115. She is possessed

"Mingxia… Wake up!" Lixin yelled as he shook her body. They were very cold and whitish, and her eyes were pitch black. Her current characteristics reminded Lixin of today's incident when he met her floating in the air, as well as previously held memories of the past. Recently, it did resemble the one she had earlier during her therapy session with Min Hui over the last two months.

Then she was not herself and wanted to commit suicide too. It was a replica of what was happening. Lixin cleared his mind and concentrated on calming Mingxia down first. He wrapped his arms around her waist, her back crashing into his chest.

They both struggled; Mingxia's strength was higher than Lixin's, but in the end, he was able to outwit her. He patted her head and whispered nice things into her ears like he did during the therapy session, and it worked.