83. Secrets are meant to be hidden

"Secrets are meant to be kept and not said, and for the right hour, they would come. Do not fuss about it, okay?"

"Thanks, Yuming; you are so good at motivating me. I become a lot better after listening to you." She sighed and hugged Yuming. Her phone rang, distracting and stealing their attention from the caller. Yuming peeked and found Liao's name written on it.

She smirked and giggled simultaneously.

"Liao can be your second option in case Lixin rejects you."


"You are dressed up very formally today. What is the occasion?" Mingxia closed the gate and walked further out of the Mu estate once Liao called that he was outside the gate. She didn't feel like questioning why he hadn't entered inside like before.

"We are going on a date, and you cannot refuse it. Grandpa set me up and tricked me into going on this date. You should know how he is."