New identity

As expected by Alice, as soon as Abigail went away from Alex's mansion she told the name of the person she suspected to be the Player, to the Government.

She also informed them that Alice was an awakened, she also talked about Lin and Rita.

She didn't say anything about Angela, because she wasn't present at the scene in the end, similar to Alex.

Abigail judged that, Angela and Alex were thrown away by Lin and Rita because they were not awakened ones.

Abigail did all of this, because she had a sense of justice.

Also, she didn't want to implicate someone like Angela without any proofs or 100% insurance.

She also had found what she wanted to, the name of the culprit. Ross Raymond.

She didn't care about Alice's trust or anything. She completed her duty, that's all.

Over all she felt that she was the winner here.

But, she didn't know that the goal of that chat with Alice was to misguide her towards Alan.

She was clearly cheated against and didn't even know that.

" This is so wrong. Does that mean we all are having our memories altered? I didn't even notice anything! " Presley said in shock as she trembled after hearing Abigail's words.

Other officers were the same.

They now understood the horror of Awakened ones!

" You all can rest. Take care of yourself. We are going to see lots of cases like these from now on, " Abigail sighed and left.

Presley went to her home, she called Alex and informed him about everything.

She ditched Abigail without any remorse, for her Alex was a lot more important than her job or even her family.

She wasn't with him in tutorial, so she couldn't use the special connection to talk with him, so she could only call him.

" I see. Good work Presley," Alex praised briefly, he then ordered, " Send me everything you know about Abigail. Including her close relations, her habits, etc. "

" Okay! " Presly nodded, " By the way, when can we mee- he cut off the call... Bad Alex! " Presley cried as she threw away her phone.

But, after a moment she picked it up and started doing what Alex told her to.

* * * *

Back in Alex's mansion...

Alice soon brought back Grace and Tina.

Angela was healed completely with her superb regeneration and healing medicines.

Alice soon came in the hall where Angela was sitting alone.

Grace was carrying Tina, who looked lot better than before.

She had been fed healing medicine and her healing capacity was good as well. Also her injuries were mostly superficial so it wasn't a problem.

" Is she dead? " Angela asked pointing at unmoving Tina.

" No. She should be awake soon, " Grace said as she shook Tina up and down.

When Tina moaned in pain, Grace made an expression as if to say, ' See, she's perfectly fine. '

" Where's Alex? " Alice asked as she looked around.

" He is in his room with Lin and Rita, " Angela replied.

Grace blushed slightly while thinking about what they might be doing inside. She wanted to join in.

" You two stay here. I'll send Tina to Alex, " Alice charmingly smiled as she took Tina from Grace and quickly went to Alex's personal room.

Grace and Angela who looked at each other smiled knowingly, " We will help you as well. "

This way they made their way to Alex's room.

Inside his room, Alex was enjoying his time messing with Lin and Rita.

As he held the nude bodies of theirs under his hands, they trembled in fear, disgust and lust.

Alex had both of his hands on one of the boobs of Lin and Rita each.

While his dick was going in and out of Rita, he soon switched between them and started ramming Lin who soon came loudly on his cock.

" There is nothing more satisfying than raping my father's women. He must have worked hard to get you two beauties under him, " Alex laughed as the tight pussy of Lin cramped around his cock.

Lin and Rita couldn't mount any kind of resistance, as they just moaned under Alex's might and orgasmed from the cock of the man that they didn't love.

They both had a good standing and position in Garcia family's companies.

They came from a rich and respectable background.

Both of them were married women with children of their own who they loved and cared for.

Their motherly bodies were the proof of their devotion to their husbands and families.

Their beautiful features made them feel proud, as very few other women could compare to them in background, beauty and talent.

But once proud women were reduced to nothing but cock sleeves now.

Theri sweaty bodies played by Alex, as their cunts windened to take in the cum of the superior male, whose slaves they were going to be from now on.

Their children, husbands won't matter to them from now on.

Only Alex's happiness will be their satisfaction. They will even die with a smile if it was for him.

Alex next overlapped their sweet feminine figures upon each other with their breasts and pussies against each other.

" I'll cum inside both of you at once, " Alex laughed.

