117. Fun Play at the amusement park

"Are you sure you have lost complete contact with him? He refused to pick up my calls either. Something is wrong; Haoru isn't like that. I suspect he has been harmed." Lixin spoke with all assurance of what he was saying. Some days back, he had someone check up on him and later found his apartment to be tidied up, yet no Haoru.

Hardly was there any clue to pinpoint his last whereabouts. Lixin didn't think of it until now when Suyin reminded him of Haoru. Where was he, and how was he coping? One thing he knew about Haoru was that he would often drop a message about his whereabouts once in a while. This time around, something was odd about his disappearance.

"Don't panic, Aunty; Lixin would help you on this one, right?" Mingxia poked his chest, having a pleading expression on her face. She understood fully well what might be going on in Suyin's head, thus giving her a guarantee that he would be found.

What if she too was in such a dilemma?