Alan Garcia

[ Congratulations for being the only victor in Tutorial ]

[ You will now be sent back ]

Alan Garcia heard the mechanical voice.

He was the head of the Garcia Family, a behemoth in the Country.

At the same moment as Alex, Alan as well was brought into this the Game.

In the Game, he bulldozed his way through easily with his status, wits and looks.

All of his opponents' women would surrender to him just because of his charishma and for those who won't?

He would mercilessly steal them and rape them.

" Dear, we're going back? " A beautiful women asked.

She was completely naked as she held Alan's arm. Her eyes held affection and attachment to this very handsome man.

She was Tina Garcia, Alan's concubine who was teleported with him, just like Alice was with Alex.

Her small body was very attractive and fit, she had medium sized breasts and a perky butt.

Her face was a real eye candy as she could compare to many models and actresses!

Tina used to be a professional gymnast, before she met Alan and fell in love with him when he saved her from some very bad people.

" Yes. We are, " Alan spoke and as soon as he did the silence pervaded into the room.

Tina and Alan were not alone there, there were many women who he had stolen from their husbands.

Alan knew some of them previously as many of them were his company's workers or the wives of his Company's workers.

Alan had indulged himself into them, but deep down he knew that only one women could make him satisfied.

He was not satisfied even when he had so many women loving him.

The women he wanted so dearly was his wife, Alice Garcia. He wanted to bring that arrogant women under him and then step on her.

He wanted to break her dignity and make her his slave. It was Alan's obsession.

Previously he had his own plan to do that, but now he had power to make her his.

So he was going to tame her.

As soon as the time ended Alan was teleported back to his office.

He was in a certain meeting when he was teleported.

But, now he ignored it all and disappeared from the hall magically.

" Mr Crux, where is my wife right now? " He called to a certain person who was his butler.

" Sir, as per the certain spy she was seen going to the young Master Alex's place, " Mr Crux replied.

" I see. I think it is time that I visit my useless son as well, " Alan laughed.

Previously he cared about his son, because he was going to carry on the legacy of Garcias after him.

But, now he was an immortal himself, he didn't need his son anymore!

Alan cut off the call, and contacted his strong women who were brainwashed by him.

His wife Tina was the strongest women in his harem, but there were two more who he had taken liking to.

Alan also called Lina, who was his spy to make sure that Alice was there.

Lina was once Alan's toy, but when he got bored of her he threw her at his son to keep an eye on him.

After that he hadn't contacted Lina, and was looking forward to brainwashing her as well.

For now he thought of all of the things to kidnap Alice, he didn't believe that she will so easily fall into his hands, so he had to be prepared.

All maids in Alex's mansion were his spies. He ordered them to get ready to help him when necessary.

* * * *

Alice and Alex looked at each other.

They knew that something had happened.

The first thing Alex did next was to kick Lina awake.

" Wake up bitch! Why did you come inside when you knew that it was forbidden to enter when your Master is having chat with his mother? " Alex asked.

" Mas- I mean your father contacted me to ask if Lady Alice was here. So I just came to check... " Lina felt pain but she first replied to Alex.

" I see, " Alex nodded.

He then directly contacted Grace who was teleported back to her house and was in daze.

' Master wants me to bring other sisters to his house... I need to be quick to not disappoint him, ' Grace nodded and quickly disappeared using her teleport skill.

But, unfortunately she was off the mark.

" Damn it. I need to practice this, " Grace sighed as she once again disappeared.

Alex then looked at his mother and smirked, " He most likely is here to subdue you. "

" He always wanted to make me surrender to him. Even when I had you, I hadn't let him touch me. I just used him... So that I can have my own loving child. He have always had feud with me over that, but because of my Father he was never able to make a move on me, " Alice said in a loving tone as she touched Alex's face.

Alex laughed, " So, I'm the only man who has seen you moan like a slut. "

Alice blushed as she removed the hand that was creeping up her ass once again, " We need to prepare for Ala-"

" There is no need my dear wife. I'm here to bring you back home, " Just then the deep voice entered their ears.

Alex turned around to look at the door, there was a very handsome man standing there who had quite a few similar features as him.