" Noo~ " " Please... no~ we're your father's women~ "

" It doesn't matter, now that you've tasted my cock. You're mine, " Alex laughed started cumming inside Lin's womb.

He next spread his sperm inside Rita as well making her his.

Just then the door of his room opened.

Who came inside was his mother wearing the professional dressing she usually wore.

She looked stern and sexy in it.

As soon as she saw Alex cumming inside Rita and Lin, she couldn't help but have lust ignited in herself.

She threw unconscious Tina on the sofa in the room and went on the bed.

She hugged Alex from behind while kissing his head.

" You forgot me, " She pouted.

" How can i? " Alex laughed as he turned around.

He pulled his mother in a hug and caressed her head.

His hand moved down her back tracing her backline till her waist.

Feeling her soft chest upon his, even from her clothes made him have an urge to rip them apart.

He looked at his mother with a gentle gaze and passed his hand inside her coat.

Feeling her naked boobs made his cock turn erect.

Alex couldn't stop himself now as his other hand passed inside Alice's coat from below caressing her smooth back.

His lips swiftly found hers and took them in his control.

While this all happened he rubbed his cock against her inner thighs.

He had already pushed down Alice by now and was purely devouring her on instinct.

He felt a weird kind of attraction to this women, not only because she was his mother. He could now understand why his father as well was obsessed over her.

She was just that good of a women, even he felt that he couldn't get enough of fucking her.

He was already in love with her beautiful body and addictive persona.

Alex soon tore apart Alice's clothes leaving her in shreds of what she was previously wearing.

Her huge breasts appeared in front of him and also her pussy became defenseless for his attacks.

Alex moved down a little and pointed his cock to Alice's pussy, pushing it inside slowly.

Alice couldn't wait anymore, so she moved towards Alex and wrapped her hands and legs around him.

Her boobs pressed on his chest while her pussy was filled to the brim with her son's massive cock.

" Ahh~ " She had a small orgasm just from feeling it touching her womb.

Alex held his mother by her asscheeks and pushed her down on the bed.

While her body was wrapped around his and she had her head on his shoulder, he pushed deeper and deeper in her core.

Her smooth and pleasurable creases caressed his cock gently making him reach closer to an orgasm.

Lin and Rita's pussies simply couldn't compare to the pleasure Alex was feeling now.

His mother's pussy was simply divine!

He could fuck his mother for days and still he won't get bored while exploring this body and discovering new things inside her depths.

He like a beast started devouring her lips roughly, tasting all of her oral cavity and drinking her saliva to his heart's content.

Alice didn't resist, as she believed that she belonged to Alex. What Alex was doing now was just claiming what was his rightfully.

Even while moaning in pain and pleasure her love for her son increased.

Alex next kissed her nape and left his marks there. To remind her body that she belonged to him and her pussy was already shaped into his size.

Alex didn't stop as he also started eating Alice's breasts while her moans reached new heights.

She cummed loudly as soon as Alex bit her pink nipple.

" So good~ " She moaned.

Angela and Grace were also seeing this, they couldn't help but feel their sacred gardens watering.

Lin and Rita weren't different, as they were slightly confused, but their lust overpowered everything as they looked at Alex.

They touched each other's pussies and played with each other while waiting for their new Master to take them again.

The figure of Alan had already become vague in their minds and soon it disappeared as Alex's mighty shaft filled their mind as his overwhelming presence pressed them down, turning them into helpless sows.

Their light touches soon turned into a full blown scissoring as their moans synchronized with their Empress.

After few minutes, Alex pulled his mother closer to his body while hugging her tightly.

As soon as he gave a powerful thrust inside his mother's tight vagina, he reached her womb.

He started cumming inside her like downpour. He didn't wish to impregnate her now, so he used anti pregnancy skill, but this didn't make the feeling of pleasure Alice experienced any lesser.

She almost fainted from the comfortable feeling of her son's sperm filling her stomach.

She fell back on bed with her now sweaty body and disheveled hair.

Even in this condition she looked very charming, forcing Alex's cock to get ready for round 2.

But, Alex now noticed that Grace and Angela were also here.

