"My wife?" Liao responded, his voice hinting towards confusion. His gaze never left the food package on the delivery man's hand. "I will take that. Thank you." He accepted it although not knowing who sent it.

The delivery man bade him goodbye and hopped on his motorcycle, zooming off. Liao closed the door and turned to the anxious butler.

"Master Song, isn't it odd to accept unknown gifts?"

"Sh, I want to know what food was ordered." Liao shut him up before he could ruin the moment, and in anticipation, he tore off the carefully wrapped ribbon and peeked inside, to find a note hidden between the ribbons. "Miss Yang?" Her name rang in his head as he read off the similar eleven digit phone number on the back of the card.

Apparently, the delivery man forgot to strip off the number of the person who ordered the food. Liao laughed coyly, reaching for his phone to call her, however, Yang Ruoyan was quick enough to give him a dial.