133. It is gone...It is all gone

"Why would I lie about my identity? What other proof do you need to prove to you that I am her sister? The picture was already enough!" This time around Yuming's anger couldn't help but slip through as she yelled, frustrated by her constant questioning

All she wanted was to know what had happened to her sister and didn't anticipate this whole questioning session. With displeasure, she rose from the ground, dusting her wear in dissatisfaction.

Though she couldn't get all the information which she needed at least there was a lead. How far can she trust an outsider? Who knows if she was been set up?

All this went through her mind within seconds.

"Miss Bai... Your time is up." The guard said, pointing at the large black clock handed on the right side of the cell room. Yuming sighed and took a look at the unconcerned Li Jie.

From her expression, she was very determined to die and not reveal who had instigated Luyang's kidnap.