He turned his mother upside down and suggested, " Angela, Grace, take off your clothes and join us. "

Angela and Grace didn't think for a moment before coming near Alex.

They quickly shed off their dresses and became naked in a minute.

Alex could see that Grace's ass was wider than Angela's giving her a better charm in that area.

" What a body. You really are made to get impregnated, " Alex laughed as he looked at Grace.

" I'm already pregnant with our daughter, " Grace shyly said.

Alex smiled and then focused back on his mother and spread her asscheeks bringing his eyes upon her small backhole.

Alex had taken Alice's anal virginity, he had first hand experienced that her asshole was not less pleasuring than her pussy.

Alex pushed his erect cock inside her asshole, while pulling Angela and Grace into his arms.

" Today, I had to use much of my points. But, now I want to buy a skill. Until I get enough points, none of you will get to rest till tonight, " Alex laughed while holding three charming mature females in his hands.

Alex was dirt poor now in respect to points.

He previously had tens of millions of points.

But, he had to use almost all of them to buy a time related restriction to make those people unconscious for half an hour while in reality only 30 seconds passed!

By having sex with Lin and Rita, he got approximately 5000 points from each.

After cumming inside his mother he got almost 4000 points from her.

Also, the continuous point flow which should have happened from all of his women had stopped.

Alex could only continuously get points from those women he had in the Country!

As Lina was a B graded women he was getting 50 points per hour from her.

While Alice and Anglea gave 100 points per hour.

And Grace gave 200 points per hour as she was S graded.

Alex stopped thinking about all of this for now, because for the skill he wanted to buy he needed almost 100 thousand points.

He needed to work fast!

* * * *

It was soon evening...

Alice, Angela, Grace, Tina, Lin and Rita all were sprawled on the bed around Alex.

Their bodies were covered in sweat, semen and their own love honey.

They all looked exhausted, as they hugged Alex with their nude bodies.

Only Alex was the one who was checking system shop.

He had enough points to buy a skill.

It was the ShapeShifting!

[ • Skill : ShapeShifting

• Grade : Rare

• Description : The Player Can change their bodies as they want.

• Limit : Once shapeshifted no limits

• Cost : 80,000 points ]

Alex knew that this seemingly normal skill was graded Rare because of its potential.

It was just like his Materialization skill, which depended on his understanding of the material to reform it.

This ShapeShifting skill based on his mental fortitude and dexterity could be used to change his face into someone else's!

Alex knew that after his father was caught as a Player, he might also get caught.

So he needed another identity for safety.

He also will be under suspicion after this discovery of his father so he needed to be careful of government!

Alex planned to choose a new identity!

This identity wasn't going to be a high profile one and he already had hint about choice.

Alex contacted Arisu with his connection.

" Did you do what I asked for? "

" Yes! " Arisu's voice came. She sounded happy to be able to talk with Alex.

" I have looked into this Abigail. She is the only remaining member of Adkins and works as an officer for income. She has recently married to a person from a commoner background. His origins are humble, " Arisu informed.

" Send me everything about this man, " Alex ordered.

After that he asked Arisu about the condition at Grejoy family.

" Everything is normal... But, I miss you Onii-chan, " Alex knew mature Arisu must be blushing while talking like this.

" I will see you soon. But, we need to be careful. Don't use your powers. Also inform me of any Players around you. Okay? "

" Okay Onii-chan, " Arisu nodded obediently. After accepting Alex she was very good and docile.

Alex cut off the call and checked the information about Abigail's husband.

He planned to take his identity and replace him!

His name was Asher Adkins.

Asher had married into Adkins family one year ago at the age of 27.

His origin was very humble and he worked as an officer in Abigail's previous department.

There was also a photo of him and other details.

Asher was an above average looking man and looked like a serious person.

Alex felt that he was perfect!

Because he also wanted to take revenge on that bitch Abigail for bringing him in a mess.

Also, she seemed like an officer who will make it big in her department, so he needed to be by her side and take control of her when necessary.

Alex stood up from the bed and wore his clothes.

He made sure to keep mana fluctuations zero and it was easy to do that for small spells like making clothes.

He said goodbye to his women, who were still exhausted and got out of the house.

He needed to find a chance to replace Asher right now.

He could not wait.