Looking for Evidence

Alex had gotten an illusion card from Sasha Raymond in Stage 2 of tutorial, a very long time ago.

He had never used it and now he gave it to his mother as her identity as an awakened was leaked.

The illusion card was very strong, as none under Demi-Godess level could notice it, after all it was an artifact from tutorial.

Next day, Alex took a holiday from work.

He helped Luna, made her breakfast and talked with her.

" Take care, " The women said as Alex went away.

There was a hint of loneliness and gentleness in her eyes as she saw Alex leaving.

Alex ordered Grace to pick him up, she quickly did so as if she can't be in more hurry to meet him.

She then brought him to Garcia Family's main mansion.

" Alex! I missed you, " Alice who was using Alex's illusion quickly removed it and kissed her son lovingly.

Alex also kissed Grace as a thank you.

His stepmother Tina as well was there, she shyly smiled and hugged him.

" Now tell me what happened, " Alex said.

" Alan was hiding in his mansion, but then that women Abigail came along with many more awakened women, they caught Alan after a fierce battle. "

" But, when they were leaving some of his women sacrificed themselves to save him and he escaped, " Alice said.

" His arrest warrant is all over the country, there is no reason behind it, " Tina said.

" I see. So, this is the optimal time for me to take over the Garcia family and stop the chaos that has started in family, " Alex sneered.

" Yes, " Alice reflected his smile, " Because there was no reason, the whole family is in chaos. I consider that it won't be long before Government as well removes the arrest warrant and start acting in dark against Alan. He might die even without the world knowing in some dilapidated place. "

While she said this, Alice's evil smile was enough to make Alex's heart pound.

Grace tried to do the same, but she couldn't make the same evil smile.

" All family members should be here in 5 minutes. I also asked my father to come here by acting as you, as much as he dotes on you. He will help, " Alice said.

Alex nodded as he after five minutes came out of the room.

The main meeting area of the Garcia family was filled with family members.

They soon saw the handsome visage of their young Master coming down from second floor.

Following behind him was his stepmother Tina. All other concubines of his father had disappeared with him.

" Young Master Alex. We all feel sorry for what is happening, " Some people genuinely felt sad and wronged because of what was happening.

They were loyalists.

Garcia family formed majority of them.

" I thank you Uncle for your concern, but I'm okay. I carry the blood of Garcias, like my father I will work hard for my family and seek justice for him, " Alex said with genuine looking anger.

Alice, Tina and Grace who saw that Alex was being promoted, they were happy.

This was easier than they thought.

Soon, Angela and Head of the Thomson family, Alice's father also came.

He was a tall old man with white beard and white hair. His eyes looked sharp and even at his age he looked like a formidable person.

Alex's grandfather and Angela acted sympathetic to Alex and made it clear that they were on Alex's side.

Alice's father hadn't made a drastic move against government until now, because Alice herself had contacted him not to do so.

Otherwise he would have waged war against Government even at the cost of his family.

Everything went smoothly, as Alex had a chat with his grandfather. Who promised that he will take care of him.

Alex acted as if he was moved to tears and was very glad.

All this happened and from next day, Alice started working as the new supreme of Garcia family while acting as Alex.

After the talk, Alex spent the day with his mother, stepmother, Angela and Grace.

It wasn't until evening came, that he unwillingly left their warm and loving embraces and returned to his or Asher's home.

Asher's mother like evereday was lying on the bed, as soon as Alex appeared she gently looked at him.

" I'm back aunty, " He said.

" You don't need to call me aunty. You can call me mom, just like used to before, " Asher's mother said.

Alex rubbed his head, as he said, " If you say so, I'll try. "

He then sat down before her bed and talked with her.

Only after some time he went to refreshment.

Asher's mother asked, " Don't you have your own family child? "

" ... No... Actually, it's complicated, " Alex sighed as he sat down near her again.

He always felt calm whenever he was near her.

He was wondering if there was some reason for that.

