90. A deal

Liao said it without hesitation as he wore a bitter smile on his face. He was perplexed, deliberating whether Mingxia should truly avoid being with him all the time. It was so obvious that he was the next person to be targeted. Involving Mingxia was not an option at all.

"I have something to tell you." They said it in unison, and both chuckled at the same time. Liao gave Mingxia the chance to speak first and poured some wine for her in her cup. "You have to be careful when you go out. I heard what happened to you."

"Lixin told you?"

"Yes… I was bothered about you since everything is still new to you in Wuhan. Don't stay at that lousy apartment of yours again. I will get one for you." Mingxia said boldly. Liao smiled at her, engulfed her palms into his, and dropped a kiss on her.

"Are you suddenly caring about me, Ming'er?" Liao smirked and let go of her palm. He gulped in the wine and wiped his lips. "No one dares to bully me when you are around."