"…" Mingxia stared at him with doubt. She didn't expect him to use such a cruel method to appease her. Looking at those gifts all together, they would have cost more than a hundred thousand dollars. "No need for that. Your affirmation is all I need. I brought you lunch."

"Oh, I recently drank coffee. I don't have appetite, but I will save it for the evening." Lixin took away the lunch box from Mingxia and kept it on his table, reminding himself to check its contents later. He brought her over to the chair and allowed her to sit. "You may have to wait longer; I still have some paperwork to do."

Mingxia nodded her head and, as well, reached out for a business magazine on the last shelf of his cupboard. She opened it up and read through its content while subsequently peeking at Lixin.