" You don't need to say it, even though I have nothing to give you. You can think of Asher and me as your family, " She smiled kindly.

" I already consider you as my family, mother, " Alex said.

As his voice was exactly similar to Asher's even Asher's mother felt that she for a moment couldn't differentiate between them.

She saw her own son in Alex. His exactly same features only made it harder for her to think otherwise.

Soon the day passed.

After the day of holiday, Alex went to the office.

He expected the news of his promotion from vice leader to leader.

But, he was in for a shock.

When he appeared in his office, there were no handshakes for congratulations, no letter for promotion, no claps for his betterment...

Basically there was no promotion.

" Master, I'm sorry. Sniff. I didn't know that the Team Leader is assigned by a Superior in drastic conditions, " The petite women cried as she looked at Alex in nervousness.

So, basically this was how these two people destroyed the good life of a kind old man on a whim.

Did they regret it?

Alex of course didn't.

As for the women?

Right now inside the female washroom of the office, she was pinned against the wall as Alex fucked her from behind.

She had no time to regret as an orgasm came from her by now fallen pussy.

Alex vented his frustration on her and then came back to his seat to relax.

He was in no mood to work today.

So, he took out the file of Adkins family and started reading about it again.

He had heard from his mother everything about Adkins family's fall.

Alex found that all investigations in this case were superficial, as if someone had stopped the investigators time and time again.

But these documents mentioned a mid size family which was related to the Adkins case heavily.

The Simon Family!

Alex had some impression of this mid sized family because of his beautiful classmate Lisa Simon, who had a crush on Nathan.

She was the reason why he was bullied normally.

Alex was sure that one who forced the investigation to stop was Raymond family or a group of families on same level.

He decided to investigate Simon family by himself for now.

Alex looked through the internet about the condition of Simon family during the period of fall of Adkins.

He was surprised to see that, regular graph of their development increased pace by a large margin after the fall of Adkins.

' It must be because they took the responsibility of working in light, they were supported and helped by Raymond Family, ' Alex thought.

He then kept searching and found out that the competition between Simon and Adkins family was an old one.

Because both of these families worked in same sector.

Alex now found out the reason and motive of Simon's involvement, now came the most difficult part. He needed evidence.

Alex contacted the only lawyer in his harem.

Michelle Washington.

She was a sexy black women as beautiful as a dark elf who had her own firm. She herself was a popular lawyer.

" Michelle, " Alex said.

" Master!? Master is that you? " Michelle calmed down after getting contacted after so many days.

She was moved to tears and the client who was sitting in front of her was shocked.

Michelle didn't say anything, as she came to a secluded place to have a talk with her beloved.

" Yes. Yes. It's me. Are you okay? "

" Yes I am, Master. Thank you for asking, " Michelle said while feeling shy.

" I had a job for you, " Alex said.

" What is it? I'll do anything! " Michelle promptly replied making Alex satisfied.

" Look into the case of fall of Adkins family, " Alex said.

" ... That case? Umm.. I think I remember... The one who took the case was someone I know, outsiders don't know, but that lawyer got a death threat and much money to stop working on the case, " Michelle said.

" I see. I want to reopen the case. So, I need evidence against Simons family, " Alex casually said.

Michelle nodded.

If it was her Master, he could really win the case.

" Master, I will contact that lawyer and ask her for evidences related to it. But, I'm not confident that she will help us... " Michelle said.

Alex smiled as soon as he knew that the other party was of an opposite gender.

" Give me her information. I'll contact her on my own, " Alex said.

" Okay Master. But, Michelle is better lawyer than that women. So, if you need anything just call me. I'll do my best to help you, " Michelle added.

" Of course I will contact you first, my sexy bitch, " Alex smirked and cut off the call.

Michelle on the other side giggled, as she checked herself in the mirror.

She was happy to talk with Alex.

Meanwhile, as soon as Alex found the information he took his bike and came to the office of this female lawyer Michelle had told him about.

