Lady Britney

Alex knew that he was potentially fucked when Abigail broke through his trap so quickly.

Many more powerful auras as well started appearing from all directions.

Alex was completely surrounded. But, he wasn't nervous at all.

" Damn it... Grace, take me out of here, " Alex quickly contacted Grace who was right now with Alice.

She didn't hesitate to drop whatever she was doing and teleported near Alex.

Her mastery over teleportation had increased after these few days.

Alex didn't shy away from relying on his women, they would be useless if he didn't suck out every bit of worth out of them!

Unbeknownst to Alex's heartless thoughts, as soon as Grace saw Alex, the gentleness flowed into her beautiful eyes.

" Master, " She called out with a longing tone, like a child meeting its parent. Her gaze was filled with innocence and affection.

" Don't daze out you Goddamn women! Get me fucking outta here! " Alex yelled in urgency as he came near Grace who had by mistake teleported a little far away from him.

Just at the moment, Abigail as well caught up with them.

She was surrounded in the ball of fire which flew like a meteor!

Alex wondered if these people no longer cared about keeping their identities secret.

Current Abigail was like a bright shining star in the night sky!

" You're surrounded! I won't let you run awa!! " Abigail said as she created a spear out of flames.

She was about to throw it and pierce Alex's or her husband's head through.

But, just then a bright light enveloped the area.

Grace had used her teleportation skill to take away Alex and the two women he had captured.

When the light dimmed down, Abigail could now clearly see that there was no one there.

" Noo! " She roared in regret, knowing that she had lost the devil and he also took away her comrades.

She choked upon emotions, knowing that next time she will meet her friends, they will be enemies.

There was no solution to Brainwashing of Players, except for killing them.

Just then few more auras appeared near her.

Three of them were flying or levitating in the air while the two of them were riding high tech vechiles.

" Miss Abigail, what happened here? I felt a very strong space disturbance, " The women who was closest to the spot, came near Abigail while flying.

As she moved around the space slightly fluctuated around her.

Her white dress and her light blue hair made her look otherworldly.

This women also had a space related affinity, but it was not as strong as Grace's who was a S graded women.

" The Player escaped... Along with Miss Liz and Lady Britney, " Abigail said with weary sigh and unfocused sight, while looking down.

She was ashamed to be unable to save them.

" What?! " Everyone was shocked.

" That's impossible! No Player can defeat Lady Britney or Miss Liz! " Another women who took off her helmet said in disbelief.

She was a beautiful young women with long black hair. She was wearing tight clothes same colored as her hairs.

" He was different. He was a lot stronger. He single handedly trapped me and defeated Lady Britney. Miss Liz was already unconscious by the time we came here, " Abigail said with a small voice.

" How were you able to escape? " One of the five womens asked.

She was a small statured girl who looked around 16-17 years.

She was even wearing a school uniform. She looked very cute.

" What do you mean by that!? " Abigail roared.

" Hey. Calm down. It's not time to argue... and you kid, don't blame others, " The last women who appeared here by flying said.

She was a mature women with voluptuous figure.

She looked divine as the two white wings behind her shined in moonlight.

" I was just speaking... " The school uniform wearing girl who was levitating slightly retorted.

" Shut up! " The women once again said and then she turned to the other women who came by bike.

" I contacted headquarters. Miss Liz and Lady Britney's tracking devices were destroyed. We have no way of tracking them, " This women calmly said as if nothing mattered to her.

" Fuck. What should we do now? " The women wearing black colored tight clothes asked.

" Disband for now and look around the city. As soon as you find something suspicious contact everyone else, " The women with white wings said.

" Okay! " Everyone nodded and dispersed.

They felt that if they didn't save their comrades today, then next time they will be the one to suffer.

Remembering the condition of all those women who were brainwashed by Players, their fear for someone like Alex multiplied.

Their instincts made them shudder at the thought of being subdued and brainwashed.

Until now they had met Players who would not be able to fight them one on one.

Their quick working would always save them, but today Alex trapped one of them and kidnapped two.

And this all happened just in few minutes!