There were three more women behind him, Alex recognized one of the beautiful women.

Tina Garcia, one of his stepmothers.

" How are you father. It seems you also won the Game. I dif't have a flexible women like Tina in my harem, Did you bring her here for me? How thoughtful," Alex smirked.

Alan had an ugly expression, as he knew that Alex as well was now a Player just like him.

As he looked at the naked Lina sprawled on the ground with her pussy filled with a white stuff. He became even more gloomy.

" Shut up you son of a bitch. You are going to pay for what you just said you bastard, " Alan replied as he pointed at Alice.

A suction force appeared around Alice as she was about to be pulled towards Alan.

But, Alex didn't even need to move as the blue flames surrounded Alice's whole body.

The suction force acting on her was easily intercepted.

Alex laughed, " It seems your dear wife has no intentions to leave me father. I can't blame her as her cunt has already tasted my cock,she will never be satisfied by anyone else. Anyway, after I fucked her she has completely surrendered to me. You were lucky to even be her husband even if you never managed to touch her. "

Alex gave a smirk, as he fondled Alice's boob with one hand.

Alan felt the anger rise in his heart. What Alex just said was the greatest humiliation in his life.

" I need to teach you to respect your elders, " Tina said seeing that Alan was not saying anything, she moved forth.

Her body was super fast as it just appeared near Alex in one moment.

She was about to punch him, but once again the blue flames surrounded Alex as Tina felt unimaginable burning pain.

" Argh! " She moved back as she looked at her burned knuckles.

She glared at Alice.

" How weak. My stepmother Tina, You are simply no match for my dear mother. Makes sense with that filthy blood of commoner flowing into your veins, " Alex laughed as he moved behind Alice as if he was afraid of Tina.

" You, little piece of shit! " Tina now couldn't stop herself. Alex cursing her was one thing but him cursing her family was different matter.

She ignored her burnt hand and chanted a spell. Her affinity was Elasticity!

The name may sound bland, but it was an overpowered affinity.

As she could ignore any physical attacks upon her and even normal special attacks will be useless on her.

Her speed will be super fast and she could even maneuver herself through even a small slit.

Right now she changed her whole body structure making herself very flexible.

She jumped on Alice before she could even create the fire around her.

As soon as Tina latched onto Alice's body, she tried to move towards Alex.

But, found that he was already shrouded into the blue flames.

These flames were gentle to Alex like a mother's touch but for Tina they felt like a melting lava!

She ignored Alex and decided to end Alice, she felt that Alex was only bragging with the power of his mother.

He had no special powers himself!

Alan thought the same, as he knew that his son was a trash. He could imagine that the one who brought him victories was Alice!

This thought only made Alan more and more obsessed over Alice.

With his and Alice's wits together they might even be able to rule the World!

He looked at Tina who had turned herself into thin layer of something pink and sticky.

But, just then a blood cuddling scream of Tina as Alice used those flames on herself.

But, even as this happened Tina didn't stop.

" Don't worry about harming her. Even if you destroy her heart. I can regenerate it, " Alan said to Tina.

Tina now didn't stop as she covered Alice's whole body by herself and started sucking her vitality even while feeling an unimaginable pain.

The only thing that kept Tina going was her love for her husband.

Alice kept burning Tina but it was useless as even while Tina moaned in pain she didn't let Alice free.

She wanted to beat Alice and prove that she was better than her.

Alex calmly looked at this, he had made no move until now.

But, now seeing his mother's vitality being sucked he was ready to save her.

Only he was allowed to bully his women!

But, just then he stopped.

Because, he saw a change in Alice's flames.

Her affinity was Cold Pyre. A very mysterious fire.

It had dual attributes that of ice and fire.

But, Alice had only managed to unlock fire attribute.

But, when facing Tina she instinctively opened her cold attribute.

A chilling cold flowed through her cells.

Her long flowing black hair started flowing without air, as the cold energy pervaded.

Tina was shocked as this energy entered inside her.

Her body which was sucking the vitality, stopped.

It froze in just a second.

She couldn't keep her skill on, as she was thrown on the ground weakly.

