could feel for the space rift was too much.

It was at least one step stronger than her!

Grace herself didn't know what was happening.

But, only thought in her mind was to save Nathan.

Alice withdrew the flames around Nathan making his charred black body fall down.

He was still breathing though.

" Get out, " Athena who was shocked glared at the spatial rift.

From which a hand appeared.

It was a skeleton hand, big enough as a small room!

Alex narrowed his eyes, he ordered all of his women to leave.

" W-What is that? " Alice asked.

She was smart and had already sent everyone back to their room.

" Why are you still here!? Leave! " Alex ordered.

" I can't. I'm your mother, " Alice shouted at Alex.

Alex sighed and decided to ignore Alice for now. But, she will be punished for disobedience.

Surprisingly there were no fluctuations around Alex as the hand seemed to be moving in specific direction.

" Let's go inside! That thing is not here for you! " Alice said to Alex.

But, Alex ignored her as he saw the hand moved towards Arisu.

" Alex! Are you not going to hear me?! " Alice was truly angry at her son now.

But, Alex once again ignored her and saw the skeleton hand inching closer to his Arisu while ignoring everything else.

It was as if the hand was here just for Arisu!

Alex remembered the weird existence inside Arisu.

He didn't know if this hand was here for that. But, he needed to save Arisu.

She was his women.

Only he was allowed to bully her!

Alex first pulled Grace away from the crack. Which had stopped expanding.

He threw her at one side and ran to Arisu, who was way too shocked to move.

The hand was not very fast but it had weird sense of aura which made everyone feel as if they were suffocating.

Arisu's son Samuel had already fallen to the ground and was holding his neck.

Alex moved faster than the hand and just before it was about to touch Arisu he used his skill to create chains around it.

Arisu who was stunned could not help but get awake now.

She looked at the hand with fear, as if she had seen it before.

She quickly moved back, but seeing Samuel on the ground she picked him up as well.

The hand now didn't moved towards Arisu as it felt weird sense of danger from Alex.

Athena also came near Alex and started sealing the hand.

" It's not working. It's not going back! The world's will must have seen this. We just need to hold it for few seconds, " She said to Alex.

" Okay! " Alex nodded.

The hand now moved towards Alex. It wanted to first kill this person who gave it the sense of danger.

Alex looked at this with determination. He was ready to give up this body for the win. But, for this weak hand it wasn't even needed. He will just need to pay a price.

He was too proud to accept a loss.

" Let us see how weak you really are, " Alex said softly as hand was almost about to touch him.

But, just then Arisu who was moving away appeared near Alex.

" What are you doing? " Alex asked feeling surprised.

" You saved me. Now it's my turn, " She said calmly but there was hint of gentleness inside her voice.

It reminded Alex of young Arisu.

The black shadow started forming around Arisu.

It first turned into shield, as it protected Alex from the harm's way.

After that faint lights started appearing around her. Those lights turned into colorful flowers and attacked the hand!

Alex who saw this, knew that her it was her Affinity skill.

Just, then bright flames surrounded the hand as Alice used her skill to burn the hand.

But, hand wasn't weak. It became even slightly faster as it could feel the aura of what it needed upon Arisu.

It ignored Alex completely and charged at Arisu.

Arisu's black aura as well formed the black claw, it attacked at the skeleton hand.

Athena did her best to stop the hand.

Under the power of these three women, the skeleton hand was stopped for couple of seconds.

But, that was all...

It charged at Arisu and Athena who were standing nearest to it.

Alex didn't think much as he sighed. He used his skill to pull both of them back.

With Arisu in one hand and Athena in other he moved back quickly while using his skill non stop.

But it hardly could do anything to the hand, as it was simply too weak.

He gave up on falling back and for a moment unsealed his aura, which was uncountable times stronger than this hand!

Athena who was in Alex's arms could directly fill this aura.

She was shocked!

She was sure that not even the World's will could make this kind of aura.

She had previously thought that he was someone from another world who possessed this body. She never expected Alex to be this formidable.

Even the hand stopped for a moment, under this pressure.

Alex took the chance and stood behind Nathan's charred black body which was held by Grace.

He said to Grace, " If you don't want your son to die then close it. "

" I am unable to, " Grace said while crying.

The man she believed in was betraying her. She couldn't handle it.

She was now ready to die alongside Nathan.

Alex knew her thoughts.

So he pulled his hands away from Arisu and Athena.

Arisu and Athena both looked at each other. As they blushed slightly.

Especially Athena, she had never touched a man with her real body.

Alex didn't look at all this, as he picked up Nathan and threw him in the direction of the hand. Grace tried resisting but she was too weak.

