88. Set Up

"Why do you keep lying when it is so obvious? If you claim not, why would they be with your family's token?" Liao snapped, glaring directly at Lixin.

"I should be asking you. I see you deliberately framed me up but failed at the last minute, so you came here to blame me." Lixin shot back.

"Listen to yourself, would you? Why on earth would I want to fake my butchery? I will give you only three days to come clean, or you will have what is coming to you."

"Bring it on, Mr. Leng. I love challenges like this." Lixin snorted and ordered Skyler to show Liao the way out. As soon as Liao was gone, he took hold of the token and carefully scrutinized it.

The token was indeed from the Mu family; conversely, it was outdated. Once every two decades, the Mus changes security tokens to ensure their validity and keep people who are not from the Mu from having access to them. Only a few had this token.

But why would someone want to set him up with Liao?