107. A deal II

"As usual… Mingxia is the cause of everything. When her true colors come out, don't hesitate to tell me I was correct all along. Let's drop her first. Where exactly is Lixin? It is urgent, and we can't talk over the phone because of it."

"I am here, Yichen; what do you need?" Lixin said from afar, and locking his car, he strode through the flowery passage into the house. He dismissed Yuming, and the two went into his study room. "So how far have you gone?"

"Let's start with: How is your body doing? Is there any improvement or not?"

"There is nothing. Still stagnant in recuperation. My body weakens daily; I don't know how much I can pretend to be okay." Lixin added, his eyes becoming cold.

He clenched his heart and plastered a worried expression on his face while looking at the boxes of pills he takes daily to reduce the effect of the drug.