" Noo! Please let him go! " Grace begged.

But, Alex ignored her as he saw the hand bypass Nathan as if he was air. Simply insignificant.

Grace felt relieved at this but she now started doing her best to close the crack.

The hand once again wanted to catch Arisu.

Alex quickly moved near Arisu and Athena once again, as he took them into his arms as if protecting them.

Alice once again did her best, as the intensity of her flames increased, it was as if she was going to have a breakthrough in her affinity.

Under the pressure of Alex being harmed, she did her best to help him.

She didn't care for anything but him.

But, few seconds were over!

The World's Will descended!

The hand trembled as it tried to move back, but suddenly it was cut off from the rift.

The next moment the hand started disappearing, but just then something came out from the hand.

It was a fingernail!

Only this fingernail flew back towards the Crack and disappeared inside.

The crack closed.

Alex smiled as he looked at Arisu and Athena.

" Are you two alright? " He gently asked.

" I'm fine, " Arisu nodded.

Athena didn't say anything as she disappeared from there.

Alex then looked at the place where crack was.

He was so confident only because, he knew that World's Will was already here the moment crack appeared.

But it didn't do anything, as if it wanted to watch a show.

Alex smiled as he looked at Grace who was on her knees as she as well looked at the crack.

" What happened ? " Alex asked.

" Her son. He disappeared inside the crack along with that fingernail, " Arisu said.

" Why didn't I see that? " Alex was surprised.

" You pervert! You didn't see because... " Arisu wanted to say that he couldn't see because he was busy fondling her and Athena's ass.

Athena even left directly because she was so embarrassed and angry at Alex.

Alex chuckled as he didn't know what to say, his hand just automatically did that.

Was it his fault that these girls had such a nice rear?

" Whatever, now that you're no longer interested in me. I won't touch you again. Sorry for that, " Alex rolled his eyes as he picked up sobbing Grace.

Grace struggled as she tried to hit Alex and cursed him in hatred.

" Calm down baby. Your son has luck that even I envy off. He will be fine there and will soon return, " Alex said as he caressed Grace's back.

Grace didn't say anything, but she silently loosened her fists. As her eyes turned helpless.

Alice quietly appeared besides Alex, her stern gaze was clearly on Alex.

She wanted to scold him, for doing something dangerous.

" Wait.... " Just as Alex was going to leave, he heard Arisu's voice which he was waiting for.

Samuel felt his heart being gripped by fear.

He had bad feeling as his mother opened her mouth, " I'm your wife. You can not leave me like this. "

Samuel's heart broke as tears dripped down his eyes.

His relationship with Alex was not bad. They could even be considered friends.

Seeing his mother saying such a thing to his once friend, he felt heartbroken.

He was always weak...

Just as this happened, his remaining women Natasha supported him.

Samuel found support in her, but-

But, Alex saw this and grinned.

He waved his hand and pulled Natasha in his arms.

" Arisu, will you love me even as I become a villain? " He asked as with his skill all of Natasha's clothes disappeared.

" Noooo! " She yelled as she tried to cover herself and pull away from Alex.

She didn't want anyone else but her lover to see her naked.

But, next moment Alex's hand went to her pussy and as soon as he touched there, she felt a dam break down inside her.

She cummed in Alex's hands as her resistance loosened.

Arisu was shocked, while Samuel now couldn't stop himself.

" Give her back! I love her! " Samuel yelled.

"That's why I'm going to fuck her. Such a fine women is wasted upon your sorry self. Once I'm back in real world, even your girlfriend will be mine, " Alex laughed as he made Natasha cum for second time.

He then looked at Arisu, " So? What do you think? "

Arisu looked at Alex's behavior as she sighed.

She had already made a decision. Alex was devil, she knew this from the start.

But, she was already connected to him and no longer was able to stay away.

Even if her rationality helped her, her heart no longer was hers.

Even her rationality determined that being Alex's wasn't a bad choice.

" I'm your wife, even if you don't want to. I don't mind you taking that women. But, I hope you'll let Samuel go, " Arisu said calmly.

" Tsk. You're no fun. My Arisu was better, " Alex said with a smile as he threw naked Natasha on the ground.

Alex was just joking with Arisu. He wanted to see if she will change her decision because he acted like this.

But, this Arisu was different from that naive and young one who followed Alex like a kitten.

She had made this decision to follow Alex rationally as well as emotionally.

Alex smiled as he looked as his eyes went to his mother, who when saw him just snorted and went back to their room.

Alex sighed, he would need to persuade this women as well it seemed.