She seemed to have her own company which didn't loose out to Michelle's.

It was in a big building, on 15th floor.

Alex parked his bike in parking and took the elevator.

He was alone till the fourth floor, as at that floor a middle aged women wearing a flower printed white skirt and a pink jacket.

She had a designer bag at her hand while holding a mirror in her palm.

With other hand she was using lip stick.

As soon as she entered she was about to press the button for 15th floor as well, but saw that it was already pressed.

Seeing the only other person in the lift being an officer, she was slightly surprised.

" You're also going to the Miss Doyle? " The women asked.

Alex looked at her for a moment, she was not a superb beauty, but still she had done nice make up and seemed to handle her body well.

She was most likely in her mid thirties.

" Yes. Miss Doyle, I actually came to meet you, " Alex replied with a good natured smile.

" Ohh, " Miss Doyle smiled and started putting on lip stick once again, as if disinterested.

Alex's eyes twitched. This women was doing this on purpose to make him nervous.

But, Alex leaned back against the wall as he looked at Miss Doyle. He planned to fuck this women anyhow, so he was checking her up and down.

Miss Doyle of course noticed this, " That look of yours is quite disrespectful. " She frowned.

But, just then the lift stopped.

Alex smiled. It seemed even lady luck was on his side again today.

Alex knew that things like this happened, because his luck was really much higher than other people on this World. Even Godesses had luck lower than him.

Only people like Nathan could compare to Alex, who had tremendous luck.

Alex quickly cut off the wire of camera attached in the lift.

" I was just admiring your sexy body, can I not? " Alex said.

" What are you saying? " Miss Doyle glared as she moved towards intercom.

But, Alex stopped her forcefully.

" I have very much use for you Miss Doyle, but before that I'll need to subdue you, " Alex smirked as he first closed Miss Doyle's mouth, so that she won't scream.

In his hands she couldn't even flail, as Alex held her tightly in place.

Alex was very quick as he flipped up her skirt and took off her panties.

Miss Doyle's eyes now held fear inside them, as she knew that Alex was seriously going to rape her.

She didn't want that, but her legs were forcefully parted by Alex as he touched her dry pink pussy.

" You take good care of yourself here as well huh, " Alex praised as he rubbed Miss Doyle's clit.

" Mmmmhhh! Mmmhggj! " Miss Doyle tried to scream but it was useless.

Alex took of his pants and the biggest cock Miss Doyle had seen in her life appeared in her eyes.

Her eyes turned even more fearful.

She struggled as Alex's dick touched her pussy.

" Stop struggling. Once I cum inside, you will fall in love with me, " Alex sneered and pushed forward.

Miss Doyle gasped, Alex's girth made her inner walls stretch themselves to limit and even new limits were forcefully created.

Her pussy instinctively started drooling love honey while she stopped struggling.

Alex had already entered inside her, now it was useless to resist, she thought.

Alex also removed Miss Doyle's gag, " Kiss me. I'll give you the most unforgettable experience in your life. "

Miss Doyle smirked, " You better keep your words. "

She brought her lips to Alex's, while Alex's cock tip kissed her baby room.

" You're huge, " Miss Doyle said.

Alex smiled as he moved back and pushed forward again.

He could taste her lipstick on her lips.

" Open your mouth, " He ordered.

As soon as Miss Doyle complied, he took control over her tongue and subdued it just like his cock subdued her pussy.

Alex completely dominated Miss Doyle's mature body as he pressed her back to the cold floor of the elevator.

As she wrapped her legs around him, he reached till the end of hed womb and after some time cummed inside her.

As soon as he did so, the lift started working again.

" I think we should get properly dressed, " Alex said as he became proper person again.

As for Miss Doyle, she also wore back her panties in daze.

Because now as she looked at Alex, she couldn't help but blush.

She had this weird feeling for him.

She knew what it was... It was more than any familial bond or friendship, it was love and affection.