6. Don't be afraid; I am here

Huang Yichen brightened up as he glanced at the zeros on the check. For now, this could calm his annoyed self. He clutched the enormous black couch, rubbed his brows, and fell asleep. Some days, he felt he did not understand Lixin; they were friends from childhood. He had grown up with him, and given that, Huang Yichen dared not question his orders.

The next day arrived with so many bright, energetic rays reflecting through the window. Falling on Mingxia's face, she rolled over and covered her eyes. Her face was a mess, and so was her hair. When she was about to use her hand to protect her face from the sun's rays, she felt a tugging sensation on her body.

"Um? Miss Mingxia, if you keep this up, the drip may be removed. Bai Yuming held her in place, rang the bell, and opened up for Huang Yichen. "Good morning, miss." She laid down her last greeting and went outside to prepare some clothing for her, leaving Huang Yichen alone with her.

"How are you feeling?" He said this, moving a bit closer to check her temperature. His face did not dare to frown at Lixin's persistent concern for the woman. He had to endure it a little longer until the family doctor arrived from London. "Your body temperature has improved a lot. I see it is getting used to the drug already."

"You slept here all night?" Her lazy lashes raised and she stared at him. What kind of question was that? She shot herself internally, wondering whether she was correct. His looks were disheveled nonetheless; his majestic features were still able to make him stand out. "Lixin? He is not here?"

"No, he left some hours ago to settle some contracts. Aunty and Uncle would soon arrive."

"Oh," Mingxia said. She had a slight discomfort in her arm, but she shoved it away. Lixin was not around, and that was what hurt her the most. Last night, during her fever, she heard some voices in her room and ignored them. She supposedly thought that was Lixin and Huang Yichen.

Mingxia was helped up after the drip had been disconnected from her vein, a tissue was placed on the spot, and she sat in the wheelchair. Her face buried into her palms, she still regretted this—regretted that she needed someone to help her walk.

"You will be fine in only a matter of months, okay?" Huang Yichen reassured her, sensing her bothered gaze at the wheelchair. He rubbed her palms softly and took her into the elevator, down to the last floor. The elevator door opened up, and he met Bai Yuming.

He nodded his head and allowed her to take over from there.

"Aunty Suyin is awaiting you, Mingxia."

"That quick." Her voice stammered, wondering what to say. What has she to say? She knew nothing about his relatives, reckoning this was the first time she had ever met him in her lifetime. Her confidence dropped immediately, and she wanted Bai Yuming to turn her back. Unfortunately, she was wheeled to the living room. "Good morning," Mingxia shyly added, raising her chin to meet them.

They were sophisticated, middle-aged people. Suyin was seated next to her husband, Haoru, whispering some words, and he burst into laughter. They seemed more loveable and approachable than Lixin himself. They did not have the same cold, deadly glare as he did.

… Why was Lixin on her mind now?

"You are lovelier than the internet said!" Suyin was the first to approach her. She pecked her cheeks and embraced her tightly. Stunned by her action, Mingxia could only remain stiff in her embrace. No one had ever hugged her as warmly as she did just now, including her father! "I am Suyin, and this is Haoru,"

Haoru was the cold type, like Lixin, while Suyin was the friendly one. Very contrasting, though. He found it amusing how he softened up when Suyin hit his arms to respond to her gestures. He grunted slightly, pulled her into his embrace, and mumbled some words. Suyin frowned and shot him a glare.

"You deserve a beating, Honey! How can you say that once we got here?" A red blush appeared on her cheeks. Those two had been so engrossed in what they were doing that they had not noticed Lixin walking in. "Son, come and see what Haoru is saying!"

She mumbled, rushing over to Lixin with her arms open. He dodged her and went to Mingxia.

"They are always like that; don't mind them." He patted Mingxia's head and helped her to the dining room. "Huang Yichen said you can only have liquid or semi-liquid food at the moment. Bai Yuming made porridge; you would like it." Kicking the wheelchair far from the table, he ensured she was seated properly and supported her back with a soft pillow.

"Thank you" Was the only word she could mumble out of her mouth. She was truly grateful to the Mu for their kind and cheerful welcome, even when she was a stranger to them. She found Haoru and Suyin walking into the dining room and lowered her head. "I still do not know how to address you."

"No worries, you can call us as Lixin does. Uncle and Aunty," Suyin cheerfully said, wrapping her arms around Haoru and laughing. "When you are done, we will go shopping. I bet the clothes Lixin buys for you are super ugly. He gets his genes from his uncle!" She flashed a glare at Lixin before Mingxia could defend him.

She liked the clothes she wore. They were comfortable and baggy, although not near the latest clothes she wore two years ago, but she was grateful to have found them.

"Excuse me?" Mingxia's eyes stared at Lixin in confusion. She thought they were not his biological parents; how was it then? Staring at both Haoru and Lixin, she found striking similarities between them—the blue eyes.

"Suyin and Haoru married right after my parents did. So… Suyin is my mother's younger sister, and Haoru is my dad's younger brother," He explained to her. His family issues were very complex for outsiders like her to understand. "It is complicated,"

"I see," She laughed freely, making the other two stare at her. Quickly, she brought herself back to her normal self. "I am sorry. It reminded me about my family's issue too." Mingxia's apology made Suyin's smile drain off. After the smiles and laughter, Mingxia treated them as outsiders too.

"You are one of us now Mingxia. You do not have to be alert when around us. We will not hurt you. Take it like a 'thank you' from late sister-in-law Nuying." That was the first words Haoru said to her since he came and that action calmed her fear. She bit her lips for more words to say when Suyin beat her to it.

"Mingxia Dear, the house wallpaper looks dull. We would have someone re-change it for you since this would be your home from now onwards. Lixin is always a dull person," Suyin said while dishing out the breakfast on the table. She had invited Bai Yuming to join and wanted to do the same for Huang Yichen but he denied that he had patients to take care of. "Anyway, before Nuying died, I heard her talking about your mother. She seems very grateful for it. The whole Mu is,"

"The Mu? That is your surname?" She asked unanticipated regretting how she could not mind her business. Technically, she was not at fault knowing fully well she was always an inquisitive person. "I did not mean to,"

"Yes actually. Her surname is Mu; mine is Ling. I gave up that lousy family name after what my brother did to Nuying and settled for Suyin's own. I guess I made the right decision," Mingxia said, her lips twitching upon hearing his sad voice. She then noticed Suyin patting his shoulders. "It is not a big deal; also, Lixin did the same thing too."

After he spoke, the dining room became silent and once again regained its chatty nature. Mingxia was accustomed to having them around her. They were a fun-loving couple, and she wished Luo Yuxuan was to her. Luo Yuxuan and Mingxia had started their relationship on a nice note, but that note soured right after Xu Mengyao came into place. She stole their vibes! They were done eating, and so was Lixin. He silently went up the stairs, ignoring Suyin's pressuring attitude to join them in shopping.

He waved his hands in displeasure and handed him over his black premium card.

"You can go ahead. I haven't finished working."