Her whole body was frozen and as soon as her body fell on the ground her clothes shattered like a layer of ice.

Tina's whole body was covered in burn marks making her look very pitiful. They were not healing because of being frozen.

Alex now once again laughed in haughtines.

While Alan's face was gloomy.

The showdown of their most important women had ended with Alex's victory.

" Alice I suggest you to surrender to me. How far will you go all alone? Alex won't be able to protect you. But if you become mine I'll keep his safety in my mind. After all he is our son, " Alan said kindly as he believed that Alex was trash and was carried all the way by Alice.

He had used this tactic to swoon many brainwashed women, by offering them their lover's safety, but killing them mercilessly after fucking their women.

Right now, he was doing the same. But, nor for enjoyment.

Seeing Alice effortlessly defeating his strongest women he was shocked and felt that Alice was worthy to be his equal.

" Fuck you. My mom will never betray me, " Alex gave his father a middle finger as he looked at Alice.

" Say it bitch. Will you betray me? " Alex coldly asked as he held Alice by her neck.

Alan was shocked seeing this. He was actually shocked seeing that Alice didn't even struggle as she frowned in pain.

" You wanted to do this to her, right father? To make her submit to you and destroy her thoughts of struggles and turn her into a slave of yours? " Alex laughed.

He then forced his mother to kneel and ordered, " Lick my feet. "

Alice didn't even hesitate before she got on her knees and kowtowed to Alex.

She took out her small pink tongue and started licking Alex's toes like an obedient slave.

Alex revealed a smug expression as he smirked at his father.

He could hear notifications of points flooding in his pocket.

Ntring someone and breaking their mind was the best way to earn points!

Alex's smug smile only became brighter.

As if he was flaunting his control over the women that Alan could never make submit.

" You bastard! Stop it now. You are at the gunpoint of my servants! One order from me and you will die! " Alan roared as he pointed at certain direction.

All the maids in the Alex's mansion, were standing upon the corridor with guns in their hands.

These were very special laser guns which could easily pierce strongest metal in the World!

But, Alex ignored them as he pulled back his toes from inside Alice's mouth.

He pushed it on her head making her face growel on the hard ground making her frown in pain once again, but she still didn't struggle.

" You wanted to do this right? Right? Hahaha. But, you will never be able to. Because before turning my mother into your slave, you have to defeat her and you're not worthy! " Alex laughed.

" Shoot him! " Alan said as he waved his hand.

The two women behind him as well started chanting spells.

Alan had heard too much. What Alex said was correct.

He wanted to be the one to break Alice's dignity!

But, now she was already broken and defiled. He now only wanted to kill his son and make Alice his sex slave.

But, just as those maids were going to shoot Alex, something surprising happened.

The green vines started erupting from all over the mansion, especially near those maids.

These vines directly caught these mortal women who didn't even know a single spell.

Those vines then directly threw them on the ground floor without caring for their well being.

Alex was sure that at least half of those maids had their most bones broken.

" Another one!? " Alan was shocked as he looked around looking for the one who casted that spell.

But, just then a spatial rift appeared behind him.

The two women who were standing near him were shocked as a tender white arm pulled them inside the rift.

" Master Alan! " They yelled in fear.

" Lin! Rita! " Alan was shocked as he felt a crisis because of these new characters.

" How are you old friend Alan? " A beautiful feminine voice appeared.

" Angela!? " Alan was stunned as he saw Angela standing near Alex.

There was one more beautiful women, that appeared from the rift and she gave out very high pressure.

The two women who belonged to Alan as well were in that beautiful mature women's each hands, as she handed them over to Alex.

" Thanks for the treat father. I'll treasure these female sluts you brought me. Especially my stepmother Tina. She will get special treatment, " Alex laughed again.

But, just then Alan smirked, " Did you think I'm a trash like you? I don't need these bitches to do my bidding like you. I alone am enough to make all of these women of yours surrender. I was just waiting for you to show your cards. "

Alex was slightly surprised, but wasn't too much.

If his father was able to defeat all other Players then he had to have some skills.

It was time to check those skills.