75. You defiled my orders

"You win, Mr. Leng! The land would be transferred to you once you paid the money." Lixin took his feet off the stage and was escorted upstairs to meet Jialing. "What was the meaning of what you did? Many would have been harmed because of you!" Lixin yelled, pointing his fingers downstairs at the crowd of people.

The bidding had ended a few hours ago, and the crowd had dissipated. The rights of the Tang Coalfield were legally transferred to Liao, and Mingxia was also not to be found. Lixin assumed she had gone with Liao.

"Are you talking back at me, Lixin?" Jialing screamed, gripping Lixin's collar, and angrily spewed words out. He didn't care about the person who would buy mine. He should never be in the hands of the song, either. "You are a disappointment." Jialing spat out, released Lixin from his clutches, and fell back onto the chair.

He gripped his chest and exhaled.