* * * *

Grace teleported Alex back to his own mansion.

" Where is mom? " Alex asked.

" Lady Alice is still at work, " Grace replied.

" She is really hardworking, " Alex sighed. He wanted to spend some time with his beautiful Alice, after this hectic day.

' No... I just want to fuck her again, ' Alex sighed.

" Master, what should we do with them? " Grace asked.

Alex as well looked at two beauties in his arms.

They looked delicate and harmless.

But, only he knew that they were monsters in human skin.

Lady Britney's disfigured face was rapidly healing to its peak condition while she was unconscious.

Alex sighed, while being jealous of her aptitude.

He just today felt the limitations of his body.

He could not fight multiple awakened ones at once.

Just, Abigail and these two made it difficult for him to escape.

If not for Grace, today he would have been got caught.

Alex by now had already removed his mask and also Shapeshifting skill returning back to his original handsome appearance.

Alex took both Lady Britney and Miss Liz to his room.

He removed their dirty clothes and fed them some healing pills.

Especially the Arachne women whose name was Britney. She needed them, as she was heavily injured by Alex.

Alex found out their names from the id cards they had on them.

Alex of course destroyed them, as they had tracking mechanism on them.

Once he had fed both of them, Alex took the Arachne women Britney to another room.

Alex had gotten very lucky that night, he had not only obtained one but two high ranking women in Government.

They were not only the source of confidential information, but also powerful forces stronger than any of his women for now.

But, he had a slight doubt, that if he brainwashed these women directly then he wouldn't get anything in return.

He had felt the weird aura on them, most likely placed by a powerful being as strong as a Goddess!

Alex didn't know the exact use of this aura, but it wasn't to track, but rather something different.

That was why Alex was going to treat these women differently.

As soon as he entered another room, he threw now naked Britney's body on the bed.

She was still unconscious, but the movements forced her to wake up.

" Argh... " As soon as she opened her eyes, she moaned in pain, but that moan was weirdly very seductive for pain.

He liked to inflict pain on the beautiful women. Especially so to the ones that resisted him!

Alex felt his cock rising as he stated at Britney's snow White skin and shapely figure.

She had beautiful face, jewel like green eyes and small nose. Her lips were light pink while her face was blemishless.

She really looked like a innocent fairy, as she rubbed her eyes while sitting there with her bare naked body.

Her lower mouth was very attractive, as if it was inviting Alex with its natural charm and fragrance.

" Hello Britney, " Alex slowly said.

Britney as soon as heard the voice, flinched.

The memories of what just happened came back.

" W-Who are you? " She yelled as she moved back and took a defensive stance.

She expected to see a cruel looking monstrous Player standing in front of her.

But, her eyes widened as she looked at Alex's charming smile and handsome face.

His hazel eyes as if to drown her into them looked into her pupils.

Seeing him staring at her, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

She felt as if she was naked...

" Kya!!! " Britney cried cutely as she just noticed that she was naked.

" You pervert! Where are my clothes? " Britney asked. There was anger, embarrassment and even shyness in her actions.

" They were destroyed when we fought. I'll make new ones for you later, more beautiful ones. I promise! " Alex said with the most charming smile he could manage.

" 'We? ' W-Wait. You are the Masked Player!? " Britney was shocked. She looked at Alex with fear.

" Yes. That will be me. I kidnapped you here. So, that I can know the important information about Government, " Alex said.

" .... I'll never tell you anything. Even if you kill me. You Players are monsters, " Britney said as she removed the hands which covered her body and crossed them beneath her breasts.

As if to remind Alex, that she was unhappy, she snorted once and looked away.

After knowing that Alex was a player, there was hint of cruelness in Britney's eyes alongside the previous embarrassment and shyness.

Alex didn't miss the hint of redness on her lithe features.

He could now see her whole naked body in its full glory and he also found that this women was weirdly attracted to him!

But, at the same time she was conflicted about his identity.

Alex liked this situation. So, he smiled.

" You are beautiful Britney. If you become my women, I won't treat you badly. But, if you want me to force you then it's okay as well, " Alex said as he saw Britney's hair color suddenly changing.

Her smooth black hair, turned into beautiful silver. Her already snow white skin became even whiter while her slender long legs started morphing into twisted legs.

" Britney, why do you think, I let you transform into this form. When I could easily to stop you? " Alex asked as he sighed.

" It's useless for you to act! Die! " But, Britney was in no mood to talk. She seemed to have come to some kind of decision.

She felt that Alex was handsome and all, but his appearance must be a lie.

A Player cannot be trusted, it was ingrained into her.

But, just then she felt weird. Something inside her body was stirring and just when she was about to arrive before Alex she felt it.

Her Mana channels were blocked!

She couldn't use magic, then how was she able to transform?

" I only left enough mana for you to transform. All because I wanted to fuck you in this form. Your body has already been covered in my skill. Sex Phermones! " As Alex said the entire room started glowing pink.

Specially Britney's body, as the pink light subsided after two to three moments.

Britney could be seen in the room, still in her Arachne form.

But, she was now kneeling on the ground as her face was flushed red.

" Your Arachne form not only gives you strength beyond human capabilities, it also makes your body more suitable for mating. Just because of little stimulation, your mating instinct must already be taking over you, " Alex smirked.

But, Britney was in no condition to understand him.

He was right. Right now only thought inside her mind was to mate.

" ... Give me... " She begged while touching her own breasts.

Alex knew that she no longer was in control of her own body.

So, he decided to help her.

His clothes disappeared with a thought as his giant shaft appeared.

As soon as Britney saw Alex's cock, her mind went blank.

She felt her pussy moisten like crazy as she felt like, what she was looking for was right in front of her.

Alex smirked.

He had seen Arachne species before.

Except for their legs, special powers and low intelligence their bodies were exactly like humans.

Their reproductive parts as well were no different.

As the lust inside Britney increased, she retracted her legs back slowly and her drooling pink pussy appeared in Alex's sight.

" Fuck me... " Britney felt that, that was what she was supposed to say.

She made a submissive pose of arachne women as she begged for Alex to fuck her and impregnate her!

Alex nodded and went near her, he touched her silver hair gently and took hold of them.

" Lick it, " He said as he pulled her face closer to his cock tip.

Britney kneeled with her all eight legs as she used her human hands to hold Alex's legs for support.

Her tongue came out and licked Alex's tip, her lips closed together and kissed Alex's cock.

Britney felt unimaginable pleasure from her pussy as she involuntarily took more of Alex's length inside her throat.

But, his cock was too big for her small mouth.

" I'll help you, " Alex said as he pushed inside Britney's mouth forcefully taking her oral virginity.

He had found that Britney was a virgin, but still Alex didn't go easy on her as he fucked her mouth like crazy.

Britney didn't feel any pain, as all of her pain was transformed into pleasure.

She loved it!

As her mate fucked her mouth turning her pussy became wetter and wetter.

It was only after 5 minutes that Alex felt that he had enough of Britney's tight mouth.

So, he gave one last thrust inside her oral canal and creampied her mouth pussy.

Britney like a hungry wolf devoured every last bit of Alex's sperm.

" Tasty... " As she gulped down the last drop, she looked up at Alex with anticipation.

She wasn't satisfied, neither was Alex.

Alex took hold of her body by her narrow waist and pushed her on the bed.

Once her pussy was easily accessible he pushed his once again rock hard cock inside.

In the way he felt small obstruction which was Britney's seal of purity.

Once he took her virginity and made Brithey cum, there was no going back for her.

She completely lost herself in pleasure as her next orgasm inched closer.

" Give me babies~ Mastrrr~ fill my womb~ " Britney didn't know what she was saying, but her instincts made her say what was in her heart.

She had completely become a slave to Alex's cock and as he emptied himself inside her baby room, she felt content as if that was the reason for her life.

To give birth to many babies... And to love her mate forever...

Britney exhaustedly fell on the bed as her green eyes locked onto Alex.

She remembered his scent and slowly fell unconscious.